TER General Board

That's where he draws the power for his Five Finger Death Punch.
MH60a 36 Reviews 3555 reads
1 / 36

Here's something I was sort of surprised at.  The influence of negative reviews on this board is apparently way
larger than I thought.  The reason I mention this is that I wrote a mediocre review (a 7-6) about a session because
that was my honest opinion.  Apparently this was enough to get me sort-of blackballed in the community and most providers quit responding.  Fortunatley I knew one agency well enough to have a conversation about it when all their girls were suddenly all booked up.  As explained to me, one bad review tends to outweigh any number of good reviews.  This hurts both the providers and agencies on the bottom line (after all they are trying to make a living).  So they are not anxious to deal with anyone that writes even somewhat bad reviews.  Bottom line:  the reviews have a lot more impact than I thought.   Lesson learned FWIW.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 44 reads
2 / 36

which makes things super competitive, and thus gals get real antsy about their numbers.

I guess this will lead to more and more guys posting reviews under an alias.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 40 reads
3 / 36

when a guy has integrity and posts an honest review about a less-than-exciting session under his TER handle, and then other ladies won't see him because of it.  It puts pressure on reviewers to give inflated numbers, which in turn pisses off all of the other guys that relied on the inflated reviews when picking a provider.  This is why I never book using my TER handle.  It leaves me the freedom to write an honest review without any provider blowback because they don't know they saw CDL.

Bigben68 10 Reviews 44 reads
4 / 36

I just always assumed doing reviews and gaining ok's and whitelists would build up a solid reputation, thus making it easier for my screening when booking providers that I haven't met yet.

Do you just have a few references that you use?


MaggieLinn2 See my TER Reviews 40 reads
5 / 36

Everyone has an opinion about a session. Guys really just want to know are they getting the most bang for their buck. Reviews should teach us what we need to improve on and what people liked. But still everyone is different in each realm of this business. Lets all just be honest and open so that everyone Has a good time. Nothing else needed.

ordairport 9 Reviews 42 reads
6 / 36

I do not disclose my TER handle during the screening process. I use an email that is not linked to my reviewer profile in case she runs a search on me. I submit the contact info of an independent provider and have not encountered any difficulty. She knows who I am; others do not need to know. As an academic, I am against grade inflation; I carry my philosophy into this hobby.

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 33 reads
7 / 36

Some ladies have met Andy, some have met Drew, some have met someone entirely else.  If a provider thinks the screening game can’t be managed, she is completely wrong.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 39 reads
8 / 36

100%.  There are ladies on the LA and SD boards that would shit a brick if they knew they had spent an afternoon with that asshole, CDL.  I present myself to providers as a refined, successful, articulate, respectful older man with a good sense of humor who is generous in tipping and fun to play with.  No one has EVER asked me or suggested that I might be CDL, and I don't say anything that might link me to any of my posts.  I guess you could say no one has ever met the CDL that is on these boards.  I intend to keep it that way.  

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 39 reads
9 / 36

By creating this whole system to rate women. Now prices are inflated and provides are very competitive. Most of my clients when have bad experiences choose not to write  review altogether to avoid screwing themselves out of future meetings with new providers.

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 44 reads
10 / 36

Just because?  I’m jealous.  Good way to get the yellowtail!

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 37 reads
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Of the number of personalities you can maintain with just a bit of effort.  However, some of the ladies on this board have met me, but they won’t know who will show up next time!

DT_lover 188 Reviews 37 reads
12 / 36

I think you are right.  Bad reviews are no fun.  

After a poor experience with an agency girl (most likely an unreviewed girl) I will try to come to an agreement with the agency rather than write a bad review.  Have done this a few times and the girl disappears from the gallery in most cases.  The agency maintains high review scores.

I won't give an honest girl less than 7 for looks.  But if pics are fake or the girl is a scam I'm ready to trash the girl for any and all reasons.

Bigben68 10 Reviews 29 reads
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1256849 23 Reviews 55 reads
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There are other boards and ways of contacting girls besides TER. Do not put all your hobby eggs in one basket.  More and more I choose not to review because of the number politics. There are plenty of ways to recommend ladies and warn guys besides reviews, especially if you participate on multiple boards.

Most of my bad experiences have been through the local agency or when I tried that defunct site (whose name we are never allowed to mention, like Voldemort).  

The majority of my positive experiences have been from ladies on p411 or eros.

Bigben68 10 Reviews 49 reads
15 / 36

Every once in a while I take a look on BP when I'm extremely bored.....lol
Most of the time when an add looks really good I do a search on TER to see if she's real and reviewed.

MANY times if if there is a review, it's really bad, like "Total rip off".

So I really appreciate the guys who take the time to write a review and save the rest of us unwanted bullshit.


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
16 / 36

is NEVER using your TER handle to book appointments.  In the beginning I gave my work info for screening.  Now I hobby enough to just give my last two provider refs.  

GaGambler 37 reads
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well the worst except for every other way of doing things of course. lol

Yes the review system has plenty of faults and is inherently flawed because we are reviewing "human interaction" which by definition is subjective. but by and large as long as you don't take everything you read literally the reviews can be a very good guideline and at the very least will keep the majority of us out of jail and away from both hookers and johns alike who are out to do real harm.  

Will the system eliminate every woman who answers the door 40 pounds heavier and 20 years older? No it won't. Will screening and references keep you ladies from ever getting a short envelope or a guy who stinks so bad you can't stand to be in the same room with him? Of course it won't. The thing is, most of us, or at least the smart ones among us, don't expect the system to be perfect, nor do we believe everything we read, nor do we expect that just because a woman is charging $800 hr and has a bunch of 10-10 reviews that she is going to be twice as good, or even "as good" as the woman charging $400 hr with mainly 9-9 reviews. Yes, there are a LOT of guys who take the reviews literally and are often disappointed, but "You can't fix stupid" lol

Fridays117 27 Reviews 35 reads
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I am always me when I post here in TER, when I review, when I use p411, my email even.  But I learned a few years back.  Only review the very good or the very bad.  The "meh" providers don't get reviews from me anymore. (Doesn't mean I don't see them occasionally -- generally at a lower price point and quick availability for last min bookings - to be blunt, drop a load) but I won't review em because of negative blowback.  If you look at my reviews, after the first few I changed my strategy.  I still write as I see em, I just don't write ALL of em anymore.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
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ceased to be anonymous, this is the next best strategy, IMO, for the reasons you state.  

Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 10/19/2017 11:27:30 AM

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 40 reads
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if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.  Also, nothing pays off like restraint of pen and tongue.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
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mrblond68 4 Reviews 38 reads
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If you had a bad provider. Because negatives affect things so dramatically, just do not leave a review for a provider who was less than stellar in service. I do not know how many customers providers see in a week, but if none are giving reviews and returning, that might spur some thoughts.

Nailit 32 reads
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MasterZen 33 Reviews 44 reads
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I get the sense that you were all pissed off about not getting the gal you wanted to book, and nothing anyone could do would change your pissy mood. I'm pretty sure it takes two to tango, and you didn't even try to dance. Maybe she didn't either, but:

Writing an OBJECTIVE review from a state of pissed off entitlement is impossible.

micktoz 41 Reviews 57 reads
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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 38 reads
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You would see this tonight.  A hilarious but predictable retort.  Lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 30 reads
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impposter 49 Reviews 59 reads
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GaGambler 49 reads
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I just read and reread his review and I didn't sense anything of the kind.

I know you "tend" to be a BSU, but you normally bring at least some type of objectiveness to the table. This is simply a blatant White Knight post without shred of evidence to back it up. Please turn in your man card and do it today.  I don't know if you can ever come back from a post like this one.

Now please go crawling back to the OTHFBC also known as Twatter and enjoy the accolades I am sure you are going to receive over there where the mindset is, "The Hooker is ALWAYS right" and if a hooker gets a bad review, it's either fake or it was the trick's fault.

JakeFromStateFarm 41 reads
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based on the service you got.  We need more people who will write fairly scored reviews and let the chips fall where they may.  Sadly, TER's scoring system and Top 100 list pushes both hookers and mongers to inflate their scores for obvious reasons.
As others have said, that's why it's wise to have both a handle and an alias and use the alias for posting negative reviews.
I totally disagree with MasterZen that you somehow brought this upon yourself.  The girl in question has a mediocre set of reviews and you might have saved yourself a bad experience had you been able to read them first.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 38 reads
31 / 36

Ha ha, I may be more "mature" but I ain't a big gal!

Steph XO

GaGambler 39 reads
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I totally agree we need MORE reviewers like the OP and LESS suck-ups like MZ.

I will further agree with you (as much as that tends to make me ill. lol) that using an alias to post less than stellar reviews is probably a wise move as both indies and agencies alike tend to be rather vengeful where it comes to reviews they don't like.

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 6:13:53 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 32 reads
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I am a very kind person and a spreader of peace and love.  I try to lead those who are lost out of the wilderness by my example of peace and love. I even love demented hookers with multiple personalities.  They are the best!
But people like Wu? I eat them for lunch. So FYATWYRIO!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 40 reads
34 / 36

has more hair on his eyebrows than many here have on their heads.  

JakeFromStateFarm 49 reads
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GaGambler 37 reads
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But once they join in with the MHB's over in Twatterland, they just don't look so hot to me anymore.

and no Steph you are NOT a "big" girl. lol

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