TER General Board

What a dumb shit. . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 203 reads

While it is true that CDL has reviewed mostly Asian providers, the man behind the CDL username, using an alias, has reviewed providers of almost every ethnicity there is except for Eskimo, and girls at every price point.  I mostly see indies when I'm traveling to other cities on business.  I'm not the only one here that has reviews under an alias.  I would venture to say about half mongers here have reviews under their alias.  You are a complete dumbass to speak in absolutes when you don't know what you are talking about.  You have earned the village idiot title that you have been striving for.  Congrats.  

DrJess3183 reads

Why would a provided only have one review dating back to 2020 only.  Just curious if hobby enthusiast used a standard number of reviews.

RespectfulRobert166 reads

Sometimes, albeit rarely, I would see a provider with just 1 review, or maybe even zero reviews, if someone I know and trust has seen the lady in question. But if I don't know the reviewer, I usually like to see 5 or more reviews, provided at least some of those reviewers have a rather lengthy and good reputation.

i tend to shy away from a lady with 150+ reviews.      on the site popular in texas some have over 500 !    not for me

Brosephine88 reads

Username and this post don't quite match

Posted By: Brosephine
Re: opposite  
Username and this post don't quite match
It appears he's only reviewed one lady with more than 150 reviews.  

So I would say his statement was accurate, then he "tends" to avoid those with 150+.   He didn't say he absolutely, positively, will never ever go near those in that category because he does NOT like them, Sam I am ;-P LOL

so.... yeah, I'd say only one out of that lot equals a tendency.  ;-)

well i have several guidelines ..  and number reviews is one of them.   i make the assumption,  which may be right or wrong as any general assumption will have exceptions.    that someone with 100s of reviews is going to be more mechanical and/or more business like than someone who only has 2 or 3 experiences a week.    they will also tend to book right before or after me ...anyway , that's my thinking ... just like the lady better have large décolletage   ( hence the screen name  nevertoolarge)  .  

one of the attributes that makes Jenny in the Valley so remarkable, is that you would think you were her first in months, but that's a rare amazing skill and attitude.    4 erection tribute to the queen of LA escorting !  :)  

Isn't part of the point of detailed reviews, to discover if the lady is mechanical or not?

I've seen that said about companions with only a handful of reviews and of course, the opposite with ladies like Jenny.  

You just never know unless you read the nitty-gritty, I suppose.  

Low-volume providers who've been around a while CAN have hundreds of reviews.  I've noted this of some very highly-rated TER ladies.  (some guys make their decision based on how many reviews she averages per month which might still exclude some of these wonderful companions)
And there's those like me, who've also been working for ages, who have far fewer than a few I have in mind, yet I am NOT low-volume.... but the bulk of my reviews don't indicate that I'm mechanical or business-like in the session and I never book appointments back-to-back.  ;-)  

I've chatted with quite a few touring ladies like myself, who typically see 3-5 clients per day, and very few will ever book dates with no time in between.  We need time to shower, refresh, and reset even if it's only for 30min-1hr.  

I do understand your POV but this hobbyist-math simply isn't a consistent or accurate tool, imo.

-- Modified on 9/21/2021 11:37:48 AM

Nothing about you is mechanical, Deb!   I mean that in the most flattering of terms.

Try dividing how many reviews she has with how many years she's been on TER. I have over a little over 100 but my average per year is not high. Haven't had one in 2021. Still not jaded after all these years. Every experience still feels like a new one to me. And yes it's still tight, lol.


Funny, about 18 months ago I had a provider tell me I had too many okay's on P411.  I thought it kind of odd given that escorts can have large amounts.  

So what does it signal that  I had a large number of okay's.  I deleted several.  Not sure I had to given the commentary on this post.  

Interesting .

Importantly, I am proclaiming I have been with hundreds of different ladies.   Other on here I am sure surpass me tenfold.

Just don't want anyone thinking I am bragging.

I suspect that a high number of okays means  you have a lot of experience and therefore have a good basis to compare their (potentially substandard) performance.  Whereas a newbie or one of less experience might be happy with any scraps she feeds them.
To me it suggests either she provides an inferior service  or has insecurity.

You nailed it.  Her performance was just so-so.

Great insight, thanks.

Some ladies won't see those w/a lot of Okays or reviews because they feel this indicates a "slobbyist" mentality.

Sometimes those who advertise as GFE (but don't fit the standard TER definition of this) will turn down clients whose history shows they typically only see "true" GFE companions.  ;-)

I've been contacted by ladies who ask for a detailed reference because she's on the fence due to the magnitude of a client's Okays.  Either she's had bad experiences with such gentlemen or she prefers guys who stick with a few regular/ATF companions rather than spreading the love around so much.  

Because really.... how many providers are honest enough with themselves to say  "I'm really not very good so I will only see guys who don't know the difference!"....?

Great insight, thanks.  Given everything that has happened since March of 2020, I have been staying with the my ATF's locally and those who travel here frequently.  

Thanks again

So you would rather go in with 5 to zero reviews?

I mean, it could be Jenny In the Valley kinda numbers (In a good way Jenny) or it could be someone without any reviews.
I dunno...but there isn't "that" number. It's all by way of the feel or gut feeling.

The number of reviews a woman has is based on a variety of factors. Some prospective clients have an over and under number they consider to be too many or too few reviews. Zero, one, two, ten, fifteen might be too few in some guys' opinions, fifty, seventy, one hundred, three hundred might be too many in other guys' opinions.
Some women get reviewed a lot but are low volume, other women are high volume and get reviewed less often.
There's no one set of reasons a woman has had exactly one review and it was from 2020. Not every encounter is followed by a review, or maybe she's no longer in the business (does she have active and current ads?).

DrJess90 reads

Excellent points.  I was just curious

Posted By: DrJess

Why would a provided only have one review dating back to 2020 only.  Just curious if hobby enthusiast used a standard number of reviews.

Perhaps the said Provider was very new then, and was unaware of TER being a platform
for her Clients to post reviews.  Thus her single review....?

I was unaware of TER for the first two years of my foray into this industry.

When I first began Providing in 2014, asking gentlemen to write a review was sometimes  
like pulling teeth!   Understandably so, as I soon came to discover their reasoning.

Numerous  Clients  would tell me they just don't write reviews,  and a few others would  
simply  say  "yes, I shall",  and graciously get around to it eventually.

A few gentlemen  explained that the time-consuming rigor with which particular sites  
request a review submission, was likened to signing loan documents for a home purchase!  

Those whom didn't write reviews  were often generous-tipping  Clients  instead.  
{ Sincerely, I appreciated it immensely more so! }

However in my seven years of Providing,  I may have only 120 reviews scattered across
various platform websites.
{ Though many were unfortunately on sites which have since shuttered, thus the reviews are  
  lost forever.    Additionally some  50+  reviews are out there on sites which I can no longer  
  view,  because  I'm not a  "paid member Provider" }

So to answer your question 0P, the standard by which a Hobby enthusiast may choose  
to see said Provider, might be a combination of whatever one deems most important
and not necessarily in the order as listed;    

1)  Physical  Attractiveness  and/or  Services  0ffered  
        (I've discovered sometimes a Hobby enthusiast is only seeking certain desired  
          Fetish requirements, and couldn't care less if the Provider needs a bag over her head....
          though  "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"!)

2)  Number  of  Positive  Reviews

3)  Reputable  Ad  Board  Presence  
        (I'm leaving out "Social Media" presence as not all of us desire one's family to have  
         access to our "secret lives"!)

3)  Donation  Within  0ne's  Hobby  Budget

4)  Geographical  Proximity  or  Lack  Thereof

no reviews are no different.  I consider it a TOFTT situation because first reviewers are sometimes friends or regulars of a provider and may tend to score her a little higher than she deserves.  This won't necessarily mean I would not see her, but it would lower my expectations for the session.  But seeing girls with one or no reviews is often how you find an undiscovered gem before she gets popular and raises her rates.  You can have a good run with such a girl, albeit a short one if she suddenly has a ton of business. For me, I want her to SHOW me that she is an above-average provider during MY session, not someone else's.  

If I booked and she told me she had a no review policy, I would usually pass on the session altogether.  Nine times out of ten when a provider doesn't want reviews, its because they know they are not delivering services worthy of a good score.  Essentially, they want to deliver a crap experience, and not be called out on it.  No thanks.  Like Angelina says, telling a girl you write reviews should get you her best effort, not something substandard.  I want to see girls with attitudes like hers.

Let the fog of CDL lies lift and you will see a clear picture.

A girl's no review policy COULD indicate poor services however it COULD be that she wants to conduct her business in a more discreet manner.  New hobbyists should understand that CDL cares only about his FAKE reviews and his obsession with writing them at an unfathomable clip as he tries to set a record.  

He also writes them to avoid paying TER for VIP status, which hurts TER's ability to provide services and sets a bad example for others who also write FAKE REVIEWS.  

On the boards he takes an absolute position as the "be all and know all", yet:

-Almost ALL of his 345+ FAKE reviews are with one subset of providers, K-Girls.  Most of these providers disappear within a very a short period  of time.  
-Almost none of them understand, have a say or really care about reviews.  
-They are here make a pile of cash.  Most are high volume girls that burn out quickly.  
-Check the agencies/bookers and the links are already gone!
-Today you have to SIFT THROUGH the FAKE REVIEWS created either to get FREE VIP, and could also be written by people with an ax to grind or the opposite--being a shill!

Now let's look at CDL's gaping holes:

-CDL has NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL with Caucasian, Black, Latina (Hispanic) and mixed providers.
-Almost ALL of CDL's reviews are at the low end of the price spectrum. (around $250)
-CDL has NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL with higher-priced providers who want to have a life that is not destroyed by stories bearing their souls (whether true or NOT).
-He has no experience with mid-priced girls either!
-His comments are wrapped in the web of his corrupt rationalization to promote and protect being king of his ant hill!

Here's the plain truth about hobbying realities of today:
-Not only do providers have "no review status" as MOST hobbyists now refrain from submitting reviews.
-Providers with "no review status" at one time needed to be more beholding.  
-The simple truth is that they no longer need TER today.  
-They advertise on sites like Tryst that are highly effective.
-They offer peeks into their physical assets and personality on Twitter and Instagram.
-They offer more than peeks on the "fans' sites and have learned to generate HUGE revenue streams.
-This has attracted more women as SW's-Sex Workers.
-A large portion are high end and have incredible looks AND dream bodies.
-MANY provide total GFE experience--9's or 10's on the scale.
-My gut feeling is that MOST do, however I have no scientific data and hesitate to speak in absolutes.

No matter where you research its a painstaking process.  Its your time and resources at stake!

Trust your intuition and sometimes the best "session" on a particular night is watching a porn video.  There's nothing worse than the feeling having been taken by a provider!

You were trying to make a point about the topic, and derailed yourself. What drives your obsession? Did he write a bad review of your daughter? One of your nieces?

I made a wisecrack about a year ago about a grandma provider that he has the hots for, and he's been stalking me ever since.  By now, she probably sees he's a stalker, and so he has shot himself in the foot with her.  Its a lose-lose for him.   So to answer your question, I don't think it was a daughter or niece.  I don't think he allows reviews of them, but an Aunt?  Perhaps.  

While it is true that CDL has reviewed mostly Asian providers, the man behind the CDL username, using an alias, has reviewed providers of almost every ethnicity there is except for Eskimo, and girls at every price point.  I mostly see indies when I'm traveling to other cities on business.  I'm not the only one here that has reviews under an alias.  I would venture to say about half mongers here have reviews under their alias.  You are a complete dumbass to speak in absolutes when you don't know what you are talking about.  You have earned the village idiot title that you have been striving for.  Congrats.  

for every provider.  Age matters much less than quality of service.  You have nothing to worry about.  

And you haven't "made it" until you have a stalker (I'm talking about yours).

Steph XO

two of them only stalk me on the Kgirl board.  I never thought I'd get more stalkers than GaG, but since TER came back online, there are a slew of new guys, apparently not getting laid, so they stalk.  GaG has been posting less because he's been busier with work.  Its harvest time in the oil business.   (I thought you night be kidding, but I had to play it safe.  LOL)   That emboldens me to ask where the hell you've been?  I seem to remember that you used to post at least once a day, hung with us "boys" through the 20-month TER blackout, and have a substantial number of customer "fans" here.  I'm sure they miss you, too.  

I thought GaGa was now on the leash of a new fulltime girlfriend.

girlfriend, but I doubt he's the type that would agree to a fulltime leash.  I have had girlfriends, which may slow down the number of providers I see in a month, but it doesn't bring it to a screeching halt.  Lol  

Although I was completely loyal to my late wife, I have since learned over the past 13+ years that I'm not really cut out for monogamy.  I think its because it sounds nearly the same as monotony.  Lol

DrJess81 reads

Thank you all for the feedback.  Reason I asked is because I was very very interested on a provider that posted her ad.  In her post, she did not make reference to TER like many others do so I did follow up and found her on at least one other site.  I punched in the phone number and led me here but only had one review and that was in Sep of 2020.  So, made me a little skeptical and was just curious about what others thought.  I guess I viewed it as risky but I am really digging her.  

Don't give in to the impulses of the "little brain ;)

allcomers82 reads

So, you posted your question and have seen her more than once ("I'm *digging* her," not "I dug her"). Hopefully the lack of a review is because it's still being "screened" by the incompetent TER staff or you post reviews with another screen name. Just curious...I'd love to see the review.
And you may have answered your own question if you're not going to review her (or anybody else, it would appear): she's a good provider with *still* only one review. lol.

I have been hobbying for a few years now.  I look at the past month or two of reviews, and hopefully there are a half dozen or so.  I look at the high level summary of each one, and if they are all positive it is a go.  One or two negative ones I dig deeper.  If there are no reviews I wait until they occur.  However,  in San Mateo there is a PO that has consistently provided great girls, so I will go with the new ones without reviews.  


PeterPickle83 reads

...that if a TER member comes across a unicorn, that perhaps the last thing he may wish to do is to "spread the word", if only so she wouldn't become less available due to an increase of popularity or feel the urge to start charging more, etc.

One such example is a provider that I found this year not through TER, but from a recommendation of a booker I trusted.

When I met her she had only two reviews on TER even though she had already been in the business for a year, and by the time she retired recently she had a total of four reviews with a nearly unanimous "Looks" rating of 10 with her only 9 score being from a "video call date".

Two of the three reviewers who actually met her in person had flown in to see her, one from across the country and the other from "across the pond".

So my point being that just because a provider doesn't have a large amount of reviews that doesn't necessarily mean it's a negative thing. It could very well be that the listing is a bait-and-switch or scam, but it could also be that the provider is a unicorn that TER members have decided for themselves to keep "UTR".

There are Hobbyists who refuse to give a review.

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