TER General Board

The Bible
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 17 reads

You folks never heard of the Bible's Parable of the Workers?  Everybody got paid effectively at a different rate.  But the lesson was, you got paid what you agreed to.  So shut up.

Pothus1054 reads

ATF provider rates as posted in ad for new clients in same area where existing clients resides are 25% less than existing client rates. Should existing clients be upset or is this the norm ?  Does provider risk loosing existing clients ? How should existing clients respond if at all ?

RespectfulRobert24 reads

It's def not the norm, in my experiences. Now I have seen ads where the provider says discounts to reviewers, or to TER members, but never specifically for only new clients. It really depends on how she worded it exactly.  
Maybe ask her privately, in person to clarify her position on it over pillow talk? Yes, of course you can be upset over it. That would be a frustrating thing to see, especially if you saw her multiple times as I am guessing you have.
I can certainly understand why a provider would try to increase her client base, but she does run the risk of alienating guys who may have been very loyal to her. Maybe she will handle those on a case by case basis? No way for me to tell. Knowing her personality would be helpful as some ladies you can bring up virtually anything and they dont generally take offense while others are very strict about their rules/regs and dont ever want to be questioned.  
To the the question of how you should respond, it depends how important she is to you and just how annoyed you are. You called her your ATF. Are you willing to risk losing her over this? Tough decision but I could certainly understand if you walked away from her. It just depends on where you live and what other options you have nearby.

The newspaper  
The garbage collector  
The cable company  
Gym Member Shil
And others
Get them to come in and try the service  
What they do not realize this introductory session is not a subscription that collects automatically every month and leaves the existing clients feeling less valued.

If it’s for the first time only, I see no issue. I assume she’s trying to generate new clients hoping to keep them. I have seen it in other businesses. I got a deep tissue massage this past weekend and they offered a cheaper rate for first time clients. The hope is I will like it so much that I will think it’s worth the standard rate. We see promos and free trials in businesses all the time, and these are for new clients.

to reflect her current pricing.

But if you really believe the ad pricing is accurate, the solution is quite simple.

Hi ATF,  
I noticed your ad at Tryst has a new rate. Did you lower your pricing?

RespectfulRobert19 reads

He said that new clients were getting a discount and I took that to me she specifically said that in the ad, but you could be right. Maybe he can clarify.

who are seeing her for the first time realize what they are getting.  Those that have been seeing her regularly for a long time have not noticed the changes in age, weight, skin, etc., because those changes have been gradual.  Aging providers have a hard time coming to grips with the reality of aging, but eventually, they must be realistic about how they really look to people other than their friends and family.  This means pricing themselves competitively to attract NEW business.  

There are examples posting here from time to time of providers who are not that busy because they have held the line on pricing for many years, which means there are better options for mongers that are younger and hotter at a lower price, but their pride will not let them lower their price.   That's why many seem perpetually angry when they are posting here.

CAC, customer acquisition cost, is fairly high in the service industry. That's time and money, and, I'd imagine the play there is to lower the time required to convert via an ad at a fixed additional cost. The gambit is the cost of retaining a customer is lower than the increased cost of acquisition. That is, on the whole, true, but complicated by this being a service and not a consumable.

Existing clients SHOULD be upset and with good reason.

Not a sound business decision and I'd feel a bit upset as a customer.  

With that said if it's my atf I might let that go if I felt her previous rate was a good deal and the new rate isn't that much lower. Idk if that makes sense. Atfs don't grow on trees.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

The question is, what is the downside to losing her? If she really is his ATF and I take him at his word of course, then why stop seeing her? Out of price envy i.e. jealousy? A sense of unfairness? Both rational reasons actually, but then what happens?  
When you really like and click with someone, one has to really think long and hard about it. But I guess he can also just stop seeing her for now, not telling her the reason as there would be no need, and see how he feels in a few months time. I would strongly suggest he just doesn't burn a bridge with her as sometimes guys do in these situations.

If someone has a hard, strong (insert penis joke here) principle to not pay over x amount of money or don't take rate increases. I can see such a scenario.  

When someone has truly strong principles and beliefs, they often will go against their self-interest. And thats good imo, because it shows they actually have a set of principles... and arent just opportunistic to always have a set that maximizes self interest.  

Personally I don't have a strong principle about rates. There is obviously a range for anything I buy but if I really really like something/someone, money isn't a big deal as long as it stays within a reasonable range. My ATFs give me amazing time.  


I think what this policy really does though is it gives more incentive to be a new client and not an existing one. Like people said in the thread companies do similar promotions in order to up the new user count of their platform/product. Because new user count shows investors that product is growing, even if its just done artificially with incentives.  

In this industry, I don't think it is a sound strategy. You don't really need a higher new user count. I think some may feel betrayed by sticking to a provider and then paying more than a random newbie.

You see this kinda thing from businesses that get people under contract. Satellite TV, phone service, and the like. They run a cut rate special for new customers only and some guy is standing there saying “WTF I’ve paid my bill on time every month for ten years, why’s that guy get a better deal?”  

WTF guy can get the same deal, but he has to go back under contract.  

It’s also done by companies that know a lot of people don’t mess with shopping around for their product very often, like car insurance.  

None of that applies here lol. I agree with you it does not seem like a sound strategy, though I will concede I’ve never been a sex worker so…

I’ve seen a couple ads that say something like $100 discount for first timers, or first timers take 50 off. So like it’s just for one session, it’s not the rate that new customers get to continue to pay. I’m not sure whether that’s what the OP’s ATF is doing.  

If I was a regular I would be annoyed but probably not mad enough to stop going, especially if it was one of these one time specials. Because I’d wonder if she isn’t a lil desperate. Actually, I probably wouldn’t even know about it because I don’t usually look at regular’s ads; just contact her and ask for a time.  

Does seem to be running a risk of alienating regulars tho.

Yes I’m familiar. Often used to refer to things like 1hour =  X, 1.5hours = 1.25X, 2hours = 2.75X.  Can be applied to this situation as well.  

I prefer companion computations, Aphrodisian arithmetic, or provider permutations.

It was over 10 years ago and yes, I was a little miffed.  I don't recall seeing it recently.

This strategy is not new.  Many companies offer a new customer discount or incentive.  My former ATF offered it and had it spelled out in her ad.  No need for any returning customers to get bent out shape about it as the provider is attempting to garner new business.  

RespectfulRobert15 reads

I think it would be only natural for a guy who say has seen the girl 20 times at a tune of maybe 10-20k over a year or so to be feel disrespected. Not saying that is the case here but the reason it is so uncommon I believe, is that women wouldn’t want to potentially rock the boat with long term fantastic regulars.  
The risk/reward analysis seems skewed toward not doing it. Emphatically skewed at that. Seems like short term gain for long term pain. But then again, none of us know her situation. She is privy to numbers we are not.

You folks never heard of the Bible's Parable of the Workers?  Everybody got paid effectively at a different rate.  But the lesson was, you got paid what you agreed to.  So shut up.

True. It’s funny, I was thinking about that while reading the thread as well.  

You were offered a deal and it sounded fair to you and you took it. Don’t worry about everyone else’s deal, focus here and make the most of what your deal gets you. Unless everyone else is doing bbfs, then you nope out.  

It is human nature to get spun up about somebody getting a better deal, but seems like sometimes it’s best not to worry about it.  

OTOH, human nature can be powerful. There’s a vague memory galloping through my mind of someone who got run out of here over something like this. Meh, probably never happened.

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