TER General Board

So true.... Once recently, after several hours of
Anonym Prov 5708 reads

incredibly hot sex, during which I came 5-6x, my clit had gotten so enormous it was almost protruding from my full lips!  Loved it....

GLisHJ4599 reads

I mean just poppin' and ready to cum.

(Note: Pardon me for this entirely erotic post - not talking about the "business" but just about pure sex).

I get the feeling that gay or bi women really
"get" what I'm talking about because they know what a fully engorged clit feels like first person.

I'm a guy, but damn, it turns me on, too.  It is proof that she is truly aroused, and it is just so beautiful!

Guys, you have to get this!  Listen!  it's a shaft, not a button.  The button is at the "bottom" of the shaft, so lick above the button too, and all around.  

Nothing better than to know she's going over the edge.

Then it's your turn....

Heres to full frontal female engorgement!

Can't forget the nips...

Yah baby!


Anonym Prov5709 reads

incredibly hot sex, during which I came 5-6x, my clit had gotten so enormous it was almost protruding from my full lips!  Loved it....

Making it that way!
 -- Deep 'ly over exposed' Heat

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 5:50:29 PM

I "dated" one of the steroid-sprung stars of "Pumping Iron 2: The Women," back in 1985.

Her clit --- when engorged --- was not really fat but long. Like long enough to swallow. Verrry weird. And unforgettable. Kind of like having a somewhat thicker, fleshy piece of spaghetti liccorice in your mouth. Only you try not to chew.

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