TER General Board

The greatest fact of this hobby life is…red_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 39 reads

There’s something for everyone & there is no expression date for retirement if you’re happy and healthy. MILF, GiLF are always wanted because there is no substitution for experience. My twin is fighting health battles & we’re only 45. Assuming we all are so fortunate to live to 65…

-- Modified on 5/3/2024 11:37:18 AM

The baby boomers born between 1946 to 1964 are getting older and dying off.   In the next 5 years they will be 65 years and older.  With this huge drop off on hobbyists how is this going to impact the demand side of the hobby ?  Will the younger generations pick up the demand ?

They’ll flee their mommies basement for a quickie.  
They are socially inadequate so it’ll be the perfect arrangement..

-- Modified on 5/3/2024 7:56:03 AM

Boomer guys rock! 💋

Hopefully more of the younger generation of men will learn manners and respect before the boomers are gone.

There’s something for everyone & there is no expression date for retirement if you’re happy and healthy. MILF, GiLF are always wanted because there is no substitution for experience. My twin is fighting health battles & we’re only 45. Assuming we all are so fortunate to live to 65…

-- Modified on 5/3/2024 11:37:18 AM

Steve_Trevor29 reads

is that Millennials stand to become the wealthiest generation in history. Thus if they have the itch, they’ll probably have the scratch.

They at least 4 to 5 trips of year.  X generation also is doing the same thing.

There's Providers who fall in the boomer generation as well as the Hobbyists

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