TER General Board

The going rate by me is.....
scb19 10 Reviews 5815 reads
1 / 77

Has the perceived ( I believe it is real) increase in rates affected tips?  When I was paying $250-$300 per session (I'm in the SE) I always carried an extra $50.  The only way a lady DIDN'T get it was if it was just a really bad session.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 173 reads
2 / 77

makes the difference in whether you would tip $50 or not, then perhaps this hobby is too expensive for you in the first place.  I have never understand why some guys equate whether or not a girl earned a tip with what her rate is.  I tip everyone at least something for the personal service, just like I would a barber, even if I know I'm not ever going back.  

I could have just started out calling you a cheap-ass mother-fucker, but I've had my morning coffee on the terrace, its a beautiful day outside, and no one here has pissed me off yet today.  

scb19 10 Reviews 49 reads
3 / 77

is fucking laughable.....move along troll.

souls_harbor 96 reads
4 / 77

He takes the opportunity to brag on himself indirectly.  

JackDunphy 90 reads
5 / 77

I would never ever feel obligated tipping a gal who is charging $700/hr and nor would I do so. That is double what my attorney charges. For that kind of money I expect "an above and beyond experience." The expectation is built into the price.

But if a girl is charging me $300/hr and doesn't charge extra to visit me on an outcall where I know she drove a considerable distance AND gave me a fantastic session, I will gladly give her some travel, gas, aggravation, etc money.

The $700 girl can do all of that as well, but again, at $700, my "tip" is already included in her exorbitant fee, imo.

John_Laroche 102 reads
6 / 77

I rarely tip Independent escorts. When I do it's because she accommodated a late schedule change or ran over time because we were having fun, etc... For my few regulars, I give gifts (not on every visit), not tips.  

For my FBSM providers, they need to go above and beyond the normal FBSM menu.

On the rare occasion that I see an Agency provider (Eastern European touring gal) assuming services are similar, I do tip differently based on rate. It's like a restaurant to me. Regardless of the meal cost at a cheap diner, I'll still throw down a $5 tip (could be 50% of the breakfast cost) but if I'm fine-dining, I'll stick close to the industry standard.  

I don't do AMPs or AAMPs; too much talk of BBFS going on for said tips.

GaGambler 123 reads
7 / 77

and at the risk of both White Knighting for the OP AND agreeing with SH at the same time (perish the fucking thought) the OP didn't say the hobby was too expensive for him, he simply asked how OTHER guys felt about it.

Obviously we know how you feel about the subject, and since I too have had my morning coffee, it's a beautiful day here too and my hardest decision of the day is going to be "who am I going to fuck today?" I am not going to start out by calling you a pompous, cyber bullying mother fucker, but I can see how others might get that impression. lol

As for the OP, yes I have to admit I am much more likely to tip at the $250 price point than I am at lets say $400 or above. Independents who set their own price point are like any other professional, for example I "rarely" tip an attorney, although I have done so in the past. Lets look at an extreme example and imagine you had just finished a mediocre session with a $2,000 hr porn star, would you still feel the same obligation to tip? If you say yes, you are either an idiot or a liar and I seriously doubt you are either.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 89 reads
8 / 77

I know this not really count because i dont see providers but maybe its apply.

I travel a lot. Most times I have one big bag or maybe even one big bag one small bag. I also carry backpack with travel needs and laptop and charger. I always tip the taxi, I always tip the guy carry my bags in hotel. Does not matter what country always the same percent. I always tip my server at food places if service reasonable same percent even when same meal more or even less than I can buy at home.  

In Asia its rare to get a tip from clients. So I never expect a tip even here in US. I know there is big difference in 20 USD meal and tip and 350 dollar fuck and tip so I guess not really apply. Sometime I think just honest review is a great tip, but best tip is when they schedule again and repeat.


2648667 31 Reviews 101 reads
9 / 77
souls_harbor 90 reads
10 / 77

I don't usually tip (except to round up to $20 bills.)

However on the rare occasion I see agency girls, I tend to tip them because not only is the incall hotel bill coming out of their income, but so is the agency cut.

Dr Who revived 128 reads
11 / 77

You would give her gas money, et al?

Do you pay your attorney gas money too?

Sorry Dunphy....@ $ 300/hour that is over $ 600k per annum (assuming a full time gig that is  LOL).

Maybe you should buy this attorney friend of yours a hooker?  Is his last name Sekulow?

FakawiTribe 43 reads
12 / 77
souls_harbor 86 reads
13 / 77
JackDunphy 89 reads
14 / 77

...and she is hot and skilled and possesses a certain, shall we say, financial "vagueness" along with a keen monetary "adaptability"...I would no longer call her "my hooker."

Her new title would be my "sugar baby." :)

Only two have been promoted to such lofty status with such low wages in Jack's history, but as I JUST got done telling a good, drunken, Asian friend here, #3 is currently warming up in the bull pen. LOL

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 79 reads
15 / 77

If I go to Little Toyo or Ktown in LA and get a 2 hour shiatsu massage for $140, it's okay to tip, but if I go to a hotel or resort spa for the same service, I don't need to tip because they're already charging me double?  For some reason, I can't picture you or Jack stiffing a masseuse, so why do it to a provider just because the rate is higher?  Personal service should always get a tip, and I would argue that nothing is more personal than sticking your dick in someone.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 62 reads
16 / 77

I'm just calling you out to justify what you posted. Evidentially, you can't, so you want to be angry at me because I'm not sympathetic to your premise. Most of the time, I'm just saying what everyone else here is also thinking.  Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the message. Read what you posted in the context of my reply, and you'll probably agree that if someone else wrote it, you'd be thinking they were a cheap-ass mother-fucker.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 80 reads
17 / 77

How many times do hobbyists start threads here about. (A) they got "bumped" by another hobbyist, or (B) their provider failed to give them a reference when asked?  It's a fact that this happens less often, and oftentimes not at all with guys who tip.  It's funny how in a money-driven business so many guys can't figure out how to get the best experience possible from a provider.

Dr Who revived 78 reads
18 / 77

But when did you get into the Trannie scene?  Oh those wacky drunken asians!

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

JackDunphy 106 reads
19 / 77

And I'll spoon with Sasha, but aways with my front AND back door locked and double bolted, for added protection. LOL

JackDunphy 153 reads
20 / 77

Isn't it for an expectation of better service?

In my example, as GaG can speak for himself, I don't consider not tipping a very expensive hooker "stiffing her." That $700 for an hour is what some people make in a week!

Now, I am not going to quibble with your two masseuse comparison, as that is a different scenario, as tips are the norm and expected in that particular line of work. Granted.

But you said "all" and "always" re: tipping for a personal service, and to me, that logic just boxes you in to an indefensible position in other scenarios, like the one I posed.

I don't blanketly tip anyone, as there are many factors I consider first, and yes, price of service is certainly one of them.

GaGambler 90 reads
21 / 77

At some point most of us feel the tip is "built in".

Let me ask you again, If you paid $2,000 for an hour with a porn star, or other HDH, and you got just "average" service, would you still feel obligated to tip her on top of her $2,000 rate? It's an easy question, but I do understand why you chose to duck it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
22 / 77

Discussing what happens above $500 an hour is an academic exercise anyway, because I quit seeing girls at that rate after my first year as a Newbie because, as you point out, better service is expected by us, but in my own experience, rarely received, but I would still tip at least $50 in case I needed her as a future reference.  But you're right, at $700, my tip was just a "token" rather than a percentage.  There is nothing that a $700 girl would do that a $500 or lower girl can't do.  Most $700 girls get the premium for their looks anyway. For me, service is king.  

I often spend $700 on a session, but it's a 2-hr session at a $350 rate, so I still tip.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 47 reads
23 / 77

I would not be inclined to tip a $2000 hooker more than a $100, which might backfire because might take it as an insult that I am mocking her service, as the morin souls likes to say, passive-aggressively.  But I would never see a girl at that rate anyway. $2000 would get me six hours, INCLUDING tips, with my current regulars. I think you would do the same as me.

HappyChanges 85 reads
24 / 77

$400hr. If a woman at this rate or lower performs to my liking, I throw her a tip. I don't tip above the going rate because I believe the girls are charging too much for the service to begin with. So yes, increase of rates affects tips. At least for me anyway.

GaGambler 69 reads
25 / 77

Even you admit that at a certain point you either reduce your tip or cease to tip at all. That was the point of the OP and just about everyone but you seemed to get it.

And personally I am with Jack, I wouldn't tip a $700 hr girl unless she went well above and beyond the call of duty much less a girl charging triple that.

But nice job of hijacking a perfectly good point made by the OP that perhaps rising rates are having the effect of reducing tips.  I say he may be onto something here, especially for the guys who have a budget. Lets say a guys budget is $1,400 a month, a pittance to you of course, but this isn't you we are talking about. At $1,400 a month he can see four $300 girls each month. Now if one of them raises her rates to $350 is he supposed to stop seeing her because he can't pay her her new rate and give her a tip to boot, or is the better alternative to keep seeing her but stop leaving a tip?  

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 86 reads
26 / 77

For us 250- 300 hr./ 50 .00 tip is great, thank you

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 81 reads
27 / 77

Apples and oranges.  Realistically, how many guys on this board see $2000/hr girls?  I will give you that it was a good ATTEMPT to box me in.  The outcome of one scenario on a particular topic does not automatically apply to another if the underlying facts are significantly distinguishable. Your $2000/hr example is about as far as you can get from the OP. He's talking about a girl at $250-300 that raised her rate $50 so now he doesn't tip $50 anymore.  Hardly the same dilemma as deciding whether to tip a $2000 girl.  My answer would be he should cut back one session a month and will have enough for a $50 tip for the rest of the sessions.  Prices go up in everything in life. Some will man up and just make more money to pay the increases, others will whine and try to "retaliate."  

The way he is thinking about this,  one of his future OP's will read, "Has anyone else noticed lately how provider service has gone down lately?"  Some guys come here clueless, and of those, many remain clueless for the duration, no matter what you tell them.

GaGambler 104 reads
28 / 77

Or at least that's what it should be.

Who the fuck are you to tell him to cut back just so he can tip a woman who most likely makes four times the money that he does?  

You can tip as much or as little as you like, but even though I can afford it, I feel ZERO obligation to tip anyone making as much as a decent lawyer. He is not asking for a discount, he's just saying that as prices rise, he feels less obligation to tip and was asking if others feel the same. I for one happen to agree with him, and it looks like I am most certainly not alone.

For the record there are a LOT of guys (and girls) who think YOU are a "cheap mother fucker" for seeing K-girls that only charge $5-600 for a two hour session. Do you really give a rats fucking ass what they think?

-- Modified on 8/5/2017 4:32:54 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
29 / 77

It's what guys do here when they run out of support for their position and have no more substantive points to argue with. He folded pretty early, but I think it's admirable that you would take up his cause on principle even though you see the same girls at the same price ranges that I do.    

Many guys don't consider the collateral intangibles that can make their hobby experience more enjoyable rewarding.  Tipping brings a lot if perks with it ( I won't list them again, because I have in the past) not just in the hobby, but with many things that involve personal services.  Some guys don't care about that aspect. I do.  Who am I to tell him to cut back so he can remain a favored client?  Just a suggestion of what I would do based in innumerable positive experiences from tipping girls at several price points.  

I get PM's from guys that say they saw a girl I reviewed and didn't get the connection I describe in my review. I ask if they tipped. They say no. I suggest the next time they see a new girl, tip on the first session and then go back a week later. That's usually all it takes. The proof is in experiencing it for themselves.

1256849 23 Reviews 107 reads
30 / 77

Agreed. At certain price points the tip is not as necessary. I guess we all determine what those price points are for our financial and hobby wheel house.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 78 reads
31 / 77

And assuming the resident faux-ho’s are done speaking on our behalf, I will answer.  

In my experience, guys who tip continue to do so if the rate increase is within the elasticity of the segment to which we are marketing.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
32 / 77

You were a tipper.  That changes my opinion about you in a positive way. Not a lot, just a little, but I'm sure you'll say something to neutralize those positive thoughts. Lol

Oldtimemonger 105 reads
33 / 77

Did this get you better references? Less likely to get bumped? Do you use this method mostly at AAMPS? Did it work with white indie escorts? I tried tipping early on (usually 20%) with some non-AAMP girls. I never noticed any difference.

It almost sounds like bribery rather than tipping! Say you tip 40 bucks on a 260 AAMP session. Some new guy comes along and orders a two hour session at 500. The two hour guy is still worth more in terms of money than the tipper.

In that case your tip does not mean much.

-- Modified on 8/5/2017 4:53:54 PM

keystonekid 114 Reviews 79 reads
34 / 77

sentiments of "the best tip is a repeat date".

Some of the rationale expressed in the recent regular / newbie extend a session thread applies here.

JakeFromStateFarm 103 reads
35 / 77

In this country I see girls in the $300 to $500 range so I don't see the need.  There was one girl who charged $250 for off-the-charts service so I have her $300 up front.  In some cases with P411 girls who give a $50 discount I'll just pay the full amount.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 59 reads
36 / 77

Either they absorb the increase and continue to tip, or they stop seeing her altogether.  I could be wrong, but I would think it would rare for a consistent tipper to keep seeing her and stop tipping as the OP seems to suggest that he is doing if else considering. I think that would just be awkward. At least for me it would.  

micktoz 41 Reviews 70 reads
37 / 77

I am a repeat offender with 10 providers around the US. One of them is in a market where the normal rates are lower than the other places that I play. I always do at least 90 minutes or 2 hours with all of them and I always tip the one lady to bring her rate into line with the median of the others.  

Also, when I do 3somes and one lady is a lower price than the other, I bring up the funds to match the higher priced provider.  

I guess I don't really tip. I haven't heard a whimper of a complaint from any of the ladies I see, other than they would like to see me more often.

FakawiTribe 81 reads
38 / 77

You forgot the decimal point in front of the 7.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
39 / 77
souls_harbor 67 reads
40 / 77

He is to be commended for finding a joke you could understand.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
41 / 77

to try to make a point.  First of all, YES, tipping gets me priority in scheduling, and YES, tipping gets me better references.  You are correct that tipping has a bigger positive impact on AAMP girls than it does on indies, and even less so on white indies, but I only see a few of those a year.  Most of the indies I see are also Asian.  Many of what most guys consider AAMP girls are actually just as independent as white girls.  They lease their own incall location and rent the second bedroom to touring girls, but they still use a booker ($20-$30) because they don't speak good enough English to do their own screening.   All of the bookers I use know that I they book me four an hour, I might repeat the next day, and repeats are always two hours.  So your scenario of me getting bumped for a two hour session just doesn't happen, and most of the time, I am the two-hour session bumping someone else.  

The reason I was absent form this thread for eight hours tonight was because I had an OTC date with an indie provider.  Did I get it just because I tip?  Probably not only because of that, but I think that contributes to the reasons.  She knocked off working this afternoon, and I picked her up at her incall, which she owns, its not an org, and we went out for the evening, then I took to her residential apartment in Ktown, about 30 minutes from where her incall is.  After a few drinks at her place, she gifted me with some OTC sex.  For me, OTC sex is just like the providers say about tipping . . . . . Never expected, but always appreciated.  I saw her twice his week, two hours on Tuesday, and two hours on Thursday.  She asked me Thursday if I was free on Sunday when she is off.  I wasn't, but said if she wanted to knock off early Saturday, I was available after 3:00 and we would have some fun.  

To sum it up, I am completely happy with what you call my "tipping plan."  It provides a level of perks that make this hobby so much more enjoyable than just getting a quick fuck.  I know the way I manage it is not for everyone.  OTC time is of little value to married guys and will only get them in trouble.   Surprisingly, the most valuable perk for me is not the OTC time, its getting priority in scheduling and booker.  Some days I can't hobby unless I can a specific time slot and plus or minus 30 minutes just doesn't work.  Tipping at the level I do gets me that.  

It actually works to my benefit that so many here are pushing back so much at the thought of tipping providers.  It makes someone like me more valuable to the ladies, and assures I will continue to get the perks that are important to me.  If everyone was tipping, then I would have to tip even more to get what I want.  Hope that answers all your questions about how and why I tip, OTM.  

JackDunphy 72 reads
42 / 77

Yes, you answered EVERY question he had about tipping. In fact, you answered every question ANYBODY had or could have possibly dreamed up, about tipping.  

I have never seen a John feel THIS insecure about how he hobbies that he felt the need to give us his "Tipping Manifesto" before, but there is always a first, I guess. A trick and his money are soon parted, and with you, sooner than most. LOL

Note to my incoming JDU freshman: place CDL on ignore. Sorry you had to see this. We will get to "The Joys of Paying Less Than MSRP" in your orientation next week, as I now feel it cant wait until day one of classes when we normally do it.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 90 reads
43 / 77

I think also you should consider CDL impact on the providers thoughts when he tips.  

When a client gives a tip, not matter how big unless stupid amount large, it gives provider a few thoughts.  

First thought is that its nice to get. Second thought is that if he was nice during session, next time I don't mind running a little over. Next is if he has to cancel makes me think cancel is real reason, not grandmother die. That he will reschedule and I will be happy for it. Finally if he tip from session, spending some OTC if he is nice guy is going to be fun, enjoyable maybe. Its like small incentive.

Just a provider point of view. Keep in mind I don't care if he tip or not. If I accept an hour appointment, and another guy even a tipper want that same time, i will not cancel. I would not bump a tipper or non tipper for a longer appointment.


Oldtimemonger 63 reads
44 / 77

By your own admission you really only see Asians. K-Girls are not Americans. It's a different culture. Your tipping advice would have been better served up in the K-Girl section.  

In America we give tips to low paid service workers. Cabbies, waitresses, bartenders, etc. are low paid and rely on tips to live on.

Attorneys, physicians, dentists and American hookers are highly paid professionals. The "tip" is built into the price!

There are many men who DO NOT WANT 8 hours of OTC time. Even if I was single, I'm not spending that much time with a hooker. I don't care about OTC time and (with all the tips you give) you "paid" for whatever "freebie" you think you got.

What you are doing is bribery! Giving a tip to a white indie (on rare occasions) because she went over or went "off-menu" is different than tipping to bribe the AAMP girl and org into giving you priority because you tip every time.

No matter how much money you have to spend there is always somebody with more. You are bragging about being the two hour man that bumps the other guys off but what happens if a three or four hour guy comes along?

I have nothing against it but what you are doing sounds like bribery not tipping!

-- Modified on 8/6/2017 8:39:10 AM

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 77 reads
45 / 77

Idk, Jack. Have you considered the possibility this may have been the Cliff Notes version? ha! Maybe he can put all of his thoughts about over spending online somewhere. Is there enough bandwidth available anywhere?!?!?!?!?! ha ha ha!!

GaGambler 88 reads
46 / 77

but trying to "out bid" the other guys for pussy is a losing battle.  

I will at least give credit to CDL for at least not pretending that being a big tipper will actually create any real feelings on the part of the hookers he sees. You can easily buy (rent) pussy, but you can't buy real feelings. I know a lot of hookers who actually laugh at the "big tippers" they see. They laugh openly (out of earshot of "hobbyists" of course) about how lame some of these big tippers are and how little they have to do in return.

I know you and I disagree about OTC time, but where we do agree I'm sure is that I don't really want OTC time that is only a "reward" for spending a lot of money. If a hooker (or any other woman for that matter) actually likes you, you don't need to bribe her into being your friend (or more) OTOH, all the money in the world is not going to make her like you if she doesn't. Personally I have found ZERO correlation between tipping and OTC time, maybe because I don't really want to spend outside time with a girl who only likes me for my money. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all FUCKING a girl who only wants my money. I just prefer to go our separate ways afterwards if it's only about the Benjamins.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 82 reads
47 / 77

that is a reward or thank you is very often the transitional phase to a real life relationship.  Its difficult to make the leap from customer to boyfriend at the incall.  Whether it starts as a reward, or because you're a hot young stud and she's attracted to you, getting out of the incall is paramount to having a real life relationship.  Doesn't happen with every girl who gives OTC time, but it happens with enough that do develop real feelings.  When they're at the incall, they are in game mode.  On the other side of the incall door, its often a completely different personality, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but at least you find out.  Everybody has to do what works for them.  I can only do what works for me.  You've taken enough heat on outside dating to know when the johns are laughing, its because they're jealous.  The girls can laugh if they want, but as long as I'm getting what I want from the experience, I will keep doing it my way.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 51 reads
48 / 77

cars or factory equipment, I am as good a grinder as  anyone.  I just don't do it in any personal service situation where the attitude of the person providing the services can impact the quality of the service.  To me, that's just plain asking for bad service for what?  Saving a hundred bucks.  No thanks.  

Like I said, I know I'm in the minority by tipping, and that's just fine with me.  Less competition for the day and time I want to see a girl.  

Dr Who revived 99 reads
49 / 77

I guess paying someone...anyone..to pretend to like you is your way of filling that void.  That's OK...just own it.

Yep...they are laughing AT you.  

Maybe see a professional about your delusions?  And if you find a female therapist, please tip her too.  Maybe she'll allow you some OTC.  Or at least go 50 minutes vs 45.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
50 / 77

to call it tipping or bribery, it doesn't matter to me if I get what I want when it comes to scheduling.  My time is more valuable than any amount that I would tip a girl, so getting my hobby activities ON MY OWN SCHEDULE is worth whatever I have to do to make that happen.  If you can justify asking for a 11:00 appointment, and the girl says sorry, my first available is 5:00p and you can fuck off your day waiting around, then good for you.  I would rather me MAKING money when I can, and whatever I have to do by spending some of it to make my schedule work is money well-spent for me.  

GaGambler 119 reads
51 / 77

But as lame as the OP might sound to you (or even to me) knocking guys that don't tip is kind of saying "do it my way or you're either cheap, broke or stupid" and is pretty much guaranteed to get a bunch of "FUCK YOU's" in return.

Personally I only tip someone making hundreds of dollars an hour when I think they have gone "over and beyond the call of duty" not hoping that they will next time.

Oldtimemonger 53 reads
52 / 77

If it works for you, fine. Maybe things are different with the culture you deal with.  

Gag was right about one thing. Many girls laugh at big tippers. At the old MBOT I heard it with my own ears upstairs near the dressing room. When you're behind the scenes of all this you become a cynical bastard. Some would laugh at how easy it was to get money out of the tricks and quote them "tourist price" for a blowjob in the "VIP booths."

A few would play those guys for all they were worth. The guys got OTC time alright. It's called the long con!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 76 reads
53 / 77

Are cheap, broke or stupid couldn't do it my way even if they wanted to, and I have no expectations in that regard.  Although cheap is fixable, broke may take years to fix, and usually there is no recovery from stupid. It's a permanent lifestyle. There are a few here that can afford it that might want to try it out.  Not a vet like you because you've already perfected your game over the years as well.  As you point out, there may be handsome younger guys here that get the same perks I'm getting except the girl tips THEM, but I have to play the hand I'm dealt, just like everyone else.

scb19 10 Reviews 107 reads
54 / 77

Thanks, but you did err on one important point....I did not ask how OTHER guys felt about it.  I asked ONLY the ladies if they had experienced a decrease in tips due to the increase in prices.  The ironic thing is that at this post's point in the thread NOT A SINGLE LADY has responded.  

scb19 10 Reviews 85 reads
55 / 77

I folded pretty early because the post was directed toward the LADIES as to the impact on tips on the recent run up in prices.  I see no need to defend any position here.  Mine is what it is and yours is what it is.  Neither of us are going to change the other one, so why engage in meaningless internet drivel intended to determine who's internet dick is bigger?

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 50 reads
56 / 77


scb19 10 Reviews 87 reads
57 / 77

Thanks darlin, nice post.  But have you seen a decrease in tips say from a year ago?

scb19 10 Reviews 97 reads
58 / 77

LOVE IT!!!!!!   I was going to post that I guess demand for pussy was inelastic as that an increase in price does not cause a concomitant decrease in demand!  

scb19 10 Reviews 82 reads
59 / 77

after I posted the OP, I thought about my question and thought  "Why would any provider admit (even if it's true) that they raised their rates and clients stopped tipping?"  All this does is give future clients a subliminal message that perhaps this providers experiences aren't really worth what they are paying.

I salute you......

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 90 reads
60 / 77

who's married or stuck in a monogamous relationship with someone you don't want to fuck anymore, so that's why you cheat.  When you are SINGLE, successful and have a little bit of money, you get hit on by civvie girls a lot, but P4P is just a better option for me, not because I can't get a date.  Civvie girls want things I don't want, like exclusivity, pampering, and are a complete time-suck.  Dating providers is preferable for me because the question of me seeing other providers is not a source of drama.  They're seeing other johns at work.  I don't have to try to make time to see them three or four times a week like with a civvie girlfriend.  Their schedule will rarely allow for more than one or two outside dates a week, which is a perfect fit for MY schedule.  If I decide to go to Vegas for a weekend, I don't have to take them, because they have customers scheduled on weekends.  The thing I like the most is that providers are already somewhat conditioned to accommodate YOUR schedule rather than you accommodating theirs, so when it comes to outside dating, what guy wouldn't want to be in complete control of his environment.  If your civvie wife or exclusive girlfriend want's you to take her out to dinner, and knows you're off work, how do you get out of it without an argument?  With a provider, there is a mutual respect for schedules, both hers and mine, or else I don't continue.  I still pick up girls at the gym I go to, but after a few dates and some good sex, they want to own you.  I'm not ready for that.  

So, if you are really a "doc" maybe a little continuing education is in order so you can gain a broader understanding of why a guy like me would prefer providers over civvie girls.  Loneliness never enters the picture.   Its no wonder "Who" never got off of first base.  Even clueless "I don't know" got to third base.  Lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 59 reads
61 / 77

ever try to hustle me, but I've been doing this long enough that I can see it coming a mile away, so it never works.  If they want to laugh at me for being a generous tipper, that's fine, but then when she takes me back to her residence for a freebie who's really get the last laugh when you put it in those terms?  If you know they are working the long con, its easy to play along for awhile and then flip it on them.  However, I don't date a girl with an agenda more than twice, so they don't get the time they need to pull it off anyway.  

Oldtimemonger 93 reads
62 / 77

Depends on how much you spend!! Example: If you are dropping a grand a week or more on a K Girl and you only got one  free  fuck out of it she is still way ahead. :)

Having said that you at least sound like a guy who is aware of the long con which is more than I can say about most of the sappy tricks around here.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 91 reads
63 / 77

That get hustled all the time and don't know it.  These are lonely millennials with no game or social skills.  I had one recently that told me he gets to spend a lot of OTC time with a popular LA Kgirl every Sunday on her day off and waits in his car while she takes care of business.  He gets to drive her to the grocery store, the nail salon, the spa for a massage, and anyplace else she wants to go, and then gets to buy her dinner, but has never gotten a freebie, and this has been going on for months.  Won't be long before he starts paying at every place he takes her.  When I suggested he was being used as a taxi service, he got offended and told me they were in love with each other, so I agree that MOST guys are too naïve to date working girls on the outside.    

Dr Who revived 90 reads
65 / 77

Just admitting that you're a lonely guy is fine...and the first step.

Of course you're a man of the world...refined...suave...wealthy...YOU keep on saying so.  I believe everything you post  LOL

Now you can go back to your keyboard and tell us all again how you really don't need to pay people to be your friend.  I'm sure that a few mindless spineless tricks will believe you.

I'm sure that a few people will laugh with you...but I fear that most laugh at you.  Sorry  :(

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 50 reads
66 / 77

no need to repeat yourself.  I have PM'd GaG enough to know he's a legit high-volume hobbyist like me even though he doesn't review.  You, on the other hand have not said anything here that makes me think you have ever been a legit hobbyist, so your assessments are meaningless.  This post shows how clueless you are about how the market works.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 91 reads
67 / 77

the whole post gets narrower and longer, and this one has already gotten there when viewed on an iPhone.  Not sure if the same thing will happen here, but I'll contribute this one.  

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 87 reads
68 / 77

I will say that back in my agency days I received far more tips than I do as an independent, no matter what my rate was.  

The funny thing is that about 20 years ago the agency I worked for charged exactly the same as what I get now;  rates went down for awhile but now they're back up.   I got tips then, but I also had to fork over the agency's percentage..... nowadays the entire fee is mine but so are all the operating costs, with fewer cash tips,  so it pretty much washes out to about the same net.  

Personally, I receive far more gift cards than cash tips, but even more actual gifts (bottles of bourbon, lingerie, misc things I mention on Twitter) than the little pieces of plastic.    
And unless it's a really large or small dollar-amount,  any type of gift is actually more memorable than a cash tip.  ;-)

Because when someone tips 100%, I will REMEMBER that but I will also vividly recall the times when someone pulls out a 5 dollar bill saying, "something extra for you; you were amazing!" lol.  

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 91 reads
69 / 77


A year ago I was in Manila and HK, not USA so very different. Tipping is escort very rare in Asia. Maybe you will think this is crazy but what is more common is a gift. Simple gift, not expensive. Like a box of chocolates. Actual cash tips are not common and usually a complete surprise.  


Dr Who revived 85 reads
70 / 77

Then you will learn that most of your commentary here is incorrect.

If you only knew  LOL

GaGambler 68 reads
71 / 77

Nor am I a gentleman, something else you accused me of the other day. I am a "whore mongering pig" and don't you forget it. lol  

As for the good doctor, did you really go back through all of his 11,000+ posts he has made here to come up with that conclusion?  He might be an annoying prick, but he is most certainly not a "clueless" and annoying prick.

BTW, he has thousands more posts besides the over 11,000 that show up by clicking "see my posts" under his handle, but you can get back to me after you are done reading those and I'll show you how to find the rest of his posts. lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
72 / 77

You like to throw stones at the neighbor's house from behind the wall of your alias like a cowardly schoolboy, and you spend a lot of time here parroting the things legit hobbyists say.  If you have any reviews, you're not showing them, and no provider HERE has ever said that they saw you, nor have you said you saw them, so the only thing that makes you a legit hobbyist is that YOU say so.  That's a pretty weak hand, my friend.  You have no cred that I can independently verify, so you're just not important enough to dialog with.  Accordingly, what you think or say about me is meaningless.  Just the rant of a wannabe hobbyist from my perspective.  Just because you've been here awhile doesn't make you a hobbyist.  Other alias' have said things here that show an understanding of the business and what its like to use providers.  All I see from you is common knowledge that has appeared on the boards before, nothing unique from your own experiences.  That sort of militates on the side that you don't have any.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 89 reads
73 / 77

a hobbyist or a whore mongering pig, seeing providers does.  The posts I did read back a ways do not show he has any unique knowledge about the business based on his own experiences.  I didn't read back to the beginning, so if its a case that he used to be a hobbyist, but now has equipment failure, that would explain the lack of personal anecdotal evidence that he is either a hobbyist or a whore-mongering pig.   I can post all day on an astronaut board, and eventually, after thousands of posts, I might SOUND like an astronaut, but that still doesn't make me one.  

Dr Who revived 76 reads
74 / 77

Again...if you only knew  ;)

I'd discuss with you the in's and out's of this game from a very different perspective...but I doubt you have the mental skills to process the information.

Please make sure to tip your server!!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 81 reads
75 / 77

you're a LEGIT whore-mongering pig.  I don't want to put the bar higher than you're comfortable owning up to.  I will choose my future descriptors more carefully.  LOL

1256849 23 Reviews 159 reads
76 / 77

If no ladies responded then what does that tell You? Move on.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
77 / 77

to OP's that are just naïve or misinformed, but seem otherwise nice guys.  If you post something really egregious or dangerous, then they will be all over you, as will their loyal subjects, and well they should be.  Most will also not post controversial positions for fear of alienating one side or the other on a topic where we unwashed masses are of a divided opinion, like this topic.  If they side with one group, members of the other group may not want to see them.  So its better to remain silent and let the hobbyists argue it out.

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