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Thanks For Giving Me One More Thing To Worry About....Yikes!...eomconfused_smile
terrev 89 Reviews 975 reads


meettheman1867 reads

This is for providers.  I was having a cup of coffee with my ATF this morning and somehow we got on the topic of birth control and she mentioned she does not use any. She is young enough to be on the pill. I sort of lost it for a moment but did not let her know it. Thank goodness I was between sips or it could have been really obvious. I thought I'd just ask if this is unusual. I'd have thought it would be a normal precaution provided it did not present a health risk to be on the pill. She at some point does want children so I can see not getting her tubes tied for fear of it for some reason not being reversible.

I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate question as it is quite personal.

Is she married, does she want a baby with her husband? If so, then of course she isn't going to be on the pill.


meettheman668 reads

No, she is single and does not want children until she is married and only with/from her husband.

shudaknownbetter392 reads

I have had dates where the lady removed the condom, retreated to the bathroom & carefully checked it, before returning to clean up.  I have to say that was unnerving.

Every woman is different. I myself can't take birth control because for whatever reason my body simply won't tolerate it. It sends my blood pressure into the stroke range.

Needless to say, during certain times of the month, I am EXTREMELY careful to make sure condoms are used very precisely to avoid slippage, spillage, or breaking :)

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