TER General Board

You completely missed the point......
Zayzha See my TER Reviews 1629 reads

I am referring to ones who just out of the blue send me an email saying how busy they are and apologize for not seeing me lately and then email my close friend (who they have no idea we even know each other)and make an appointment. Why even bother??? This hobby is about variety.

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 9:23:51 AM

...regular clients who are not honest about seeing other providers....PLEASE DON'T ASSUME THAT I CARE....I am not your wife nor your girlfriend....

Do you want your regular clients to tell you that they are seeing other providers? In this case they are certainly being honest and up front about who else they are seeing? OR

Do you want your regular clients not to tell you anything about other providers they are seeing because, since you are not their wife or girlfriend, you dont give a rats ass about what they do when they are not seeing you?

GaGambler1570 reads

then life must be treating you pretty good.

If you don't care then why do you care?

but not dating exclusively and the girl says "I know you're dating other girls and it's ok!"  And then you tell her "I can't see you tomorrow because I have another date!"   And she goes ballistic.

Been there once.   She's history.

Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes Zaysha (I have a foot fetish, btw, but I digress.)

I used to lie and say that I was only seeing this or that gal when, in fact, I was seeing many others; then I got caught in a lie and embarrassed everyone.

I know it's stupid, but I think there may be something inately within men that makes them embarrassed to admit that they are shutping more than one gal at a time.

This will come as a surprise to no one, but I am definitely a quantity man!!! Why get bogged down in exclusivity! See as many ladies as you can afford!

So to all our wonderful providers, I am now being up front: I am not just seeing you!  

-- Modified on 9/26/2007 1:37:57 PM

ma vie453 reads

Why would anyone think we wouldn't be seeing other ladies?  Didn't we get to see today's lady with a reference or two?  She will be the reference for next week.  The more the merrier I say.

Can't say as anyone I have ever seen could suspect I am not a 39 flavours kind of guy.

TheHobbinator1134 reads

then I wanted to see them ALL!

I've never met you but it sounds like your regulars can really count on YOU as a reference.

that part of their fantasy is to believe that it matters to you?

  If you don't care then forget about it. Obviously telling you they don't see other providers somehow enhances the experience.

  In this instance you seem to wish to exert control. Perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Oldest Fat Fart951 reads

The providers I see know I see other ladies and none have discouraged it. I used to see a lot of ladies but have really slowed my Hobbying down to once a week. That said, the ladies I see know I vary and occasionally they will ask me the names of the other providers I frequent.

I tell them ... this is a fairly small community and most know or are at least aware the other well reviewed hobbyist.

There is one lady specifically that I see regularly and she seems to really like having me tell her in detail (and nasty talk) what I do with the other providers. She really seems to enjoy the description of the session.  

OFF :-)

Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

I assume that 98% of men have or are seeing other providers. The other 2% maybe it's a one-time fantasy, or they are a virgin, or worse, in a lot of ways, they are fixated on one provider and maybe see it as as boyfriend/girlfriend relationship

I am just really curious how they are dishonest about it??? do you ask them??

That seems like it would be a really inappropriate question................like asking all your friends if they shop at Nordstrom or Macy's and they have to only pick one!

Leave it to a woman to put it all in perspective- lol.

BTW, my credit card fell down at Nordstrum's and can't get up...

shaka700440 reads

A lot of guys probably just want to concentrate on the encouter at hand so they don't want you to bring up other ladys. By the way Zayzha I was just just joking with you, have a wonderfull day!!!

... that you are counting on us as your personal ATM. Get over it. Why ask if you don't care?

BFE client232 reads

....why would you think we are not seeing other ladies?  Um, you are seeing other guys, right?

If you are concentrating on each other, how would this topic even come up?

The only time it comes up for me is when a lady says something like, "If you like petite redheads like me, you should give Suzzy a call.  We trade references all the time. I know you guys will have fun."

I always used to say this to providers.  I'd tell them that I "haven't seen anyone else before," or "I haven't seen many providers before," or "I haven't seen anyone else in the industry in a long time," etc.  I think I used to tell them this because I thought they'd think I was cleaner and less likely to have an STD, or perhaps they were less likely to think I was a perv.  My thinking was that they would feel safer with me that way, and thus more uninhibited.  

I'm currently seeing one provider exclusively (by personal choice), and I've told her so.  I don't know whether she believes me or not, and I really don't think she cares either.

I am referring to ones who just out of the blue send me an email saying how busy they are and apologize for not seeing me lately and then email my close friend (who they have no idea we even know each other)and make an appointment. Why even bother??? This hobby is about variety.

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 9:23:51 AM

ma vie411 reads

I sure did miss the point.  I have to agree.

Why would you email a lady anyway except to request an appointment or to thank her?

ceegram367 reads

I had a provider get upset with me for seeing another provider and then decide that she no longer wished to see me.

bSome girls DO care..they get jealous.I dont though..I mean why?  We are not dating...I am seeing other men. :)

 Plus many times I am tellng the guys who else is good to see. I know one lady,m whom I have never met..Lila..and she is always telling guys to see me.  I have gotten alot of business thanks to her.

 I have heard some crazy stories though..of a lady calling a clients regular provider, and then the regular provider calls the client and reems him, OR will try to steal the appt right out from under the other girls nose!

I had a regular provider whom I knew for years.  One day, she asked if I wanted to do a double with a new friend of hers and I said sure.

We started doing doubles for quite a while, then, one day her double partner slipped her phone number into my pocket and I called her and set up a single appointment with her.

We still got together for doubles but then the original provider caught on that I was seeing her partner and she was so pissed that she never spoke to her friend again.

Oddly, she did didn't hold any grudge with me, (or didn't show it anyways.), but she felt that her partner had done her dirty.

I can't say that I don't see some logic to it, but it made me a lot more careful about doing anything like that in the future because I felt bad about it too.

Live and learn.

with a gent... she had better be able to discuss that in terms of male-female relations - outside of the hobby... cause while we rent time... we do not own time with a lady.  or conversely while a gent pays for your time, you are not purchasing our time.

and that's why it will never work.  See the link below where Wymenlover quotes Chris Rock on the subject of logic and relationships.

Best defense is no offense.  We will forever be trying to figure it out because (All together class):

Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.

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