TER General Board

What are the odds of that happening? . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads

Why wouldn't the "someone you trust" write a review if she was any good?  Then she would have a current review.  Problem solved.  Are you sure this is a merry-go-round you would want to ride?  Lol

Setting a time limit is the best option and you have done that, too.

I am curious how recent a providers reviews have to be for you to consider booking a date, or does in not matter if it’s been years?

Smile for me! Xoxo Make it a great day my TER friends!

My short answer: no. I don't hobby much anymore but when I do I usually PM fellow hobbyists and get their feedback. I also keep my circle of women I see small so I know what to expect.

Stay Safe

You might keep your circle of Escorts small, But How many men (Hobbyists) have they fucked with out a Condoms?! And are you sure the Escorts that you are fucking have a disease?

John_Laroche21 reads

Hard to tell if this is drunk posing or a complete lack of comprehension of the topic. Both?

I'm not overly concerned with it being very recent. But I usually prefer within a year or two. There was a provider recently who popped up who's last review was about 8 years ago. That's a red flag for me. My concern when it's that long ago is that it might not actually be her. Her account might be hacked or someone might be using her name and photos. If somehow I can confirm it really is her, and her old reviews are good ones, then it might still be fine. But I'm not reaching out to her to even start this process because of the red flag. Living in a big city like LA there are just too many options to invest my time in red flag situations. Perhaps if I was in a location with less options and she peaked my interest I would be more open trying to see if it is really her. To be honest, when she starts getting new reviews after so long, I would scrutinize those just like a new profile. I would check to see if the reviews and reviewers seem legit. It's unfortunate, but there are too many scammers out there and I have been had in the past. Going from being ready to have a great time with a beautiful lady to being scammed is an awful feeling.

frequency of her existing reviews.  If she regularly has a couple of reviews a month, a layoff of more than three months would be suspect.  If she has SOME months with no reviews previously, then more than six months would be a red flag for me.  I've witnessed provider-burnout, and when it arrives, it's not pretty.  One of the first symptoms of an approaching burnout is a reluctance to work regularly when there is no reason (illness, family emergency, etc.) not to.  Three or six months, as the case may be, allows for the possibility of an extended vacation where she can come back enthusiastic and refreshed.

Yes but many providers like myself don’t see too many people either and the possibility of a review is very low. Many that I see don’t want to make a profile to even right reviews because they are scared someone might find it. Then there is proof that they cheated . Keep that in mind.

It had been almost 3 years before that. Why? A lot of TER members that aren't board guys and actually didn't want to review because of the anti-review culture.  

Not saying it's good or bad. It is what it is and doesn't mean anything has changed with me.  

Steph XO

RespectfulRobert29 reads

...someone I trust has seen her in the meantime and can attest that her pics and skill set match the older reviews. Without that, I would probably not book a girl with her most recent review being years old. I would prefer a couple from 3-6 months ago.

Why wouldn't the "someone you trust" write a review if she was any good?  Then she would have a current review.  Problem solved.  Are you sure this is a merry-go-round you would want to ride?  Lol

Setting a time limit is the best option and you have done that, too.

Sometimes there’s a provider who got a great review from a reviewer I trust 24-36 months ago. Since then no reviews, or only from new, unknown to me, or suspect reviewers. I PM the guy who reviewed her two years ago to ask if he’s seen her since then and, if so, is her attitude and service still as good? A lot of people don’t review the same provider twice, even if they have repeat visits.  

If the guy who wrote the two year old review says yeah I just saw her again a few months ago and she’s still great, then you’re good to go.  

But honestly, if the previous reviews/reputation were strong enough and if there’s been consistency in name, contact info, and advertising; a two year gap in reviews isn’t always a deal breaker. I figure she has a significant base of regulars, along with word of mouth and she doesn’t need more reviews. Which is a good sign. Not in every case, at the end of the day you go with your gut.

Steve_Trevor35 reads

but I’ll make exceptions, such as a referral from a provider I trust or if I already know the provider well and there’s a good reason why there’s no recent reviews, or even no profile at all now.

When I had my second child I retired lol & returned as many providers do in this industry. Life happens. Smile for me! Happy Thursday TER friends!

brownjack30 reads

Mostly because I've found in my area, if they haven't been reviewed in over a year it's because they have a no review policy (which I don't support).  Or, there's a good chance that they're not available anymore.  Or, their services could be very different today than a year ago.

But, as you point out, there could valid reasons for a gap.

I’ll try to schedule a repeat session with a provider I’ve seen who hasn’t been reviewed in six months.  However, no reason to waste time trying to pursue a provider with reviews more than three months old who is probably taking a break or retired. Normally I see providers who have been reviewed in the last few weeks. Especially with kgirls in LA, the new hotties usually get a ton of reviews in the first weeks! Sometimes if they are only staying for a short duration, if you don’t check those early reviews, their schedule gets filled up!

Since coming out of the Covid era 5 years ago, the reviews had really tapered off until this last year.   This may explain some of the void in the reviews for a few years.  Upon selecting a lady and finding the newest review is more than 2 years old, I tend to wonder if she retired, moved on or is laying low,  and sadly I know a couple of them have passed away.  Personally I like seeing a few new reviews as well as a mix of others going back a few years also.   This tells me she is dependable and a professional provider you can probably trust... health wise and security wise too.  There have been a few review that were obviously not written by a man because of the eloquent style and choice of verbiage... something a monger just would not do.  Some ladies are wordsmiths for sure.  I suspect that the lady wrote them herself or several of her friends did reviews on each other under a false account pretending to be a guy.  The similar language used with many 10 ratings stick out like a red flag.   When visiting said women, handing over the donation and discovering they aren't anything like their glowing reviews, it makes me sick that I've been scammed and cheated a couple of times.  Say goodbye to that money.   So the big message is buyer beware and do the homework before laying down the hard earned money... as well as contacting guys privately to get the real stories about their reviews.  Like an Amazon product with 50 -100 reviews and ratings, you can usually toss out the top 10 and bottom 10 and what's left in the middle is probably what you can really expect.  I suspect I'm not the only guy who has experienced this.

five years ago when reviews started to taper off.  Covid hadn't even begun yet.  It was the passage of FOSTA/SESTA in the Spring of 2018.  TER went dark in the US then for about 20 months until December of 2019, so reviews of US providers for sessions that took place in the US were not being accepted by TER during that time.  (There are still many former members who have not yet discovered TER is back open for business as evidenced by the fact that old members are showing up here regularly for the first time since 2018).  As TER has been steadily rebuilding their membership, the combination of many providers not working or retiring completely during Covid in 2020/21, lingering concerns from SOME members about writing reviews post-FOSTA/SESTA, and the substantial number of providers that have adopted a "no-review" policy (which makes them ineligible for listing on TER) have all contributed to a decline in reviews.  

AllTheTimeBaby30 reads

Yes! Not interested in last review from 2016. Where has she been since then, and doing what with whom?

A lot can change in a few years. Has she gained 60 pounds? You get it!

DixonSteele31 reads

I saw this absolutely gorgeous woman on tryst.  She shows up and she’s even more gorgeous in person. Then, within ten minutes, she’s having a total meltdown, like a psychotic break.  Total psycho.  I gave her money and rushed her out the door.

And now, I never see anyone unless I am satisfied that they aren’t crazy. That means reviews from people I trust. YMMV

It really depends on a number of things. Namely, if it looks like she was inactive and then is suddenly active again, I'm likely going to pass unless I think I can trust the reviewers.

Also, if it appears that she's been active, but has no current reviews, I can only assume she's anti-review, which means I am anti-her. It's not hard to convince a guy who just got his beak wet to write about it, but it's also not hard to convince him not to. I've been asked to leave a review before, I've even been incentivized to do so, and in all cases I tell them I'd be happy to, but it won't be under this handle, and it won't be soon, nor will they be a part of that process. Keeps everyone honest, and, realistically, everyone involved in an encounter knows how it went, life is mysterious, but it's not *that* mysterious, so those that ask for reviews know they're getting high marks regardless, which is as far as their influence over it should go.  

Carrier longevity isn't necessarily a plus in my book, because that goes one of two ways in my experience, they're either very, very into it and alot of fun, or, they're miserable and jaded and very much not fun. Usually pretty simple to determine who's who and which is which but at the point I'm at, if there's any doubt, I'm out. Not worth the trouble answering that question, there are too many warm, happy, beautiful women in this game (Like QB) to bother with those who'd rather be doing something else.

Angel4Life29 reads

I like to do my homework before I book with a provider I have not seen before…I also check their posts on X if they list one.  The more they post on Social Media, the less likelihood I will book with them.  It has become so crass that some of the most expensive and desirable providers, have outed clients, reposted their inquiries, and in general show a lack of class.  I have stated in the past that 95% of my trysts are very pleasant and fulfilling.  Discretion should be a 2-way street.  I could only imagine what would happen if an encounter went south and a provider blasted / outed me!

because the people on twitter aren't as smart as the people here on average.  

There are on average 40 million people are twitter a day. There are on average 10 guys a day doing a circle jerk on this board to each others pathetic and made up reviews and discussing the best way to handle their reoccurring antibiotic resistant STDs.  
Where do you think the average provider is going to spend most of their time making the most money by reaching the largest pool of sane, honest, kind and respectful clients???  
Hint: not here!

In absolute numbers I bet there are a lot more STD riddled circle jerkers on Twitter ... the law of large numbers.

interacting with those "10 guys a day doing a circle jerk" before you judge how much time a monger spends in here, lol.  Further, to refer to X as the platform with the largest pool of sane, honest and respectful people is pure comedic gold.  Twitter/X is a cesspool of deranged lunatics and bots running amok amongst the rest of the pool.  Nearly a THIRD OF POSTS are created by bots.  

My take is you ENJOY arguing with guys.  Eat more bananas, chocolate, green leafies etc, this will naturally boost your dopamine and you won't have to work so hard on a monger board looking for your fix.  Fuck more, debate less...you'll be happier and so will your saving account!

If you look at the top right-hand margin on any page here, you will see how many users are logged in at any given time.  This doesn't count even more than that who are not members and still come to read the boards.  As I post this, there are nearly 10,000 MEMBERS online.  In the evening, it is sometimes double this amount.  There are many members here who follow the boards for the information they contain, but they never post themselves.  I know this because I often get PM's from members who do not post but want some additional information about something I posted.  

Your 40,000,000 number is a FALSE analogy, because you don't know how many are there because they are interested in P4P.  On TER, it's a reasonable assumption that EVERYONE here is interested in the sex-related topics we talk about, and more importantly, seeing providers.  What good does it do you to have your post available (but not read) to millions of people who are on twitter talking about politics, dog breeds, what kinds of fertilizer works best on your lawn (yes, there are people talking shit there) and 100's of other topics that have nothing to do with why YOU are there?  

I do think the "average provider" should be on twitter, but I think the ones that are a cut-above should be here, because it's the ONLY place you find this big of a targeted audience for what a provider does for a living.  It's Marketing 101.  You want QUALIFIED prospects who are known to have an interest in what you are selling, not just anyone, man, woman, or otherwise, who is breathing.

-- Modified on 2/7/2024 2:26:46 PM

Both could be true.   Frequent tweets could expand the number of people seeing them and also (depending on content) turn off those longer term viewers.  Best results is to keep content upbeat and positive.  win win

Angel4Life27 reads

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Interesting the more I post on twitter the more bookings I get. Eom
Both could be true.   Frequent tweets could expand the number of people seeing them and also (depending on content) turn off those longer term viewers.  Best results is to keep content upbeat and positive.  win win
. Exactly my point!  I referenced the Negative Posters on X as Providers who have outed clients, Copied their messages while passing judgement, and displaying no class!  I was not inferring that Every post a Provider posts on X was negative!

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