TER General Board

LasVegan 601 reads

Thank you for the input...........how do you know you are "unmoderated?"  Even with only one moderator, one would think it would not be difficult.....take an inordinate amount of time to approve posts.

Am I missing something?

LasVegan1265 reads

has anybody noticed it is taking longer and longer to have their discussion posts approved?  Have many this morning that have waited over 30 minutes.

How long do you normally wait until your posts are approved?

GaGambler593 reads

and yes, on the P&R board, where everybody is moderated, my posts are also taking quite a while to be approved.

LasVegan602 reads

Thank you for the input...........how do you know you are "unmoderated?"  Even with only one moderator, one would think it would not be difficult.....take an inordinate amount of time to approve posts.

Am I missing something?

GaGambler491 reads

I am inclined to give the present mods a break here.

Keep in mind that moderators do have to eat, sleep, take a shit, even get laid from time to time, so you can't expect them to stayed glued to their computer screen 24/7

You might want to ask to be unmoderated, you have started to develop a posting history here, you don't seem to be a "trouble maker" so even though you are new here, you might convince them that you are a responsible poster and get unmoderated, then your post will go up in real time.

Bob.Sugar420 reads

They need to be approved by TER first.  So if it's a "trouble making" post TER can decline to post it and avoid a possible trainwreck.  There are some members who prefer to stay moderated for that very reason.  Then if some trainwreck ensues...can't blame the poster  LOL


Posted By: GaGambler
I am inclined to give the present mods a break here.  
 Keep in mind that moderators do have to eat, sleep, take a shit, even get laid from time to time, so you can't expect them to stayed glued to their computer screen 24/7  
 You might want to ask to be unmoderated, you have started to develop a posting history here, you don't seem to be a "trouble maker" so even though you are new here, you might convince them that you are a responsible poster and get unmoderated, then your post will go up in real time.

GaGambler389 reads

Somebody we both know got banned for a month or so for posts made that had to be approved due to him already being moderated. Yeah, I was a bit baffled by that logic too.

I also remember a member here who was on lifetime moderation here for his own good, fucking fucker. lol

Bob.Sugar395 reads

Having been moderated and unmoderated so many times over the years...there's pro's and con's to moderation.

Before the "great ban" of a few years ago as well as the most recent, I was unmoderated prior (to being banned) to that as well.  And once I was reinstated it was with moderation.  No rhyme or reason for the bans...nor the moderation.

But...since it's not my site and I can't control what the powers to be have in mind...it is what it is.

Is there really a "lifetime ban" on anyone?  Seriously  LOL     I even thought that you've got the O/U at 75 days on the current (former) member with a "lifetime ban".  And we're closing in on that time now.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Somebody we both know got banned for a month or so for posts made that had to be approved due to him already being moderated. Yeah, I was a bit baffled by that logic too.  
 I also remember a member here who was on lifetime moderation here for his own good, fucking fucker. lol

GaGambler348 reads

I said lifetime "moderation" not lifetime "ban"

and there have been a few people kicked off of here forever, remember a certain BSC, over the hill over priced hooker, with delusions of grandeur who got kicked off forever, weaseled back on here only to get the boot once again?

I am sure there are many more, but I am still sober, check back with me when I am drunk and I am sure I can remember a few more.

Bob.Sugar422 reads

I still don't think that there is a lifetime moderation poster.

Didn't you and LP have days where, for the mere sending of a PM, anyone moderated was unmoderated?

It's not TER's fault if someone who was moderated wasn't paying attention to those "get out of jail free" days.  LOL

Now those lifetime bans....nah.  When the "great ban" of 2012 happened...many who were banned were welcomed back with no real fanfare.  And plenty of fun stuff ensued.

I'm hopeful that history will repeat itself shortly.  Well...at least for one particular former member.

Posted By: GaGambler
I said lifetime "moderation" not lifetime "ban"  
 and there have been a few people kicked off of here forever, remember a certain BSC, over the hill over priced hooker, with delusions of grandeur who got kicked off forever, weaseled back on here only to get the boot once again?  
 I am sure there are many more, but I am still sober, check back with me when I am drunk and I am sure I can remember a few more.

GaGambler466 reads

especially that fucking fucker who happened to be a friend of mine. I told him he was better off to be moderated where I could keep an eye on him, than to be given free reign and end up banned.

Bob.Sugar433 reads

How can it be "amnesty days" when it didn't include all on moderation?

I'm shocked and disappointed at this.  

If you can't trust the TER moderators...who can you trust?

Posted By: GaGambler
especially that fucking fucker who happened to be a friend of mine. I told him he was better off to be moderated where I could keep an eye on him, than to be given free reign and end up banned.

GaGambler366 reads

After all they aren't lying cheating whoremongers like the old crowd. Some even have speculated that at least one of them is a woman, but I am hardly in the loop anymore, so your guess is as good as mine.

This came up on the Newbie board, too.  With several replies, observations, ideas.  Sometimes instant, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.  What a pain

It means Nick finally figured out how to keep you out of his fkin liquor cabinet.

Maybe things are finally looking up for you?

LasVegan360 reads

the most logical reply I have had yet.  Thank YOU!

At least, that is my experience.

It used to be that maybe one post per month of mine was moderated, now it seems like 2-3/week are.

If everyone is in the same boat, then that's a lot more posts to moderate, hence delays

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