TER General Board

Sedona is right.
Your name here 4309 reads

A good friend of mine told me he had the same thing happen.  I was skeptical, but then I went on the Atkins diet, lost 32 lbs so far, and I'll be damned if my willie isn't longer than it was.  Maybe without all the fat theres more blood to pump it up!

Oops - hit the enter button by mistake - LOL!

Was glancing on the SD board, and there was a post about a really tight body, and so I looked at the picture and I laughed because it wasn't that she was tight, it was that she was a twiglet! Skinny little thing..
Anyway, but what made me laugh was that he didn't think her breasts were any C's at all, and you could hear his disappointment. No, was the reply back..they definitely look like A's..

Well, guys, there ARE exceptions, but for the most part, really thin does not come with big boobs, unless they are store bought.

And, the more weight we lose, the boobs also disappear.

While you guys, on the other hand, the more weight you lose, the bigger your willy gets! Yep, 1" for every 25 pounds..

Lucky you!

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 11:02:43 AM

I'm one of those rare guys who does NOT like big and/or store-bought boobs.  The guys at work think I'm crazy for saying Pamela Anderson is not the least bit attractive, but there it is.  A married friend complained to me once that her husband had reached around from behind her one morning and said, "I just LO-O-O-OVE small titties!"  She asked if I thought she should get a boob job...now, I'd never seen 'em naked, but I did like it when she went braless, and I told her so, then offered this comparison:  A few years ago, back when the Pontiac Fiero was popular, you could buy snap-on plastic body panels for the thing that would make it look like a Ferrari 308 GTSi.  What you ended up with was a car that LOOKED great but drove like shit.

Give me a perky A/B/small C any day.

If the 1" per 25 pounds thing were true, then the reverse would also be true, and I'd have a 1" penis with all the weight I've gained since high school.  Since I don't, then maybe it only works when you LOSE weight...but considering all the weight I've lost and then gained back over the years...I should have a schlong that puts Dirk Diggler to shame!

While I realize that size does matter to a certain extent, I've known a couple guys that well hung, and while they never had any trouble getting laid, they did have trouble getting a lady to come back for seconds.  Also, they complained about never being able to get full penetration, out of concern for their partner.

So...thank God we DON'T pack on an inch for every 25 pounds we lose!  LOL!


Nothing above 34C unless she is just so damn good looking that my little head asks, and always gets, a waiver.  I have seen providers who would have been much more of a charge if they had simply focused on maintaining what they were born to have.

Too many women, regardless of what they do, think that they must have large tits to be appealing.  Parents should teach their little girls that there are elements of them as people which far outweigh breast size, maybe then the artificial boobs industry will shrink to the size that it deserves to be.

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 1:14:09 PM

and it's bugging me that, of course, I can't seem to find anything now. I know I've seen it on MSN before..

But, you must be very much overweight (minimum of 50#) in order for that to be the case.

Calling of of TER's best researchers..2Sense, Burt2020, et all..where are those articles??

Your name here4310 reads

A good friend of mine told me he had the same thing happen.  I was skeptical, but then I went on the Atkins diet, lost 32 lbs so far, and I'll be damned if my willie isn't longer than it was.  Maybe without all the fat theres more blood to pump it up!

I have also read that being grossly obese affects the pituitary gland, causing, in many men, the penis to shrink.
Therefore, once the weight is lost, not only do you have the illusion, but you have actual penis 'growth' as the gland can now function normally.

There are a few gents on here who've received consultation for being morbidly obese, and I believe one of those gents mentioned that that was told to him also by the nurses and doctors.
Hope they read this..

since the weight comes off, more is perceived. It simply doesn't get bigger.
However, since it "looks" bigger, and you feel better, than that must be good thing! Right?

Speaking as someone who has lost more than a hundred pounds I promise you I have not grown 4", maybe 2". When you lose that kind of weight, it isn't only that yoyu can see more, but you are fat everywhere. You don't just lose inches around your waist, but off your pubic mound as well. Enough info I'm sure.

Not larger - just accessible...

I have seen this topic discussed on "Talk Sex" [on the Oxygen net work] What Sue J. says is that when one loses significant weight around the middle, Willie seems bigger. Furthurmore, without the spare tires to get in the way, one can do more with Wille. I recommend the program highly & the web site is Talksexwithsue.com

The Vagitarian3173 reads

I was always 7 1/4" up through my early 40's.  Then when I decided to see if I could get a condom that fit better, I decided to measure both the length and girth.  To my horror, I was now only 6 1/4"!

I found the missing inch when I placed both hands on my lower abdomen and pushed in.  Obviously, over the years I'd gained enough weight to lose a full inch.  I'm not proud to admit it happened, but I'm happy to know it's still there if I ever lose the weight!

And yes, breasts, the objects of our affection are mostly just fat, and they do come and go with weight loss.  I dated a women who had a C-cup in her 30's, but by the time she was in her late 40's, she was spilling out of her D-cup bras and needed to go the next size up.

Tatoogirl743858 reads

I love big breasts and big hips....(on a lady that is)

Yummy.....give me some ..lmao


would like to say this, but don't, so I will for the women.

Over the years, I've had women say that it wasn't fair that men could tell by looking at us (on the street, at work), what we 'look' like.

They can tell approximately what size we are, how big or small the boobs are, hips, butt, etc. - in our clothes, just by looking.

But, WE, on the other hand can't tell a thing about what you look like - wink*wink.

And, no, it's not the shoes or the hands..

I personally have disappointed several ladies after they saw my size 13s....

Even my ability to palm a basketball apparently is false advertising....

I, too, love big breasts and big hips (on a woman, of course).....YUM !!

I don’t understand the one-size-needs-to-fit-all-women breast fixation.  Every Lady I’ve met has been beautiful, each in a different way.  I’m really glad there isn’t a “perfect” breast size or hair color, otherwise once I met a woman who fit that description, all others would be measured against “her” and found wanting.

Unless we are talking about either extreme sizes or significantly out of proportion, why not enjoy the diversity?

And no, the 1"/25 lbs is most certainly false.

I was in the process of loosing 25 pounds!  Now I am going to have to go back to those mechanical enhancement devices or swollow a few of the enhancement pills sitting in my medicine cabinet.

True, big breasts can make a woman look shapely and sexy, but beauty truly is in how a woman carries herself and actions speak louder than breast cup size. For me, sincerity is important and if a woman is sincerely comfortable with her body, so am I. No need for all those fake breasts!
Anyway, I'm more of a small breast guy...

I'm glad there are a few celebrities who have succeeded in perhaps causing small breasts to be more 'fashionable', and indeed, I think they are lovely:
Debra Messing, for one.

(I'd say Gwyneth Paltrow, but it doesn't seem she has any)

There is one Provider, and one FBSM woman here locally who both have the cutest (prettiest?) small boobs, too - so pretty that they could almost start a 'fad' for smaller breasts.

If that really is your belief, why are you even in this hobby? I'd think such a 'Renaissance' man would have single ladies (and a lot of married ones too) swarming all over him. And since beauty is 'how a woman carries herself', you should be willing to go out with each and every one no matter how fat/thin/pretty/homely they are.

They only think it is longer 'cause after losing some weight in the belly, they can see parts of it for the first time they haven't seen in years.   LOL

I saw that thread too.  And what I got out of it was that once again the loyal order of TER guys are wondering aloud if she's legit?????? What's with all the hotties in Sand Diego? None are reviewed and any one that ever gets mentioned the SD regulars sing notes of caution.  While the discussion of what makes men appreciate a particular breast shape or size is interesting. As is the debate over the myth of penis growth with wait loss (total BS - it's just that it appears bigger and that you can do more with it spooning or atletic moves because you big fat gut isn't in the way anymore).
But the real important question. WTF happened to the hobby in SD?  Sedona if you know that girl speak up or she won't get any calls from any of us.

Your name here1787 reads

Sorry scampr, but it's not "total BS".  Mine is not only longer, but thicker too.  It doesn't just appear to be bigger, it actually is.  I know this to be true because I measured it before and after.  YNH.

I wonder why it doesn't work in reverse then. I used to be skinny, my dick is the same size now that I'm not. (I checked the first time I heard this story a couple years ago).

Lots of ongoing stings against both sides.  The result has been, on the part of some, rampant paranoia far beyond anything that could be considered reasonable caution.

There's a claque which can be counted on to scream "LE, LE, no reviews, she's gotta be LE" every time a new lady appears on the scene.  Kinda like Chicken Little and the sky, ya know.

I'm not just referring to all the LE activity and the response from the local hobbyists. There seems to be a lack of quality hobbying regardless.  Not to pick on you but I read your reviews and then the profiles and other reviews of those girls. There is a consistent theme there of non-consistent (usually as concerning quality but a few times as pertaining to appearance) talent.  You reviewed a couple hotties but their general reviews were actually rather unexciting. Princess was last reviewed in August and doesn't seem to be anything to write home about. Natalie was last reviewed in December and her average is well, average.  Not ripoffs but certainly not spectacular girls. Maybe you haven't reviewed your favorite girls.  But really when I started my research of SD I could find no really consistently highly rated girls.  Your best combined scores were 17. BOTH of those girls are not San Diego girls (Ciera and Gina Robbins). I would visit them both in a heartbeat. But unless I'm misreading something the general consensus is that the SD guys are enjoying an average time at best and then LE is chasing them anyway, Shit if I'm gonna go to jail atleast let it be for a girl who's 10 and 10 LOL!!!

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 8:45:54 PM

You're right about the women but wrong about the men. There's fat in a man's penis too, just like your breasts. I remember an NBA groupie complaining in a national magazine article that a former LA Clipper (Gary Grant) came back the next year after losing 20 lbs and getting leaner. She complained that his erection had much less girth. Now if you're recommending that some of the portly guys on this site start working out, which will increase blood flow and will certainly help them achieve erections without spending money on viagra or cialis, that's ok. But the "1 of thickness for every 25 lbs lost is deceiving.

The trouble with most bolt ons, well, one trouble anyway, is that they tend to be way out of proportion.  A nice pair of 36Ds can be gorgeous.  On the right body.  

But find the thread Sedona is talking about and imagine this girl with 36Ds.  Utterly grotesque.  IMHO her breasts are the perfect size for the rest of her body.

Here's the basic difference between a man and a woman: A woman will pass by a department store window, see her reflection and fret, "I need to lose 10 pounds." A man will walk by that same window, see his reflection and surprisedly say, "Hmmm, I look pretty good!"

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