TER General Board

Why is anything he says or does noteworthy?
GaGambler 704 reads

His shtick got old after the first couple of weeks he was here. Personally, I think he should just wipe the slate clean and start all over again with a new alias, this one is damaged beyond repair.

True or not, this source doesn't seem trustworthy. Is this the same "Mail News" that hawked the man-hating masseuse who claimed to have a third boob implanted over her sternum

Clinical Anatomy, 6 Oct  2014.

Anatomy of sex: Revision of the new anatomical terms used for the clitoris and the female orgasm by sexologists. Vincenzo Puppo and Giulia Puppo

NewEnglandGangsta789 reads

Ma dick!  Dey can't gasm wtout madick!

I have to say I normally dismiss your posts, but for some reason this made me actually laugh.  I was expecting you to say money or something with the word 'ho' in it, but what you did say actually was humorous to me .  :-)

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Ma dick!  Dey can't gasm wtout madick!

has reverted to his faux ghetto writing style, abjuring his faux german accent

GaGambler705 reads

His shtick got old after the first couple of weeks he was here. Personally, I think he should just wipe the slate clean and start all over again with a new alias, this one is damaged beyond repair.

NewEnglandGangsta724 reads

Contradictee yourselfee muchee?  Makee up yo mindee yet, Mr. Wu?  :)

GaGambler605 reads

would you like to share the other, not so flattering things I said to you via PM?

and if you really were a "straight shooter" you would have blown away what little brains you have in your head long ago.

All these are research studies for 2 minutes of fame and targets at people addicted nonsense research and can’t say the difference between peer reviewed and verified research versus hyperbola.

it is the clitoris that is responsible for female orgasms, but the article here is misleading in that the article I saw previously showed how the exposed part of the clitoris we see (the little man in a boat) is only the tip of the iceberg.

The rest of the clitoris envelops the vagina so that penile stimulation of the vagina during intercourse does contribute to a greater or lesser extent to female orgasm.

89Springer807 reads

Maybe you should get paid to do this "study"

But anyhoo, I was thinking more along the lines of being the one responsible for stimulating said organ, not the one being stimulated.

If that's a clit it's an absolutely HUGE clit.

If this was true and there was an external clitorial orgasm and an internal clitoral orgasm then why don't we get the same over sensitive feeling after an internal one like the external one.  When my orgasm comes from my clit it is immediately over sensitive and the feeling is very localized.  Totally different experience with the internal ones.

So I can't debate this in detail.  And my post did not say anything about the differences between clitoral and vaginal orgasms.  Only that the structure of the clitoris is more extensive than most people believe and it extends inside the vagina.  That's not really open to debate.  It is what it is.
That said, perhaps it's possible (as in your case) for an orgasm to differ depending on which part of the clitoris is stimulated?  Seems plausible to me.
And, please, continue to enjoy your orgasms no matter from whence they spring! :)

of female orgasm, internal, external, squirting, etc., is idiotic.

I have two totally different kinds of orgasms and only one involves the clit.  When I have an orgasm during intercourse I can feel my muscles contract and my brain overflow with a release of chemicals.  When I have an orgasm from clitorial stimulation, the only thing I feel is a sensitivity of my clit after a large rush of pleasure.  There are very different, but both do exist

zelig576 reads

They seem to have just studied 30 women that weren't selected for their sexual experience or expertise. It seems that they just may not have managed to identify any vaginal orgasms in any of their subjects. This doesn't seem enough to conclude that vaginal orgasms don't exist.

My ATF provider told me that she didn't think that vaginal orgasms existed during her first 10+ years of a very active sex life. But then, a client gave her an instructional video on inducing a vaginal orgasm (by masturbation or with a vibrator). She followed the instructions, and had a vaginal orgasm for the first time.  
So, I suspect that vaginal orgasms are just far less common than clitoral orgasms. And women who have difficulty having an orgasm of any kind are probably well advised to focus on the clit.

As for you, Jessica, I don't think that you are a freak, but it sounds like you are well suited to this profession.

and another study that seems to demonstrate the opposite. By definition, every study is "incomplete". You must look at a range of literature to get a larger, more accurate perspective.  

There is considerable literature on the subject of the anatomy of the clitoris; in a sense this article reiterates what has been known anatomically about the clitoris for well over a decade.  Most of us, mean and women alike, know that the clitoris is more than a simple vaginal "capstone". Most of us know that stimulating the clitoris and its deeper structures near the vaginal opening feels good, and can produce orgasm... much of the time, but not always. If we take a simple anatomical/mechanistic approach, it is precisely this "much of the time" fact that reveals a flaw in the article... there must be additional mechanisms beyond the anatomical at work.  

There are structures in the vagina, other than the deeper clitoral structures, that are involved in sexual arousal and orgasm. The authors of the article mention contractions of the bulbocavernosus muscle at the entrance of the vagina as the contractions of orgasm. True... but incomplete. We also know that deeper vaginal contractions involving other muscles of the pelvic floor can occur during orgasm. Specifically, cervical "dipping" is a purported biological mechanism for ensuring semen enters the uterus for purposes of procreation.  

The article doesn't even scratch the surface of explaining why vaginal lubrication increases when the anterior fornix is stimulated, why baroceptors in the vagina communicate a pleasant feeling of "fullness" when a penis is inserted, why different positions may feel better to one woman than others (given that the penis contacts different vaginal structures in different sexual positions), why the vagina elongates when stimulated and tents at peak arousal, and so on...

So... don't hang your hat on a single article. The body is a complex system consisting of much, much more than structures. It is waaayyy more complex and fascinating than that.

time to write the article!!!  lol

Seriously... I love the mystery

I can see the headline now:

"Couple proves vagina is connected to brain... scientists reeling."

he labeled the clitoral orgasm "immature"!



Do we all sneeze through our nose, or can some of you sneeze through your mouth? Ears? I can't. Not that I've tried very hard. I sometimes think I'm close to ejaculation when listening to Regina Carter when driving down 405. Maybe if I cruised all the Long Beach...well, you know.

As far as these studies go, I'm still getting over the one that came out last year "proving" that soap doesn't work. wtf???!!!

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