TER General Board

Yes, you were wrong.
Archi25 1 Reviews 3846 reads
1 / 89


I recently set up an appointment with a provider from this site.  This was going to be my first hobby experience.  Things were going well as I called an hour before my appointment and walked a few blocks to her apt.  As I got closer I noticed that there was an elementary school a block away,(309 ft, I googled).  Knowing the potential risks, I kind of freaked out and canceled the appointment.  I was really looking forward to meeting this woman and I am wondering if I was wrong to cancel the appointment given its location.  Any responses would be appreciated.

lungman 10 Reviews 598 reads
2 / 89
inicky46 61 Reviews 804 reads
3 / 89

Unless she attends the elementary school there's no reason why you should have been concerned.  A block away is plenty far enough.  I'm afraid your newness got the better of you.  This really should have been posted on the Newbie Board, as you would have gotten a much kinder response from most of us there.  Here, I'm afraid, you may just have thrown yourself to the wolves.

SinfullySpicy 776 reads
4 / 89

Posted By: inicky46
Unless she attends the elementary school there's no reason why you should have been concerned.
LOL!! Funny but true.

Claudius42310 13 Reviews 679 reads
5 / 89

I am curious what you thought the potential risks were?

prepkid 1 Reviews 544 reads
6 / 89

Why is elementary school a danger sign?

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 547 reads
7 / 89

....... a schoool REALLY? I take it you were going to her personal residence.  If so um yeah chance she might live near a school....but ....she's an adult..... right?

aragorn69 53 Reviews 584 reads
8 / 89

If she lived a block away from the water treatment plant I might reconsider.

You owe her an apology too.

Dr Who revived 595 reads
9 / 89

As each jurisdiction has laws that would make prostitution (if caught) changed from a misdemeanor into a felony.  You could have looked at your local laws and tried to determine the distance (and you did post the distance) needed to avoid an upgrade in charges (if caught).

prepkid 1 Reviews 488 reads
10 / 89

Live a little man. He ain't screwing around with 11 year olds.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
As each jurisdiction has laws that would make prostitution (if caught) changed from a misdemeanor into a felony.  You could have looked at your local laws and tried to determine the distance (and you did post the distance) needed to avoid an upgrade in charges (if caught).

Dr Who revived 491 reads
11 / 89

They didn't teach you this at Deerfield, or Exeter, or Philips?

But since you would rather just be ignorant...and it's not a stretch for you whatsoever, maybe one day you can read (it's something that educated people like to do...they learn that way) these laws as a judge is telling you all about them.

And you can tell Mr. Judge...hey, are you paranoid, man?

nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 478 reads
12 / 89

He didn't say that... he was talking about the laws that are different in each city pertaining to committing a crime within a school district. For instance, EVERY city has one pertaining to drugs... if you are selling drugs from your home/hotel/car/etc, within so many feet of a school, it automatically turns it into a felony, no matter the amount. So, some jurisdictions may have the same laws for prostitution.... but if she was well-reviewed & known, the chances of him showing up & LE being there are low.

Posted By: prepkid
Live a little man. He ain't screwing around with 11 year olds.
Posted By: ChgoCPA
As each jurisdiction has laws that would make prostitution (if caught) changed from a misdemeanor into a felony.  You could have looked at your local laws and tried to determine the distance (and you did post the distance) needed to avoid an upgrade in charges (if caught).

Archi25 1 Reviews 462 reads
13 / 89

In my state, it changes from a misdemeanor to a felony if there is a school within 1000 ft.

Posted By: Claudius42310
I am curious what you thought the potential risks were?

Archi25 1 Reviews 530 reads
14 / 89

I did look,  it changes from a misdemeanor to a felony at 1000 ft or less.

Dr Who revived 537 reads
15 / 89

He want's to live in Oz...

Or is it he want's to end up in Oz?

prepkid 1 Reviews 567 reads
16 / 89

If you ask nice though, I might think about it.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
He want's to live in Oz...

Or is it he want's to end up in Oz?

Dr Who revived 471 reads
17 / 89

You really should consider taking an elementary level reading comprehension class.

It would really help if you want to tell stories.  And jokes.

You're not doing all that well in either department!

prepkid 1 Reviews 527 reads
18 / 89

because I do not feel the urge to tell stories and jokes all day like you. Go make friends in your own elementary school classroom. As long as you are not shy and don't touch them, you will make friends.

And please for the love of God stop trying to convince me to join you in the elementary school. I know I am the only one talking to you, but you must learn to move forward in society.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
You really should consider taking an elementary level reading comprehension class.

It would really help if you want to tell stories.  And jokes.

You're not doing all that well in either department!

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 542 reads
20 / 89

No, you're not wrong as long as you called and told her why. She should have better sense.

Posted By: Archi25

I recently set up an appointment with a provider from this site.  This was going to be my first hobby experience.  Things were going well as I called an hour before my appointment and walked a few blocks to her apt.  As I got closer I noticed that there was an elementary school a block away,(309 ft, I googled).  Knowing the potential risks, I kind of freaked out and canceled the appointment.  I was really looking forward to meeting this woman and I am wondering if I was wrong to cancel the appointment given its location.  Any responses would be appreciated.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 751 reads
21 / 89

doing it in a hotel in most states. You are most often forced to register as a sex offender..and there are TWO charges, one is a felony last I heard. This is all pointless of course unless you get "caught" but I have a feeling that's where the fear came in. I had the same thing happen once where a guy wanted to fk in the parking lot of a school...yea right ha ha. He was not a paying client either.

It is no different than being caught with drugs in a school zone vs. elsewhere..penalty carries more weight in a school zone. Look it up.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 5:49:14 PM

Trekyfan 476 reads
22 / 89
inicky46 61 Reviews 646 reads
23 / 89

He said it was a block away, so I doubt it's a school zone.  It sure as hell ain't in NYC.  And he's going to an incall, not soliciting in the street.  I'm assuming he did his homework on the girl, but since he's a newbie, I could be wrong about that.  But, really, this was the over-reaction of a first-timer.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 536 reads
24 / 89

Subdivision 1. Definitions. As used in this section:

(1) "park zone" has the meaning given in section 152.01, subdivision 12a; and

(2) "school zone" has the meaning given in section 152.01, subdivision 14a, and also includes school bus stops established by a school board under section 123B.88, while school children are waiting for the bus.

Subd. 2. Increased penalties. Any person who commits a violation of section 609.324 while acting other than as a prostitute while in a school or park zone may be sentenced as follows:

(1) if the crime committed is a felony, the statutory maximum for the crime is three years longer than the statutory maximum for the underlying crime;

(2) if the crime committed is a gross misdemeanor, the person is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000, or both; and

(3) if the crime committed is a misdemeanor, the person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
A person who loiters in a public place with intent to participate in prostitution is guilty of a misdemeanor.

609.325: DEFENSES
Subdivision 1. No defense; solicited; not engaged. It shall be no defense to a prosecution under section 609.322 that an individual solicited or induced to practice prostitution or whose prostitution was promoted, did not actually engage in prostitution.

Subd. 2. Consent no defense. Consent or mistake as to age shall be no defense to prosecutions under section 609.322 or 609.324.

Subd. 3. No defense; prior prostitution. It shall be no defense to actions under section 609.322 that the individual solicited or induced to practice prostitution, or whose prostitution was promoted, had engaged in prostitution prior to that solicitation, inducement, or promotion.

Subd. 4. Affirmative defense. It is an affirmative defense to a charge under section 609.324 if the defendant proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant is a labor trafficking victim, as defined in section 609.281, or a sex trafficking victim, as defined in section 609.321, and that the defendant committed the act only under compulsion by another who by explicit or implicit threats created a reasonable apprehension in the mind of the defendant that if the defendant did not commit the act, the person would inflict bodily harm upon the defendant.

609.326: EVIDENCE
The marital privilege provided for in section 595.02 shall not apply in any proceeding under section 609.322.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 6:01:06 PM

Dr Who revived 544 reads
25 / 89

And he was planning on seeing the "virgin" Connie Swail?

But then how did she have TER reviews...phony ones I guess :D

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 541 reads
26 / 89

just how cautious they should be. I have heard of guys cancelling for a stomach ache, so not wanting a felony is not so odd here. We don't know just how he screened this girl if at all, so maybe that is why he freaked out. This is not the first time I have heard of women working out of a home in a school zone either. That broad in Arkansas certainly learned her lesson.

lungman 10 Reviews 474 reads
27 / 89

Well, can't argue with that. Guess i can't blame the guy for possibly not wanting his life ruined.
I would of done the appointment, but am a risk taker. ( ya win some, ya lose some )

inicky46 61 Reviews 403 reads
28 / 89

You don't know she was providing within a school zone.  What the OP said was, it was a block away.  Since none of us know what the regs are re school zones in his town -- because we don't know where he lives, all we can do is guess.  Also, the time of day is key, because school zones are only in effect when school is in session.  So if it was after around 3 p.m. the additional legal consequnces do not apply.

inicky46 61 Reviews 567 reads
29 / 89

If it's a municipality, you don't know if these are the rules that apply in the OP's case.  And, as I said below, the rules only apply during school hours so if he was there after three it's all out the window.

Dr Who revived 467 reads
30 / 89

But considering the number of mongers/hookers who weren't aware that there are different rules, than this topic was a really good one to have debated.

Might make one think about where they are in relation to schools and times of day on their next encounter.

And one might get really nervous if Harry Morgan shows up as well (is he still alive?).

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 526 reads
31 / 89

a school zone, the fines are still double and the penalty is harsher.  It makes no difference in some states whether school is in session or not...again, look it up for yourself. This has been in effect since I was in high school and that was over 12 years ago! Bottom line, each state carries different penalties and he obviously knows his. It's not my business to tell him what to worry about when his life and family are on the line.

I will admit I don't know all the loop holes and gray areas of these laws and what jurisdiction each applies to, but I do know it is stupid to take even more risks than you have to. He did not NCNS the girl...he called. He is well within his rights to cancel for ANY reason, so I don't see why this is such a stretch.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 6:19:10 PM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 507 reads
32 / 89

where you live. And again, you're wrong about the school having to be in session. It is NOT that way in every area. There are after school activities going on that are also considered "in session." Dance, cheerleading, and football practice also constitute "in session" when minors are around.

Right about Nashville ha ha. Plenty of people stopped touring there because of all the bs. It used to be my top money maker.

Normally I think soliciting is a Class B, but in a school zone it is a Class A misdemeanor. If the provider has drugs in her apt. and he did not know...see ya both in a few years.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 6:23:36 PM

ReaganMoore See my TER Reviews 454 reads
33 / 89

To begin with the variables are limitless. You don't know where, when or what time of day. You don't know the local and state ordinances for that location.

In DC there are PFZ s ( Prostitution Free Zones ). These Zones actually are targeted areas that LE chooses and can move around. These zones are usually 1000 x 1000 feet.

In NY prostitution in a "school zone" carries a MUCH higher MANDATORY penalty, however if you look up the actual definition under NY law as to what a "school zone" is you will find out its REAL property and the public property "Immediately Adjacent" to the REAL property.

And if you cant manage to marry your cousin, Tennessee can arrange for you to have a long shower with your Uncle, check this out:

The charge in Tennessee is called patronizing prostitution, it is a class B misdemeanor and can carry with it penalties, fines and jail time. Many people in Nashville who are charged with this crime do not realize that if you are within 100 hundred feet of a church and patronizing prostitution it becomes a class A misdemeanor and can carry with it 11 months and 29 days in jail. I might add that there is another boundary issue to consider in this charge. If you are within 1 and half miles of a school, it then becomes a class A misdemeanor and a mandatory 7 days in jail and a 1 thousand dollar fine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1508483

Finally, while I think the OP should have called and said hey this is just not comfortable for me, lets meet somewhere else. The provider is without a doubt working in an area that people should at least think about.

Just my $ .02  

inicky46 61 Reviews 391 reads
34 / 89

Rules are specific to each area and they vary, as thought I'd made clear.  So I'm left to repeating myself: neither of us knows where the OP was, so we don't know what the prevailing law is there either.  This whole thing is pretty pointless, therefore.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 490 reads
35 / 89

go through with an appt.? You don't. Now, if he makes a habit of doing this I am sure word will get around, but I have had guys cancel with nothing other than an "I'm sick." He can cancel if the TV is too loud when he knocks on the door....he owes her nothing but a reasonable explanation, and some don't even offer that. I guess I am not as big of a bitch as I thought, because this would not bother me. I would have better sense than to work near a damn school or out of my own home to begin with. I would understand his concerns.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 6:35:23 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 491 reads
36 / 89

As usual, your brain seems to be working just fine!  And, given the number of churches in Nashville, I guess no one should hobby there any more.  I wouldn't be surpised if there were such rules in lots of places.  If we worried about them all, this business would be over.  The key is, do your homework, go with a safe, known quantity and you won't get burned.  The OP chose a TER girl and, while that's not proof-positive she's OK, at least we know he did do some homework.  Enough?  Who knows?

Muttontownmutt 421 reads
37 / 89

So yes, in NYC, it carries much harsher penalties and while I don't remember the exact distance, you better be much farther than just a few blocks away or, if they decide to be dicks and really toss the book at you, you can say hello to now becoming a registered sex offender and having to notify your locale of your status which your neighbors, friends, family and all can see if they bring up your address or name on the net. Id have to say it is a big deal and not worth the chance.

Posted By: London Rayne
doing it in a hotel in most states. You are most often forced to register as a sex offender..and there are TWO charges, one is a felony last I heard. This is all pointless of course unless you get "caught" but I have a feeling that's where the fear came in. I had the same thing happen once where a guy wanted to fk in the parking lot of a school...yea right ha ha. He was not a paying client either.

It is no different than being caught with drugs in a school zone vs. elsewhere..penalty carries more weight in a school zone. Look it up.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 5:49:14 PM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 448 reads
38 / 89
inicky46 61 Reviews 482 reads
39 / 89

Second, you didn't respond to my other statement about school zones being in legal effect only at certain times of day.
But here's something from Maryland that refers to general rules:
What is a “School Zone?”

"School zones do not automatically exist around schools nor are they created simply by the installation of School Advance or School Crosswalk Warning signs. School zones must be established by definitive, official action by the authority having jurisdiction over the highway and designated by the appropriate signs. A clear definition of “school zone” must be established be each jurisdiction."

In other words, each municipality sets its own rules.  So you have no idea, based on the information the OP provided, whether he was in any additional legal jeopardy or not.  You experience when you were in High School is relevent to your municipality only.
And here's some Florida language, which is differnt from the Maryland language.  Bottom line, you don't know, I don't know, only the OP can know.

"810.0975 School safety zones; definition; trespass prohibited; penalty.—
(1) For the purposes of this section, the term “school safety zone” means in, on, or within 500 feet of any real property owned by or leased to any public or private elementary, middle, or high school or school board and used for elementary, middle, or high school education.

(2)(a) Each principal or designee of each public or private school in this state shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency to prohibit any person from loitering in the school safety zone who does not have legitimate business in the school safety zone or any other authorization, or license to enter or remain in the school safety zone or does not otherwise have invitee status in the designated safety zone.

(b) During the period from 1 hour prior to the start of a school session until 1 hour after the conclusion of a school session, it is unlawful for any person to enter the premises or trespass within a school safety zone or to remain on such premises or within such school safety zone when that person does not have legitimate business in the school safety zone or any other authorization, license, or invitation to enter or remain in the school safety zone. Any person who violates this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083."
Note that in Fla., it's 500' but in some areas it's as much as 1,000'.  Who knows what it was in the OP's locale.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 517 reads
40 / 89

you are suggesting is not accurate! If there are after school activities taking place, the same rules APPLY! You can't smoke pot or solicit a hooker in a school zone while cheerleading practice is going on.You can't get your d*ck sucked in your car in the parking lot whilst a football game is going on either...I can tell ya first hand about that lol. You are saying the harsher penalties ONLY apply before 3 p.m. and I am calling bs. You did not say in "some" areas, but that it applied in all and as we both agreed it does not.

My point is, he thought it was a school zone that would put him in more trouble, so he freaked. He is well within his rights. What if I told you that you had to see a girl at the Motel 6? Would you not think that's a bit much since you are the one paying? YOU decide what is comfortable for you..not the provider!

If you show up to her neighborhood or hotel and don't feel it is safe, you can very well call and cancel or ask her to meet you elsewhere. It is still your right as a client to cancel if you feel uncomfortable...that is all I am saying.

-- Modified on 6/13/2012 7:57:30 PM

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 437 reads
41 / 89

she sells pussy..not drugs..

Posted By: Archi25

I recently set up an appointment with a provider from this site.  This was going to be my first hobby experience.  Things were going well as I called an hour before my appointment and walked a few blocks to her apt.  As I got closer I noticed that there was an elementary school a block away,(309 ft, I googled).  Knowing the potential risks, I kind of freaked out and canceled the appointment.  I was really looking forward to meeting this woman and I am wondering if I was wrong to cancel the appointment given its location.  Any responses would be appreciated.

Muttontownmutt 430 reads
42 / 89

It could be 2am, and because it is within the legal school zone, you can still be charged. Zonings don't change just because the clocks do. There is no loophole to this law, its very straight forward. In NY it is considered a class E Felony, and if your promoting, its a class C felony. Its under the morals law and was modeled after the drug free zones.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 587 reads
43 / 89

is this a fuck board? or a zoning commission..

Muttontownmutt 463 reads
44 / 89
marikod 1 Reviews 428 reads
45 / 89

or the code for whatever state he was in to see how prostitution near schools is treated, and had the ability to measure the distance to the school or otherwise mark the "school zone," he made a savvy decision to get the hell out of there.

       Some of these state statues do not use "school zone" but base the violation on distance - a mile from the school is common and he was clearly that close. Tenn has increased penalties for prostitution a mile and a half near schools. The "during school hours" limitation is in the New York statute but is not in many others.

        Aside from that, any gal foolish enough to do incall near a school has got to worry about being accused of violating child sex laws (check out the difference between "pandering" and prostitution in California) and the increased scrutiny that comes with that.

     In short when you see the school is near the incall, you don't wonder "is there exception that will protect me" , you get the hell out of there.

clang22 18 Reviews 500 reads
46 / 89
Muttontownmutt 449 reads
47 / 89

300 yds= 3000 ft
There are 5280 feet in a mile. While they might not push that whole 300 yards thing, if you were down the street, I would imagine it might cause more issues that anyone would want.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 408 reads
48 / 89

Posted By: marikod
or the code for whatever state he was in to see how prostitution near schools is treated, and had the ability to measure the distance to the school or otherwise mark the "school zone," he made a savvy decision to get the hell out of there.

       Some of these state statues do not use "school zone" but base the violation on distance - a mile from the school is common and he was clearly that close. Tenn has increased penalties for prostitution a mile and a half near schools. The "during school hours" limitation is in the New York statute but is not in many others.

        Aside from that, any gal foolish enough to do incall near a school has got to worry about being accused of violating child sex laws (check out the difference between "pandering" and prostitution in California) and the increased scrutiny that comes with that.

     In short when you see the school is near the incall, you don't wonder "is there exception that will protect me" , you get the hell out of there.

InspectorMorse 206 Reviews 400 reads
49 / 89

If such activity is illegal in a school zone, it is only fair that the school zone be clearly delineated with appropriate signage.  Where the school zone begins, where it ends, and what specific activity is prohibited needs to be posted.

inicky46 61 Reviews 513 reads
50 / 89

And what time of day was it?  If you're going to come to the board with a question, it's really better to bring all the relevent info up front.

swnyc 34 Reviews 466 reads
51 / 89

I have to say, this would have made me very nervous too.  I don't know that I would have cancelled, but unless you have the legal statutes sitting with you everyone is pretty familiar with the fact the rules are much different near a school.

So maybe the provider needs to be the one who things about things.  According to the poster, she was well within almost any definition of a school zone.  So she is basically significantly increasing the risks to both her and her clients.  Not really a good decision on her part, and while many would venture there if she is well reviewed these are the things that need to be considered when selecting an incall location and you can't blame the OP for being careful any more than you can blame a provider for having strict screening requirements.

inicky46 61 Reviews 507 reads
52 / 89

No, not everywhere.  All you need to do is google it to easily find that out.

Archi25 1 Reviews 504 reads
54 / 89

To all,

Thank you so much for all of the responses.    Just to answer a few questions.  I live in Chicago.  As I understand, the rule on getting arrested soliciting a prostitute is within 1000ft of a school zone regardless of time of day.  Saying that, it was 3:00 pm.   As has been stated, it takes the charge from a misdemeanor to a felony which would be devastating for me both personally and professionally.  I used my phone to measure the distance, hence the 309 ft, well within 1000ft.  You could see the school from outside her apartment.  Also, I did do my homework as best as i know how given this was my first time doing this.  I already had a bit on nervousness because she had not been reviewed in a few months.  Prior to that, she had them fairly regularly.  I had read a story where a provider was arrested in Chicago and then used to bait hobbyists.  I know that I was most likely being paranoid but better safe than sorry.  Now I am just disappointed, i had been looking forward to seeing her for a week or so.  Maybe I do not have the stomach for this type of risk taking.  Special thanks to London Rayne and Reagan Moore.   Glad that the situation sparked such an interesting stream of responses.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 442 reads
55 / 89
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 410 reads
56 / 89

if your freaked out then um, your not gonna have fun................so um i dont know, you woulda felt freaked and it was irkin your inner voice , you do know there are spedcific escorts i seen they write ,,,,,,,,,,,,,beginner friendly n they actually soecialize in makn you feel at bease and they are experienced, ................i have no clue but bein new why dont you find one a these ones? they must know how to help. it doesnt matter what the reason if your sixth sense is actn up listen, we smother our sixth sense when it heads a warning all too much ,m its an animal instinct and if somethin dont feel right, I say listen to the gut,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you could have called and explained how scared you were and maybe she coulda WALKED OUTSIDE N MET UP W YA, IF SHES GOT REVIEWS,  then the idea of getting pinched shouldnt be in your head , right? unoess, there are le that leak in and have web sites and are well reviewed, ? I have no idea  i assume reviewed providers aRENT LE , . MAYBE YOU SHOULD WAIT SOUND LIKE YOUR TOO NERBOUS AND WHAT THEY CALL "YOUR buggin man!"            HAHAHA. MAYBE WAIT WHILE LONGER , NO FUN WHEH YOUR ABOUT TO CRAP YTA PANTS N GOOGLIN MAPS N WHAT NOT BEFORE U VEN GOT THERE, I D SAY JUST HOLD OFF ALTOGETHER SOUND LIKE U R MAJORLY ANALYZING IT N ARENT GONNA ENJOY IT IN THAT MIND SET,

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 507 reads
58 / 89

street, bang someone in public as long as it's on Bourbon and the cops on duty that night are too high to notice, but you can't see a hooker or fk your wife in the ass without the riot act. Gotta love us "Swamp People."

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 480 reads
59 / 89

you sure..most of the people who write these laws and ordinances are as AMORAL as they come..

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 519 reads
60 / 89

Dear Ms. Rayne:
I was wondering if I could call your producers and ask them could this be one of the topics on your talk show later on this month.  Perhaps you can get a couple of state legislators,Assistant District Attorneys and City Councilman on your show to elaborate on these items of interest. After all on the internet board's your voice Reign supreme and afterwards I was wondering if I could get a little extra help and some private lessons. That should be okay considering that you don't live in a school zone.

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 484 reads
61 / 89

Definitely. What time will you be in the studio tomorrow? Also what is your Producers name?

octovert 399 reads
62 / 89

Your yard stick is ten feet long? All of mine are three feet long, so for me, 300 yds = 900 ft.

Posted By: Muttontownmutt
300 yds= 3000 ft
There are 5280 feet in a mile. While they might not push that whole 300 yards thing, if you were down the street, I would imagine it might cause more issues that anyone would want.

AnotherPerspective 533 reads
63 / 89

It's my  prerogative to cease  illegal  activities within 7921 feet, or within sight  of  schools.
Even in a large city , at 309 feet , no way would I visit her incall  .  I would have cancelled the appointment .


Posted By: Archi25

I recently set up an appointment with a provider from this site.  This was going to be my first hobby experience.  Things were going well as I called an hour before my appointment and walked a few blocks to her apt.  As I got closer I noticed that there was an elementary school a block away,(309 ft, I googled).  Knowing the potential risks, I kind of freaked out and canceled the appointment.  I was really looking forward to meeting this woman and I am wondering if I was wrong to cancel the appointment given its location.  Any responses would be appreciated.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 482 reads
64 / 89

Looks like i been missing out on all the good stuff lol


inicky46 61 Reviews 442 reads
65 / 89

if you'd provided all this info at the beginning, thus avoiding a totally unecessary train wreck.  You should stick to the newbie board until you figure this place out.  Thank you.

Posted By: Archi25
To all,

Thank you so much for all of the responses.    Just to answer a few questions.  I live in Chicago.  As I understand, the rule on getting arrested soliciting a prostitute is within 1000ft of a school zone regardless of time of day.  Saying that, it was 3:00 pm.   As has been stated, it takes the charge from a misdemeanor to a felony which would be devastating for me both personally and professionally.  I used my phone to measure the distance, hence the 309 ft, well within 1000ft.  You could see the school from outside her apartment.  Also, I did do my homework as best as i know how given this was my first time doing this.  I already had a bit on nervousness because she had not been reviewed in a few months.  Prior to that, she had them fairly regularly.  I had read a story where a provider was arrested in Chicago and then used to bait hobbyists.  I know that I was most likely being paranoid but better safe than sorry.  Now I am just disappointed, i had been looking forward to seeing her for a week or so.  Maybe I do not have the stomach for this type of risk taking.  Special thanks to London Rayne and Reagan Moore.   Glad that the situation sparked such an interesting stream of responses.

inicky46 61 Reviews 511 reads
66 / 89
Muttontownmutt 421 reads
68 / 89

Was on the phone and my mind was in both places, but not very well. Regardless, its a big no no.

Posted By: octovert
Your yard stick is ten feet long? All of mine are three feet long, so for me, 300 yds = 900 ft.
Posted By: Muttontownmutt
300 yds= 3000 ft
There are 5280 feet in a mile. While they might not push that whole 300 yards thing, if you were down the street, I would imagine it might cause more issues that anyone would want.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 610 reads
69 / 89

If you don’t have the stomach for the hobby don’t waste others precious time.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 501 reads
71 / 89

No one is talking about Civil Rights or Constitutional rights. When one fails in a debate, they end up citing Personal Rights or say “it is free country”.


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 438 reads
72 / 89

Should be more focused on educating the children in school rather WTF is going on in the periphery. These high school girls are keeping score as to who can give more BJ’s. Ask your son who is junior or up. Thou shall be surprised.

By all means get them some condemn and talk about safe sex. Teens + Hormones = Sexual Activity.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 518 reads
73 / 89

It is friends with benefits, is it not?

McDonald000 90 Reviews 518 reads
75 / 89

I'll try to summarize the lyrics of the song as it relates to your theme. You need to represent your click (which translates to hobbyist in this hobby), and stop acting like a bitch, you scared.

prepkid 1 Reviews 563 reads
76 / 89

Glad u missed it. LOL

Posted By: dddbabe
Looks like i been missing out on all the good stuff lol


serpius 537 reads
77 / 89

Hey Newbie,

You may have not been wrong to get freaked out.

Promoting prostitution in or near a school zone can cause many legal issues and those usually fall into the felony status.

You be wise to check up on your community legal standards as far as crimes being comitted in or near school zones.

Don't worry about what others have said that you may be wrong. It's NOT their neck that is on the line.

Take it as a lesson and move on.

Good luck on your first adventure whenever that may be.


ddp71 21 Reviews 472 reads
78 / 89

I know for a fact it's 1000 feet in Hillsborough County and it does not matter if school is in session or what time of the day it is to be charged with the increased penalties. Only the loitering statute applies to school being currently in session.

-- Modified on 6/14/2012 9:52:50 AM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 399 reads
79 / 89

What one person deems uncomfortable is NOT up for debate..it's moot to suggest another person feel the way you do.  The debate was over zoning areas. From the very beginning the majority said that penalties were harsher in a school zone regardless of the time of day...that has been proven. It's his right as a customer...I could give a flip about Civil RIghts. Tell ya what...next provider you see who makes you meet her in the ghetto, tell me how you feel when the entire board screams at you for having the nerve to cancel.

You're basically saying a client has no right to feel uneasy, change his mind, or bail on a date even if he calls? WOW...thought they were paying us. I would never demand any client meet me if he all of a sudden became unsure, or uncomfortable. He does not "have" to see me, nor anyone else if he feels the incall area is not one he wants to play in. Maybe you go through with an appt. no matter what, where, when, or how, but not all are like you. Since you only have one review, it's a bit hard to tell what the hell you do.

This is not about right or wrong..it's about the guy feeling uneasy, which hello most of the board said they would as well. You're in the minority. You see providers where you want, and let him do the same thing. No one here can tell another person they have to see a provider in an area they deem not appropriate.

-- Modified on 6/14/2012 12:04:22 PM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 479 reads
81 / 89

"You MUST see a provider no matter where her incall is."

Good to know you're willing to meet a provider ANYWHERE, regardless of how shady the area might be. So, I guess if it was a low budget motel, she gets the go ahead from you? Priceless.  What you fail to realize is this is not about YOU...it's about another person having the right to cancel an appt. You're saying he does not, and that's retarded. Any one of us CAN cancel..deal with it.

Had she been at the Omni outside of a school zone, something tells me his stomach would have been fine.

I have had a few newbies cancel due to seeing ONE cop car up the road from my 4 star hotel...I didn't give them the riot act, because I knew if they were already nervous the date was not going to be 100 percent from them. I would prefer to take their money at a later time when THEY were up to the deed.

-- Modified on 6/14/2012 11:44:24 AM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 513 reads
82 / 89

as we do if we feel the location is putting us at more risk. I won't even visit a Holiday Inn much less a damn house or apt. in a school zone. Here, it's a double whammy because not only was she working from her OWN apt. where no telling how many other guys have been, it was also in a school zone. I would have bailed as well, but rescheduled for another location at another time. Some here are making it sound as if he just took off...he SAID HE CALLED!

LoboGris 3 Reviews 517 reads
83 / 89

the short answer is "NO"...

the long answer is I never speed in school zones, I might drive like a bat out of hell anywhere and everywhere, but NEVER in a school zone....

long time ago a friend of mine hit a child in a school zone and killed him... not something I want to live with ever..

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 438 reads
84 / 89

Many states have increased penalties for prostitution,  In Ill simple prostitution can be a felony.  As far as in a school zone or more to the point within 1000ft from a school zone yes penalties are almost always stiffer.

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 430 reads
85 / 89

A block can easily be less the 1000 ft.

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 415 reads
87 / 89

stomach for it.   For example i speed all the time on the tollway.  I never go over more by more than 24mph.  Why? It becomes reckless driving, they can impound car, take my license, and impose heavy fines.   We should all know our local laws.  We should all minimize risk when we can

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 407 reads
88 / 89
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 500 reads
89 / 89

I d honestly say wait, how you gonna have fun when your putsode goodlin maps before headin in? if she is well reviewed and sees 2 or so a week and has another job and screens and sees ,mainly regulars how is any one concerned with a school? unless she is care;less blowin up her spot n a raid is about to ensue i have no clue how sittin outside goodlin maps n bein a bug is good, i d say sit on it, read reviews wait , til you feel more cpmfortable,

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