TER General Board

You may open a lab, too...regular_smile
lickerguy 5 Reviews 3239 reads

I thought you'd be cheered to know we used your suggestion!

Yes, I want to try to get more music for future sessions. However, I've pretty well blown my research budget for a while -- gotta live within my means, you know.

But how about you?  You already have the music.  Dig out a few rusty pennies, that white lab coat you wrote about and get busy!  :)

And be sure to report back to us.

This relates to my original post of 3-31-05 where I brought up the idea of music that works good for DATY and asked for suggestions. Many responded, which I appreciated and found very helpful. For the sake of those who didn’t read the original post, or the replies, I will post them as separate "responses" to this post.

Now for what happened. First of all I took a list of all the suggestions down to the local F.Y.E. store. Unfortunately they only had three of the suggestions:
- Etta James' version of "Smokestack Lightning" on her album "Blues to the Bone." (suggested by someone using an alias and seconded by netmichelle as her "fav personal, alone time, masturbation song")
- en Vogue/Salt N Pepa "Whatta Man," album name forgotten.  (suggested by Bob71466)
- UB40's "The Way You Do the Things You Do" on the album "Labor of Love II" (suggested by Bob71466)

As you likely know, you can preview a short segment of a song at F.Y.E. It is barely enough to form an opinion. I liked what I heard of "Smokestack Lightning" and "Whatta Man," but wasn’t quite as fond of the rest of the song samples on those albums. (Sorry, differing personal tastes here.) I really thought UB40's album would be suitable, so I bought it. Not only was the suggested song nice and rhythmic, but most of the rest showed promise, too.  That’s except for the first song, "Here I Am (Come and Take Me)" which I thought might stimulate a real clit whipping, though I supposed someone somewhere would like just such a tongue lashing. Very neat song though. (Later: thinking about it some more, I suppose one could utilize every other beat instead of every beat.)

I sent the list to Lindsay, one of Baltimore’s finest providers, asking if she had any of these. Turns out she had an album by Nine Inch Nails.

When we got together, she right away popped in the Nine Inch Nails album as we were talking. It might have been fine for DATY, but we got so into our conversation, that suddenly the whole CD had played and we hadn’t tested anything! So we decided to get down to business - serious clinical testing, folks.

On my previous post, I had mentioned the gift CD of classical music that had been sent to me. And how, despite not being a classical fan at all, I thought several of the songs might be the right tempo for DATY.  I had imagined tongue movements, changes in direction and so forth as the music changed and as the volume swelled and ebbed. I wasn’t too sure about this, but wanted to try it. I thought it would be best to try it first thing in the session. We played two songs off that album, then switched to UB40's album. Here is what we played before the fireworks went off:

- Wolfgang Mozart’s "Romanze - Movement from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K525" (6:46)
- Antonio Vivaldi’s "Andante - Movement 2 from Symphony No. 1" (2:45)
- UB40's "Tears from My Eyes" (3:50)
- UB40's "Groovin’" (3:49)
- UB40's "The Way You Do the Things You Do" (3:02)
- UB40's "Kingston Town" (3:48)

Though I’m not sure how to describe it, the first selection was quite variable, so I varied my tongue movements considerably; on the more rhythmic parts alternately licking up one side of the clit for awhile and then on the next rhythmic section licking up the other side for awhile, circling the clit on the sweeping parts, snappily going back and forth from side to side on the speediest parts, etc.

After that selection ended, I switched to the less variable second one. The tempo was not really very fast or very strong on this one, but I thought it might be worth trying for comparison since it was less variable. After playing it, I stopped the music and asked for her impressions. Lo and behold, she hadn’t really been listening to the music! (Perhaps it’s too hard to ignore the sensations gathered by 6000 nerve endings?)

So I said, "Ok, pay attention!" as I switched to the UB40 album and played the songs listed above. The tempos of these songs were not so variable.  There was an underlying reggae rhythm that was really great for just keeping on keeping on, steady as she goes.  I mostly licked up one side, then after awhile would change to licking up the other side, occasionally circling counterclockwise over the top, as well as now and then going straight up the middle for awhile. But the one side really seemed to be the main spot and that is where I put my focus, especially toward the end.

During the two classical selections, my hands roamed her torso and upper legs, in what I hoped was a sensual way. During the reggae beat of UB40's songs I ended up steadying the heals of my hands on her rib cage and using the just the forefinger of each hand to stimulate the tips of her nipples. I lightly swiped the nipples, both simultaneously, in time with the music’s tempo. As the music changed, I switched from which side of the nipple tip I touched; 1:00, 9:00, 4:00, etc. Always both fingers doing the same thing. Actually, I don’t think I would have had enough concentration to do them differently. Between controlling my tongue, these two fingers and paying attention to her responses, I was kept quite busy. (Clinical tests, remember. lol) One thing about swiping the nipples this way, is I could definitely sense the intensity of the arousal level. As her intensity raised and lowered, the nipples would vary in rigidity.

Things began getting intense for her in "The Way You Do the Things You Do" and she went over the edge during "Kingston Town," pulling away as she climaxed.

I slid up and held her as she slowly came back down to the present. (Woohoo! Man it’s fun being able to do this for a lady!)

Ok, ok...back to the laboratory.... Once she was relaxed again, we discussed things. The variety of tongue movements during the first selection, which she was quite aware of, is suitable only for the fun of it, in the very beginning of a session. When it’s time to really get down, the reggae beat and the more steady tongue movement is the way to go.  Tongue movement "needs to be steady at the end as too much variance is distracting."

She commented that this was quite a bit longer than it usually took her to climax, which she thought came from trying to focus more on the music. It appears that she may normally be only peripherally aware of the music, the major focus being the physical sensations experienced. She said, "Being in the moment, so to speak, makes it hard for me to know exactly what you were doing when. I just know how it felt." Of course the other factor delaying the climax may have been the break between the classical and reggae music.

What’s next? Well, I’m still curious about classical music though I’m inclined to think it may be more suitable for sensual foreplay than DATY. A selection on the gift CD that is more rhythmic and thus worth testing is Peter Tchaikovsky’s "Valse - from the ‘Sleeping Beauty.’"  If you really want faster classical, two selections that I thought might be too fast were: Antonio Vivaldi’s "Allegro - Movement 1 from Concerto for 2 Oboes, Op. 42" and Tomaso Albinoni’s "Allegro - Movement 3 from Concerto for Oboe, Op. 9 #2" Beyond that, I’d like to test out some of the other suggestions given by those of you at TER. (Any ladies want to volunteer their 6000 nerve endings for clinical testings with benefits?)

And of course, all of you are quite capable of testing music and reporting to us, too.  If you do so, I’d love if you would please PM me so I for sure don’t miss your post.  Happy cunnilingus!

Music for DATY?

Recently while DATY with one of Baltimore’s finest ladies, the tempo of a couple songs on the radio fitted really well to this activity.  It worked pretty well to stroke to the beat. I found this very interesting as it had never happened like this to me before - at least not that I’d noticed.

Several days later I received a CD in the mail as a gift from a vendor. Of course I listened to it to see what it was. It turned out to be classical music, which is not something I usually listen to, except in the dentist’s office. But perhaps due to the recent experience described above, while listening to one of the first selections, it crossed my mind that this might be the right tempo for DATY!  Then I really began to pay attention, imagining tongue movements, changes in direction and so forth as the music changed.  Much to my surprise, I began to believe that several of CD’s selections could really work well, and would even enhance DATY.

So, now I’m rolling these thoughts around in my mind, wondering what kind of music really is good for DATY? What is a good tempo? How much switching of movement, should the music employ?  What would be best early in the session, perhaps for the approach and tease?  How about the first half of the session; something to fit in the playful mood and the variety and changeableness that works at this point? Something to create a build up?  How about later when it gets intense; what works best then?  How about when it really gets close to climax time; something rhythmic that would be good for keeping on keeping on, steady as she goes, to bring it on? How about afterward, during the wind-down cuddle?

I did a search on this General Discussion board, going back a year and found nothing about this subject.

I’m wondering if you have experience with this? Do you have specific songs that you like for DATY?

Or have you assembled a selection of songs on a CD that you like to play? If so, would you mind sharing which songs they are and in which order they play?

Have you ever heard of any music being composed specifically for DATY?

Responses from everyone, both ladies and gents, are welcome.

Responses to Original Posting

Check the rhythm (NOT THE WORDS)of "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones. The rhythm, can you keep up with the beat?
Posted by JORGE818
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hmm...how about: The Ride of The Valkyries?
this is almost 5 minutes long. Neat music and probably right beat, but not sure about using it for DATY
Posted under the alias, Dr. Pfil
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Foreplay music
ClairDeLune by Debussy

And now...
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.5, Op.67-
Movement number 1
For major DATY...C minor of course
Click on Allegro Con Brio

Posted by VonRyan
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I tend to believe there's a type of music to fit every possible scenario, from hardcore PSE to slow and seductive sensual play. I pick mine based on my mood, the mood/attitude and preferences of the gentleman I'm meeting with, and the overall atmosphere I'm trying to create.

For hardcore nasty fun, Nine Inch Nails, Billy Talent or any other harder edged music can do it for me.
- For sensual, I love the voices of sultry soul and blues singers - Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Diana Krall, Nora Jones.
- For playful fun, Sarah McLaughlin, Leonard Cohen, jazz in any of its many forms, or world music.
- For DATY, I can't think of any music I wouldn't want to hear, although I have a feeling that I'll end up drowning it out with my *own* music...We might have to go with Wagnerian Opera, just to appease the neighbours ;)

Posted by MorganEllis
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"I'm the Wolf" Howling Wolf, Acoustic version, very important...
"Something Inside of Me" Take 3, Fleetwood Mac
"Black Lotus" Bill Lasswell and Sacred Sytem et al.
The rest you will just have to see me in person to hear. For my last reviewed session I played these and had good results. But don't ask me, ask her.
Posted by netmichelle
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Check out Etta James' version of "Smokestack Lightning", and the many very sexy blues songs on her Grammy award winner "Blues to the Bone".
Posted under the alias, jackvance.
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"Smokestack Lightning" is my fav personal, alone time, masturbation song!  
Posted by netmichelle
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"Eat a Peach, " the Allman Brothers;
"Eat It," Weird Al Yankovic's accordion parody of ... ... Michael Jackson's "Beat It";
"Eat the Music," Kate Bush (double credit for last name);
"Ain't Gonna Eat Out (Your Heart Anymore," the Young Rascals; and my personal fave, Dizzy Gillespie's classic, "Hey, Pete! Let's Eat Mo' Meat!"
Posted by coochmeister
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Here's a batch to stuff your laptop/ Ipod with.....
Something with a slow to medium steady beat.
- The Enigma thing has been done to death along with Enya in various places, but I still like it.
A few faves....-Soul II Soul "Keep on Movin" (Keep...on moooo-ving... Don't stop....)
- UB40 "The Way You Do the Things You Do" Reggae beat keeps things chugging along and has an island feel for those on vacation (or just a mini mental one)
- Men at Work "Down Under" ... uh ok... not really, it just sounded funny with those 5 words strung together.
- Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight" The German remix version that adds a little more of a peppy backbeat to it. (Or the Lil Kim remix that adds a street edge to it...) OK, we can all thank Risky Business for this one.
- Art of Noise "Moments in Love" Madonna got married to Sean Penn with this song playing and that woman knows how to set a mood....
And while we're thinking of Madonna .... Three songs from her Erotica album... The title song, "Waiting", and "Where Life Begins" which is an ode to DATY (Best line.... (while moaning)...better bring your raincoat.... i think it's gonna raaaainnn.) Actually the whole album is great.....Honorable mention to another song of hers from her first greatest hits album... "Justify my Love". great beat and another line that typifies what drives us to this hobby. "Poor is the man whose pleasure depends upon the permission of another"
- Paula Cole "Making Love" The girl who wonders where all the cowboys have gone also knows what do do with them when she finds one.
- Bonnie Raitt "Gnawin on it" from the Silver Lining album. OK, another joke song that doesn't fit but sounds funny....
- Def Leppard "Pour Some Sugar on Me" Slower beat than their usual songs, double entendre working overtime, for those woman who identify with wanting "to be on the hood of Whitesnake's car" like the "1985" song goes.....
- Sheena Easton "Sugar Walls" for the 80's obsessed only. Hearing Sheena moan about you spending the night inside her sugar walls almost overwhelms the wretched 80's pop beat. Ditto for the other song from that same album, "Strut" (Strut, pout, put it out, that's what you want from women... you make me feel like a girl for hire...) Extra points for the extended version that removes the lecturing against what the song seems to be about and just repeats the chorus.
- en Vogue/Salt N Pepa "Whatta Man" Something for the ladies and a great beat..
- Telepopmusic "Breathe" - another great Mitsubishi car commercial that has a simple chorus, but sets a mood for those who like things a little quicker.
- Suzanne Vega "Stockings" and "Love Made Real". From her happy album after her honeymoon (to a marriage that has since failed). "Stockings" talks about sapphic love while "Love Made Real" talks about her being tied down for her birthday. Both are sung over a playful pop beat.
- Thompson Twins "Storm on the Sea" 80's pop band slows it down for a song that gets in your head and swims around while you are otherwise engaged.
- Christina Aguilera "Dirty" - OK, only for the swinging from the chandeliers types.....
- The System "Don't Disturb this Groove" Great old school quiet storm esque song.
- Talk Talk "Life's What you Make It" A great slow tempo song. I'm begging for someone to remake this song soon.... (Gwen Stefani redid their "It's my Life" to huge success)
- Annie Lennox - Legend in My Living Room. Great song with a fun chorus.
- Nine Inch Nails "Closer to God" For those that like things a little darker....
- Prince "Gett Off" ....Nuff said'

Stuff those Ipods and have fun!
Posted by Bob71466
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My music picks for DATY or any sexual activity:
- Shaft Soundtrack, Issac Hayes
- Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy
- The Harder they Come soundtrack, no pun intended
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas soundtrack
Posted under the alias Raoul Duke.
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To plant the seed try Susan Tedeschi's "Rock Me Right".There's no doubt what she's singing about.
Posted by feedyourhead
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This one cannot be beat. You should hear chicks sing along to this in a night club! As a professional DJ for 35 years, I can say without hesitation there is only one explicit yet well-done song about going down on a woman, "You Suck" by Consolidated featuring The Yeasty Girls. It is so over-the-top there are night clubs that prohibit its playing. The music is wonderful, but here are the lyrics.
"I know you're really proud 'cause you think you're well hung
But I think it's time you learn how to use your tongue (yeah)...." [This post continued with the rest of the lyrics to "You Suck"]

Below appears an Amazon link to buy the CD for less than $3, and a sample audio clip.
Posted by 40-Watt
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Personally I would have chosen Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody if I could only get the sound of 20 finger's "Lick It" out of my head...
"I met a real cutie...." [this post continued with the rest of the lyrics of "Lick It"]
Posted by DeepHeat99
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Turn on Your Love Light -By the Dead
Posted by Portdog

...its very clear to me that MUCH more research is needed...I'm convinced your research is a good start but more effort is needed; I am prepared to lick every sweet provider in the Greater Metro DC-Baltimore region to prove it!!

I'm throwing down the proverbial guantlet LickerGuy - you may be a cunninglinguist, but in this battle I'll not be licked..uh...defeated!
 May the best tongue win!
  Any ladies up for a lil competition?  

 (smiling big tonite) DH

Thanks for the kind words, my friend!

Certainly you should go for it; see what kind of DATY music works for you. I agree that lots more "tongue-on" research is needed. This was only one session, we only got to test two types of music, and this was only one lady's response to one guy's ministrations.

By nature you can't really test very many songs before the fireworks are set off, so select the songs carefully. You're probably going to have to be the one to pay attention, because it's likely the lady will be too engrossed in the sensations to notice "what you did when" as far as the music goes. (That’s unless you intend to have an independent observer with a clipboard standing by. lol)

As far as competition, I defer, preferring the camaraderie of a "research team."  But I would be glad to have you on the TER team as we pursue this "important licking-edge" research.  Also, if you have the wherewithal to fund testing with every DC & Baltimore provider, go for it! I on the other had, need to live within my means, therefore I welcome the participation of everyone as we discover the definitive list of DATY music.    :)  

Happy cunnilingus to you....

P.S. Why the "smiling big tonight?"

Love the clinical discussion (I can imagine the white lab coat, big Lynda Carter glasses, and the white lace stockings opened by your lab "assistant" as you continue your research)...

I HIGHLY suggest you get two of my recommendations that you didn't get to yet......

1.  Madonna - The "Erotica" Album... A midtempo beat keeps you both "focused" on your respective tasks on most of the songs, with "Waiting" and "Erotica" Being the standouts, and "The Fire Down Below" being an actual song about the joys of DATY.  

2.  For those Starbucks fans who gravitate to coffee house music, Suzanne Vega's "Nine Objests of Desire" CD has several great songs which all have playful beats....

The key for me is the percussion beat.  I prefer a slow to midtempo beat to keep things moving nicely and to help keep me focused.  I'm not as big on the Classical music myself for these "purposes" as the plentiful "dead spots" (lack of a percussion beat and quiet passages) tend to derail the love train......

I'm glad the UB40 and its' reggae beat was workin' for ya....  You might like a few No Doubt and Gwen Stefani songs then as well...

Their "Underneath it All" seems to fit well.  As does Gwen's duet with Moby on "Southside".  OK, not only are those good songs for this, but the titles have double entendre meanings for those of us following this thread.....

Bottom line...... this research will help to ensure happy clits from coast to coast (and make sure that their spirited "Thank You"s for a job well done are just as inspiring).

I thought you'd be cheered to know we used your suggestion!

Yes, I want to try to get more music for future sessions. However, I've pretty well blown my research budget for a while -- gotta live within my means, you know.

But how about you?  You already have the music.  Dig out a few rusty pennies, that white lab coat you wrote about and get busy!  :)

And be sure to report back to us.

I'll do my best.....

I'm interested in hearing from the providers. Are there any songs that do it for you that we missed?

Hmm, this is interesting -- I looked back at the original responses and they overwhelmingly came from men!

Wonder if that has some significance?

Are the ladies so into the sensations, that they actually don't recognize (or remember) the music through the haze?

Or do most people simply not play music?  I know I've generally had it quiet in the room for sex. The occurance in March was the first time a song that played while I was engaged in DATY had an appropriate tempo - or at least the first time I noticed.

Maybe if the tempo of the music and tongue are correct that is all that matters?  Yet Lindsay my lovely subject, plainly preferred the reggae rather than the two classical selections we tested.

You would think the ladies would be interested in this subject since it relates to them so personally. Hmm...

Ok, the scientific method... develop a hypothesis, prove or disprove by testing....

I would like to have very similar music that is at varying tempos. Actually the best thing would be a song in the middle of the speed range; then have a means of slowing it down and speeding it up in increments.  Test each speed, only one speed per session. Time how long to climax. Record any input ladies have as far as preferences.

Then try this with multiple ladies and collect all the data. Seems to me it should be the same guy, or at least all the guys should decide exactly how they are going to do it so all tests would be the same. Ladies blindfolded so guy's appearance doesn't matter and music is emphasized. One guy with one girl for all tempos because if you switched guys, that would introduce another variable.

Maybe I need to start a new post specifically asking for the ladies responses.  Perhaps we should contact all the ladies we know, direct them to the post in an effort to get more female feedback? Let me think about several days and perhaps I'll come up with a new post.

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