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GordianKnot 974 reads

No, when was the last time you watched a porno for the guys? They make less because many men would do it for free.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The article claims women in the industry make more than the men in the industry... That's blatant sexism.

noagenosage2580 reads

I never expected to see an article like this in the "little gray lady," the old nickname for the NY Times.  How Times have changed!  Anyway, I'd never heard of her but connoisseurs must have, because she has a ton of stuff available on line, through google and such.  FYI.


she's hot but not a provider, so why bother?
PS: The nickname for the Times is simply "The Gray Lady." You could look it up.

The article claims women in the industry make more than the men in the industry... That's blatant sexism.

Reverse sexism

Per Ms. Kross's article "But unlike in the real world, women in porn usually make more money than men for the same work"


Per Ms Sandberg's article "Sandberg writes extensively about the barriers women still face in the workplace, including “blatant and subtle sexism, discrimination and sexual harassment.”


Those two out of context statements contradict one another...

In order to set the equilibrium straight McGuyver should shoot a seen with Sandberg.

Do you have a sense of humor?... or is WikedBrutal a feminist

I certainly have a sense of humor and, yes, I am a feminist. Ms. Kross is wrong.

If Tom Hanks is paid more for a 30 minute public appearance than Tobi, it would not be sexism.
If Jessica Lang is paid more for the appearance than you, it would not be reverse sexism.

Why am I communicating with idiots again? I promised myself I would stop doing this.

The NY Times ran the article. Don't they check facts over there?

Posted By: WickedBrut
I certainly have a sense of humor and, yes, I am a feminist. Ms. Kross is wrong.  
 If Tom Hanks is paid more for a 30 minute public appearance than Tobi, it would not be sexism.  
 If Jessica Lang is paid more for the appearance than you, it would not be reverse sexism.  
 Why am I communicating with idiots again? I promised myself I would stop doing this.

No, when was the last time you watched a porno for the guys? They make less because many men would do it for free.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The article claims women in the industry make more than the men in the industry... That's blatant sexism.

I assume the ladies need a greater incentive to actually do the work, take a greater risk, have less time to exploit their youthful charm, along with shooting way more sceens.

I'm only talking actual performance work.


Not a Regulation Randy over here.

The instant you wrote "ladies need a greater incentive" to do the work, we were in agreement. Fact many guys would do the work for free, I know if I were asked I wouldn't have to even think about it. (Eh, depends on the lady). Hahahhahahhahah

Posted By: GordianKnot
The instant you wrote "ladies need a greater incentive" to do the work, we were in agreement. Fact many guys would do the work for free, I know if I were asked I wouldn't have to even think about it. (Eh, depends on the lady). Hahahhahahhahah
Yes! I found no reason to mention the gentlemen were not complaining(moot point). Try not reading into what is said as an argument all the time

Capitalism, by definition is unfair. Should capitalism be regulated... to be made fair?

Did capitalism exist before equality? Did capitalism exist before sexism?  What if capitalism existed but sexism didn't?
Did Johny exist before Thorazine?

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 8:27:02 AM

The school system had a hard-on for drugging the literate.

And, first of all, you were definitely not literate.  That's why you had to repeat 6th Grade three times.  And, yes, we slipped a bit of Thorazine into your morning juice box.  It kept you from banging your head into the wall and disturbing the other students.  I see not much has changed.

... gave me my first blowjob. Thanks for the head banging.

for the clap.  Did she give it to you, too?  Left untreated it can cause real damage.  Actually, that would explain a lot

Am I the only one who immediately Googled Kayden cross?

I like the pic of her with a ping-pong ball in her mouth. Nice ass too!

She's gorgeous, sexy and seems very genuine.

She's very attractive.  Glad she had a good ending.

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