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You may want to do some research on BP..........
Blowing Chunks 2130 reads
1 / 58

This girl named Jane fucks men with money on side for income.  

Mike is a really close friend of hers. He likes her a lot and has been chasing for about 6 months, buying her dinner / drinks all that time. She sometimes pays too since she genuinely isn't comfortable with him paying all the time. They hang out OTC every week, sometimes twice a week. He doesn't pay her but they hang out OTC because she genuinely likes him as a friend. They DO NOT have any sexual relations though BUT SOME DAY HE MAY HAVE IT FOR FREE once they start dating. However, she always gives him the "I'm not sure" attitude yet he still relentlessly chases her knowing that she isn't made of bricks but has a soft spot for him (That is why she hangs out with him)

Her sugar daddies and clients pay her about 400 to have sex with her for an hour.

Is Mike the greater fool for chasing some pussy he could have had for 400 bucks?  
or are her clients the greater fool for having to pay for that pussy Mike will eventuall have for free?  

Do you think that neither are fools but both are in a unique situation and different dynamics where both are equally fair and unfair since they aren't in the same situation?


-- Modified on 5/16/2015 4:24:58 AM

Blowing Chunks 965 reads
2 / 58

Me: if I don't already have a SO, then I'm choose MIKE so that I get the REAL girl.

If I have a SO and I'm already in a relationship, then I most definitely would rather see the NSA/ non emotional girl

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1026 reads
3 / 58

...he does.

Mike isn't just "chasing pussy."  It sounds like he genuinely wants to have a relationship with her.  If he pays her, that won't happen.  Providers don't consider hobbyists to be boyfriend material and they think hobbyists will always think of them as prostitutes.  That's why they say: "If only we hadn't met this way..."

BTW, Mike and Jane do not hang out OTC - there is no "C" because he's never paid her; they're friends.

Her clients aren't fools for paying because most providers are fucking SOMEONE for free.

Are dynamics fair?

Which came first, clocks or paying for pussy?

nom_de_plume 911 reads
4 / 58

... is the person who thinks that if a man and woman get together to have drinks or dinner, sharing he expense, as "just friends" and without sexual relations, then at least one of them is an idiot.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 409 reads
5 / 58
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 664 reads
6 / 58

When you measure a man and woman hanging out on the basis of whether or they have sex or not only shows your lack of confidence which makes you the biggest looser on the planet.

I have had and still have many platonic non-sexual from middle school when I came to know about sex all the to my work life.  

You don’t get many real life dates do you?

JohnyComeAlready 588 reads
7 / 58
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1001 reads
8 / 58

There's no better way to attract women than be seen with beautiful Gals.
  If Jane's Sugar Daddy's spend money on a paid relationship with Jane it doesn't seem foolish to me, they can't take their dollars with them when they die, might as well spend it having fun.

 If I was Mike I would rather hang out with Jane, than be seen with guys who have no clue how to strike up conversations with  Gals, without striking out.  

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
This girl named Jane fucks men with money on side for income.  
 Mike is a really close friend of hers. He likes her a lot and has been chasing for about 6 months, buying her dinner / drinks all that time. She sometimes pays too since she genuinely isn't comfortable with him paying all the time. They hang out OTC every week, sometimes twice a week. He doesn't pay her but they hang out OTC because she genuinely likes him as a friend. They DO NOT have any sexual relations though BUT SOME DAY HE MAY HAVE IT FOR FREE once they start dating. However, she always gives him the "I'm not sure" attitude yet he still relentlessly chases her knowing that she isn't made of bricks but has a soft spot for him (That is why she hangs out with him)  
 Her sugar daddies and clients pay her about 400 to have sex with her for an hour.  
 Is Mike the greater fool for chasing some pussy he could have had for 400 bucks?  
 or are her clients the greater fool for having to pay for that pussy Mike will eventuall have for free?  
 Do you think that neither are fools but both are in a unique situation and different dynamics where both are equally fair and unfair since they aren't in the same situation?  

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 4:24:58 AM

JohnyComeAlready 653 reads
9 / 58

Posted By: BigPapasan
Providers don't consider hobbyists to be boyfriend material and they think hobbyists will always think of them as prostitutes.
I've always assumed that's how most providers think, which sounds like a self esteem issue on the providers end. If it's not a SE issue, that makes for a good excuse to decline the BF request, while letting the guy down easy... It's kind of like punishing the guy for his own decision to visit with the provider to start with.

WildJimmy! 762 reads
10 / 58

If sex with Jane is the sum total of what he wants to "win" SOMEDAY, and the total value of sex with Jane has already been set at $400, the most he can hope for has a value of $400. He is spending less than than each time he sees her, probably, but after several "dates" hanging out, he's spent more than the possible payoff.

If Mike were to pursue a woman for reasons other than just having sex, then each get-together would be a zero sum transaction. The financial expense would not be the ante for a chance at something else, and the communication between them would be just what it is.

OR if he were "chasing" a woman who has not set a price on sex, and doing so solely because he wanted to have sex with her, then the payoff for all the times he antes up would be priceless.

No matter where Mike's relationship with Jane goes, any and every sexual pop she gives him will forever have a value of $400 (More or less, depending on inflation and depreciation).

The main reason Mike is a fool is because he has chosen a game simply with the intention of beating it. Trying to beat the game, any game, usually turns an otherwise sensible and capable person into a fool.

Blowing Chunks 519 reads
12 / 58
A_New_Invention 4 Reviews 765 reads
13 / 58

Neither is an idiot. They are just normal people doing normal things. She is making money doing the same sort of shit many girls do, and I can see exactly why Mike has to pay for it.  And oh yea, Mike will eventually pay for it. She knows that. But as soon as he does, he's out of the picture.

Blowing Chunks 562 reads
14 / 58

you completely missed the part where I said he is chasing her.

as usual you write a whole page of drivel thats completely off topic. keep up the great work LMAO

mrfisher 108 Reviews 849 reads
15 / 58

I can certainly painfully relate to the guy in this example because for many years I was him, chasing gals who "loved" me but "not in that way"; while meanwhile these gals would traipse off with just about any dude they happened upon in a bar, then tell me their regrets the next day as I was their confessor figure.  It hurt, but I'd be damned to show or acknowledge it.

It's unfortunate that so many gals can't get it on with guys they like because they are afraid it will destroy the platonic relationship that they desire.  They are probably right since I experimented with this just a few years ago with an old girl friend, and the whole affair crashed and burned.

Nice guys like me will always be a dime a dozen on the other hand, so to answer your question I'd have to say:

It's a draw.

And I don't think things will ever change.

Blowing Chunks 609 reads
16 / 58
skarphedin 707 reads
18 / 58

If he wants her to be his girlfriend, then he is fine. Well, maybe or maybe not depending on the actual details of the situation.  

If he wants "free" sex from a hooker he is foolish. That is like early 20's thinking not grown man thinking.

skarphedin 662 reads
19 / 58

Of course, after that I would mock you relentlessly for the rest of your life about how lame you were... But that's what friends do.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 710 reads
20 / 58

He already knows he is a close friend. She has made it clear she doesn't want to date him. He thinks if he sticks around and pays for everything, she will eventually date him.

Friends don't have friends pay for almost every dinner/drinks etc. That isn't being a friend. He's trying to buy her love and basically throwing himself at her, she's using him for free junk and friendship. It's like he is the cheap SD that doesn't get to have sex.

Chasing is never a good thing. She already told him "I'm not sure" and keeps on with just being friends. It is just insistence on his part that there could ever be more.  

They are both paying. SD gets sex but not the closeness of being friends. Mike gets the friendship but no sex. SD knows where he stands and is happy with it. Mike thinks she will change her mind.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 740 reads
21 / 58
RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 683 reads
22 / 58

How could he be a fool by not shelling out $400 for it?

Pink_Panties 581 reads
23 / 58
Blowing Chunks 560 reads
24 / 58
Pink_Panties 594 reads
25 / 58

You might want to rephrase this.  It sounds bad.  Do you have a daughter, sister, or mother?  Would you want them referred to as a pussy to be obtained?

GiantBombing 787 reads
26 / 58
RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 728 reads
27 / 58

However, I assume Jane is a human being with a pussy that Mike wants to become acquainted with.  

Is that better?

skarphedin 621 reads
29 / 58
mrfisher 108 Reviews 614 reads
30 / 58
mrfisher 108 Reviews 616 reads
31 / 58

One of the wisest things my therapist ever told me was:

If you want gals to stand in line for you, then get out of the line for them.

He also told me to be careful what I wish for, because I could get it

He was absolutely right on both counts.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 394 reads
32 / 58

I didn't see anything where Mike felt he was "deserving" of having sex with Jane. I thought the OP was pretty clear they were good friends, he liked her a lot, and he wanted to take the relationship to another level, though she had reservations. I didn't pick up any sense of entitlement on his part, just a desire.

I'm assuming you don't mean to be critical of sexual desire? I would think your business would suffer if you truly felt that way.

nom_de_plume 613 reads
33 / 58

... you said that Mike is a close friend of Jane.  You also said that Jane is a friend of Mike.  And you said that Mike is not one of her clients, they're not dating, and there's been no sex between them.

IMO that makes the two of them "just friends."  I think that's a reasonable deduction based on what you told us.  From what you said, Mike would like to take the relationship beyond "just friends."  But at this time, that's all it is.  

My opinion re who the biggest idiot is in this situation stands.  :)
Posted By: Blowing Chunks
This girl named Jane fucks men with money on side for income.  Mike is a really close friend of hers. ... He doesn't pay her but they hang out OTC because she genuinely likes him as a friend. They DO NOT have any sexual relations though BUT SOME DAY HE MAY HAVE IT FOR FREE once they start dating. ...

Blowing Chunks 785 reads
34 / 58

sounds just as bad as escorts wanting mostly money from men
instead of getting to know them without having to be paid for it.

hey, we are all shallow at times yet thoughtful at times too, all in one..

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 674 reads
35 / 58

maybe Mike and Jane are really Fucking Fairies in this tail...

Blowing Chunks 677 reads
36 / 58
Pink_Panties 636 reads
37 / 58

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 1:12:04 PM

JohnyComeAlready 701 reads
38 / 58

We know that the ladies only want the money going in.

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
sounds just as bad as escorts wanting mostly money from men  
 instead of getting to know them without having to be paid for it.  
 hey, we are all shallow at times yet thoughtful at times too, all in one...  

skarphedin 700 reads
39 / 58

This woman intentionally cadges free stuff from the guy based on the perpetuation of a false hope of a sexual relationship.  

We point it out and you go all Social Justice Warrior?  

This woman is having "her agency denied" by being bought numerous dinners?  

This man is wronging her by being respectful and clear that he wants a physical and romantic relationship with her?  

She is being wronged by not being clear that there is not chance of anything more than friendship and continuing to accept gifts given on the basis of a false understanding?  

Utterly preposterous and mentally bent.  

I guess I am glad you didn't accuse him of some form of harassment?

AlyssaHille See my TER Reviews 1025 reads
40 / 58

Mike is young, HOT & SINGLE, with no wife, kids, support payments, and barnacles etc- if he's gotten this far OTC dating a lady who is hot enough to Provide...

He's an 7-10(on a scale of 1-10) already...

Mike gets free time because he's Hot and there is potential to be in a commitment (which is what dating girls want- love and commitment) and what guys who court this long want, too.

Hobbyists have little to no future potential-for the provider. They don't want /can't date. But they want hot ladies and uncomplicated fun...

If Mike wants *****, yes he can pay
If he wants OTC, he still pays  
If Clients want ***** and or OTC; they have to pass screening, be well behaved/uncomplicated, and pay

I think its win/win/win for everyone; as long as they are all getting what they are after, at the end of the day...

But let's not get mixed up here; Hobbyists are not Mike
It's apples to oranges.
Just enjoy what you came for,  keep it simple







-- Modified on 5/16/2015 1:05:06 PM

JohnyComeAlready 612 reads
41 / 58

If Mike's desire was purely sexual, he'd cough up the money and pay his "friend".

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 593 reads
42 / 58

and then rethink your "hot enough to Provide" comment.  

Your pictures and reviews speak for themselves, but not everyone in the business is quite as blessed as you are.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 564 reads
43 / 58

My guess is most people would find it uncomfortable and slightly awkward to offer money to a "really close friend" for sexual favors.  

Then again, I'm very old fashioned.

JohnyComeAlready 637 reads
44 / 58

but I have no idea what you are trying to convey with your message.

AlyssaHille See my TER Reviews 671 reads
45 / 58

You are very kind and I appreciate the compliment.

But that brings up another question, what market is she in?

$400per appt/hr is still a lot of money, so obviously the lady is not a dog.
And if she is not in the LA/NYC market- she's actually equivalent to a 600 lady in LA/NYC.
It's a respectable sum of money- for a decent 7-9.

I didn't mean to make it sound as if Hobbyists were sea creatures, but in all honesty women of our profession sell our looks (which means we take care and have some to sell). And if we were to pick our mates- our Mikes would match our own scale +plus, we would pick eligible and unmarried men...

I think it unfair to compare Mike as a chump to a Hobbyist, because we service a different need for Hobbyists.

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
and then rethink your "hot enough to Provide" comment.  
 Your pictures and reviews speak for themselves, but not everyone in the business is quite as blessed as you are.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 740 reads
47 / 58

Are you the TER drama king.  

When you meddle in other people’s business, you are a LOOSER

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 1:17:37 PM

Skyfyre 870 reads
48 / 58

As Mike, I might be chasing her in the hope of one day getting that pussy for free but I wouldn't be too sincere about it. I would still also be chasing other pussies or fuck prostitutes in the meantime. I would consider the hanging out and chasing some kind of long-range investment.

As her clients I wouldn't be paying her $400/hr. period. No woman in the face of this earth is worth THAT to me

Blowing Chunks 644 reads
49 / 58

Confucius say macdaddy dropped watch in toilet and bound to have shitty time. :D

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 647 reads
50 / 58

Have been like Mike. I know I have. Once I learned to not chase, life became much easier and happier for me. Still have relapses ever so often, because I am good at being a fool sometimes... lol.

I really do feel bad for people like Mike who wish for more than the other person wants. It is a crappy feeling when it is not returned as much as one wants. Never settle for less than you want. Find someone who will give that to you, know what I mean? Of course you do, MrFisher has plenty of wisdom!
Posted By: mrfisher
One of the wisest things my therapist ever told me was:

If you want gals to stand in line for you, then get out of the line for them.

He also told me to be careful what I wish for, because I could get it

He was absolutely right on both counts.

Blowing Chunks 810 reads
51 / 58
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 513 reads
52 / 58

Maybe Mike can Blow some Chunks up Jane's ass..

JohnyComeAlready 903 reads
53 / 58
NickyBarnes 927 reads
54 / 58

Mistake number 1: I should have really done more research beforehand. Found some reviews of her.
Mistake number 2: Thinking with my dick that the price was acceptable.
After the call I google search the images. Turns out they belong to a tumblr/twitter girl. Fuck. I go into defensive mode. Wasn't sure what I was now in for - bait and switch, robbery, sting? I hide my valuables, prepare $20-40 to send her on her way.
Mistake number 3: I should have called immediately and called it off with an excuse.
Half an hour later, I give her a call, asking where she was. Says she'll be there in a few minutes. I confront her about the pictures, she says it's 100% her. Suuuure.
Mistake number 4: I should have really called it off there.
15 minutes pass. I begin thinking it was just a prank, getting a bit more relaxed. I give her another call, just in case. She says the exact same thing (she'll be there in a few minutes) and hangs up.
Ok definitely not happening, she doesn't sound like she's in a car or going anywhere.
Mistake number 5: I should really have known that she was just there to take calls.
So I now let out a sigh of relief, thinking it's over. I get ready for bed. Then my phone rings. Not the same number. I answer, ask who it is, it's apparently her (different voice), she's in front of the house.
Fuuuuck. I gather myself, say I'll be out in a minute. Grab the $40 to send her on her way. Open the door. Obviously not the girl from the pictures. I invite her inside so that neighbors don't get suspicious. She's still quite attractive, just not drop dead gorgeous like the pictures would suggest.
I confront her about it, that she looks nothing like that. She asks if I'm not happy. I tell her it's quite disingenuous and that I don't like to be lied to.
Mistake number 6: I should have told her goodnight.
I didn't.  
I have an angry wank and here I am, writing this shit. Fuck. Someone tell me I'm not the first guy to make so many stupid calls in one night?

Blowing Chunks 692 reads
55 / 58
stfuDonny 582 reads
56 / 58

Male friends who aren't sniffing around our treats? I'd like to have me some of those, instead of being called a bitch or "only after $" for not banging everyone we know.  But hey, we are just whores so  it's not like we have anything to say about who we do/don't fuck.  Lately, that is getting old and even so, I still have 3 "friends" who I've "friendzoned" aND "I dont care to give a chance to."  I personally would run away right now, with someone who Would just be my friend and not saying stuff to try to provoke my jealousy  ( i got it. You have some dates. Dont care still), and not be just a massive pain in general.  and don't get me started on the one that is cute,  wants to date the provider he paid last week ("I don't judge I just think you're fun to be with.") Is that the way he feels when he calls her an ugly name or throws it up in her face that "oh you can fuck that guy and blah blah but I actually CARE and get nothing., so blehhh. Bottom line, let the providers decide what will go inside their vaginas and when...and for goodness sake stop trying  to date us if you Think that little of our mental faculties and all..  You think you're the first person to play that on her? That she doesn't know she will  get dumped as soon as she actually needs you for anything besides your tendency to get in and get out? Please. We may be whores but we aren't yours. Knock off the head games and be men we can actually get hot for instead of just acting entitled to drain our mental energy, time, and self esteem with YOUR issues. Bottom line: your personal issues are not my problem, and if you want to really get on MY good side, then the word friendzone is not in your vocabulqry.  If you wanna pay for sexx then just do it, quit trying to strong arm your way in with favors and crap we don't need.  It not only tends to fail, fbut makes ya look like a douchecanoe when the inevitable ol speech doesn't go your way. I Swear , If A Man's Ego were to be converted to food, thered be so many people sitting on their asses, too self important to do anything but decide other people didn't deserve it...and thered be starving people ANYWAY...because entitlement wouldn't apply for anyone but the people who carry all that ego/baggage/food .  I'd like to see the fellows in these conundrums not treat us as novelty items, and to Consider all the reasons why we might not be required to fill your breadbasket/caress your ego . Not that it matters why too much, but sometimes a woman just wants do things that dont require her to be on guard constantly, and having to explain ourselves to you constantly Is nothing but DRAINING.  We are over it.

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 7:29:39 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 7:32:34 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 597 reads
57 / 58

And most women know in a matter of a short period if time if they are going fuck someone, she probably won't, then he is a fool for continuing to try and win her with dinners etc.  

Grown men rarely get taken advantage of in this instance. They know what they are doing and are taking the risk of possibly not getting laid. He is responsible for taking care of his "sexual desire" and it is not her issue if she is not into him.  

There are plenty of people I see that are a complete turn on but it is not on them to deal with how I feel about them if they are not interested.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 557 reads
58 / 58

I have had guys see me as you described. They were the biggest assholes too.

I will take the sweetheart ANY DAY. Fuck hot and ass.... I want a man that can put a smile on my face and make me laugh. Also willing to please vs all about them.
Posted By: AlyssaHille
Mike is young, HOT & SINGLE, with no wife, kids, support payments, and barnacles etc- if he's gotten this far OTC dating a lady who is hot enough to Provide...  
 He's an 7-10(on a scale of 1-10) already...  
 Mike gets free time because he's Hot and there is potential to be in a commitment (which is what dating girls want- love and commitment) and what guys who court this long want, too.  
 Hobbyists have little to no future potential-for the provider. They don't want /can't date. But they want hot ladies and uncomplicated fun...  
 If Mike wants *****, yes he can pay  
 If he wants OTC, he still pays  
 If Clients want ***** and or OTC; they have to pass screening, be well behaved/uncomplicated, and pay  
 I think its win/win/win for everyone; as long as they are all getting what they are after, at the end of the day...  
 But let's not get mixed up here; Hobbyists are not Mike  
 It's apples to oranges.  
 Just enjoy what you came for,  keep it simple  

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 1:05:06 PM

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