TER General Board

Well there are worse things in the hobby besides those you listed ..
JustAGal See my TER Reviews 386 reads

And I could name a few (starting with self delusions practiced by many here) but that's really not the point of this particular discussion.

As I said, I personally don't think that any amount of education or business success gives someone a right to act "stuck up", but that could be just my personal POV.


"Guess some of these 'ladies' forget what it is they're doing for a living. Masters Degree in Biology, supermodel, successful business person, etc. go ahead, be stuck up. But to voluntarily turn to prostitution because you lack any other life skill is nothing to be stuck up about.

Going up to $350 as an indie and thinking you've made some shrewd life change does not make you shrewd, just more in denial and even more unproductive in life"

So, what if a lady is former supermodel who upon graduating from top university with Masters Degree in Biology chooses to become a companion, can she act stuck up? :)

I would think that being "stuck up" regardless of profession and education is not a very attractive personality trait, but then again I have been wrong in the past ...


saturnsky333 reads

Unproductive? What the hell does he do? Has he cured cancer? Invented the next great thing? Clearly he just resents a woman earning $350 an hour and has to jump on the board to vent his frustration. Or is it that an escort can also be educated that bothers him?

I hear this all the time on my local board...disgruntled men bitching about how much hookers make and that they are losers. Yet they are there wanting their services. It must be a love hate relationship.

There are some providers who so hung up on themselves and conceited that I wouldn't fuck them for free. In the real world we have to tolerate them to a degree, but I sure as hell will not pay money to see them and I can barely tolerate their posts.

We have three different types of stuck up providers. We have the ones who regard themselves as 10's and can spot a mirror 100 yards away. They are not just "too good" for hobbyists, but also their fellow providers.
Then we have the providers who think they are smarter and more educated then everyone else who "grace" us on occasions with long winded posts that they think will impress everyone.
Then we have the delusioned providers who are neither a 10 (or even close), or educated, but think they are both. I can only fault them to a small degree for thinking they are model material, but to pass yourself off as smart and proceed to make stupid posts one after another can be comical.

I would much rather see a hot confident provider who exudes a real down to Earth personality and who does not have a better then thou attitude.

If you were really that intelligent I would be working for you ;)

TheSkyFell310 reads

Its often a reflection on the person who is making that assessment, not just what the provider is putting out there.

With that being said, I've met plenty of people out and about in hobbyland who annoyed the shit out of me online.

And guess what?  In person, one on one, everyone is human, most people who post with any frequency are actually pleasant and all of us are just looking for a connection and acceptance to some degree.

How could a stuck up, self centered, narcissistic provider be a reflection on the person making the assertion?

TheSkyFell281 reads

I'm fairly certain that of the three "stuck up provider" types you described you can personally name a provider or two who fit each.

Well those providers have fans.  Others obviously read their  words and online personalities differently.

How we feel about ourselves and our life experiences shape how others rub us.

one has to be insecure on order to know a snit when they hear one?  I don't think so.

TheSkyFell248 reads

If you feel differently I accept your opinion.  In the vein of discussion though I am disagreeing with it.  If you think that you know who has a "down to earth" personality (whatever that means) just by reading a person's posts, okie dokie.

Again, I've read plenty of clients online who I've said to myself "he sounds like a real asshole"...but in person none of that held true.  It was my own personal biases against what they had to say that made me judge them as individuals.  Just my experience.

...they are fun, cool men in person. Some people just do not have the best written communication skills or their attempts at being funny make them seem like sarcastic jerks.

It's just text.

....it made me think there's no way I seem bitchy on the boards (right? lol). I mean i'll let a motherf***er have it if I have to but lol 9 times out 10 i'm happy & friendly. Email SOMETIMES I can seem more matter-of-factly that I'm trying to be but it's nothing against the guy I just like getting to the point about screening and get to the fuzzy, goofy, "extra" stuff afterwards.  I've had plenty of email tag before I finally get to the point only to see they're FOS.

I also think lol 9 times out of 10 the guy calling a provider  stuck-up/bitchy/rude/had an attitude was probably being overly sensitive.

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 10:05:36 PM

I know what I do for people behind the scenes and outside of this business. My heart is good..my mouth tends to override my azz. Tis life, but I am harmless.

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 10:58:58 PM

And I could name a few (starting with self delusions practiced by many here) but that's really not the point of this particular discussion.

As I said, I personally don't think that any amount of education or business success gives someone a right to act "stuck up", but that could be just my personal POV.


White Knights who drool to make matters even worse than it already is.

When one is educated and have real knowledge they are humble the ones have a paper and flash it every where and very chance they get have no real knowledge.

Knowledge is a funny thing, the more you know the humbler you become.

it is only natural to share that expertise with others. At times that might come off as condescending to those who don't know what the hell a person is talking about, but to say it is always meant in that way is a bit naive. There was a thread about computers and IP addresses most recently and I shared what I knew on the topic, which was very little.

Still, some ass hat felt the need to put me down because HE could not stand for another person to be talking on a topic he was obviously versed in, even when I admitted I knew very little before making those comments. That is a sign of insecurity and a person who can't stand for anyone else to be right.

I got a few PMs from guys who wrote all out paragraphs trying to give me an idea of what they were trying to say. Had I immediately thought, "Damn, I am not stupid who do you think you are," that would have been MY insecurities making me feel that way. Just because a person happens to know something about what others don't, does not mean they "think they know it all." It just means they have been around, been through some things, and felt the need to comment on it.

In school my strengths were English and Psychology, but don't ask me to do even a simple equation without a tutor where math in concerned. The only way to appreciate gifts another person has, is to stop being jealous of them and enjoy them...yea, my Pastor said that lol.

-- Modified on 6/2/2012 8:44:52 AM

that makes me remember some people are geniuses in their own mind and I need to ignore them at all cost. They are not good, stay the hell away.

As I said before, there is not a single person on this earth knows everything about anything, including themselves.

When you know everything about yourself then you know something but mere mortals never gets there. There are lingering doubts, suspicions, biases, pet-peeves, ego, and variety complexes human beings carry around. In order to find yourself, one has to get rid all of them first.

List is not exhaustive but examples.

having met them. I mean seriously, if many of us were like the posts on this board we would all be starving. Stuck up suggests someone is too good for another person or thinks they are, and I have yet to see those attitudes being displayed.

Your perception is only YOUR reality, but maybe that's not at all the way a person is. I mean other than all out saying a dozen times, "I am so hot, I am the shit, I make so much money," I simply don't see how these mixed messages surface in one's mind. I'm a bitch at times yes, but far from stuck up. A stuck up person would cry every time they got less than a 9 review lol.

I do display an attitude of "I don't need money from everyone" because quite frankly I don't. I will not allow a man on a fk board to disrespect me just because he assumes all hookers should kiss his ass because he is paying....and I love to debate.

That does not make me a snob, it makes me real. I am not intimidated by the looks and intellect of others, so I don't spend my time trying to dissect them and their board posts. Yes, the types you mentioned are certainly out there but it's funny how you're the only one to break it down like that. Those same types of people are in every business, but you reiterate the whole "Smart hookers...are you kidding me" mentality by acting as if we should be seen and not heard. It sounds like you spend a lot of time worrying about hookers who mean nothing in your real life...it's really not that serious lol.

A humble person as you say, would not sit here and break apart classes of people bit by bit and assume others are beneath you. The mere fact that you said "Others think they are smart, but they are not," suggests YOU are the one who thinks you have all the answers and are above another...just like TheSkyFell so eloquently noted.  If you are going to crack on someone else's smarts or education, at least learn to use "then" and "than" in the proper place.

Was that stuck up for me to say that? Nope...it was accurate, because I am not the one sitting here putting others down because I "think" I am so much better.  I know I make mistakes and when I am wrong, I say I am wrong. That seems to be a lost concept for many men around here.

-- Modified on 6/2/2012 9:12:33 AM

TheSkyFell245 reads

"Stuck up" is such a really childish way of trying to demean people most of time.

No one has a right to belittle others or attempt to make the person feel less than.

Who here has been made to feel that way by a provider or hobbyist?  I think we all have from time to time.

But I think that thread is less about people who are uppity or have to assert themselves as being better than the next person than just plain and simple professionalism.
Hanging up on someone is rude.  I've done it (because I was frightened) I've had others do it to me presumably because they didn't want to hear what I had to say about screening.  Its not something that I'm proud of and its not something that I ever want to do again.

But why does this have to become yet another battle about "if you were so smart why are you a hooker?"
There are some intelligent women in this business who love it and have thoughts and opinions.  I don't understand why we have to be vilified.

Don't know who you are, TheSkyFell, but your posts in this thread are awesome. Thank you.

Bad attitudes ruin everything, I don't care how pretty or hot a girl is. If her attitude sucks, she's an ugly person.

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 8:29:04 PM

First of all, why take too seriously what anyone says here about themselves?  Does she have a Masters?  Maybe, maybe not.  Who cares?  Point being, just because she's a hooker doesn't mean she lying any more than it means she's telling the truth.  I don't give a shit.  Doesn't he know we're in FantasyLand here?  What I care about is if she looks like her pictures, performs like her reviews and I can afford to see her.  Everything else?  I could care less.

Similar to me, you could be a genuinely happy person but not have the best written communication skills, and no matter how many smileys or exclamation points you put in your post to illustrate your fun personality, if someone has it stuck in their mind that you are stuck up, they will read your post that way. Personally I am ok with that. My reviews talk about my sweet, jovial personality and I have met some cool providers that I get along with as well. So to me it is not worth stressing about those you have never met from a board that are willing to judge you solely based on written communication.

People will even think you are stuck up based on your ad copy. If you say you do not tour, some people will think you feel you are too good to tour, even if you do not tour because it is not financially feasible for you to do so. Oh, you are “low volume”? You must be stuck up because you are not willing to see several men a week. In reality, you cannot get away from babysitting your dying grandfather but a few times a month. And if you raise your rates, someone will read that as being stuck up too. lol

It’s just text on a hobbyist/provider board. Have fun!


-- Modified on 6/1/2012 11:57:29 PM

cannonballthud234 reads

Gotta look out for your girls?!? That's pretty funny...

Ya, you really showed me

HAVE TO pay to talk to you. The big boys who play in GD don't have that attitude, because they don't HAVE to do anything lol. They pay us to leave. Cmon, show us who you are little mouse. You can't possibly talk all that smack and think anyone would not see you if they knew your handle? Plenty of dumb hookers to make you feel superior...they are just not here today. :)

If my response did NOT bother you, why did you carry your alias ass all the way over here to comment further bwahahaha. Check Mate.

-- Modified on 6/2/2012 11:28:16 AM

One thing I have discovered is it is extremely easy to get people to believe you have an attribute they would see as negative -- that you are dumb, illiterate, poor, whatever.

And stuckup people are even easier to fool that way than most.

I have gone through entire sessions with providers in my "Ah shucks, Ma'am I can barely read" persona and completely had providers buy it.

I used to do that a lot actually, mainly because I wasn't sure what motivations providers might have and I figured it was always safest to be as underestimated as possible. And, like I said, stuck up folks are the easiest to fool that way.

One provider I saw six times before it started to dawn on her that I might not be what I was portraying. LOL

Now to be serious for a moment -- a lot of providers look down on hobbyists and a lot of hobbyists look down on providers. BOTH are looked down upon by large segments of society.

But you know what? We all have to feel good about who and what we are when we look in the mirror in the morning, and that can be really hard when you are out on a margin somewhere. So I don't begrudge people their various ego protections.

There are many flavors of degrees and universities these days. Degrees that prepare you for real world work when you get out and degrees that allows you tell you have a Masters or Doctorate but can’t do a damn thing in real life.

Degrees have lost its value with all of this diploma mills on-line. Some degrees are not worth the paper it is printed.

I have little common sense, but have an education. Things that someone without even a HS diploma can do, I probably can't. No one knows everything about everything, but we all have our own areas we excel in. Appreciate those who have what others don't, as it is what makes them unique.

I've always assumed (perhaps naively) that the ladies I've seen who share such information do so to show that they combine the physical standards so many guys expect with an ability to converse about something other than sex or the business.

I suppose it could also be simple marketing to appeal to a broader range of clients.

Bottom line - People who judge others so simply and harshly amuse me.

discussing the same boring topics over and over again? Is it possible that sex is not what consumes the lives of everyone just because they play here part-time? Gosh, it's as if some assume we are good for nothing but being down on our knees, even if that is what we might do best lol.

The word rings a bell, perhaps of something from my younger days.

Posted By: London Rayne
discussing the same boring topics over and over again? Is it possible that sex is not what consumes the lives of everyone just because they play here part-time? Gosh, it's as if some assume we are good for nothing but being down on our knees, even if that is what we might do best lol.

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