TER General Board

The Opposite is Not Always True
Zeel 63 Reviews 29 reads

I think this thread is getting a little wild with assumptions. If I say I like women with tans, it does not mean I don't like/hate fair skinned women. If I say I like spicy foods, it doesn't mean I don't like/hate mild food. If I say I like it when it's sunny outside, it does not mean I hate it when it rains. Now, it's fair to ask me any questions that are unaswered by my statements and allow me to address it. That said, when I first saw QB's post, I read it as a sign of appreciation to these members, not a knock to everyone who does the opposite.

I don't think it's fair to assume the opposite of those QB just appreciated are all lumped into this category of people she hates. If you truly read this and thought, "Oh, she hates people who post on boards and she hates people who review and she assumes all of these people complain and don't send deposits," then I would say you just ran with a bunch of assumptions that she did not say. On the flip side, if what she didn't say leaves you wondering, perhaps asking questions, and not making assumptions, will help clear things up.

But I disgress. Perhaps a little late for that route. It would behoove QB to clear the air, since in the end, only she can speak to what she really thinks.

Thanks for reading the boards & being here even if you’re a ghost. 👻 I would say 60% of my business comes from silent users. Silent members never post & never write reviews, but book without complaining, send deposits & repeat making fun times.

RespectfulRobert26 reads

How would you know to any certainty which of your clients are "silent members?"

Steve_Trevor26 reads

that non-silent members can’t book without complaining, don’t send deposits, and don’t repeat those fun times.

Since I know you try to be positive, I’m hoping that’s not what you meant.

Silent members don’t write reviews & do not post on the boards & they do pay deposits, travel fees + the majority will pay in full, plus plan way in advance. There are real players out here who don’t troll, bitch, or share by writing reviews. I whitelist my new friends regardless. Sharing is caring. A gentleman never haggles.

-- Modified on 2/20/2024 7:41:33 AM

Steve_Trevor35 reads

those “members who don’t pay for VIP”? Are they better than other members in your opinion, or worse, or… what?

By lumping trolling and bitching in with writing reviews, you appear to be equating those behaviors. True?

If “sharing is caring”, why do you seem to be trashing people who “share by writing reviews”?

And I hope you know that non-silent members can also pay deposits and travel fees when warranted, pay in full, plan way in advance, and not haggle. I don’t understand how whether someone posts here or not determines how they act as a client. I’ve posted here for many years, and providers tell me I’m a “perfect client”, even a “unicorn client” (when I’m particularly horny).

other 40% of TER members a good thing for your business?  It would seem counterintuitive to me, but you know best who your customers are, even if your explanations sometimes makes me want to heave.  

On the other hand, is this a made-up excuse to persuade us that you are getting a lot of business, but it can't be verified because it's just a coincidence that none of them write reviews, which explains why you haven't got many lately?  

Whitelisting guys without their permission gives a customer who is trying to be under the radar a reason not to see you again.  If a guy is so paranoid that he doesn't post on the boards or write reviews, why would you out him automatically "regardless" by giving him a whitelist which announces he is more than just a casual lurker on TER.  Thanks for letting us know you can't be trusted.  

Queen Bia  is one of the best of  an  handful of best providers  on this  board and maybe beyond. She knows  what she is talking about. Some of you're are indeed mediocre ,cheap and always want more for less. ; yet you come on this with a lot of talk. Her clients are no Cheap Charlies so don't  act like she don't know what she talking  about.


Looks like there’s a new Sheriff in town. I guess we better straighten up and fly right!
Or maybe just another village idiot trying to white knight in hopes of getting a freebie or discount from a middle aged working girl?

are you talking about, the five she got reviews from in ALL of 2023, or the ONE so far in 2024?  How do you know they aren't cheap?  Did you ask every one of them if they tipped or not, or negotiated a discount?  Discounts can often be had from desperate providers who's business is slow or spotty, and five reviews for a provider who has been here nearly 20 years is definitely spotty.  There have been many threads in here in the past about mongers doing this.  Apparently, the best time is the last week of the month when the rent for next month is coming up.

So you think she might be one of those desperate providers depending on what time of the month it is.
As she said some of her best customers don't even post. Yes, we are both speculating but,   all I can tell you is  that a provider don't get good rating by being mediocre .

Her ratings took a sudden jump some years ago when she started demanding full personal information for screening.  Do you think it was just a coincidence that she just got a lot better practically overnight, or something else a little more threatening to providers might be afoot?  A sudden jump in scores like this is a red flag for me.  If she had the ability to substantially improve her service, she would have done it sooner, IMO.

You have to consider that maybe she evolved. Prior reviews had her as a non GFE. Everything covered and no kissing and I think she had her breast done, or maybe it was her sister. Also she probably figured instead of seeing any and all slap dicks, she started to see guys who would be more into what she was offering and was looking for more compatibility, Girls do figure this out in time.
And as she aged she probably figured out her sexuality… it happens.
But anyways,I don’t correlate rise in scores to deposits. To insinuate that it’s Kinda blackmail scheme is ridiculous

"probably" twice, which means you are completely speculating.  You want us to accept your narrative because it's your best guess?   Lol

At least I provided some facts to back up my suspicions.  I have also seen her when she was younger . . . . much younger.  So your conclusion that my theory, based at least on SOME facts, is ridiculous, while your COMPLETE speculation on everything you said is not?  Do you see the irony here?  

Then compare. I noted tbe difference as to then and now.
You’re just throwing out pure speculation.,, you don’t know.
Again but I don’t see the correlation with your assumption even though you’re claiming them to be “Fact”

the type of provider I'm interested in seeing looks-wise.  When I saw her, she was one of the hottest Latina's around, but now?  Check out the red-dress photo on the home page of her website.   That's just not attractive to me.  Maybe YOU should see her now and we will just compare notes.  What do you say?

It's NOT speculation. I based my theory on her review scores, which are published (fact 1), and the timing of her JUMP in review scores (fact 2) occurring during the same general time period (fact 3) as her intensification of screening requirements (fact 4).  You based your response on TWO "probably's", which is what "pure speculation" looks like to most intelligent people.   So, what published "facts" do you have to support YOUR take on what "probably" happened?

A true experienced "monger" will see how she evolved from first review to now. I don't understand how you can not see it. She was a fetish kinda girl, advertising on CL at her beginning and now she's more selective and it seems she has expanded her menu. And a true "monger would know that and see that base on her reviews.  
Again read her earliest reviews to now. You will learn something and maybe you can or speculate/theorize to a better conclusion.
Bottom line, you don't have anything except your theory and your theory is based on your lack of well rounded experiences.

You may recall a wonderful provider and very smart poster here called Rasha. Her early reviews here were never more than a 7 for performance because she started out strictly CBJ. Then she changed and went BBBJ. Her performance scores immediately shot up to 9s and 10s. It had nothing to do with screening info.
So there's that.
She was superb.

Looking to the right side ---> there are around 12,000 users online right now.  
There are ~4000 new reviews (in what time span? today? this week? past 30 days?).
Across all of the boards, how many unique posters are there in, say, any one month period? Fewer than 100? ... 200?
Although I read recent reviews, I don't notice the names unless it's someone I recognize. How many unique reviewers are there (that aren't also posters)?

Posted By: QueenBia

Thanks for reading the boards & being here even if you’re a ghost. 👻 I would say 60% of my business comes from silent users. Silent members never post & never write reviews, but book without complaining, send deposits & repeat making fun times.

RespectfulRobert30 reads

But I just have no idea how QB can determine who her silents clients are from the non silent ones. How she knows what her clients do in their private lives is beyond me.

my-0.02-cents34 reads

This board changed when the SESTA/FOSTA shut down TER for a while not allowing people to write reviews and a lot of people stopped coming by TER to chat. Things were so bad that girls on Twitter were offering support for any girl feeling suicidal because they lost so much business so fast. You can see a lot of guys who used to write reviews either stopped or slowed down after 2017.

420Smoka4Eva16 reads

That definitely killed it, and after that providers seemed to turn away from reviews in general. Before Covid I was regularly thanked for writing good reviews for providers I liked. I write reviews less often these days for many reasons. Many reputable providers have delisted. Writing reviews can cause too much drama these days. People who run the boards can be jerks and sometimes edit your posts (not here at TER, other places). Finally reviews in general are less reliable than they used to be. I still use reviews but....

brownjack24 reads

I am a little offended by the inference that posting and writing reviews is in it self a negative characteristic.  And, that as a 'non-silent' member, one should assume that I will complain, haggle and/or not repeat.

RespectfulRobert24 reads

And from what I have heard, she is a fantastic provider.  
But in just the last few weeks, she has castigated many of her fellow sex workers, criticized almost half of her own client base, and as you point out, she insults people in the community at large whom she has never met nor knows anything about simply due to their contributions here in the form of postings and/or reviews.
I am viewed as being too "pro provider" by some here at times, and thats ok. I can take the criticism as I think the women here often get a bad rap on certain topics.  
But QB is really crossing a lot of lines recently and she tells us she is all about positivity, but honestly, I don't see too much of that quality in her postings lately, and in fact, I find quite the opposite.  
I wonder if she sees the irony in calling out people whom she deems as a negative influence when they post while she is doing that very same thing she claims to despise in this very thread.
If she has a beef with certain individuals, then she should state it, but all too often she is painting with a VERY broad brush by attacking large swaths of this community and lumping us all together based on ourgroup identity, be they client or SWs.  
I hope she returns to being a positive force for the community as she claims that is so important to her.

I think this thread is getting a little wild with assumptions. If I say I like women with tans, it does not mean I don't like/hate fair skinned women. If I say I like spicy foods, it doesn't mean I don't like/hate mild food. If I say I like it when it's sunny outside, it does not mean I hate it when it rains. Now, it's fair to ask me any questions that are unaswered by my statements and allow me to address it. That said, when I first saw QB's post, I read it as a sign of appreciation to these members, not a knock to everyone who does the opposite.

I don't think it's fair to assume the opposite of those QB just appreciated are all lumped into this category of people she hates. If you truly read this and thought, "Oh, she hates people who post on boards and she hates people who review and she assumes all of these people complain and don't send deposits," then I would say you just ran with a bunch of assumptions that she did not say. On the flip side, if what she didn't say leaves you wondering, perhaps asking questions, and not making assumptions, will help clear things up.

But I disgress. Perhaps a little late for that route. It would behoove QB to clear the air, since in the end, only she can speak to what she really thinks.

Someone did ask and she doubled down on the not quite explicit yet quite strongly implied insults to the active members. Somebody else asked and got no response.

Yes, I did see that. TBH, it was a rather odd response and made me wonder if she read/understood what he wrote. You and others may be right, but you still may be wrong. If she never addresses it, I can't blame any of you for making assumptions. I just don't go that route. But at this point, as I stated, if QB wants to clear it up, she should say something. If not, some of her silent readers might get the same idea.

Posted By: Zeel
Re: The Opposite is Not Always True
I think this thread is getting a little wild with assumptions. If I say I like women with tans, it does not mean I don't like/hate fair skinned women. If I say I like spicy foods, it doesn't mean I don't like/hate mild food. If I say I like it when it's sunny outside, it does not mean I hate it when it rains. Now, it's fair to ask me any questions that are unaswered by my statements and allow me to address it. That said, when I first saw QB's post, I read it as a sign of appreciation to these members, not a knock to everyone who does the opposite.  
 I don't think it's fair to assume the opposite of those QB just appreciated are all lumped into this category of people she hates. If you truly read this and thought, "Oh, she hates people who post on boards and she hates people who review and she assumes all of these people complain and don't send deposits," then I would say you just ran with a bunch of assumptions that she did not say. On the flip side, if what she didn't say leaves you wondering, perhaps asking questions, and not making assumptions, will help clear things up.  
 But I disgress. Perhaps a little late for that route. It would behoove QB to clear the air, since in the end, only she can speak to what she really thinks.
Larry: If a, then b.
Moe: Are you sure?
Larry: I'm positive.
Moe: Only a fool is positive.
Larry: Are you sure?
Moe: I'm positive!

You know Sauce is a fan of yours right? Like, you're not my cup of tea exactly, but I appreciate you here and talking shop, your takes are usually at very least well reasoned, etc.

But this is a bad one. It is absolutely trivial, and has been trivial for a very long time, to maintain a persona on TER, while also seeing ladies that are not privvy to your persona. What you're seeing at 60% is a maximum, which isn't likely to be a real number. Much more likely that at least some of us less than silent users have enjoyed spending time with you.

Also you doubly know that I'm not among them, because I'll never send a deposit to someone I hold zero legal leverage over.

The whole idea of this forum is to let us know what we can expect, and what not to ask for. So when you selfishly see a provider and do what you do, why even join  TER!! I do not want to go to a provider and pay big bucks and find out. It’s a. CBJ !! By the way, I get a kick out of all these experts that have under 10 reviews, and they have all the answers to this hobby!

I have 12 reviews, so you can trust me. ;-)

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