TER General Board

Sorry doll but no, some people have been runner ups and been not so TER perfection. Get your
Homewrecker 1294 reads

Facts straight

lionel.hutz2671 reads

I've always been curious, tried searching maybe I missed it.

Has admin ever said what the criteria is when choosing the monthly Ms TER?

JoeAverageHobbyist1017 reads

ecause last month the runner-up had 3x the number of votes the winner had.

I would believe it's the one who blows the most smoke!

Posted By: lionel.hutz
I've always been curious, tried searching maybe I missed it.  
 Has admin ever said what the criteria is when choosing the monthly Ms TER?

Following the TER rules and being in good standing, board participation, number of votes in the popularity picture show and any other thing Admin deems appropriate to their selection:-)
I've also been told, it doesn't hurt to show your face and do a you tube video to which I immediately chuckled and ignored...lol

Why would a person do a you tube video? I mean why would you expose yourself that much. Not knowing who will see it. Any female who has a regular job outside of what she does on here. Her employer could be seeing that video. As far as I am concerned. if you don't care about who sees you having sex with guys, gals or couples then that speaks more about your character.
  Yeah, we are exposing ourselves on here, but it is monitored so that nothing bad happens to us & we are safe enough to continue doing what we are doing. I would never expose myself that much.

Homewrecker1224 reads

And what Does one gain? Bragging rights to say I'm the top whore?
Yippy fucking do!
No thanks

I enjoyed posting pics daily but even better was the fact that I haven't had to advertise on my main ad site for the past 6 months.  That equates to a little bit of investment (and a lot of savings) for a whole lot of exposure which translates into a grand investment!
Stop hating and be happy.
Plus, the op's question is easily answered.  
I contacted admin to ask the questions before I put in the effort and therefore am passing on what I was told, which might I add, worked for me.
Pays off to inquire...Xo'

Posted By: TiffanyDelight
I enjoyed posting pics daily but even better was the fact that I haven't had to advertise on my main ad site for the past 6 months.  That equates to a little bit of investment (and a lot of savings) for a whole lot of exposure which translates into a grand investment!  
 Stop hating and be happy.  
 Plus, the op's question is easily answered.    
 I contacted admin to ask the questions before I put in the effort and therefore am passing on what I was told, which might I add, worked for me.  
 Pays off to inquire...Xo's  

The payoff is free advertising for a month and with that, hopefully a lot more business. The down side is some of the business it attracts is less than desirable.

As Tiffany explained clearly above, the Ms TER contest isn't just about who gets the most likes on the photo board. Participation on TER is also factored in along with the other things she mentioned. No one's saying Melaniee isn't hot, she's very hot but she obviously came up short in other areas that the current Ms TER had covered well.

I think I came up pretty short on board participation..  
but not all of us have time to be on the board .. between this work, civvie work and school , its makes it difficult to post on the board.  
Thats not a shot at board posting either .. I try to take time to post here and there,, but really my schedule makes it hard.  Its one of the reasons I got an assistant. She posts my ads, pics, social networking, answers all my emails etc..  
So I can focus on my clients, work and school.
She has been a saint and has even been mentioned in my recent reviews as well as made it possible for me to keep my sanity and has certainly increased my business.  

When I contacted TER prior to starting to post pictures  
It was , "likes" , Reviews, Board participation etc... is the answer I got ..
They didnt explain what the etc.. was  
I encouraged alot of my non TER clients to sign up and link TER on all my advertising and such because I think its a great community ..  

And im not going to show my face for safety, discretion and security reasons..  
I do agree that it is something that should be stated publicly so all ladies are better informed.

I didnt come up short, My assistant suggested it and I said lets go for it and I got runner up my first month going for it and thats cool, plus posting pics on that board increased my clientele.  
But im just going to keep on keeping on and shoot for another month .. :)
I think a NY girl snagging MsTerSept would kind of be bittersweet in light of what that month represents for New Yorkers.
So Im going to keep on going for it and try to make a point of posting a little bit more on the forums.

Jayda is a great provider in the Las Vegas area, She is beautiful, she has always been helpful to other ladies on the board and has great insight that she contributes and earned her win and Im happy for her :)

~Melaniee xoxo

You are right that Jayda deserves it.   She has been posting super sexy pics the past 6 months that I know of...and, I'd contact her if I were...A Hobbiest!
That said, you are on the money to keep, keeping on.  
That's what we do!


Jaydalee thinks you're gorgeous, heck, we all do :-) As a matter of fact, it was Jaydalee who brought you to my attention. She told me to check you out and I was going gaga, lol.

See, a few more posts like this and you'll have Sept wrapped up. I'm liking you every day and thanks for being such a gracious runner up. You'll get it Melaniee, just keep posting and let everyone see your great personality :-)

and the others who have commented.I asked TER myself what the requirements were for Ms.TER after I had won.I thought it was based on photo board likes only.I was told by admin that is based on photo board likes,reviews,board participation,and some other criterias that was not mentioned to me.
I was not told by admin that I needed to show my face or make a video to win.
I vote for the photos I like on the board even when I post a photo myself and I agree w/PP Melaniee is beautiful:)
And as far as one comment mentioned begging on twitter I have no idea about that I do not have a twitter account and never asked anyone to vote for me.I do appreciate everyone who liked my photos:)

You are a huge help to alot of ladies and clients and always have great insight and you work it :)
And frankly, we need more providers like that .. you're what keeps this community sex positive ..  

In regards to the post about providers "begging" on Twitter..  

My assistant posts my links to the photo boards on Twitter every night and encourages my followers to "like" my photos ..  
Its pro-active marketing , plain and simple, and ive gotten some great feedback as well as new clients because of it.  
My assistant is my business savvy sidekick and everything she has suggested so far has been spot on so if its not broke im not going to fix it and will continue with my current business model as it has been very successful.  
And hopefully in the meanwhile the followers that sign up take the opportunity to look at all the other providers on who participate in the photo board and enjoy the diversity that this industry has to offer,  
I have followers that are not TER members and through Twitter, P411, Eros, my newsletters, email, website links etc...  
we encourage clients to sign up for TER to encourage participation in this community.  
Not just for my sake but so they can have the opportunity to view other great providers that participate on TER ..  
I love the work I do, the clients I see and am more than happy to share as well as wanting to inject more great people into this community ...  

~Melaniee xoxox

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