TER General Board

You are supposed to crave the existence of estrogen if you are a dude...
prepkid 1 Reviews 325 reads

maybe you are really into testosterone. It is ok, we won't judge you because you are bi or homosexual. A few of my friends turned out to be gay, but they are decent people! After all, we tend to accept almost everyone in this forum... Well except people like you, occasionally.

is simply astonishing.  I have my ideas as to why roughly the same posters have to chime in and take over in many cases.

But just for grins gals...why not go on to your regional ad boards and discussion boards and drum up some business?  Give the GD board a chance to cleanse itself of the obnoxious amount of estrogen that's been consuming it for the past couple of months.

And maybe some of the male posters will actually consider a call if they didn't see the obnoxious tones with which many of you come across with.  Or even take it over to your PO board and let the other gal's chime in, if they dare :)

Flame away...and the mangina's are free to flame as well :D

While I actually agree with CPA a lot of the time, I like the board open to all, including posters whom he ( or I ) don't like.

If you don't like an "estrogen"poster, don't read his or her posts. Stop whining and complaining.  If "estrogen" posts chase you away or even bother you a lot, grow a pair and learn to cope with those who see the world differently.  It's a lot harder than knee jerk cynicism, or knee jerk anything, for that matter.

Posted By: Butterscotch13
While I actually agree with CPA a lot of the time, I like the board open to all, including posters whom he ( or I ) don't like.

If you don't like an "estrogen"poster, don't read his or her posts. Stop whining and complaining.  If "estrogen" posts chase you away or even bother you a lot, grow a pair and learn to cope with those who see the world differently.  It's a lot harder than knee jerk cynicism, or knee jerk anything, for that matter.

Done_That359 reads

you don't like the thread or post....take your own WK advise.....don't read the post.

Now, "Stop whining and complaining.  If "estrogen" posts chase you away or even bother you a lot, grow a pair and learn to cope with those who see the world differently.  It's a lot harder than knee jerk cynicism, or knee jerk anything, for that matter."


Hey, done_that.

Weak, man, weak.  Why do WK's, which I guess I might be, bother you so much?  Tell us more about your relationship with your mother.

Seriously, man, the point of my post is that attempts to "chase away" posters with a different view than your own are not exactly a sign of strength or manliness or whatever.

I like CCPA's posts.  I find him a little cranky and overly cynical sometimes, but the last thing I want to do is chase him away.  If he says something I think is dumb, I may say something.  And sometimes it may be a little meaner than it should be.  I assume CCPA feels free to do the same for me

If I thought CCPA was seriously hurt by my post, I would apologize.  (after all, i probably am a WK) But I think he's a big boy and capable of taking anything I could dish out.

A board with nothing but people like him would be terrible.  So would a board with nothing but people like me.

Posted By: Done_That
you don't like the thread or post....take your own WK advise.....don't read the post.

Now, "Stop whining and complaining.  If "estrogen" posts chase you away or even bother you a lot, grow a pair and learn to cope with those who see the world differently.  It's a lot harder than knee jerk cynicism, or knee jerk anything, for that matter."


you forgot to capitalize the JERK in knee JERK... CPA is just another of a long line of mysanthopes that have a negative opinion on everything and everyone.... downside is, if he failed to post, traffic would be down 32%

Posted By: Butterscotch13
While I actually agree with CPA a lot of the time, I like the board open to all, including posters whom he ( or I ) don't like.

If you don't like an "estrogen"poster, don't read his or her posts. Stop whining and complaining.  If "estrogen" posts chase you away or even bother you a lot, grow a pair and learn to cope with those who see the world differently.  It's a lot harder than knee jerk cynicism, or knee jerk anything, for that matter.

Done_That276 reads

I leave capitalization of words &/or words to be "stressed" by folks like you, so you feel you can contribute to the board.

how MEAN some of them can get.
It could really hurt their biz, if the word got out.
I usually let things go, but, i know enough guys to PM, that, letting them know she is a "Bitch" is gonna affect HER biz.

I understand the need for the alias "buggers" to post there non-sense . But I'm just NOT understanding the marketing sense of giving grief to the guys that are there livelihood.
One wack job on my local board is actually spokesperson for an agency and is routinely rude to male posters, unless they are "old members" that review like once every three years lol.
But who am I , just someone that likes to see sweet talented ladies.
Hey if I wanted grief I'd go get a wife....

you thought someone took over my handle lol. For the record, I don't give the guys grief...just the STUPID ones! Thanks. :)

Posted By: ChgoCPA
is simply astonishing.  I have my ideas as to why roughly the same posters have to chime in and take over in many cases.

But just for grins gals...why not go on to your regional ad boards and discussion boards and drum up some business?  Give the GD board a chance to cleanse itself of the obnoxious amount of estrogen that's been consuming it for the past couple of months.

And maybe some of the male posters will actually consider a call if they didn't see the obnoxious tones with which many of you come across with.  Or even take it over to your PO board and let the other gal's chime in, if they dare :)

Flame away...and the mangina's are free to flame as well :D
-- Modified on 5/18/2012 10:30:15 AM

I'll chime in, as I'm currently done working until tomorrow:) Do you gentlemen not remember a couple months back, when guys were complaining that the "estrogen" was getting to be too much on the boards.... and the results that followed? A very large majority of the ladies left... many of those ladies have STILL not come back since then.... and you guys were left to talk & complain amongst yourselves. I remember the GD board becoming a desert. Many times posts are directed at providers..... if you guys think that amongst yourselves you can answer questions that are directed at providers & come up with accurate answers.. hey, go for it.

P.S. No need to "drum up business" on local boards, lol... a very large majority of ladies do not sit around all day posting & waiting for the phone to ring. As I said in my 1st sentence, I'm actually done for the day & not looking for any more business. But, on the other hand, most ladies also know that a board presence is a key marketing strategy... if guys never see you post, or hear anything from you, then they are less likely to know about you.

plan bwahahaha. Guys claim they hate drama, but that's bs. They live for that crap and then hit the report button each time a hooker dares to make them look like an idiot. I love the TER boys, but I can't deal with stupidity. If you talk out of your ass, be prepared to get called on it. I usually have links to back up what I say lol.

serpius254 reads


That means that you have WAY TOO MUCH TIME on your hands when you call people out.

Go get a job and stop throwing your estrogen on the forums. It's sickening.


Posted By: London Rayne
plan bwahahaha. Guys claim they hate drama, but that's bs. They live for that crap and then hit the report button each time a hooker dares to make them look like an idiot. I love the TER boys, but I can't deal with stupidity. If you talk out of your ass, be prepared to get called on it. I usually have links to back up what I say lol.

because although biologically I might have estrogen, your whiney ass oooozes with nothing BUT! I don't need a job...have 2 of them, and both make me enough money to have the time to call out stupidity! Shall I post those links again bwahahahha. Pathetic. I think it is time for you to see a doctor babe. There is a word for people who can't remember what they say, and it's not a very nice one.

Posted By: serpius

That means that you have WAY TOO MUCH TIME on your hands when you call people out.

Go get a job and stop throwing your estrogen on the forums. It's sickening.

Posted By: London Rayne
plan bwahahaha. Guys claim they hate drama, but that's bs. They live for that crap and then hit the report button each time a hooker dares to make them look like an idiot. I love the TER boys, but I can't deal with stupidity. If you talk out of your ass, be prepared to get called on it. I usually have links to back up what I say lol.

The difference between u and some of the others, your not mean.
We are talking about the ladies, who come on here and bash clients.
I don't have a problem with any providers, just one out there that seems to get her ya ya's off by screaming @ me. ( old bad blood between us, that i apologized for ) Get over it already lady!!!

Just return them to the receptacle at the front of the theatre.

Your memory on the boards is clearly your own fantasy.  Just go and head back a year or two and look at the gals that were regular contributors.  And in most of those cases they were welcomed within the community as they had interesting comments on the business.  But those ladies have left the boards, and for a variety of reasons.  

But many of them chat with a few folks and discuss why they simply don't want to be on the boards any more.  And then what the boards have left are ladies that simply don't have enough business to be off the boards.  And the gist of those posts from those gals has been a source of ridicule behind the scenes.  While other gals who used to have insightful posts have devolved into hateful and spiteful posts.  And again the behind the scenes assumption includes drugs and alcohol as a problem.  As well as being plain bored!

And to blabber that being on the GD board is a marketing strategy...yea, sure whatever you say!  What it has done is alert many fellas that know many other fellas to let them know that some gals are "out of control".

Thank you all ladies for contributing and chatting here on this board, not ranting to everyone like CCPA.

Londons right. We love drama, but, we will never admit it. GD is nothing without the Ladies! If you cant take it go to your regional board where everybody( I'm sure) is mello.

Posted By: prepkid
Thank you all ladies for contributing and chatting here on this board, not ranting to everyone like CCPA.
-- Modified on 5/18/2012 4:37:31 PM

There are two reason why we are here in the first place.

1. Information
2. Entertainment

And quite frankly, GD without ladies is like going to a rave dance with a room full of sweaty dudes and no girls in 12 mile radius.

If the ladies don't play on this site I would leave as well. Long live estrogen filled females!

Posted By: prepkid
Thank you all ladies for contributing and chatting here on this board, not ranting to everyone like CCPA.

serpius262 reads


What ladies are you thanking?

I don't think I have seem more than 4 providers replying to this thread.

Hardly anything to state that whatever comments that those 4 are making is a true representation of all providers.


Posted By: scoed
If the ladies don't play on this site I would leave as well. Long live estrogen filled females!
Posted By: prepkid
Thank you all ladies for contributing and chatting here on this board, not ranting to everyone like CCPA.

No these ladies do not speak for nor represent all providers, just like I and the other TER male posters don't speak for nor represent all hobbyist. But that is OK. They do speak for and represent themselves and that is all any of us really can speak for in a land where each person is his/her own master with out any form of election.

I enjoy the incites the ladies share and their different point of view on this hobby. I think threads like this that attempt to silence others are shameful. Yes there are posters I think are to be blunt losers, yet I would never try ridicule them to silence as this post tried to do. People expose themselves well enough without going out of their way to ridicule them.

Now I will be the first to admit I have mocked other posters. I will even admit to being down right nasty to a few. But threads that do nothing but dismiss whole groups of people (in this case opinionated providers) are not useful. In fact the very people this thread calls out are the very kind of posters that add the most spice to this board. So I thanked them, and every other lady posting on this board.

The ladies need not represent all or even most providers to make their opinion worth reading. They only in my opinion need to represent themselves to add to this board. After all, the only person my post represent is me and I post quite a bit. So long live estrogen filled females (the ones that aren't full of estrogen often look like men or haven't reached puberty) and thank you for adding to this site!

Just one fat ugly mangina's opinion.

as head mangina you know i have to reply..cpa is very good at knowing how and when to pull strings..you ladies should know that by now..these ladies are far from obnoxious..they are entertaining..i actually look forward to london or julia or heather posting..a thread without their input is usually mindless bullshit not worth the paper it is written on..as for it affecting their business..i am sure they have enough clients without worrying who will call them from some post they made or what board they are on or not on..i see more and more ladies posting all the time..maybe the old days you guys always talk about are gone..maybe it is a culture change..estrogen and testosterone always balance each other out..

Holy macdaddy Batman,

The two of you are just too estrogen laden even for the gals.  They like to see fellas that have a modicum of self respect (aka backbone).

If you read my OP I was wondering why in the heck the estrogen levels in here are off the charts.

You and preppie have now answered my OP.

Which one of you is the Top?  I don't think either of you would qualify for that, and with two submissive pussies...well it just doesn't seem to work that well?

But fear not...Mistress Jessica and JLS know how to deal with submissive pussies!!

usually im on top..yep..the times..they are a changin' what was that part about ' devolved into hateful and spiteful posts' ..your very own words..a chameleon always changes colors to suit himself..

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 5:26:11 PM

maybe you are really into testosterone. It is ok, we won't judge you because you are bi or homosexual. A few of my friends turned out to be gay, but they are decent people! After all, we tend to accept almost everyone in this forum... Well except people like you, occasionally.

You had to take grammar four times :D

What is college going to be...the 12 year plan?

Oh and you are welcome. My taxes last year went to pay for your food stamp.

Only one food stamp?

Generally they are in multiples.  But now the "food stamps" are on plastic.  

Sorry I did not know that food stamps were "plural." Thanks for the lesson here. Only the recipients would know that. They are using plastic now to save paper? Good progressive thinking!

Again, you are welcome. Your tonight's meal is on me!

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 9:10:56 PM

As you told me earlier that food stamps wouldn't work on escorts.

So if only a recipient of food stamps would know that...

Then how did YOU know that?

well look I had to make sure that the tax money was going to the right places, so that people who need food and supplies can get them properly. I was glad to find out that you cannot use it for escorts.

Just don't use Mommy and Daddy's money either.  That's just as pathetic :(

Big-Bad-John260 reads

tomorrow's hippie. Worthless to society and a sponge off other peoples taxes. He will bring back argyle socks and rubberbands in his hair someday. I can envision them now dying their underwear pink to set a fashion statement. Again SAD.

I've known many kids who went to Phillips, Exeter, Deerfield and went on to outstanding collegiate careers (and played ice hockey at the highest levels), and have now entered society with a great education behind them and great experiences to be the next leaders of this great country.

And prepkid doesn't have any of those requisite skills...unfortunately.  Yep...he'll be the guy that suck's on Mommy's tits forever...and we've all seen that pathetic situation.

serpius273 reads

Hey ChgoCPA,

That comment below reminded me of the article that I just read where a mother is still breast-feeding a 4 year old boy.

What's up with that?

She was supposed to be saving the milk for me. Darn her!


Posted By: ChgoCPA
And prepkid doesn't have any of those requisite skills...unfortunately.  Yep...he'll be the guy that suck's on Mommy's tits forever...and we've all seen that pathetic situation.

If you don't want to be stuck in such situation, just don't reply on my replies or threads. You keep starting petty conversations that only make you look frustrated with life.

Again, thanks for the lesson on hippie culture and fashion. Only the former hippie as yourself would know about it in such great detail. I did not know rubber bands existed when you were a hippie back in the days.

Maybe a 230.

You still don't get that you CAN'T post in a thread using your handle AND an alias.

Google that...or better yet read the newbie manual.

If you are America's future...I need to make travel plans :)

I don't find arguing with you fun anymore. Sorry if I offended you in the past with my posts. (I mean it) Just do your thing and have fun hobbying. I will do the same.

Over and out.

Big-Bad-John256 reads

I have a novel idea for you preppie. Get out of the house and get the stink blown off of you. For your age you should be out of a Friday night hunting free pussy, not bantering with men on a fuck board.

Get some fucking exercise and work out. Build some muscle mass and get yourself some self confidence. Go out and buy some clothes, a nice watch and some good Italian leather shoes. Get you teeth cleaned and go to a nice hair salon. Just stay away the skinny guys with a lisp and you will be okay.

You may not turn out as big and as bad as John, but it will be a good start.

" It is ok, we won't judge you "

It's already been told to us by these very gals NOT to speak for everyone.  Pay attention little boy!!

And make your parents proud of that Deerfield Academy education that they obviously overpaid for.

And you also realize that you just offended a rather large percentage of people on this board, and in society.  If there is something inherently wrong with being either bi or gay I am all ears.  As well as many others here.  I'd sure like to know why you think they're different?  Oh, but you did say they are decent people.  The name you can identify with here is "bigot"!

that only ridicule others? Yes, that is clear to see from the long line of back and forth above ha ha. Thanks.

It's always fun to play with guys that just don't get it.

They try so hard and have NO idea what the rules are.

Tough to play when you don't know the rules.

London Rayne Fleshlight?

The only modifications we'll need to make is that it'll be able to handle those "monster cocks" over 3 inches.

Was there enough testosterone on this thread for you?  I'll bet you got a little wet just reading this shit.  Maybe even enough to squirt a bit with the help of the Hitachi (yea I know you claim you don't use it...sure).

And then we can send over the first Fleshlight to prepweenieboy and let him have his first real encounter!  Better than nothing for the "kid"...otherwise he's just jacking off to the threads (and those PM's he sends).

talk all the smack you want, but you have to spell and make sense to turn us on lol.

I guess I will never be a turn on. :(

She'll never win a spelling bee, but boy, is she ever sexy and a turn on.

Some guys get props for being bad spellers too.  Dan Quail comes to mind.

Spelling is just a conspiracy to sell dictionaries.  Even Shakespeare spelled his own name a half dozen ways, and never as it appears today - which was quite common in those pre-dictionary days.

At first glance, one might assume this is a teen chat room. Angel also has "legitimate" reasons for writing the way she does...others don't. Angel is also not claiming to be some scholar from an Ivy League school.

self made, i did everything i do on my own been on my own since, way too young, and found my way took u[ a trade and graduated cosmo course while a biker took me in under his wing and taught me how to hang my keys on a hook next to front door so i d stop losing them,how to get up early,,,,,,,,,his mum helped me with learning to cook real food n they got me to stop being a vegan after 6 years, ,,,, only to get diagnosed with a condition thatb would make leaning over sinks and what not 12 hourrs day not possible........................ the old blvd of broken dreams,hahah!@ but it is hard to sit down and practice pin curls wen I can make 3 benjamins in an hour n most r multiple hours these days,thank goodness.                           so takn out my manikan head and practicn may be trying......or useless. when i make more with this ,a weeks pay in a day, so its hard to say i wanna cut my income in half and do twice as much work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..............I do have a legit excuse, and i may have some what a rebelious bad kid thats turned there life around and have alot wild times with bands and nonsense i partook in , leaving me 31 still escortin full time, and with out the cosmetology license, dammit. i do think i need to take that manican head out n do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it may be fn to fall back on,in next few years, this can get hard as full time gig,

I bought the cool looking keyboard...................with flat keys. yes it just donned on me I have flat keys on the keyboard. So, if i even try and type as I normally would I hit EVERY key.   Yes alot of artsy poets writers ect do develope thier own signature writing or spelling styles.

Not that the He-man woman haters don't have their place, but if that was all that was on this board, It would be as big of waste as the RO board. That board is dull.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
as head mangina you know i have to reply..cpa is very good at knowing how and when to pull strings..you ladies should know that by now..these ladies are far from obnoxious..they are entertaining..i actually look forward to london or julia or heather posting..a thread without their input is usually mindless bullshit not worth the paper it is written on..as for it affecting their business..i am sure they have enough clients without worrying who will call them from some post they made or what board they are on or not on..i see more and more ladies posting all the time..maybe the old days you guys always talk about are gone..maybe it is a culture change..estrogen and testosterone always balance each other out..

Big-Bad-John271 reads

It's not just the estrogen, but the guys who are drinking it. I think it must be in the water. The board has been over run with facebook, home and garden, cosmopolitan and the sappy guys who call themselves hobbyists.

Most of these guys can't get laid in real life because they act more like one of the girls. Therefore they require sex surrogates to help them out. That's all very pathetic when you think about it.
I mean WTF. When I was in college I had all the pussy I wanted for free. Paying a surrogate never crossed my mind.
Now we have losers paying to lose their virginity. SAD!

The provider only board is probably a rougher place then the GD board these days. You just have to laugh sometimes.

But tomorrows another day and I'd be happy to chat about the mangina invasion.

Those sad pussies actually posted on this thread hoping to gain some "respect" from the gals that aren't actually working :)

You did notice that only a couple of the "accused" had the acumen to actually make a reply here.  A thinly veiled attempt at explaining why they are entitled...but nevertheless still just gals that don't have any business going on.  But they sure as shooting have all the answers.

We know which gals were smart, entertaining and BUSY.  And for the most part, I miss them alot.  As well as the fellas that made life interesting.  But we will have to make due with what we have.

Big-Bad-John240 reads

At least a few of us are left to speak and act like men as opposed to the effeminate appropiators of our board. Most of the manginas scurry off after a few months, but the ones who don't have jobs and lack stability usually stick around a little longer. You know the type. The wannabe pimps and the big losers on campus.

hotplants266 reads

women should only speak when spoken to.

You're challenging my tolerance for second-hand embarrassment.

Big-Bad-John252 reads

I can certainly understand why you have an interest in estrogen.

hotplants262 reads

Then stand-up and be real man about it. Isn't that the idea? testosterone rules?

Don't pull your punches on my account. I've heard it all before.

I don't think she can be a REAL MAN. But that is OK as she is a smart woman on top of being a REAL WOMAN.

Now where is your reviews? Why don't you live up to your own advice? Quit calling out others until you live up to what you are calling out.

serpius346 reads

Hey CPA,

Very well said. I waited to chime in on this at the end of the day.

I wanted to see what others had to say. CPA, I'd have to say that you are correct on almost all counts in your posting.

If I have counted correctly... so far as of 10:50 pm EST, 5-18-2012, there have been a grand total of 2 ladies posting on this thread, but one is dominiating the ladies postings. I am surprised that other one hasn't showed up yet... maybe she's looking for her spell checker.

I am not certain if estrogen or lack of brain cells is the cause of "provider bitterness", but it seems to me that a few ladies have WAY TOO MUCH TIME on their hands. It does make me wonder how they get their bills paid when some ladies seem to be in TER 24/7 and that's not counting the other similar websites that they may frequent as well. I often wonder if they have a life or not.

In case anyone is wondering... I am semi-retired. I do work for some companies on a per diem basis, but other than that, I play tons of golf, weather permitting. This weekend is shaping up as one of the best golfing weekends in a while and that's all I am going to be doing.


Posted By: ChgoCPA
is simply astonishing.  I have my ideas as to why roughly the same posters have to chime in and take over in many cases.

But just for grins gals...why not go on to your regional ad boards and discussion boards and drum up some business?  Give the GD board a chance to cleanse itself of the obnoxious amount of estrogen that's been consuming it for the past couple of months.

And maybe some of the male posters will actually consider a call if they didn't see the obnoxious tones with which many of you come across with.  Or even take it over to your PO board and let the other gal's chime in, if they dare :)

Flame away...and the mangina's are free to flame as well :D

WOW..now that was a lively fucking thread..estrogen has permeated this board and we love it..cpa's theory might be correct..but at this point i dont think any one really gives a shit..i have to sign off now..i wanna be a pimp and have to study REAL hard..

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 8:42:00 PM

Which is, I guess, how you want me/us. Or at least the majority of male posters on this thread...

I was having fun posting here and learning a lot about this online stuff. I am pretty new to marketing online so this whole website has been an eye-opener for me. Now I learn that you guys want a sausage fest and don't want input from us?? Bizarre. I would never have imagined that one! But that's cool- I am new here and just learning the ropes. Got this one down. :) I apologize if I invaded a defacto moose-club meeting. I'm not offended, just perplexed!

Well, it was fun!! I'll stay outta here for the time being unless something interesting comes up. You can find me on my local board and a couple others where people are civil (er, if not civil, at least funny. They're so welcoming in P&R).

And I won't let the door hit me in the ass. ;)

Real men want the opinion of women and respect it. They may not always agree and are not afraid to to say such. They still want to hear it though. Please keep posting, if nothing more that to make the real men happy and just think you get to piss off the he-man woman haters club as an added bonus.

about the lady posters are the very ones that a lady made look like an idiot on more than one occasion. I don't think estrogen is the issue...it's too many p*ssies getting it confused! If you talk out of your ass with no facts to back it up,someone be it man or woman is going to call you out. Solution? STFU about things you don't have a clue of lol.

It was so bad the other night, one guy basically cried like a baby to Admin. because I linked his own words right here after he claimed he never said them...I was not alone either. Talk about a BABY! Who wants to fk that or even get paid to? I don't think women are the problem...I think it's the women who don't need a dime that bad to let some idiot who can't even keep his own posts straight walk all over them. Insecure guys hate that lol!

There is a reason a "few" of us have the time to play on here...we don't work every day or even every week. I know one who has 2 SDs who pretty much take care of her and she might only take 3 calls a month...makes sense to me.

-- Modified on 5/19/2012 4:13:43 AM

-- Modified on 5/19/2012 5:10:18 AM

good job fellas..that about sums it up..you will always get what you asked for..a gigantic sausage fest full of losers and whiners..

Big-Bad-John240 reads

Because you are new, you really missed the finer points and some of the underlying messages.  
No one said they wanted the board to be a sausage fest. It has more to do with the sad topics and some of the "hobbyists" gracing everyone with effeminate kiss ass posts.

You will also learn that the GD board is not a good board for marketing. It never has been and never will be.

Just skip over these type of posts if they make you speechless or join in and have a little fun. Whining about them only makes you feel good and none of the little guys who post under you are going to book you anyhow.

No one can tell me that this thread was not entertaining. You should also note there was plenty of humor in it, something else we have been lacking a lot of recently.

This place can't go a day without a riot, but it blows over quickly enough and then there is some calm and good times.

are you insuinating that posting and being yourself, is hurting any ones business? I know i am booked into june 15th as of now, and all for spa retreats , two to three hours dates. some for 4, a few for one tossed in. ..........I actually have met with one lkast week who had been following my posts for months now, and he said he loved them. . Had some one else book a three hour today who also think I am funny. for me posting is helping my business. Or maybe scaring away the ones i dont want anyways . It def tells what i am like, so , Coincidentally all my clients i have really really loked since being on here. Had one bad experience with a guy gettn hour nfor half hour rate , insisted on holdin off with the donation, knowing  I d be upset probly, . was probly why bhe was so resistent to giving it to me before like most do with out a problem. He was alos well seemed loaded so go figure, and the hour was NOT easy , at all. wow, that was one incident that stands out that was rough, or mean spirited, or whatever. Besides him every ones been nice to me, and I am gettn alot inquiries.

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