TER General Board

That's ridiculous, some members do ALL their posting with the same alias
Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 1832 reads
1 / 47

I'm wondering as to why someone would need an alias? Right now, I can only guess :)

Lady Rose/ Carla Wright

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 959 reads
2 / 47

Here are TER's official accepted uses of aliases. Some people probably have their own reasons outside of these, but this covers the most common and logical reasons to use an alias.

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 926 reads
3 / 47

People like to post some controversial stuff. There are a few things that I see guys posting that would be a total turn off if they were interested in me, and I'm probably not the only provider who feels that way. I've also seen provider remarks that are a bit blunt and would turn away clients.  

I've used an alias once to reply to something, not because what I wrote was controversial, but I didn't want my post to seem like I was just trying to drum up business.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 691 reads
4 / 47

I might have ta get me a few :) JK...I think that it's best to be nice or just STFU...Uh Oh now I stepped in it!

Posted By: perfectstorm
Here are TER's official accepted uses of aliases. Some people probably have their own reasons outside of these, but this covers the most common and logical reasons to use an alias.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 714 reads
6 / 47

in other words, PUSSYS Or PUSSIES, which ever plural has NO BALLS.  

-- Modified on 8/29/2015 9:45:46 AM

-- Modified on 8/29/2015 9:52:50 AM

Oldtimemonger 698 reads
7 / 47

Posted By: ladyrose317537
I'm wondering as to why someone would need an alias? Right now, I can only guess :)  
 Lady Rose/ Carla Wright
An alias is normally only used if you have to post something extremely controversial. They are legitimately used to avoid the hassles that come with review writing.

Aliases are now being used for other reasons. It could be that the person (often a provider) has used a "bitch act" so often that they don't want it in the archives so they come up with an alias. They want to sound like a human being under their regular handle.  

Those types often use their aliases for harassment. Sometimes it's hard to tell what personality is their true personality. It's very hard if not impossible to change your writing style so if the alias makes a ton of posts and has a ton of posts under their regular handle it's easy to figure out who they really are.

Personally I think alias handles are being misused. TER may need to change it's policy as to how they can be used. Maybe there should be a strict limit on how often the alias can be used  in a 30 day period.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 454 reads
8 / 47

usually a bunch of chicken littles who are deathly afraid of posting under their real handle for fear of a good spanking by their Mommy..

Posted By: ladyrose317537
I'm wondering as to why someone would need an alias? Right now, I can only guess :)  
 Lady Rose/ Carla Wright

Intrigued* 746 reads
9 / 47

If everyone was as open minded and non-judgemental of debate as you, Lady Rose, alias' would be unnecessary.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Believe it or not, there are some back stabbing, back biting, jealous, judgemental, narrow minded people within this community...as in all others.  TER is comprised of human beings just like every other endeavor.

The justifications for using an alias, as listed on TER, are pretty darn accurate.

I try to use my alias very sparingly.  But sometimes, wisdom and experience dictate that something needs to be said but in a protective cover of discreation.  Actually,  LOL, I'd never thought about it like this, but an alias on TER is kinda like a condom.  No one like to use them, but it is often the right thing to do for everyone's protection.

If you do decide to create an alias, make sure it is something fun that can't be triangulated back to your working handle.  And be sure to check the name box every time BEFORE you hit send.  It is so easy to reveal your own identity when corresponding on the boards

JackDunphy 612 reads
10 / 47

Btw, what is wrong with controversy? Differing points of view, even outrageously so at times, are what make interesting board discussions.

That person will be attacked for having contrarian or out of the herd mentality beliefs and he/she will have to defend them if they want to take it seriously.

I don't care whether someone uses an alias or not as we are all using them to one extent or another. It is not what name they choose to make their points under, only if they add something to this board, be it witty, funny or insightful.

GaGambler 516 reads
11 / 47

There are lots of trolls on the various TER boards. Some of them NEVER have anything interesting to say. I don't need an "ignore feature" to ignore them, I just pay no attention to them, except of course to lob the occasional insult at them. lol

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 734 reads
12 / 47

By the way, would you care to enlighten us on the difference between an alias and a handle with no reviews?

I'm sure your driver's license says Oldtimemonger on it.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 660 reads
13 / 47

I probably won't use one...I'll just sit back and laugh :) Thanks for the compliment Intrigued*

-- Modified on 8/29/2015 2:16:36 PM

GaGambler 625 reads
14 / 47

I only used an alias back when I was a moderator, and that was at "Staff's" insistence.  

I am too lazy to use an alias, and hardly scared about what someone is going to think about what I say here.

That said, there are some quite legitimate reasons for using an alias, and it's not only to protect the identity of the poster. Sometimes if I poster is talking about an ATF or some other woman they might have seen but for the lady's sake they don't want her identified, it's too easy for other members to look at his reviews and "guess" who he is talking about. Using an alias protects her, not him in some of those cases.

Oldtimemonger 738 reads
15 / 47

Posted By: perfectstorm
By the way, would you care to enlighten us on the difference between an alias and a handle with no reviews?  
 I'm sure your driver's license says Oldtimemonger on it.
The difference is obvious. I'm not trying to have multiple personalities. I like to make a few parody posts but I don't use an alias to try to pretend I'm somebody else. As to why a person would not want reviews after their handle, perhaps you should ask how many guys have been threatened with blacklisting for giving a 7 instead of a 9.

Oldtimemonger 685 reads
16 / 47

Posted By: GaGambler
I only used an alias back when I was a moderator, and that was at "Staff's" insistence.  
 I am too lazy to use an alias, and hardly scared about what someone is going to think about what I say here.  
 That said, there are some quite legitimate reasons for using an alias, and it's not only to protect the identity of the poster. .
I understand that there can be a few good reasons for using an alias but I think aliases should be limited to 10 posts a month. That would cut way down on abuse of the alias.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 750 reads
17 / 47

Of course it has roses in it :)

followme 581 reads
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As you know and I'm sure most everyone else knows (at the time) I had many, and often had fun with it all.

I Never used them to hide.

I really wish they would bring back unlimited aliases.  

Thank you  
The Followme Family
2015 = 28

GaGambler 652 reads
19 / 47

Sorry, but that was just too easy to pass up.

but some aliases have more credibility than others. Some guys/gals have been posting under the same alias for years and that gives their alias more credibility than a poster using his "real" handle but with no reviews and a history that goes back only a few weeks or months.

and you really have to wear the "clueless" label when you are still insisting that L.Viejo is actually LR, when there are most likely dozens of people here who not only know his "real" handle, but his real name to boot.  Yes, you have earned that "clueless wonder" tag honestly.

GaGambler 574 reads
20 / 47

Not when every one of your many, many aliases started with "follow me" lol

GaGambler 461 reads
22 / 47

and some of those people have been using that same alias for years.

Your little yellow envelope doesn't give you even the least bit more credibility than those posters, and for that matter neither does mine, but at least I have had mine for 11+ years, both here and on a few other boards. For all practical purposes, I might as well change my real name to GaGambler. lol

Alan_Nimm 667 reads
23 / 47

Yes, we all use an alias of one form or another here.  Unless there's people here posting under their real names.  If so, not very smart.

-- Modified on 8/29/2015 2:08:55 PM

L.Guapo 408 reads
24 / 47
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 501 reads
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I have said in the past many times when the subject of aliases came up, I used my alias to "protect" the women I reviewed. This became less of a concern as my review count grew.  

This is covered in #7 of TER's nine acceptable uses of an alias.

Oldtimemonger 720 reads
26 / 47

Posted By: GaGambler
Sorry, but that was just too easy to pass up.  
 but some aliases have more credibility than others. Some guys/gals have been posting under the same alias for years and that gives their alias more credibility than a poster using his "real" handle but with no reviews and a history that goes back only a few weeks or months.  
 and you really have to wear the "clueless" label when you are still insisting that L.Viejo is actually LR, when there are most likely dozens of people here who not only know his "real" handle, but his real name to boot.  Yes, you have earned that "clueless wonder" tag honestly.
I could post numerous URLs where she pretty much admitted it. The full real name and a host of other things are easy to find. It's not surprising dozens know her real name. Why did she come up with an alias that followed my every post using LRs *exact* writing style at almost the time LR stopped posting for a few weeks? She also loves to correct spelling and grammatical errors just like..............

My "history" goes back (as a customer of the reviews) to 2008. My posting history goes back a year in my regional section. Hell, I do remember when you posted in mod red. I also remember the change in ownership around here. I am not in any need of your approval. Just calling it the way I see it.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 705 reads
27 / 47

1) LG has outed himself numerous times. Almost everyone here (except you) knows who he is.
2) Many folks here also know LR's alias.
3) Some folks here know him and her personally.
4) You tried to out the alias. If you were correct you would be banned from posting! It is against TER's rules to out an alias, yet you are still posting. That right there should tell you that you are wrong!
5) TERAdmin came right out in a thread and told you that you were wrong, yet you choose to hold on to your stupid idea. Why would TERAdmin lie about that?
6) Their posting style is nothing alike. You are the only fool who thinks that.
7) There have been many threads where LG and LR posted on the same thread. If they were the same person they would have lost their posting privileges.  

Go ahead and ignore my logic and continue your clueless quest.

L.Guapo 862 reads
28 / 47

You said Smalltimemonger was an imbecile if he still thinks LR and I are the same.  In fact, Stm is an imbecile for so many other reasons, too.
For example, I was unable to respond to his latest inanity on the swallowing thread because it's now closed, but he took the position that swallowing should be fine if she permits CIM but spits.  He's obviously no doctor because if a girl has no cuts or lesions in her mouth but does in her throat, that's where she'll get it.  There are many documented cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea in the throat.  So by swallowing, a girl approximately doubles her risk of infection.
Oh, and then he rebutted by citing links about HIV when I specifically never even mentioned HIV.
What a clown.  Er, imbecile.

L.Guapo 715 reads
29 / 47

They think aliases are always used to flame, for example, which is untrue.  The proof is when multiple aliases were reduced to one, a major reason was to improve the tone of the boards.  Hasn't happened, has it?  And don't blame the single alias.  We don't flame any more than regular handles.

L.Guapo 502 reads
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So why do I use one or the other?  Even I don't know.  And, as GaG pointed out below, most people also know my handle and my real name.  I'm quite an open book.  Only Smalltimemonger can't crack the code.  And there isn't even any code to crack! LMAO!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 682 reads
31 / 47

Be yourself, people love the original more than the copy.

And there is the sage Maimonides who said:

(paraphrasing)  Be yourself.  Who else would you be

followme 657 reads
33 / 47

I recall on one of the local boards my uncle "DrFollowmeGyno" was accused of being a coward for posting under an alias.
True it was a sarcastic post about malodorous pussy or some such thing that some gal took exception to (and it was not even directed at her or anyone in particular) so she called my uncle a coward.

There was an incident once involving, I think it was, my cousin RabbiFollowme who caught some shit for posting under an alias. I do not recall all the details. You may not believe it but on occasion some of my family members can be a bit harsh......lol. I do not recall who the moron was who could not figure it out.  

In any case unlimited aliases were fun for me, I would like to see the feature back.

Thank you  
The Followme Family
2015 = 28

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 590 reads
34 / 47
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 427 reads
35 / 47

Johngaltnh used it in July of 2009

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 845 reads
36 / 47

Posted By: JackDunphy
Btw, what is wrong with controversy? Differing points of view, even outrageously so at times, are what make interesting board discussions.  
 That person will be attacked for having contrarian or out of the herd mentality beliefs and he/she will have to defend them if they want to take it seriously.  
 I don't care whether someone uses an alias or not as we are all using them to one extent or another. It is not what name they choose to make their points under, only if they add something to this board, be it witty, funny or insightful.
Well, we all have different limits on what we consider controversial, right? Stirring the pot is one thing, and to be honest, very little of that raises flags for me personally unless people get nasty.  I've seen some pretty hilarious repartee but some of it does degenerate into middle-school level taunts. I've also seen some comments - that to me at least - indicate some hobbyists have an extremely low opinion of women and lump us all into the same category.  That is not attractive to me, but I also think a person like that wouldn't want to be with me anyway, so it's probably a non-issue.

L.Guapo 436 reads
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perfectstorm 19 Reviews 607 reads
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if I found nothing I would have declared you were correct. :)
Frankly, I'm not surprised that it was johngalt who previously used the term.

L.Guapo 493 reads
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Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 530 reads
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Posted By: ladyrose317537
I'm wondering as to why someone would need an alias? Right now, I can only guess :)  
 Lady Rose/ Carla Wright

scoed 8 Reviews 570 reads
42 / 47

I had gone though a major (non-STD) illness involving my parts and it effected the looks and functionality down below. I had some questions as to how the ladies would react, but was ashamed (still kind of am) of what had happened to me even though I done nothing wrong. It just is a thing that could happen to a man. I used an alias to ask those questions and it helped. People was so supportive. It really helped. I am a fan of aliases and I been on the receiving end of the bad side. I wish they would bring back multiple aliases. I really do.

Oldtimemonger 558 reads
43 / 47

I understand that in certain limited circumstances there can be a good reason for using an alias but why would you need more than one

skarphedin 586 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 584 reads
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Look, sometimes they are just for fun. There was once a guy who used to poke fun at my under the Alias "ScoedsEmptyFridge" or something similar and he was a hoot. I had a good idea who it was and it was all in fun.

OK and the big one, as that isn't the most important reason. Take me for instance. My poor grammar gives me away. I had to use my alias to gather sensitive information and took great care to hide who I was. I spent over an hour proof reading my post to hide who I was. Now if I use it again I will out it. I now do not have a usible alias VIP or no. If I had need of one again I am our of luck.  

And lastly it sells VIP. I let my VIP expire because right now I am not looking for new talent and I haven't got a PM in over a month. I would likely keep it up if I could play with aliases. I had fun with a few fun aliases like "BallessOne", and "the.board.elite". I didn't flame anyone under them but had tons of laugh. For a complete list of my aliases that I don't care if anyone knows about click the link below.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 488 reads
47 / 47

You want me to post my SSN and address also?

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky

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