TER General Board

You're saying what alot of folks are thinking...
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 29 reads

Its sad that a handful of misogynistic trolls and wannabe's just like to muddy the waters just to be relevant and when you see how petty it can get, from the misuse of  "your to you're or there to their"...my gawd the pettiness.
But, it is what it is now so....

After skimming through a handful of the GD posts, it’s very argumentative and quite frankly exhausting here. Sheeeeesh. Isn’t there like, something better to do? Like book your favorite provider, or see an old friend? Hell, even read a good book.  Some are very informative but many are just quarrelsome.  That’s it. Rant over. Hope everyone has a fabulous day! And don’t forget to love yourself.

I don't disagree. That said, it's 90% one pot stirer rowling people up.

Trolls 👿 are the worst. They know everything. Some of the lame caca that is posted is absolutely absurd. If you’re uneducated on the vagina muscle & women who have cesarean surgeries you don’t deserve to post on females.  

I am done wasting my time reading & responding to all the bs. I hit the like button on your post. You would think if they were getting all the action they claim too they would be happier. lol 😂 Smile for me!

What a potty mouth you have, Queen B! ^_~

Well said!  I hardly ever come on the General Board anymore for that very reason.  

RespectfulRobert35 reads

Come back! Post here. Please. Many of us will have your back.  
Outside of CDL and his incessant name calling and provider hating, the overwhelming majority of people here are good, kind and decent. We need more provider voices. Dont let the one bad apple spoil the batch.  
You are lovely and I would love if you contributed here. :)

Anyone know if there is a way to request the rotten apple be removed?????  

you can certainly report posts that you think are in violation of TER discussion policies. THey may or may not agree with you but I suspect if enough people did that the admins would take some action.

Bring the pitchforks, melt the tar, evil is on the loose," says the drama-Queen.  

The REAL problem you have with me is, I know so much about this biz, you can't bullshit me like you do others here, and that gets under your skin.  You want to keep all mongers in the dark about the dirty little secrets of this business, and I like to talk about them.  You call it negativity, I call it transparency.  Read some of my posts to providers that are not here trying to sell bullshit to unsuspecting mongers.  They are upbeat and convivial and I PM with many of them, but when I point out the bullshit from others, I'm the bad guy.  I've never seen a group of people so intent on hiding the truth about something.  Mongers that are knowledgeable and enlightened by learning more about how this business works will have a better time and not waste their money on scam artists with poor service that can't seem to attract customers or reviews. Sound familiar?

You can call CDL a bad apple all you'd like, I've seen what happens to forums that lose their grit, and it's far worse than CDL saying the quiet things out loud.

 There's an odd trend in the internet world where, gatekeeping is seen as some sort of evil. That is, and has always been, missing the forest for the trees. If you fail to gatekeep, fail to haze, you'll be overrun by users with no answers, and no way to get answers, so they'll go elsewhere and this place will rot into nothing.
 Now, that might be better for you QB, at least in the short term. Dumb money comes quicker than smart money, but, you're forgetting that, dumb money is often small money, and smart money is often big money.  
 You want to attract smart money, and perhaps you've realized this and think you can't do so, which would be tragic, or perhaps you haven't realized this, and you're in the middle of disagreeing with me in some way/shape/manner or form. I'd implore you to not, and instead smile with me because I'm on your team, and on your team more than the guys with pillows for spines that gladhand everything you do.

But seriously, good point.  
You’re not wrong.  
Love your pics BTW.

like Robert, who is such a wimp he name-calls from an alias (I bet when he was young he hid behind a hedge and chucked rocks into the neighbor's yard - Lol), there are a lot of men here who see a whole lot of providers, so it can be a good community where providers can make contacts with new potential customers.  Keep your sense of humor and don't get too grumpy like others have and you'll have a good time with like-minded adults.  

... But of course, like everywhere in life, you're going to have a-holes who just want to stir up shit for no other reason than to get some attention that they apparently lack in their everyday life. Just ignore them, and keep the good vibes going and I think you'll find the discussion area quite informative and entertaining. There are mongers of all kinds in here - I think you'll be surprised and impressed by the general acceptance and diversity 👍

The ugly.  
With  that said,  am not a member  of Facebook, (Twitter ) etc..,anyway  because the BS there  is on a whole new level ,and am not gonna dedicate my time to that . Glad this platforms is smaller and I happen to be a part of it as a  (client ).
 Am more into discussing issues that we as clients  and providers face,but without the disrespect and slander of course.Some funny moments here too though ...it's good to laugh  sometimes,

Its sad that a handful of misogynistic trolls and wannabe's just like to muddy the waters just to be relevant and when you see how petty it can get, from the misuse of  "your to you're or there to their"...my gawd the pettiness.
But, it is what it is now so....

Conan the Grammarian.  He performs a vital service here keeping the use of the English language at an adult level.  The examples you gave of misuse of similar words are from 3rd grade English.   Is it too much to ask adults posting here to clean up their communication skills?  If you think it IS too much to ask, you can go ahead and say so.  

Conan is NEVER petty. Conan believes that it is obvious on its face that communication on this board is via the written word. And when the written word is mis-used badly enough, communication cannot happen.
Do not FUCK with Conan!

I think Conan missed an opportunity to make a stronger statement to illustrate the point regarding their and there and they're. Perhaps he could rework the statement to show the useage of all three for more clarity than merely demonstrating the use of the possessive.

Or did he make posters for each case?

The incessant complaints, and truth be told, asinine statements, are just mind numbing. I once was on the boards more frequently, but as the crowd changed to bitching and pouting, and damn near every other post being a Debbie downer of the sorts, it just seems that these “pick-me” folks have nothing better to do. Wallow in one’s own misery, don’t spread that shit to those of us that are trying to be positive. In a world full of so much negativity, an erotic forum should be the LAST place to spread Hate or misogyny.   Spread love and rock on. Just my two cents.  

Several of my ATF's have dropped TER or at the minimum, stay off the boards.

It is turned into a jungle out there.  

More than ten years ago I referred to this place as The Monkey House, where the residents fling poo at each other. And if you think THIS is bad, take a look at the P&R Board!

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