TER General Board

tsk tsk tsk Juniorregular_smile
BILL18356 4549 reads

you're going to be a project I see.

First , notice its a new alias

2nd notice how its self promoting

3rd who in hell knows what she looks like for real

Grasshopper :D

goonis7195 reads

but she was not his girl yet.
i have been friends with her for a while we had a drunken one night stand she has been a close friend and we decided not to "go there" again.
enter my best friend:
he started going out with her 3 months after the episode and now they are thinking of getting engaged they have been dating for a year or so. should i tell him i fucked her? he thinks we have always just been friends. truth is we have spent 50 or so nights together sharing a bed but nothing ever happened we were in vegas and drunk and on thing led to another but it was a one time deal.
she is hot but ive known her since i was 11 and we just never wanted to be more than friends.

does he need to know?

"accident" anyway and "she was not his girl yet." So, where's the moral issue if in fact there is any even if it happened after she became his girl?

-- Modified on 6/1/2005 11:52:07 AM

junior4572775 reads

If she is that hot and puts out why not hook a brother up and PM me her e-mail or number.

Thanks !!

BILL183564550 reads

you're going to be a project I see.

First , notice its a new alias

2nd notice how its self promoting

3rd who in hell knows what she looks like for real

Grasshopper :D

junior4572699 reads

I'm sorry Bill. I just want to be funny so people like me so sometimes I post without really thinking about it.

Your right I should have paid more attention, that is why you are the Master of the Mad Dog Dojo.........and I am still a grasshopper.

I even got yelled at for trying to defend thirsty today....maybe I just don't belong here anymore. sniffle.....sniffle.....sniffle

BILL183564393 reads

oh crap based on youre drama I think I have the perfect drama queen provider for ya :D

until I actually read the post.  Now I agree with junior457.  Since he was first to ask, he's first in line on the number.  But if she's up for a late night date after junior decides to visit the casino....

Emperor Palpatine3363 reads

If it comes out after the marriage, he will feel betrayed by her and you, even though it happend before. If such info would break up their relationship, they shouldn't be getting married. If it wouldn't, no harm done.

Tell her to tell him. If it comes from you, it'll hurt their relationship more than if it came from her.

-- Modified on 6/1/2005 12:03:38 PM

vicarious one5022 reads

with out a doubt...to be married with this hanging is asking for trouble should it ever come up.

Why would you want to tell him?  Thats between her and him and if they don't share sexual histories that is their decision...unless of  course you want to fuck up their wedding plans, steal her for your self, ride off into the sunset...on second throught...

skisandboots2739 reads

Palpatine and Kinkydad have some wise words.  Though these question need asking:  Who did you know first?  When you fucked her, why not tell you friend then since they weren't dating?  This is the guy code:  Shag a hot babe, tell your guy friends.  This way, if they ever do hook up then it's out in the open.  Your friend should be told, by HER!  If she's not willing to, then I would stay the hell away from both of them.  Because, if you and the girl had started out as just friends then had a drunken one night stand, that info will eventually come out some time one and/or both of you get drunk again.  If that happens, you've got an ass-whoopin' coming your way.

Emperor Palpatine4332 reads

...now would be better than later.

If it were me, I would want to know. Obviously you would want to know as well, or you wouldn't be asking us this question.

doublehaul3318 reads

i think this all revolves around whether you and her can be good citizens and respect their marriage in the future.  if you're ready to support their relationship, then you're truly a great friend for both of them.  keep it a secret, and if it comes up, tell your buddy that you're happy for him and that he's a lucky guy.

i assume there are no corroborating witnesses that could "out" you.  if there are, i'd consider fessing up then.  if no witnesses, then you gotta gauge whether you can trust her to take the secret to her grave (rather than get pissed at him and say "ha! i snaked goonis")

if you and she are such good friends, it's good you got this behind you.  it's much tougher if after five years she's been married to this guy then you two decide "i really regret we didn't fuck" then haul off and fuck while they're married.  you'd probably regret not fucking her than that you did.  smile, shut up, and enjoy the memories...

it is none of his business

did she confess to him about all her past boyfriends,

have you confessed to him about all your past lovers

do that first and bore him so he loses interest by the time that you tell him the truth

Oh, and I like you with your natural look, too. :)

-- Modified on 6/2/2005 5:49:32 AM

ClydeTolson3248 reads

No relationship has much chance of surviving unless third parties tell both people in the relationship everything that might cause them pain or to have second thoughts, especially those things that happened before the relationship started.  You should immediately tell your friend everything, including exactly which sex acts were performed, how many orgasms each of you had, who moaned what names, and any comments she may have made about your giant schlong.  If you have pictures or video you can show him, that will be a big help.  You should also consult with all of their friends and make sure that the friends disclose any pre-relationship hijinks they may know of.  It's hard to imagine anything but good coming out of giving your friend an unerasable mental image of his best pal boinking his one-true-only.  Mighty thoughtful of you to consider giving the gift that keeps on giving.  Why don't you just pour a petri-dish full of gonnorhea into his underwear drawer?

-- Modified on 6/1/2005 11:45:49 PM

-- Modified on 6/1/2005 11:47:23 PM

ma vie2819 reads

......Besides I thought they both were your friends.  Why in hell would you stick your nose in their relationship?

Just because I'm a girl, why can't I respond??Keep it to yourself, honey.  he doesn't need to know.

tokai3988 reads

She did not cheat on him. Her past is her business to share.

Unless you think that he thinks she is a virgin. That might be different.

What would be the purpose of doing that?  To clear the air?  It won't.

So, you fucked one night and it went nowhere.  Why this motivation to admit it?  Keep it a secret.  It mean anything, unless you take up an affair with her.  And if you only fucked her once since the age of 11, that's very unlikely.  

PeterPickle2400 reads

She should be the one to decide if he needs to know who she's fucked in the past. After all, the relationship is between HIM and HER......you are not part of it so why stick your nose in where it doesn't belong?  You can't be foolish enough to think that you would be viewed as some kind of hero or savior for spilling the beans.

The only reason you would wrestle with the decision is because you have an ulterior motive. You have some sort of feelings for this chick and if you spill the beans you could split them up. And if you split them up.......guess what.....she's gonna hate you and you'll never get in her pants again anyway.

Nobody wins so don't do it...MYOB

LngRod882593 reads

ask yourself that question and you'll have the answer. i had a similar situation when a good friend of mine thought i slept with his soon to be wife. even though her and i new each other before he did, he had to know!! i honestly told him NO... he was relieved. but believe it or not, years later the tables were turned. i had really strong feelings for this person when i found out that she went out with him at a time when we had just met. she claimed she didn't fuck him, but i had to ask him myself. he told me he did... he did'nt know i was now together with her. i just told him that i was good friends with her. it really broke my heart to the point i had to let her go. it was one of the most difficult things i ever had to deal with, but it turned out to be the right thing because i new i couldn't live with it. i have gotten over the her since then and am living the good life. i wouldn't change a thing. remember, would you want him to find out by you before he's married or after. things would get hellish !! think about it

hiddenmuscle3649 reads

i fucked my bestfriends girl

no you didn't; you fucked a drunk broad in Vegas

simple as that

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