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Yeah, but...
YouCantSeeMe 2511 reads

You contradicted someone's compliment toward black men. That's why it came across that way

Posted By: superHO
that's from my own personal experience.  
 you don't like it? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THING I FEEL????  

Can some provider really explain in detail why the huge discrimination stereotyping all black clients as some guilty criminal

Blacks are seen as a whole not as an individual. They let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Not to mention size is a factor for some but idk why when the see more than one guy in a day anyway. Personally I think it's silly but different strokes for different folks.

Posted By: PlaymateJayla
Blacks are seen as a whole not as an individual. They let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Not to mention size is a factor for some but idk why when the see more than one guy in a day anyway. Personally I think it's silly but different strokes for different folks.
Size is really a factor? I thought that was just a stereotype.

Not sure but I did view on a forum that some black guys are very rough and cause unwanted swelling making it unpleasant for the next client. Even as not to be directly related to size but just trying to man handle a lady if that helps.

It's a scientific fact black men on a whole are larger than other nationalities.
Not every single man! But statistically- yes.  
And depending on a girls schedule for the day will cause her soreness!
And I speak from experience

cleveland343073 reads

I have seen this alot on girls profiles/sites. Occasionally, rarely, I'll find out willing to see black men. I feel bad for those guys, discrimination blows. Some of the nicest and most professional dudes I've met were black.

I am sure most of us are beyond the point where we see color first and now we see the person and judge him on his characteristics, not his skin color.  And that goes for age and just about everything else.  So the stereotypes have to go!

Posted By: cleveland34
I have seen this alot on girls profiles/sites. Occasionally, rarely, I'll find out willing to see black men. I feel bad for those guys, discrimination blows. Some of the nicest and most professional dudes I've met were black.

Fat hookers, old hookers, tattooed hookers, legless hookers, bald hookers, hookers with 3 boobs don't get seen. Prejudice or a bad experience or personal preference

I've been told by a few girls that the main reason they don't see black clients is that some black guys tend to play games, trying to lower the price after a deal has been agreed to. Girls have also said that black guys sometimes try to hustle or con them, trying to get a hold of a girl to pimp her out. I'm sure most black clients are really cool and don't do this stuff but many girls have had bad encounters with black clients. So they choose not to see them.  


Posted By: cl_reviews
 Can some provider really explain in detail why the huge discrimination stereotyping all black clients as some guilty criminal

I have had this experience! Guy wanted his $ back because he didn't get the services he wanted however after babying the client he calmed down. This one one of my pre-Indi experiences where I did not get to screen the client for myself.

This is the exact explanation I received from my ATF when I asked her why she does not see black men.

The topic has been discussed many times after that thread.  But the one interesting thing about that thread is seeing how many more providers participated in discussions back then as opposed to today.

Panthera123855 reads

So I don't see fat hookers, hookers with big asses or legs, or ugly and old hookers, etc etc etc. Why? Because I don't have to and neither do providers who have their preferences.  

You have been around long enough to know what time it is, but here's an idea. Ask them directly.

That rules me out.  Whew!  One less thing to worry about!

Black men in my experience are usually courteous, smell clean and and have a lower rate of fuck up than any other race I've seen.  If you screen well and your rate is high enough you should be able to avoid most bad apples, no sense giving in to discrimination.

Posted By: cl_reviews
 Can some provider really explain in detail why the huge discrimination stereotyping all black clients as some guilty criminal

It is a double edged sword. You say you don't see black men and you get harassed....you say you do, and you lose a lot of white an asian clientele.  

To answer your question though...because this is a personal business, and the provider decides what she will do. Move on...

Posted By: cl_reviews
 Can some provider really explain in detail why the huge discrimination stereotyping all black clients as some guilty criminal

Back_In_Black2961 reads

Can't shake their asses , like the girls in those videos ? Unreal expectations ! Hell the finally admitted they can't even get their legs up for white guys .

I'll bet she can jiggle like a bowl of jello.

Posted By: Back_In_Black
Can't shake their asses , like the girls in those videos ? Unreal expectations ! Hell the finally admitted they can't even get their legs up for white guys .

Back_In_Black2744 reads

Ironically their average age ! The song is now a cult classic with the village people crowd , do you have a photo and link to their song ?  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I'll bet she can jiggle like a bowl of jello.  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
Can't shake their asses , like the girls in those videos ? Unreal expectations ! Hell the finally admitted they can't even get their legs up for white guys .

For the 100th time--as a hobbyist of color I completely accept the fact that when a woman is making the most personal choice possible (with the possible exception of whether to bear a child) there is no right or wrong criterion.  She can and should be allowed to use any distinction she fancies from age to health to dick size and yes to ethnicity and race.  These women are not denying anyone the right to own a home get health insurance or pursue a career.  They are instead deciding who will and will not enger their bodies. When that is at stake she has 100% unfettered unqualified and unquestionable authority ovef the final decision.  Even if she's making her decisions based on faulty data unjustified stereotypes or just plain bias so what. It's her body. If she doesn't want to see me that's her call and I don't need to se her.

And at the risk of sounding like some Joe Hicks wannabe apologist I think you're making shit up. I have been hobbying for decades and I've been turned down by a provider due to my ethnicity about 6 times.  That's not what I would call a tidal wave.

This phrasing, seen most often in Backpage provider ads, is used by girls under the "management" of a black pimp (who wants to fend off competeing pimps) FAR more often than it is used by girls who genuinely refuse to see ALL black men, with-out reservation.  

The idea of pimps makes most members of this site so uncomfortable that many of you keep bleating "racism" even when presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary!

Many backpage providers use the phrase "No AA men" because it convinces a number of dumb asses, that they are not cops. Afterall, would a cop NOT bust all races?

As long as you respect me, and treat me well, I will see you. I don't believe in discrimination.

Some girls only want to see certain types of clients, I don't do that. I don't think it is fair.

are not always set into stone. It just gets rid of the ones who we don't want to see based on typical behavior of that group. Such as I won't see under 35, however I will if the guy has a good head on his shoulders and doesn't act like a young dumbass.  

I bet quite a few will be happy to see a respectful, clean gentleman no matter what color.  

And if they won't see you? Who cares, find someone who will. Guys pick what they like, as can we.

cashorcredit2509 reads

There are guys who like fat woman.. then you have some guys who discriminate against fat broads and won't see them

Some guys love mature old woman.. then you have some guys who discriminate against old woman and won't see them.

I've even had some guys tell me they won't see woman of a certain ethnicity's.

Welcome to America Jack, there will always be discrimination of some kind.. so stop bitching these woman don't owe you any explanation

Years ago I met a provider from the South who advertised that didn't see black men.  Long story short, I came to learn that her boyfriend or fiance' (can't remember) was black and the one prerequisite he had for her providing was to not see other black men.

Clearly the exception and not the rule but I figured why not throw it out into the discussion...

I have actually seen this many times, and 2 were good provider friends of mine. They both had black boyfriends, and refused to see them in the hobby. I also have a best friend who is black, and will not see black men here or in the real world. How can she be racist against herself, because that is what everyone is basically saying.

-- Modified on 7/24/2013 4:47:17 PM

restaurants and stay in the best hotels...most of our time together is truly companionship...movies...out to eat...cirqu du sol....long walks.....that's my experience so I can only speak for me...whatever works for other women, works for them.

-- Modified on 7/24/2013 2:55:41 PM

Panthera122845 reads

I think you are taking pages from Taylor's fairy tale books. She's going to be pissed off.

I'll have one. Not everyone here submits reviews or problem reports for a membership. Some of us are totally fine with paying TER for our membership, we just prefer to do so anonymously.

As far as trying to convince you or any other person on this board about my finances, I simply don't need to.


3mdssa2886 reads

Nope never. Read away.

Fairy tales do come true.....sometimes.

Truth be told, black guys are larger and tend to take longer getting their rocks off. Thus causing a girl to swell. And this swelling does not go down in a couple of hours! It i's also a fact that black men are larger than other nationalities. Why we are dancing around the truth is beyond me! You all like to google facts... Do a simple search and you will find it to be true. What I have learned very quickly is if you tell a guy to be a lil more gentle with you. He will. Simple as that because he wants you to enjoy him as much as he is enjoying you.

Black men also receive a bad rap for negotiating and violence. But I find this pretty funny considering the worst crimes as of lately have involved an Asian guy in the DC area robbing providers with a hand gun, the red head white guy who works for the federal government robbing- will this stop providers from seeing these nationalities? Of course not- why, because these are the biggest spenders.

Another factor, I have white friends with black boyfriends. And as someone else mentioned have made agreements with their boyfriends not to see black men- it makes them seem more selective to the outside world. Just good marketing- I don't knock it!

Also, there are some guys who are bias/ racist and do not want to see a provider who sees black clients. I know this for a fact because its happened to me! I have no clue what made him think I didn't see chocolate men, but when he found out- he wasn't interested in seeing me. Whatever!
The last time I checked in the mirror I saw a black woman! With that said I have no issues with seeing black men. They understand the stigma associated with their color and tend to be the most respectful I encounter. How could I not enjoy a reflection of myself? Impossible!

And as far as the rap about black clients being bad clients its whatever you attract. I tend to be a good judge, you can tell a lot about a person from their voice, I've had more weird dates with white guys throwing out stereotypes towards me when it didn't fit my personality. Not to mention trying to bargain down my rate. As if I should charge less because I'm black. What? Please!!  
Bad clients come in all colors, the great part is their easy to banish!
Just my 4 cents!

Posted By: cl_reviews
 Can some provider really explain in detail why the huge discrimination stereotyping all black clients as some guilty criminal

I can't speak for all Providers, but I don't care what race you are. The only thing that matters to me is Respect, The Green Stuff (THE CASH)

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