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To paraphrase Tolstoy.....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 682 reads

All happy experiences are happy in the same way; but the unhappy ones are each unhappy in their own way.

I have had experiences where a provider I really adored moved away; and it was truly sad.  Then I've had others move away, and it didn't bother me very much.

Then I've had some flake out on me, two in particular were people I absolutely adored.  One I had known for over ten years, the other for less than a year.  Both circumstances were different and I'm not going to divulge them here for obvious reasons, but each hurt very badly.

Then there was another that went semi-psycho on me.  I didn't miss her but she started leaving threatening messages on my voice mail; but they stopped and nothing came of it.  I filed that one under "whew".

One long time favorite left to pursue a relationship with the father of her newborn son; but after a year she came back as that didn't work out so well.  I was happy for her to go and make that decision, but a lot happier that she came back.  We stayed in touch discreetly during that time by having email chats and met for lunch a few times.  It pays not to burn bridges with the right people.

That's the most memorable of them.

What was like for you when you after seeing a provider (or hobbyist) for a significant time (say, more than a year)and decided that your time with her/him was done? Moving? Bittersweet? I'd love hear your stories if you care to share.

All happy experiences are happy in the same way; but the unhappy ones are each unhappy in their own way.

I have had experiences where a provider I really adored moved away; and it was truly sad.  Then I've had others move away, and it didn't bother me very much.

Then I've had some flake out on me, two in particular were people I absolutely adored.  One I had known for over ten years, the other for less than a year.  Both circumstances were different and I'm not going to divulge them here for obvious reasons, but each hurt very badly.

Then there was another that went semi-psycho on me.  I didn't miss her but she started leaving threatening messages on my voice mail; but they stopped and nothing came of it.  I filed that one under "whew".

One long time favorite left to pursue a relationship with the father of her newborn son; but after a year she came back as that didn't work out so well.  I was happy for her to go and make that decision, but a lot happier that she came back.  We stayed in touch discreetly during that time by having email chats and met for lunch a few times.  It pays not to burn bridges with the right people.

That's the most memorable of them.

They usually retire before I get sick of them.  I can think of only one lady that I was a regular with who I stopped seeing and it was really rather unintentional. I met my current ATF and decided that I was going to concentrate on her for a while. A few months went by and I got the urge to see the gal I had been ignoring for a while but she retired.  I felt a bit sad that I hadn't gotten a chance to see her one last time.  She was a sweet girl but a bit younger than what I prefer.

Is she demanding that you see here again???..No ill will meant, just thought that was a funny headline, "your not going to make me see you again, I have had enough"...lol

LOL... you perceptive booger... I had an ATF that was really good to me sexually speaking, but she began to take me for granted and well, I told her to go away... she called for a few months, wondering why we were not doing this or that or going here and there and I ignored her... when it's good, it can be better, but know that I pay you to go away...

is the worst. I move on if that occurs.

There was one young lady that I saw several times, and became quite friendly with, even saw her outside the hobby a few times for a nice breakfast or lunch. I was a little saddened when she told me that she was leaving the hobby and the area to go back to school. I still get an email now and then to tell me how she's doing, but I do miss her. She was one of those special ones.

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