TER General Board

Well strictly speaking it was NOT professional
MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 7492 reads
1 / 82

In the fall sometime (i think it was october) I got a text that said 'can you do an outcall for 80$?'

To myself I go "Pftt No."

To the texter I go 'sure babe. what's your address?' He gives me his address in next text. Then he gives me directions in text after that. I said 'it's ok babe. My driver knows where it is.'

'when can you be here?' he says. I say 'we're almost there babe. my driver knows exactly where he's going.'

Then he starts asking the (usually expected) questions. One of them is 'are you hygenic?' I said 'I haven't showered since august. Are you ok with that?' He goes 'what'. I said 'we're almost there babe'. He says 'oh no. I just got called into work. I have to cancel' I said 'but we're almost there!' He goes 'i can't i have to go into work'. I said 'but now i owe money to my driver' and 'how am i gonna pay him?'

He starts to panic. He gave me his address and here's this dirty chic coming to see him with her driver in tow. I was laughing. I could just picture him running around all over his house turning off all the lights, lol. Running around going 'oh shit oh shit' Maybe even moving his car from the driveway. roflmao

Does that make me evil?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 541 reads
2 / 82
GaGambler 786 reads
3 / 82

I hope you have started a trend. I can't help but think this might catch on. lol

russbbj 89 Reviews 475 reads
4 / 82

First of all, any lady agreeing to an $80 outcall, with no screening is not someone I think I'd like to see.

Secondly, I'm not giving any ladies whom I've never seen prior my home address, regardless of rate or screening. In fact, I'm not likely to give any lady my home address period, I can get a hotel room for around $100, or use some of the bazillion hotel points I have to get one for free.

He deserved the uneasiness that you delivered.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 565 reads
5 / 82

He deserved that and much more... 😈

You go, girl!

bigdell 81 Reviews 569 reads
6 / 82

I don't know about evil.  You could have ignored him or said no.  I wonder what kind of raft of shit a guy who did this would get?  Not that he wouldn't have deserved it. Sometimes it is very tempting to let a person have what they ask for.  Not referring to you MM.   bigdell

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 501 reads
7 / 82

I would say it is highly unprofessional though.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 489 reads
8 / 82
SensualShai See my TER Reviews 502 reads
9 / 82

if I ever get a request like that? Freaking classic!!!! I love it! :D

littlecheddar53 67 Reviews 387 reads
10 / 82
scoed 8 Reviews 343 reads
11 / 82

But sometimes stupidity deserve a little light hearted evil. At any rate, despite it being evil, it was funny and he deserved it. You made me smile, thanks.

Posted By: MmmMelanie
In the fall sometime (i think it was october) I got a text that said 'can you do an outcall for 80$?'  
 To myself I go "Pftt No."  
 To the texter I go 'sure babe. what's your address?' He gives me his address in next text. Then he gives me directions in text after that. I said 'it's ok babe. My driver knows where it is.'  
 'when can you be here?' he says. I say 'we're almost there babe. my driver knows exactly where he's going.'  
 Then he starts asking the (usually expected) questions. One of them is 'are you hygenic?' I said 'I haven't showered since august. Are you ok with that?' He goes 'what'. I said 'we're almost there babe'. He says 'oh no. I just got called into work. I have to cancel' I said 'but we're almost there!' He goes 'i can't i have to go into work'. I said 'but now i owe money to my driver' and 'how am i gonna pay him?'  
 He starts to panic. He gave me his address and here's this dirty chic coming to see him with her driver in tow. I was laughing. I could just picture him running around all over his house turning off all the lights, lol. Running around going 'oh shit oh shit' Maybe even moving his car from the driveway. roflmao  
 Does that make me evil?

Mutame 538 reads
12 / 82
TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 597 reads
13 / 82

She has her rates on her page... why he could not read them and instead he decided to contact her, use her time to play games?  
Maybe the guy needs to grow up and if he cant afford what is on our sites... do the homework and find someone else that he can.

TennGambler 19 Reviews 273 reads
14 / 82
GaGambler 574 reads
15 / 82

She gets paid for her professional services, this was just for plain, and slightly evil entertainment.

and yes, she has my full support. I loved it.

I actually bet most guys thought it was hilarious, well except perhaps for any of the guys who might see themselves as ever texting a girl to ask her to drive all the way to see them for barely a third of her regular rate and then have the nerve to ask her is she is clean to boot. Personally, I don't ever see myself doing that, so I can have a guilt free laugh with the OP at his expense.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 503 reads
16 / 82

I would seem to get telemarketing calls during dinner. I once told the caller that I was going to prison in 3 days so I didn't think I needed his product.

impposter 49 Reviews 379 reads
17 / 82

You didn't offer to pick up something to eat on your way there? Maybe not evil, but so inconsiderate.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 450 reads
19 / 82

She asked about hers. I agree that this "gentleman" acted irresponsibly. I am not arguing that point one bit. The OP then decided to play head games with him, and that is where her unprofessional actions came into play. In addition, the more thought I give this, she is also increasing her risk level with this person. There are some unstable people in this line of work on the male side of the coin, and doing something intentionally to embarrass and possibly provoke someone, whose mental stability is yet unknown, is an added risk that I don't believe any young lady should take in any line of work, including this one. That is just my opinion as I do respect yours Veronica.

GaGambler 453 reads
20 / 82

How is she increasing her risk?

The moron couldn't cancel the appointment fast enough. She had some fun, got rid of a troll and gave us all (at least those of us with a sense of humor) a nice little chuckle at the same time.

That is just my opinion, but if you think I have even the slightest respect for yours you are even dumber than you look. lmao

Even that "humorless fuck" Droopy Dog thought it was funny and he had a special operation specifically designed to completely remove his sense of humor. What's your excuse?

-- Modified on 1/22/2017 6:50:31 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 371 reads
21 / 82

And you didn't really DO anything to him except prank him.  Which he thoroughly deserved.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 454 reads
23 / 82

It depends whether you think his request was born of ignorance or malice. If the former then it would seem to indicate you lack empathy.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 534 reads
24 / 82

I am hoping this is one of those times. hehe. The reasons for my comment were contained inside my last post. You are free to disagree with my reasoning, but I did make an argument. I will concede I need to work on my jocularity and sense of humor. It is not a strong point. Maybe it is just one of several reasons I must pay to sleep with beautiful, young women.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 534 reads
25 / 82
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 516 reads
26 / 82

..was the idiot hobbyist who expected her to do an outcall for 1/3 of her usual rate (and had a driver to pay as well).  Get off your fucking high horse and out of your ivory tower and into the real world.

GaGambler 464 reads
28 / 82

and yes you do have the dubious honor of having less of a sense of humor that even our very own humorless fuck, Droopy Dog. lol

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 518 reads
29 / 82

I wouldn't expect a Neanderthal like you, who bullies escorts here, to understand the concept of professionalism and sure enough, once again, you did not disappoint.

ROGM 336 reads
30 / 82

That was funny as heck.  

80 for an outcall. What the Hell is wrong with some guys? Morons!!!!

ROGM 415 reads
31 / 82

Also a great Metallica song.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 406 reads
32 / 82

And I love it...lol

-- Modified on 1/22/2017 6:43:04 PM

2648667 31 Reviews 496 reads
33 / 82

If he's just plain STOOPID, well, there's no fixing that. This was hysterical. I can say that because not even when I was ten years old would I have called a professional of any kind asking if they would do their thing for a fraction of their stated price. What a MO-RON.  

Melanie, I'm sure you'd normally just ignore, but you had a wild hair up your ass that night. I think it's funny.

2648667 31 Reviews 540 reads
34 / 82

Book a flight to Toronto!


-- Modified on 1/22/2017 7:07:50 PM

MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 507 reads
35 / 82


breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 472 reads
36 / 82

I've never taken it that far but I do like to fuck with people who act stupid like that...especially if they ask if I'm LE :)

scoed 8 Reviews 469 reads
39 / 82

Because I am. Thanks.

-- Modified on 1/22/2017 9:31:23 PM

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 476 reads
40 / 82

Everybody is ignorant until they aren't. People with empathy realise this and cut some slack. I'm not telling anyone to be empathetic, I am just noting its lack.

darmody 22 Reviews 452 reads
41 / 82
FatVern 516 reads
43 / 82
FatVern 466 reads
44 / 82

If she wanted her time, at her own will to text back and forth with the other party.  

It was probably just some other middle age hooker from across town who also has time to waste.
Posted By: BuffetBoy
She asked about hers. I agree that this "gentleman" acted irresponsibly. I am not arguing that point one bit. The OP then decided to play head games with him, and that is where her unprofessional actions came into play. In addition, the more thought I give this, she is also increasing her risk level with this person. There are some unstable people in this line of work on the male side of the coin, and doing something intentionally to embarrass and possibly provoke someone, whose mental stability is yet unknown, is an added risk that I don't believe any young lady should take in any line of work, including this one. That is just my opinion as I do respect yours Veronica.

538059 321 Reviews 352 reads
45 / 82
RSpork 23 Reviews 281 reads
46 / 82


GaGambler 506 reads
47 / 82

It's just that we are empathetic towards her having to deal with a moron rather than empathizing with the moron.  

BTW, not to go all pedantic on you, but you should really learn the difference between sympathy and empathy. I might be able to have a bit of sympathy for the moron, (not really) but I could never empathize with his situation. Either you are the type of person who could see yourself in his position, which would speak volumes about YOU, or you don't really know the meaning of the word. lol

TheAyanaEffect See my TER Reviews 418 reads
48 / 82
TheAyanaEffect See my TER Reviews 293 reads
49 / 82
scoed 8 Reviews 505 reads
50 / 82

No clients means no money. Talk about stupid.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 377 reads
51 / 82

The word exactly captured the meaning I intended to convey.  

I think you should learn the difference between sympathy and pity -- pity implying a sense of superiority -- which is your signature characteristics in every post you make.
Posted By: GaGambler
It's just that we are empathetic towards her having to deal with a moron rather than empathizing with the moron.  
 BTW, not to go all pedantic on you, but you should really learn the difference between sympathy and empathy. I might be able to have a bit of sympathy for the moron, (not really) but I could never empathize with his situation. Either you are the type of person who could see yourself in his position, which would speak volumes about YOU, or you don't really know the meaning of the word. lol

MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 436 reads
53 / 82

someone just decided now would be a good time to turn the tables? Holy bi-polar batman. Whoa

MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 436 reads
54 / 82

i was gonna leave it and it was explaining to me alot about different personalities that i have myself come across and some perplex me. Like the empathic guy. I didn't want this to be serious but I guess I have to...

Empathic guy finds nothing humourous. He is always judging and light-hearted. Could it be that he can see a slight at every turn? That kind of reaction is very similar to fem groups who have a hair-like trigger reaction to absolutely everything.

You all don't understand this 'process'. I post my ad. I get calls and texts. Some are legit inquiries, alot are farce and a small portion or those numerous communications are going to result in actual meetings. This specific guy, at the original text i thought was testing me. With all the headlines that say 80!! 60!! outcall!! etc he choose to contact one without that heading.

Whenever someone asks if outcall for 80 for acceptable they then proceed expect that they will get cim, bbj sw, greek whatever for that 80$. If you don't agree that is an outrageous demand then you are the one who lacks empathy.

I used to explain to each and every inquiry why i only offer this service and why i only work these hours. And why this and why that. I thought I had to as all the girls on all the boards where i was reading to try to learn how to do this properly where explaining everything. So I thought I was following their lead. Only to realize that it is not necessary. Hobbyists would tell these girls to ignore! Like all the other girls, i felt guilty ignoring and felt it was my duty to educate too. But at this incident point i realized hobbyist was right. After all he's a guy and has more insight into the mind and behaviour of men as he is one and hangs out them.

I was at my wits end when this occurred. I was trying to keep my mind in a good place and be happy for the inquiries that were serious, because of the problems that i was having (thats another story) at that time. I was in dire straits and I found that ignoring was good but this one just struck me. So he said 80 for outcall. I said ok. I was very surprised when he text address. So i just went with the flow, fully knowing his info was safe with me as i would never do anything with, i would never harm the guy. And you know the rest.

If empathetic guy were to stop feeling so sorry for HIMSELF. he would see this actually wasn't such a 'evil' action as it had a lesson. (I will honest, my intention was not to teach this guy a lesson. like i said it just went that way) If you are going to call a girl who is willing to run to you on a moments notice, for only 80 $ and provide you the best experience of your night, then wtf are you thinking? This is the type of stupidness you guys all try to guard against.

I am including a link to view as an example of the actions of alot of men/boys when they find they are able to contact (and play with) hookers, just because they advertise on internet, and they have a sense of 'humour'. And you don't have the right to say the girls deserve it just because they advertise their services. Like you some of us are just tryna have an income.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 302 reads
55 / 82

Did you notice how many likes you have on your OP? That is probably close to a record on the GD board! :D

MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 605 reads
56 / 82

P.S. Look it...this guy was not a idiot in the sense that has been referred to here

He, for one reason or another thinks that pussy only costs 80 bucks even when delivered right to your door. Even the pizza delivery has delivery charges and you (usually) tip. So number one he was being an opportunist. And quite possibly some kind of..i don't know what to say..not really predator, but he was de-valuing females at any rate. Obviously to my surprise he was being serious. Which can be viewed as him trying to take advantage of another person's disadvantage or he was just completely naive and had no clue that pussy cost more than 80$. Either way it didn't hurt him to learn that either he needs to research his shit or learn the the world can be a big bad place. Or if he is just a misogynistic prick, (which i really don't think he was) then he deserved that little scare.

You can't live in a bubble, no matter what your parents created for you, and your actions may have unintended consequences...and that is a fact because it can be seen here, right here in this thread. That is 100% proof!! And no one is going to come to my defense. Not one of you is going to be empathetic to me. I gotta take this..like a...woman!

(although in a sense this in not completely unintended consequences, but what surprised was the order that these things occurred. I expected to reamed out first. Also I know there are some sensitive people here. And then of course I knew there would be a couple who would be completely horrified. But I will take my lumps. I was prepared)

GaGambler 617 reads
57 / 82

I just liked her post too.  

Of course I liked it all along, lol

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 325 reads
59 / 82

Ok that's really funny. Especially since he actually believed that you hadn't showered for about 5 months. I just would've sent one of those emojis with the "laughing so hard I'm crying face" and told him "You're out of your mind. Maybe you could get a kiss for 80. That's about it." And then block his number and leave him texting you forever thinking that there's some room for negotiation. Reminds me of insulting low-ball offers from Salt Daddies - a.k.a. wanna-be sugar daddies.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 419 reads
60 / 82

You might ruin your reputation! :D

Posted By: scoed
Because I am. Thanks.

-- Modified on 1/22/2017 9:31:23 PM

scoed 8 Reviews 559 reads
61 / 82

Posted By: MmmMelanie
someone just decided now would be a good time to turn the tables? Holy bi-polar batman. Whoa
I was addressing fatvern not you. What you did was funny and justified. Fatvern though is a idiot. Every business responds to unknown numbers as not every future client is known. It is part of doing business. Fatvern is to stupid to get this. I was not and am not calling you stupid. Sorry for any offense as it was not intended towards you.

GaGambler 474 reads
62 / 82

Yes, he might do that indeed. Or at least lose his secondary title as the "MOST humorless fuck" on TER. That title is now in serious jeopardy.

and maybe it's time. Remember at one point in time DD was not only a humorless fuck, but a "humorless FAT fuck" if while losing weight he also gained a sense of humor, who better to replace him as a "humorless fat fuck" than a guy named "Buffet Boy"???  

I wonder if Buffet Boy is related to Priapussy? He was the original buffet boy. lol

HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 466 reads
63 / 82

The hearing impaired, the intellectually impaired, the sanity impaired, the financially impaired... they all want licenses and pussy.

Dealing with their nonsense on a daily basis is an emotional extreme sport.

Some times I have to dig so, SO DEEP to NOT "pop a cap in Sancho!"

FatVern 555 reads
64 / 82

You did, are you saying you knew who was texting you?

When I say unknown number, that means you don't know who the number you are texting belongs too.
Posted By: MmmMelanie
Where did that come from?

FatVern 410 reads
65 / 82

What are you even talking about?

Sounds like you are batching about an ex-boyfriend.

FatVern 417 reads
66 / 82

Well I've read a thousand posts saying that clients should be screened.  

Those posts most of came from morrons, thanks for pointing that out.

FatVern 527 reads
67 / 82

You sound like a loon... and I don't feel sorry for you.

Hook up with GaG, he's a bozo and loves women who are a hot mess, and you sound like you are a hot mess.

FatVern 407 reads
68 / 82

Not feeling sorry for you.

Really, this all boils down to an immigration issue, it's the foreigners, it's as always the foreigners.

mongo19621954 23 Reviews 340 reads
69 / 82
mongo19621954 23 Reviews 358 reads
70 / 82

The guy is a complete fucktard... and there are consequences for such.  As consequences go - this was relatively mild.  Not even the snow flakiest of liberals is going to defend this guy.  He ain't a protected class.

MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 439 reads
71 / 82

Posted By: scoed
Posted By: MmmMelanie
someone just decided now would be a good time to turn the tables? Holy bi-polar batman. Whoa
I was addressing fatvern not you. What you did was funny and justified. Fatvern though is a idiot. Every business responds to unknown numbers as not every future client is known. It is part of doing business. Fatvern is to stupid to get this. I was not and am not calling you stupid. Sorry for any offense as it was not intended towards you.

scoed 8 Reviews 548 reads
72 / 82

But not before she replies to them. How can she screen them minus communication with them? She never ever had any intention of seeing that fool, just with having a little fun with your intellectual equal.

-- Modified on 1/23/2017 8:13:57 PM

darmody 22 Reviews 411 reads
74 / 82

Hobbyists are amateurs by definition. If you get it for free, it's not a profession. If she pays you, then you're not a hobbyist. You're a gigolo.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 490 reads
75 / 82

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance. -- Hanlon's razor

Posted By: MmmMelanie
or he was just completely naive and had no clue that pussy cost more than 80$.

FatVern 453 reads
76 / 82

I see you are to stupid to employ. If you bitch about something, and don't make any attempts to change what you are bitching about, so I guess that makes you a bitch, and a stupid bitch at that.

1woody 18 Reviews 508 reads
77 / 82

stopping by CVS to pick up some Imodium for a terrible case of diarrhea.

cummingslane See Agency Profile 385 reads
78 / 82
JD4uze 2 Reviews 368 reads
79 / 82
HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 429 reads
80 / 82

eventually achieves a certain level of "burn-out!"

And my IQ is in the 97th percentile, so I am certainly NOT "too stupid to employ."

"Too CRAZY to employ?" MAYBE. Lol.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 12:10:01 PM

scb19 10 Reviews 377 reads
81 / 82

Damn, I thought this was the answer to that age old question:  

How would you describe your perfect woman?

One that turns into a pizza and a six pack (or joint) after you fuck her.

earthshined 350 reads
82 / 82

you get stood up.

Posted By: MmmMelanie
In the fall sometime (i think it was october) I got a text that said 'can you do an outcall for 80$?'  
 To myself I go "Pftt No."  
 To the texter I go 'sure babe. what's your address?' He gives me his address in next text. Then he gives me directions in text after that. I said 'it's ok babe. My driver knows where it is.'  
 'when can you be here?' he says. I say 'we're almost there babe. my driver knows exactly where he's going.'  
 Then he starts asking the (usually expected) questions. One of them is 'are you hygenic?' I said 'I haven't showered since august. Are you ok with that?' He goes 'what'. I said 'we're almost there babe'. He says 'oh no. I just got called into work. I have to cancel' I said 'but we're almost there!' He goes 'i can't i have to go into work'. I said 'but now i owe money to my driver' and 'how am i gonna pay him?'  
 He starts to panic. He gave me his address and here's this dirty chic coming to see him with her driver in tow. I was laughing. I could just picture him running around all over his house turning off all the lights, lol. Running around going 'oh shit oh shit' Maybe even moving his car from the driveway. roflmao  
 Does that make me evil?

-- Modified on 1/26/2017 7:45:58 PM

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