TER General Board

Stay asleep sheep πŸ‘
lopaw 29 Reviews 30 reads

Funniest thing I've seen all day 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Not sure if this post will go live, has another tried to log into the usa...guide ? Not sure what the issue is. Can’t log on....

Not gonna stress about it but attempted in Safari and google to no available. Computer is updated---not a huge loss.

John_Laroche46 reads

It works fine for me.
I have experienced the site being blocked by my cellular ISP in the past.


I can understand why providers don't like it. Holly Day's comments are pretty funny and accurate. Reviews can be brutal, lots of shills, and lots of mongers chasing the best deal above all else, but it was a resource during the FOSTA blackout of TER.  

Actually plenty of us mongers despise that site as well, mainly due to "mods" there that try to overcompensate for their micro dicks by being complete and total assholes. Talk about a microscopic amount of "power" going to their teeny tiny peabrains, lol.  
Since that place is accessable for free, you really do get what you pay for 😏

This is all making me happy I’ve never been there!

"correct" anyone who puts up misinformation, and the majority of posters there are not even real hobbyists.  As you say, it's free, so guys with nothing to do can go there and PRETEND to know something about this business without getting run off as hacks by the guys who have been seeing providers for years.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You are not allowed to . . . .
"correct" anyone who puts up misinformation, and the majority of posters there are not even real hobbyists.  As you say, it's free, so guys with nothing to do can go there and PRETEND to know something about this business without getting run off as hacks by the guys who have been seeing providers for years.  
Right, because you are not the arbiters of truth there and that burns your little woke totalitarian control freak ass, doesn't it? And how the fuck do you know which ones are not actual real hobbyists. Who the FUCK are you to determine that? What does this have to do with this hobby? You don't HAVE to fucking go to that site. So don't!

"micro dicks" must be the woke form of congenital body shaming.

Only if you think it applies to you.

It's hilarious how the woke culture seems to be living rent free in your head on the daily πŸ˜…

Not only do I have a micro penis, I am butt ugly, as I have repeatedly stated on this forum.  You are correct, however, that I do like revealing "woke" frauds. Though it is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, since their first instinct is to double down.

The only thing you're revealing here is your basic ignorance. But then again that's nothing new.

To be woke requires awareness, an enlightened mind, exposure to different cultures and different types of people. It requires maturity to realize that not everyone looks like you or thinks like you and that's okay.

Woke is an antonym of ignorance.

Continue to revel in your obsession and bitterness about a culture that is beyond your grasp. While it's very entertaining, it's also deeply saddening.

Such as making fun of guys born with small dicks.  Very enlightened.  Teach us more, master.

And that's what you respond with? Typical projection and deflection. Of course leave it to someone like you to take things out of context. Next you'll be looking for some kind of conspiracy theory, huh? πŸ˜…

You are boring and irrelevant. I learned something a long time ago and it totally applies here:  

"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway"

Bye. You're not worth the bandwidth. I'd tell you to go have the life you deserve, but based on your ignorance and bigotry it looks like you already are living it. Good luck. You'll need it.

I LOVE this "you're not worth my time" bs on his like 3rd reply to him. And if he is so irrelevant, then ignore him! You are NOT BETTER than ANYONE, fucking asshole. You ALL woke elitists just simply talk down to anyone who isn't you talkin' 'bout "inclusivity" and "respect". Please. The level of evil you all would do or approve of in this country would make the Nazis look like cub scouts in comparison.  

ALL of this part of the discussion HAS NOTHING to do with actual question that was asked. Ya'll just HAVE TO do your little offended scolds routine like we fucking answer to you in any way shape or form. We don't. And no one is forcing you to go there or respond about something that isn't even what the question is about either, Mr. "theory on arguing with ignorant people". I swear dealing with you all WOKE idiots is like going back to fucking 8th grade with the mean girl cry bullies.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ awwww someone’s a little triggered. It's satisfying seeing you freaks triggered and miserable lol

I'm not triggered. I told the truth. And your response? Another 8th grade cafeteria table response. Ok, mean girl. Have fun at cheerleader tryouts.

There's just no end to your cry baby tears, is there?  

BULL SHIT! WOKE is NOT any of these empathetic descriptions, so please just stop it. What you just described is just being a decent liberal human being.  

WOKE is a female swimmer getting beat up because she gave a speech some WOKE assholes didn't like. WOKE is preventing Jewish students in the US from going to class (at MIT) because they are Jewish and then being surprised when people call YOU the fucking racists. WOKE is somehow thinking it is ok to issue death threats towards WOMEN who DARE to defend biological women and have a dissenting viewpoint regarding woke activism. Need anymore ACTUAL examples of WOKE?

Yeah, there ARE a bunch of knuckleheads on there. There are also a lot of decent people like on here. I didn't realize you are being forced at gunpoint to use USASG. I see the better than thou elitism we see from the woke assholes is here in this world too. Literally just the worst fucking totalitarian and definitely violent thug trash in the country.  

They bitch when anyone DARES to fucking push back like you are entitled royalty and then THEY are the ones regularly out in the street threatening people and committing violence UNPUNISHED! THAT is your two tiered justice system and society. Woke is a totalitarian revenge cult and THE religion of the Democratic party every bit as much as Christianity is to the Republican Party. And no where near legalizing weed or our hobby anytime soon federally even they could have already on several occasions. FULL OF SHIT.

LMFAO woo hoooo I really struck a nerve there, huh?
Stay miserable and triggered. Your tears are delicious! πŸΌπŸ’¦πŸΌπŸ’¦

Further proof lopaw has a bigger dong than most the dudes on this board, probably gets more action too.

AllTheTimeBaby36 reads

As our soon-to-be elected, by a landslide, President says:

Everything woke turns to $**t

Funniest thing I've seen all day 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

FakawiTribe32 reads

An accusation is usually a confession, especially with asleep sheep lol

Exactly. What the simple & uneducated thinks is a flex is really just a reflection of their own failures. That, along with a desperate cry for attention I guess.

Is your ISP filtering URL's?

I think that is the problem.  I can navigate it on my phone but not computer.  Any way to resolve this short of buying VPN?  The site has an extremely large amount of bullshit but there's some great intel in there if you know where to look and have  the ability to sift thru the bullshit.  In fairness, the lowest of the low on that site could very well be the classless fuckballs that walk our hallways on TER.

I use vpns and switch them up quite often. I have simialr problem with some p4p sites lately many vpn ips.  

Have a lot of issues opening some korg sites, for some vpns I even have to use their Canada ips as their US ips seem all to be blocked/blacklisted.

If you don't use a vpn (which I think you should), it shouldn't happen. I'd try different links. What makes that site worse is that they refuse to use https. But browsers like chrome lately autoupgrade all http (insecure) requests to https.

So if you navigate to a site that only supports http and you get an error like "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR"  this means the browser tried https version and site doesn't support it. In technical terms, ssl handshake failed, because...well the server doesn't have support https. Change your url in address bar to http and it should work.

Yes, that fixed it. I don't know why such a site wouldn't support https .

And as to why... the admin there is stubborn.

So you should never, ever login (browsing without logging in is OK as long as you don't mind someone knowing you went to that site) into that site on a public wifi.
Anyone listening to traffic on a public network will be able to intercept your credentials since they're sent over via insecure http requests

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