TER General Board

She's 19 years old....
vantheman666 10 Reviews 9377 reads
1 / 99

As those of you who have been around for a while know, I don't hide my mongering, not even from my daughter "Wendy. "  Do a couple of days ago my ex wife called me screaming and crying. "You GLORIFY your lifestyle on Facebook, and Wendy thinks it's cool!  YOUR DAUGHTER has been meeting men online to help pay for her new car! She sold her vagina for 84 fucking dollars, you asshole!!!"

Naturally, I was a little suspicious. How would the ex know all these details, down to the dollar amount?  Well,  apparently Wendy has been keeping a notebook with all kinds of details about the men she meets; I guess you could call it a diary. Of course, my ex wife's side of the family is furious with me, and planning an intervention with Wendy.  

Now, I'm no hypocrite. If she wants to escort on the side of her "real" job, she has my blessing that she doesn't even really need. I am, however concerned by the fact that she isn't screening properly, particularly when I  have told her about TER. my question, for the ladies, is this:  How should I broach this subject with a 19 year old girl?

GaGambler 53 reads
2 / 99

The first of course is safety, that is obviously the most important thing of all, but secondly $84??? Unless your daughter is homely as fuck, you need to teach her how to go "upscale" I have said many a time in my life "I don't mind being a whore, but I damn sure am not going to be a CHEAP whore"

As far as how to broach it, my advice is to not be a pussy about it, You are her father, simply say "I think we need to talk" and then sit her down and be upfront about your concerns and of course don't be judgmental. It sounds like she is going to get enough of that from your ex's side of the family, plus you have never struck me as a judgmental person in the first place.

You might also tell "Wendy" about the pitfalls of keeping evidence around where people can find it. That too probably goes without saying. lol

souls_harbor 49 reads
3 / 99

Tell her that she should be getting $300/hr at least.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 52 reads
4 / 99

She is certainly not homely. $84 definitely bothers me. I think she got in over her head with the car, and is acting out of desperation.

JakeFromStateFarm 82 reads
5 / 99

Is she hot?  If so, please PM me some photos and if I like her I'll happily pay her $300 for a TOFTT session.  For a $50 discount I'll start a TER profile for her and write an honest review. I also would then agree to buy you dinner at the restaurant of your choice (wine NOT included) just to honor you for having the balls to pimp out your own kid.  And I say this with all respect. :)

HappyChanges 54 reads
6 / 99

You're wife is right and your a FUCKING awful.
One can only imagine the scum she'll see in the near future. Smdh.  

Daddy (vantheman666) -

"Don't listen to your mother. Spread your legs and open your young, juicy pussy to many savage mongers".

Daughter (Wendy) -

"I will daddy. But what if they want to fuck my ass. Should I Daddy"

Daddy (vantheman666) -

"Yes Wendy. Do whatever they want. But always remember to screen."

As an aside, please post Wendy's reviews when things settle down. Thanks.

Greenbacks2 25 Reviews 45 reads
7 / 99

to continue. So you may as well teach her right. And give her some direction.  At least you will know you gave her the tips on how to do this safely.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 26 reads
8 / 99

She lives 4 hours away, so I can't do anything about the car.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 31 reads
9 / 99

Reevaluate my parenting skills?  Tell her to do as I say, not as I do? A. I'm not a hypocrite like many of the mongers here, B.  She is legally an adult so what the fuck am I going to do, ground her?

vantheman666 10 Reviews 31 reads
10 / 99

You just wish I'd hook you up with my daughter. How far from Minnesota do you live?  Are you used to driving in blizzard conditions?  That's an awful lot of trouble to go through just for a "forbidden fruit " fling.

HappyChanges 37 reads
11 / 99

and get in my car right now and BEAT her fucking ass to pulp when I get there. But that's just me......  To each his own, I guess.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 41 reads
12 / 99

Another comment on my parenting skills. You must be another hypocrite who tells your children to do as you say, not as you do. I  should also add that as an adult, she would eventually be fucking men anyway,  money or not. I'm sure it would be a relief if she were a "bar slut" instead of an escort.

JakeFromStateFarm 79 reads
13 / 99

So that's a good sign. I live on the East Coast, but if her pix are hot enough I might fly her to me.  Just make sure the pix are nudes.  And there better not be any Bait & Switch, or I'll have to bring in my cousin Vinnie and that will lead to no good.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 34 reads
14 / 99

Beat her ads to pulp?  What a wonderful, loving father you are!

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 48 reads
15 / 99

I think you made some critical mistakes but who am I to judge. The damage is already done. I guess the best thing you can do now is to show her how much she can actually market herself for.  
But on a side note maybe it’s best for you to not be as outspoken on your hobbying. Posting about it on Facebook doesn’t help anyone in any way whatsoever. Not even you. Besides who goes around telling people who they fuck? No one wants to hear that kind of stuff. Specially in those kinda of media outlets.  
Come van the man. It’s time to get a “windowless” van.

HappyChanges 52 reads
16 / 99

Train her well Van the Man. Still smdh.

JakeFromStateFarm 40 reads
17 / 99

He's all over the P&R Board with ignorant and judgmental blatherings. So nice of him to grace this board with his "wisdom."

souls_harbor 43 reads
18 / 99

It is an interesting psychological study to see these mongers, who just yesterday paid for a session with a "barely legal" sex worker, react in horror and disgust at your parenting.    I mean, can they even hear themselves? ha ha

Ridleyone 12 Reviews 45 reads
19 / 99

Well, first off, if she wants to be an escort, ok, cool, if I'm ever in Minnasota I'll look her up and bang her, and I'll even pay more than 84 dollars, but first you should really look into WHY she's doing this. If she's really just banging guys for super cheap just to pay for a car, you really gotta put an end to that shit and get her to consider other options. Fuck, give her a loan if it's really a car issue, come on, don't let your daughter bang guys just so her ride doesn't get repossessed.

If she really wants to be an escort, for God's sakes dude, find out how's she's doing this stuff safely and why she's charging for so little. Are you sure she isn't just trying to get back at you or something? Sounds like she might be dealing with some serious daddy issues. 19 year olds are stupid and haven't thought shit out, it does sound like it would be a good idea for your ex-wife to stage an intervention and make sure she isn't making seriously bad life decisions.

HappyChanges 82 reads
20 / 99

Would you be ok with YOUR daughter being a provider/escort/hooker!? I know I wouldn't. I'd wring her neck. I feel bad for vantheman's daughter. She has a shitty dad. Not that I really care. I'm just posting on a fuck board.

BTW, I'm always right on the P&R board. Read my post if you're interested.

mrblond68 4 Reviews 44 reads
21 / 99

Tell her what you think. If she wants to continue, give her advice, show her the website. Tell her her mother is a nosy bitch.

micktoz 41 Reviews 38 reads
22 / 99

How old is your daughter?  It's difficult to let them walk their own path. Specially when the society we live in is so judgmental.

Good luck.

Ridleyone 12 Reviews 53 reads
23 / 99

Bad parenting leads to damaged providers. Daddy wasn't there, to take her to the fair, to change her underwear, it seems he didn't CAREEEE!!!

So now she bangs men for money. Good for us clients, but bad parenting all around. If a girl wants to become a provider, it should be a well thought out decision that isn't brought about from parents that were neglectful in their duties.    

GaGambler 62 reads
24 / 99

because I agree with it COMPLETELY and you and I can't agree on anything "completely" lol

I guess it's not just his ex wife who is a judgmental cunt. It looks like we have plenty of judgmental, hypocritical cuntrs right here and most of them are men.

JakeFromStateFarm 55 reads
25 / 99

Also, if you'd actually strangle your daughter you should probably get help.
As for the P&R Board, your posts there are so poorly reasoned and written that if you were a bit more intelligent you'd be embarrassed.

HappyChanges 31 reads
26 / 99

Clearly you can't help her out with her car. I guess she has to take matters into her own hands by fucking and sucking the cocks of complete strangers. Good for her. I hope she learns.

Hear is some advice for you:

First, tell her to take a step back and listen to daddy.

Second, tell her to get a website by a professional. Daddy will pay for it (Cheaper than a car).  I'm sure she's hot, cute and young with perky breasts at 19yrs old.

Third, tell her screen her ass off. Again, daddy can probably help with this.

Fourth, look at at the market and set her price accordingly.  It's all about supply and demand.

Fifth, have fun slobbering on complete strangers cocks.

Sixth, and most importantly. Take special care of HappyChanges. Whatever he says goes. He's a good client.

JakeFromStateFarm 48 reads
27 / 99

Further down the thread you said if she was your daughter you'd wring her neck.  Confused much?

HappyChanges 49 reads
28 / 99

who supports his daughter providing needs help. The fool is reaching out to a public fuck board for advise and he got it.

As for the P&R board, I don't think anybody there would support the guy hooking his own daughter.

Including you.

-- Modified on 11/16/2017 10:22:33 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 46 reads
29 / 99

and with a bit more of it, I don't think we'd be reading this sad thread.

Why do any of our family, friends, etc. have to know about our hobbying?

It's pretty clear what the downside can be of them learning.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 42 reads
30 / 99

Wendy's catchy slogan is:  "You can put the 'wood' to me for $84."

GaGambler 41 reads
31 / 99

I don't have the least bit of shame about what I am doing. I refuse to live my life as a lie just because some people might not approve of my life choices. I don't see any downside about family and friends knowing about what I do. OTOH I see a lot of downside to lying to everyone I know.

And just what the fuck is so fucking "sad" about this thread? There are loads of 19 year old hookers out there and I have fucked more than my share of them, every single one of them has a father, just because this father is someone we know makes no difference whatsoever. I am ashamed of almost all of you, but I am most certainly not ashamed of the OP

impposter 49 Reviews 64 reads
32 / 99

Interesting comments, above, but I'll just point out that chronological age (19) does not always match emotional or psychological age. Some 14 yos are very mature, adult, savvy, ... .  Some 19 yos really could use another year or two (or 20!) of parenting.  You can still try to guide and advise her w/o trying to control her (even tho' she might need it).
Now that that's out of the way, if I was in your area, I'd volunteer to put her over my knee and teach her a lesson! Not saying what KIND of lesson :-)  
Back to being serious again.  Sometimes advice and criticism is better received from a NON-parental party.  Another adult (teacher, priest, counselor) or a good friend can say the exact same thing but it sinks in from them but is rejected from the parent. Given that (IF you accept that), do you know any Providers in your area that would meet with your kid and talk with her? Depending on who you know and who agrees to talk to her, one possibility is the "scared straight" talk.  Another possibility is just a "be more careful and here's how to do it" talk. And so on.  
Several Providers on TER are generous with advice AFTER they have been asked on the newbie board.  This is a little bit different.  People want to help. They DON'T want to be pimps.

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 1:57:44 AM

HappyChanges 34 reads
33 / 99
HappyChanges 42 reads
35 / 99

You're wishing van the man good luck. I'm wishing Wendy good luck.  

Call me a misogynist, hypocrite or whatever. I really don't give a fuck. Vantheman666 is piece of shit. IMHO. I hope Wendy's mother knocks some sense into her.

Tippecanoe 47 reads
36 / 99

So what you're saying is the probability of you having fucked his daughter is high.  Nice.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Et tu fish?
I don't have the least bit of shame about what I am doing. I refuse to live my life as a lie just because some people might not approve of my life choices. I don't see any downside about family and friends knowing about what I do. OTOH I see a lot of downside to lying to everyone I know.  
 And just what the fuck is so fucking "sad" about this thread? There are loads of 19 year old hookers out there and I have fucked more than my share of them, every single one of them has a father, just because this father is someone we know makes no difference whatsoever. I am ashamed of almost all of you, but I am most certainly not ashamed of the OP

KaliMorrigan 78 reads
37 / 99

Cognitive dissonance, it's what 's for dinner.  

Look, this generations' parents were worried about their sexting. Now these kids live broadcast their sex lives for money.
Lots of threats of violence from the guys here, equating that some how to good parenting.
If you'd be mad at your daughter for doing it (doin it badly is another issues  then you are the reason this whole this sucks. Your'e the reason we can have nice things. You're the problem. Stop hobbying.  

If it were me giving out advice, I'd say  express concern about safety, of couse, because anything involving men is dangerous. Ho hum.  

But beyond that, no, Dad AND mom need to exercise good boundaries and let her be her own person. If you force your view or your ideas, etc, you're making it all about you, again. This generation of parents has a real issue being too invested i what their kids do. Your job is to love them and prepare them for life's challenges not transfer al your anxiety and fear about the world onto them.  SO ty to take a step back and remember that guy actually think 19 year old sugar babies sometimes are surprised sex is involved. That's so silly I can't even but trust that a 19 is probably as savvy as most of you guys were at 28 and clearly more savvy than some of the much older sugar daddy's who think these young ones are actually that clueless! LOL  

if  you are a monger but don't like the idea of your daughter being a provider, you need to reevaluate your situation. You obviously don't respect the providers that you see. They are less valuable as women, as people in your eyes because of what they do. That's a lot of fucked in the head. Don't bring that brand of crazy around the kids. They didn't drink from the firehose of shame that we did. Thank God.  

So, my two cents, Show concern where it's warranted, be supportive but not involved. Neither parent should be involved really. That's disturbing. Making a big deal out of it is way  worse than acknowledging, AND legitimizing it, since she will still be in a world that will judge  her very unfairly because of this. She'll be judged by the same guys who come and fuck her. That is the really creepy in all this.

HappyChanges 42 reads
38 / 99

is that some Dad is promoting/ practically pimping his own daughter to whore mongering pigs such as me for money. He can't even afford to help his daughter out with her car. She's having trouble paying for a car. What 19 year old isn't? The guy is fucking loser.

Give me fucking break. Your kidding yourself if you would let me pay YOUR daughter to see her or any other whore mongering pig.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 38 reads
39 / 99

Assuming she is not going to stop.  She needs the help of a professional female (not daddy).  Assuming she knows about your lifestyle and your openness about the topic.  Hire her a professional escort to help educate her on everything she needs to know about safety and how to screen.  How to protect her own health, as well as finding a gyno that she can be honest with; that will probably suggest 4x a year examinations.  Help guide her in the direction of professionals.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 55 reads
40 / 99

But he has a lot of shit to wade through now that would all be unnecessary if he had been more circumspect.  

Your situation is unusual.  Sure you can flaunt it, but the typical hobbyist can not.  

What's worse is that these situations often play out to the detriment of our enterprise.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 46 reads
41 / 99

You've been busted by ex wives, and you are currently married to a former hooker. Are you saying your friends and family don't know you do this. 🤦‍♂️

vantheman666 10 Reviews 51 reads
42 / 99

My thoughts exactly. Souls and I are usually on opposite ends of the spectrum!

DC9428 2 Reviews 49 reads
43 / 99

But admittedly not shocked to see hypocrites here. HappyChanges, how the hell can you continue to see providers while claiming that "you'd wring your daughter's neck," if you found out she was escorting? Do you think the fathers' of the providers you see should be as furious with them as you would be of your daughter? I think the OP's attitude is admirable, not "shitty parenting." She's clearly going to get a lot of judgment from his ex-wife's family and its going to be a relief for his daughter when he approaches the situation from a non-judgmental position, and helps her out. I've had people who've criticized me for seeing escorts always think they can try to prove me a hypocrite by saying something along the lines of "if your mother/sister/daughter was an escort, wouldn't you be upset." And I always tell them I wouldn't be, escorting is as respectable of a profession as any, and if any of the women in my family chose to be one, more power to them.

If you would get mad at your daughter for being an escort, then you obviously view it disrespectfully and think of it as an inferior profession. And if that's gonna be your attitude than you should probably stop hobbying.

KYCPA9935 9 Reviews 52 reads
44 / 99

There is quite a difference in having “shame” and broadcasting loud and clear for the entire world to hear or see on your social media. No grown up humans brag on their social media accounts about civvie sex, so what makes this worth posting about?  

The thought of this is unsettling to say the least, and I can’t believe that so many people’s first reaction is to “help her get market rate”.  

That’s not being hypocritical, that’s being a realist. Regardless of morality or social acceptance arguments, this is an incredibly risky and dangerous profession. There are risks from the disease side, then from the social side as well. While I am sure that the vast majority of Johns reading this are good dudes, there are lots of dudes who aren’t good.  

Beyond that there is the issue of legality...

Would you advocate your child being a meth dealer? Help them get market rate?

Both of these activities are illegal.

Personally, I would hope the OP would counsel his daughter against this trade for those reasons above if nothing else. Try to help her if it is a temporary financial jam, and help her find a profession that doesn’t put her life in danger on a daily basis.  

If all of that failed, I would focus on safe practices and screening advice, etc. But, the point is that this should be an absolute last resort.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 53 reads
45 / 99

I'm not horrified by the idea. My concern is that she's not screening properly and is not charging enough for her time. I'm not a hypocrite; I'm an adult and can be a monger if I want, she's an adult and can be an escort of she wants.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 47 reads
46 / 99

Gay marriage, acceptance of transgender people like you, and legalization of weed are all proceeding because people were willing to come out of the closet.  We're trying to accomplish the same thing with sex work.  That's why I'm so open about it. My daughter obviously got the message, she just took it farther than most. I have no problem with it , provided she does it safely and smartly.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 44 reads
47 / 99

Having been on TER forever, It is usually not surprising how judgemental this place can be for a bunch of people that should be non judgmental. However in this thread, I am surprised by some of the responses by some people. (Fisher? Sasha?)

HappyChanges 44 reads
48 / 99

I don't like pussy mongers and Dad's that approve their daughter's sucking pigs dicks. I think everyone has the right to their own opinion. Everybody has their limit. For me, I don't like fathers promoting their 19 year daughter getting face fucked be the likes of me. IMHO.

John_Laroche 60 reads
49 / 99

Maybe it was a Qh B&G.

Four hours from just about any place in Mn is still the middle of nowhere, so beggars can't be choosers, even 19 yo hotties. I'm guessing as long as they didn't drive up from Wisconsin wreaking of pig slop, they'll pass screening.  

As a good daddy, you might want to clue her in that BBFS is extra.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 60 reads
50 / 99

Have you seen some of the heifers here ? especially the ones who been her replying with there useless womanly advice?

Talk about putting lipstick on a pig and hiring the Aldo effect and then flipping that into charging 300 or more a hour?  Unlike some of the fools here, me and some guys know a beached whale escort when I see one, I mean some of these "ladies" are in the 180lb category with blubber and hanging guts who are charging 300 plus and sucker men who would just call that " baby fat "  

Now I hope your daughter is way hotter and slimmer then the heifers who been responding to you, and I hope you tell her that looks matter.  This is the whole reason why rates are out of control, ugly fat old women end up charging 300 PLUS and then a hotter younger beautiful girl see that lipstick on a pig and what you think she will do, of course she won't charge 300 she going to jack up her rate because no way will she compete with a pig's rate.

This while girl power, stick together blah blah is bullshit, girls are constantly competing with each other and you can see it by these ridiculous rates inflation

Ridleyone 12 Reviews 52 reads
51 / 99

Oh she knows BBFS is extra, that's where the 4 dollars came from.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 56 reads
53 / 99

Someone needs to point her in the direction which is most beneficial to her.
Have her look up the websites and fees of the top girls in HER AREA.  
EROS is still up to study some of the ladies that have invested in themselves and their businesses.
She needs to get a better idea of the business and not let that 19 yr old vagina be thrown to the dogs
or wasted on what mommy and daddy think is best for her.

She knows that Dating is stupid, Marriage won't last,  and that the vagina is perfect for SexWork.
She needs to read all the Sales, Marketing, and Business books she can, to get a feel for how she needs to handle this valuable asset that she now knows can work like magic when she needs something.

When she's ready to be reviewed, have her sign up on TER, so she can put her talents to work for her highest and best good.
She'll have a brand new car in no time.

eroticspirit 27 Reviews 44 reads
54 / 99

Yes indeed---hypocrisy at it's best!!

eroticspirit 27 Reviews 52 reads
55 / 99

IMHO there are 3 vital things:

1) SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY--This HAS to be the number one priority!! (If necessary, get someone to professionally screen the potential johns or you do it yourself.)

2) She should present herself in the best way possible and get TOP DOLLAR!! (Hire a professional photographer, web-site designer, etc.)

3) Finally, there should be a long-term plan. (Either getting money for education or something goal-oriented, this ultimately should be a means to and end, not an end in itself. The smart providers always use the P4P world for some kind of long-term goal.)

Honestly, if she's going to do this--(and like you say she's an adult--she'll do it whether you approve of it or not)--get the absolute most out of it on ALL levels and make it work for her!! If you or anyone else tries to forbid her she'll do it anyway out of rebellion and wind up really getting (pardon the clever pun) "fucked over."

eroticspirit 27 Reviews 45 reads
56 / 99

Couldn't agree more!! She's going to do this anyway--so why not assist her in doing this in the safest, most profitable manner possible on all levels!!

DT_lover 188 Reviews 51 reads
57 / 99

Presidential candidate John Edwards.  Can't get much lower than that...unless you are Hillary.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 42 reads
58 / 99

but I wouldn't recommend them for everyone.

Besides, the mistakes I made were carelessness, not a planned strategy to flaunt the hobby at people.

Marrying an ex-hooker?   Well, sometimes we have to decide when the heart speaks louder.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 41 reads
59 / 99

I hope it isn't like the old joke:

A pimp tells his streetwalker novice to get 25 from every customer.   Hours later the pimp returns to check on her and asks to see her receipts.   Here's $25 and 25 cents she says.   25 cents, who the hell gave you 25 cents?

She replied:   They all did.

JakeFromStateFarm 67 reads
60 / 99

But don't apply that term to the rest of us just because you feel like a scumbag for participating in this lifestyle.

Osculator 13 Reviews 44 reads
61 / 99

If you are in the habit of seeing women on tour, begin exercising extra caution. Knocking on the door to find your daughter behind it could be a little awkward.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 44 reads
62 / 99

Well, here's the good news. She has a good job with good benefits and everything.  The dabbling with escorting is for extra money and fun. She's highly intelligent, and only likes older men.  I just want to make sure that she doesn't jeopardize her "legit" job or get beaten by a violent client.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 40 reads
63 / 99

Why would it be awkward? We'd both laugh our asses   off and then go to dinner, or the Mall of America, or an amusement park. Of course, we would both take time to set up separate professional dates for later that night.

GaGambler 48 reads
64 / 99

I see her saying to you "Dad, I can't believe you can afford to see a hooker, but you can't afford to help your own daughter with her car" Poof, there goes your hooker money. lol

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 33 reads
65 / 99
GaGambler 55 reads
66 / 99

That was actually VERY good advice. No girl/woman should be learning the ins and outs of how the hooker world works from her father. Finding her a female mentor is a great idea.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 46 reads
67 / 99

I get your point except youre misconstruing things. Every one loves gay people. Everyone hates gay people shoving their gayness in people's faces. its a fine line.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 57 reads
68 / 99

You want me to condone VTM's behavior? How is his behavior any different than a gay person throwing his gayness at you 24/7? I accept gays fully but at the same time i wouldnt want them to shove it down my throat 24/7. It seems very straightforward to me. You go to church to worship, you go to ter to talk about sex and stuff, you go to facebook to socialize with family and friends. Every venue has its purpose. Sounds like VTM was a little too careless about sharing his lifestyle and inadvertently may have corrupted his daughter. To say that she is an adult and therefore hes not to blame, is a very lame excuse. He is her dad, perhaps a role model to her, who knows. It sucks when people just avoid responsibility for their actions.  
Having said this, i really dont care, i dont think nobody here really cares, but he brought his personal business here seeking feedback, and feedback he got. I dont see how i am being judgmental but if that is how you perceive my post then that is your opinion and i respect it, but its certainly not where im coming from.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 53 reads
69 / 99

Did you book her as well ? .............................. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 9:09:36 AM

GaGambler 79 reads
70 / 99

Once upon a time gays had to "stand up and be counted" I don't suppose you remember the days of "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" if it weren't for gays getting in the face of their detractors nothing ever would have changed.

It's really a shame that gays and stoners have proven that they have more balls than do hookers and johns. Just like gays and stoners, we aren't hurting anyone (cheating on one's spouse excepted of course), Just like gays and stoners we don't need to be "protected" from ourselves by having our personal behavior criminalized. Just like gays and stoners it's nobody else's fucking business what we do with our own bodies, but unlike gays and stoners there are only a very small handful of sex workers/customers willing to stand up to society.

If "someone" doesn't get in the face of society and say "hey I am a hooker/john and I am a "normal" person that is doing no harm" nothing is ever going to change.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 48 reads
71 / 99

could you please kindly say it's weed if you are going to bring up my preferences of medicine, at home, on my own time... My choice rather than narcotics.  Please?  Do I have to ask you to not put in any potential clients mind the idea of a pipe?  I am old school and have a rolling machine that takes JOB 1.25 papers.  Please and thank you!  LOL  Maddie

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 73 reads
72 / 99

I for sure wouldn't want my loved one to be a whore....

There are humans who are trash and are treated like such, why would you want a loved one to be part of that

treat a hooker like a hooker, but worry about the ones who really matter.

why you think society and even Feminist organizations look down on hookers ( even tho hookers so desperately proclaim they are feminist )  because no one want to be associated with them

GaGambler 48 reads
73 / 99

I'll make you a deal, you jump off the GW Bridge first and I PROMISE I will jump in after you. Deal?

BTW don't you feel rather unclean yourself after having stuck your dick and even your face into the "trash" that you so despise? It probably makes you feel like jumping off a bridge, doesn't it? lmao

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 34 reads
74 / 99

of SexWorkers
makes it easier for those with the same Hate  

to kill me.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 56 reads
75 / 99

This is why you wear a "glove" or why these hookers make you wear the "glove" :D   cause you know "dirty"

You are so fucking lame,  so fucking lame ... is that the best lines you can dig out of your own ass

Guess you still Gagging on cock?

BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 56 reads
76 / 99

Please, please speak to her immediately.
You are not judging her BUT you will not ignore her going about it risking her life!  

And NO I am not exaggerating the risks involved!


GaGambler 44 reads
77 / 99

Did you put a glove on your face too. Have you ever wondered if you might have tasted the jizz of the guy before you who rawdogged that piece of trash that you just ate out?  

A lesser man might want to kill himself. Got rope? lol

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 55 reads
78 / 99

Wow.... did you just call out hookers "piece of trash"  too  also did you just say there are hookers who allow "rawdogging"? my my you are filthy  

why the resentful language CockGAG'er?

Naughty Naughty... I thought you were that self-proclaimed respectable man.... lol  notice SELF-PROCLAIMED ....lol

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 102 reads
79 / 99

So does she do:
stripper slide

Obviously this is why you are no longer married and the only side that actually care about the child is the wife's side

GaGambler 66 reads
81 / 99

I am hardly "respectable" and I have never claimed to be.

but you are just stupid and really are TSTTT.  

I guess I will do with you like I do with most morons like you, talk about you, but not to you. Have fun trying to rattle cages, I think I may go laid. Speaking of getting laid, how does someone like you get any pussy now that no self respecting hooker will have anything to do with you?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 51 reads
82 / 99

the problem here is that people like you who have to have an opinion about everything are predisposed to take things a certain way no matter what. so if you didnt get the gist of my post, im afraid theres nothing i can do to further clarify it since i thought i was being very clear.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 50 reads
83 / 99

Great job Van.  Of course your post is complete and utter bull shit.  Do you even have a daughter?  You sure fooled a lot of people here.

To have really been complete, you should have made a fake backpage ad to link to.  That would have been fucking hilarious.

HappyChanges 55 reads
84 / 99

Vantheman is out of his mind for supporting his 19 year old daughter hooking. I did not get the impression that his post was BS. The guy had threesome with a tranny and random cab driver, I doubt he's lying about Wendy.

scoed 8 Reviews 46 reads
85 / 99

You failed your daughter in an epic fashion. It is plan you failed to teach your daughter properly as a child. Shame on you! As a parent you are responsible for this tragedy with your failure as a parent. No not because your kid is a sex worker but because she is clueless in how to conduct business and how to set appropriate value on things. Money skills need to be taught in the home as schools fail at it in an epic fashion.

Even in the most repressed market a 55 year old woman with no skills, limited menu, that is over a hundred pounds overweight can get $200 an hour. This means she ether has no self respect or she didn't know to do even cursory research. Now that is a shame you failed to teach those things.  

On top of that it is clear she hasn't a clue how to budget if she needs two incomes over a car. That is your failure too.

Here is what you need to do. First, things first you need to educate her to the risks of this game and how to avoid them. Then you need to help her work on a budget as she can do long term harm borrowing more than she can pay back like that. Then you need to teach her how to run a business and how to price her services.  

One thing you must do is show you respect her choice to do what she is doing. Being a sex worker can be very isolating, especially now half of her family is acting ashamed of her. Teach her what she needs to know to say safe both in hooking and in life in general. You fucked up not teaching business, and even more importantly budgeting basics to her when she had more of a safety net.  

I am glad you are not fucking up more by not respecting HER choice to do some sex work to fix her budgeting errors. That you are getting right.

As for the assclowns who are being huge fucking hypocrites  condemning her and him for her choice to fuck for money while paying other men's daughters to suck and fuck, how do you sleep? If there's shame in sex work then every time you pay for it you are hurting someone for an hour's pleasure. If there isn't then you are turning on your own making harm when none existed. Fuck that!

I believe sex work done honestly and intelligently is a respectable choice. It has some huge ass risks sure, but so does being a member of the armed forces, a police person, firefighter, logger, or minor. Those too are respectable career choices.  

And for those who condemn van for being open about his choice shame on you too. Gays have been killed for being open. They also was jailed, kicked out of their homes. They were shunned, and hated. Here is the thing some of them came out of the closet and owned it. Slowly they gained acceptance and legality.  

We need more of us follow their example and be open about OUR choice to do this. Only in that way can this world be maid legal and accepted. I am out too. So hypocrites to scared to own your own shit, fuck off! I get not everyone can afford to be open about this but to condemn someone fighting the wolds preconceived notions which in time will make your life better, now that is shameful.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 54 reads
86 / 99

Actually, Scoed, any poor money management skills were learned from her mother, not from me. I  left my wife for 2 major reasons :  her affairs with gangbangers and her reckless spending of money. I can't do anything about her influence on Wendy.  Other than that issue, thanks for the support.

Ridleyone 12 Reviews 50 reads
87 / 99

Don't leave us in suspense bro, is she gonna raise her rates or what?  

And more importantly, is she heading to New Jersey anytime soon?

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 24 reads
88 / 99

Maybe the $4 is the state  sales tax.

GaGambler 53 reads
89 / 99

You pay for your car the same way she is paying for hers.  At 19 she is an adult and she can both buy and pay for her car anyway she wants to, and that includes turning tricks.  

My what a hypocritical bunch of people we have here.  I have a LOT more respect for a woman who pays for her own car by selling sex than I do for a whiny teenager who whines to Mommy and Daddy to buy her one. Some of you people are acting like "Wendy" is the first 19 year old to become a hooker.  She doesn't need to be told what she can and cannot do, what she needs is some guidance on how to do it safely and correctly.

scoed 8 Reviews 45 reads
90 / 99

If she is hooking because she wants to for extra fun money, pleasure, the thrill, thinking of doing it full time or whatever, and happens to spend her extra cash on a fun toy like a new car that is great, but if she feels compelled to hook because she is way to far in debt because of a toy like a new car that isn't so great. (A car may be a necessity, but a new one most definitely is NOT.)  

So the best advice depends on why she is hooking. If this is what she wants to do then I agree the best guidance is how to stay safe, and how to not short herself as she has been doing as you have said.

But if she is doing this out of desperation then the best advice is to get rid of the car and instruct her how to budget correctly. Not being able to be financially  responsible will lead to a life of needless stress and pain. Actually given she only charged $84 he definitely needs to give her money advice. A 50 something, overweight, homely lady with a limited menu, working in a repressed market, can get $200, so she definitely needs instruction on money issues.  

Either way he should support her choice in this, and it is her choice. Like you I don't get the hypocrisy here. Sex work is a legit choice, 19 or 100 years old as long as there is a market for the persons services.

Greenbacks2 25 Reviews 49 reads
91 / 99
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 46 reads
92 / 99

I've heard Ben was quite the ladies' man.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 24 reads
93 / 99


Do you expect other people to live up to your hypocritical standards?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 59 reads
94 / 99

Some folks believe they can intervene in someone else life and make them do what they think is right. There is 99.9999% chance, it is going to backfire.

Instead of talking to the daughter, one-on-one, your ex-wife decided to tell everyone in the family. Very smart move.

souls_harbor 43 reads
95 / 99

Ex-wives are like that.  So driven by their anger that revenge becomes more important than any other consideration.

StevenTylenol 76 Reviews 53 reads
96 / 99

Is she hot? Ill pay her alot more than that

KaliMorrigan 66 reads
98 / 99

The hookers and the johns? Really? Yeah, the those sluts should be more politically active, because we know how good that is for business.

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 43 reads
99 / 99

That's all good. She still needs to screen, obviously. Older men aren't automatically more trustworthy (I say it even though I am one). I'm inclined to say reconsider her rates too, though I don't know what the $84 was for specifically or what the going rates are in her area--I don't disrespect gals who charge lower rates, on the contrary I greatly appreciate them, but if they go too low they are in danger of attracting sketchy clients.

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