TER General Board

The incredible Miss Bond! (gotta love that name)
TER lover 2650 reads

Here goes, and the answer is much less sinister than most would think.  

The questions are different simply because women "in the hobby" tend to be much more flexible in career and professional development then the males - For the female to participate she only  has to have a willingness and an appropriate service to offer....   For males it is that PLUS disposable income!  that is they  have already settled on a career and are working on it using that as income to support.

Also, women may be physicians, doctors (I distinguish between Ph.D.'s, doctors and MD's, Physicians), nurses, EMT's, and so on more so than males - That is, there are more women in all of the different Health Care Occupations than male (with the exception of physician and certain types of biological scientists).  

So, yup -  it was worded differently, but with an eye to what exists - not trying to hurt anyone's feelings - but clearly I did, and for that I am sorry!  

As always, I am astounded at the insight of this board, the incredible perspective that it provides to the words that we choose to use.

Thanks.  I did learn something.

TER lover5190 reads

I notice a lot of posters with statements like "incubation period...." "latent infection..."  "Oxytocin is relased..."  "Latest article on ED in the NEJM..."  "Taking 2, 4-dinitrochicken wire..."  

Soooo, my question for
Providers: How many of you (are/were/gonna be) in the health care profession?  or related field...

Hobbiests: How many of you are a Doctor (MD or PhD in a related life science)?

All: What is your primary source of information about sex?


hiddenguy2494 reads

I stayed in a Holiday Inn express last nite.  Sorry I just couldn't pass that one up.

It's interesting that you posed a slightly different question to the two groups.  Why is that?

Hmmm.... nice call, why would question posed be different?  Have to admit that over the years I have seen female physicians, and one surgeon in particular, who happened to be female, saved my life on the table.  The bias in the question is evident, and doubt that many men would even realize this until pointed out to them...

-- Modified on 5/14/2005 1:26:51 AM

TER lover2651 reads

Here goes, and the answer is much less sinister than most would think.  

The questions are different simply because women "in the hobby" tend to be much more flexible in career and professional development then the males - For the female to participate she only  has to have a willingness and an appropriate service to offer....   For males it is that PLUS disposable income!  that is they  have already settled on a career and are working on it using that as income to support.

Also, women may be physicians, doctors (I distinguish between Ph.D.'s, doctors and MD's, Physicians), nurses, EMT's, and so on more so than males - That is, there are more women in all of the different Health Care Occupations than male (with the exception of physician and certain types of biological scientists).  

So, yup -  it was worded differently, but with an eye to what exists - not trying to hurt anyone's feelings - but clearly I did, and for that I am sorry!  

As always, I am astounded at the insight of this board, the incredible perspective that it provides to the words that we choose to use.

Thanks.  I did learn something.

Then reading Scientific American, Science News, and Discover for 15 years, and MIT Tech Review for four.  

Now that's general biology, that's not exactly sex.  But I think for biology, I have given it a lot more study than the average amateur.

If I give out advice here, I'd give people advice I'd take myself.  But you should check it out with a doctor.

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