The Erotic Highway

herbtcat 6 Reviews 24 reads

This smells an awful lot like the problems you had last year.   Any chance there is a connection?  

Hang in there, Papa Sweet!  

Life is good

The Cat

A few days ago I logged on to SA and found the following harsh message:

"You have committed a violation of the Seeking Terms of Service. Your account was flagged for the following reason:
Soliciting sex in exchange for compensation

Your account has been suspended for a suspected violation of our Anti-Solicitation Policy. Seeking never allows dating that involves financial transactions of any kind. These rules are in place to help ensure Seeking is a great place for everyone to explore and enjoy.

Please watch the following video that helps to explain the Terms of Use violation. At the end, you will be prompted to respond to a short questionnaire. We hope you find this information helpful and you can continue to enjoy all of the amazing connections you've made on Seeking.

In order to continue using Seeking, you must re-read, electronically sign, and agree to our Terms of Service."

So I went to their TOS, and skimmed thru the whole thing (again!)  then watched a 2 minute video they directed me to, then answered a few questions.  The video basically made 2 points:

1. Escorts, prostitution, p4p, GFE, etc are not allowed, and,

2. No payments via 3rd party apps like Venmo, Cashapp, GoFundMe, etc are allowed

After going through the motions, I was allowed back on the site and have used it for several days with no problems. I can't imagine what I did that may have triggered this warning.  I'm very discreet about discussing money and prefer to move offsite before any such discussions.   But I guess I'll have to be even more vigilant about editing my own conversations with women on SA.  Furthermore, I continue to see many, many profiles where women are very explicit about wanting compensation for their companionship.  And they seem to get away with it with no repercussions.  Finally, the sentence "Seeking never allows dating that involves financial transactions of any kind"  seems to point to a new, and much more stringent policy on Seeking.  We've all seen the transition from a self professed Sugar Dating site to their new stance as an Upscale Dating site.  But I thought it was still understood that the women on seeking were looking for compensation and the men were happy to provide it.  If Seeking continues to enforce this new harsh policy, our days of using it happily may be numbered.

This smells an awful lot like the problems you had last year.   Any chance there is a connection?  

Hang in there, Papa Sweet!  

Life is good

The Cat

I had the same thought but then decided this is different.  My previous problems with Seeking were preceded by the most obvious weird misuse of my profile by some anonymous bad actor who had somehow stolen my login credentials and was using my profile, posing as me. That didn't happen this time, it came directly from Seeking's Censors, prompted by who knows what.

Their team is so backlogged on reports it's not even funny.  They are still sorting through scams from last summer.  So some girl probably reported you for wanting sex and it now got sifted through.

That's certainly a possible explanation.  I'll never know what actually prompted this. But I'm curious what leads you to think they have a backlog.  Is it just your very reasonable assumption or do you have some inside knowledge about the situation?

In an old thread I talked about a former SB stealing from me and being forced to escort/SB by her boyfriend.  Not gonna drag out all the details here, but they reached out to me last December for more details.  They explained they were short staffed and take each report seriously.  They banned her account finally just for her to open a new one.  

I also asked if they were actually hiring, I did a quick search and can't seem to find them looking for employees anywhere.  So, their stance on sex work and trafficking is really just garbage IMHO.

I, too, got this set of messages last summer and went through the education process.  I, however, deserved it!!

What happened is that I temporarily forgot which communication app I was on...As I am sure is the case with most of you, I have three major ways that I communicate with SBs and POTs -- SA messaging (which is super strict and no room for error), email and text.   The difficulty is that I use voice-to-text on my cell phone for all three, so I have to  be super careful to pay attention to which app I'm on with any given message.  I just flaked that morning.

I screwed up and used the term "P4P" on SA, and got flagged within an hour.  I, of course knew that was not acceptable -- I just forgot I wasn't on text or email.  And apparently, that term is egregious enough in the eyes of SA that I got a four-day suspension and a stern note from some VP-of-something-or-other-with-a-meant-to-be-impressive title in addition to the note that Sweetman got.

I guess the message is that we all have to be very vigilant about lots of issues when we play in this world, and being aware of the communication method you use is another issue to pay attention to.

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