TER General Board

Two quick questions for the providers here
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2683 reads

Smickety smack! Dont talk back... :) ( singing)

She only keeps talking , cause you keep giving feedback

Pace out your time with her...dont give her a chance to get up and get dressed..  take control of the situation...

TheDiner3083 reads

I have two quick questions for the ladies here. For you, does a clients time begin the instant he walks through the door, or when you decide to "get comfortable". Second, do you start getting cleaned up/putting on clothes after the clients time is over, or when the clients time is almost over? I ask this, because a provider I've seen twice now starts my time with her the instant I walk through the door, and likes to talk for a long time, taking up tons of our "intimate" time. A little talking is fine, but I'm not paying for small talk. Also, she starts getting cleaned up and dressed with like 10 or 15 minutes left of our session. Sometimes I'd like to kiss or something for that last little bit of time, but I don't want to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. So, ladies, what do you usually do, and should I find a new provider?

Kimi_Lixx3033 reads

Your time with me starts when you arrive. Your time ends when you leave. If I am arriving, your time starts when I arrive, and ends a few minutes before I need to leave because I must get dressed before I can go.
If you don't want to talk, don't talk. If your provider is doing things during your appointment that you don't want to do (such as talking and washing up), let her know that your time is valuable, too.
If she is traveling to you, then she may need to get dressed on your time. If you are traveling to her, then she can get dressed once you have gone.

otraroberto2961 reads

Hey Kimi...when you see me just arrive naked and leave naked....more time for  us....lol

Smickety smack! Dont talk back... :) ( singing)

She only keeps talking , cause you keep giving feedback

Pace out your time with her...dont give her a chance to get up and get dressed..  take control of the situation...

RockinRobyn2858 reads

I personally start the season when things start...well...gettin' going'!  I do love to talk but, body language is the key...so I concentrate on what the person wants and if needed shut my mouth. LOL  
I think Ciara is right...pace out your time.  Or say something witty if she starts talking to much like...something around the lines of "I would rather kiss you..."

"Tweet, tweet"
I'd have to just keep..."Rockin' Robin, tweet, tweet...Rockin' Robin, tweet, tweet, tweet." (singing)

But if she started leaving 15 minutes early, I'd let her be as free as...uh...let's see...oh yeah, as free as a Free Bird!  

["And this bird you'll never chaaayaachayayaange"(singing again)]

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Are you booking 15 minute appointments? Who cares if she talks! Let her open herself up to you and revel in who she is! I don't care if she talks for 50 minutes so long as she fucks me like a lover for 5.

But that's just me. ;) Different strokes for different folks.

I disagree Lex. He isn't paying her to talk. If she wants to use her mouth in session I am sure he can find ways for her to and that she gets ready to get dressed 15 before the session time is unbelievable. Every provider is differnet but you might want to think of seeing a new provider who is more considerate of you and your time.

Fuck for 60 minutes and get her on her knees at the door from the time you walk in.. thats called a pse... if ya wanna gfe... girlfriend experience.. girlfriends talk...woman talk... gfe experience is all about the illusion.. Pse is all about fucking..

Possibly you've found the wrong girl !

but if you are going to see this lady a third time (which I think you will by the sounds), then take action for God's sake. Put something in her mouth, even if it's a finger or tongue.

Personally, I like conversation with my provider. If I am really attracted to her and things are clicking, the conversation only adds to the excitement. Corny as it may seem, I love her brain also. And I am sure many men feel the same.

Now, there does come a time though, that I look forward to her screwing the living hell out of me. That may be only 15 minutes or it might be 45. Either way, if all the rest is not there, I won't be back anyway. Gotta have a brain, ya know.

try out a couple providers or speak up. Tell her that you want to spend more time being physical with her and that she turns you on.  I personally try to not spend more than 5 mins getting in the door, going to the bathroom (time for the envelope to get dropped into my open purse) and I do all my talking afterwards.  I also don't watch the clock so I am notorious for giving the guy an extra 15 mins but who cares. How many guys get paid for their favorite activity?

GaGambler2469 reads

I've really got to get over to SC sometime. I don't think you should be allowed to post your link anymore. I have too hard a time coming up with complete sentences, much less witty remarks after viewing your pics.

Yeh, and I am urged to catch a plane from Vegas to see more than those pics myself. Geeez

Both is the answer to your first question.
I am not a clock watcher so, that is a good thing! I like to make you feel comfortable and relaxed before our time together begins.
Sometimes I talk alot but, hey, sometimes they do, too!
If you are on a timed schedule, let me know this upfront and I won't keep you.....hell, I do good if you stay for the whole time you scheduled....must be the intimidating red hair!

Might I suggest that if you seek a new provider, do your homework....do a search on her name, email addy, website and phone number. Checkout her reviews to get a feel of what she's really like. Maybe she's just not your cup of tea!

Hope this helps,


Hedonist:)3084 reads

Very simple way to change her language, the moment she opens her mouth stick your cock in it and let her speak the universal language bbbj and love.

Or take her hand, put it on your cock, say open wide and talk to it slurp slurp.

I know, I know, this sounds like civie advice!  But really, the same people skills apply.  You can try non-verbal communication (starting kissing and touching earlier) or you can try talking to her *diplomatically*.  Probably non-verbal to start early on and near the end of the session, "hey is it ok if we kiss/cuddle etc. for a little while?" when she looks like she is about to get up.

If it doesn't look like she'll change or respond positively, then yes, it's time to look for a new provider.

BILL183563187 reads

Awhile back a provider posted (sorry I forget who it was to give the props) "did you come here to talk or fuck"?
Clocks running, you paid for the time but let the poor girl get in the door and yeah she does need to get dressed

-- Modified on 4/29/2005 11:30:04 AM

would be in between pops while you both recover. Excellent use of the time that way if she's a clock-watcher. I prefer to see providers that give me extra time for talking because we enjoy each other's conversation so much; in return, I tend to schedule multi-hours with them so it would make their while seeing me. Different strokes for different folks, even for providers. Figure out what you're looking for and look for those that have or offer it. There are many providers out there. Why bother changing someone to suit your needs when you can others that actually do. As usual, YMMV. To you, maybe she's a clock-watcher but to others, maybe she's not.

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