TER General Board

right on the money riker !
elcamino_honey See my TER Reviews 5026 reads

i for one dont give a fig if you are vice president in charge of paper clips... i just need to know that you are not LE.
DL#s ?? goodness.
all i need is your real name and work number, company name and website if applicable and a point to where you are on it!
if i cant have that, i need a verifiable reccomendation from another provider... and honestly, THAT is preferred!!
just got a call tonight:
hey, is this Nicole?  (girls voice)
me:  yessss?
Hey, this is #### in las vegas, and i'm trying to do a check on a ***** ********** did you see him in april?
me:  April???  god, whats his email name?
her: name @aol
me: sht. i'm in the middle of a Huge thunder storm and i cant get online, there are a couple other nicoles... call him back and find out if it was black nicole, white nicole with piercings or elcamino nicole... if its me, i'll try and get online and see what i can find in my emails...
she did all that leg work off reviews here. (and it wasnt me she was looking for, poor thing)
see how easy it would be if yall have reviews that YOU posted?
works for us all,
specially now.
just my .02

A very famous lady is coming to San Diego this month, someone I wanted to see when I lived in NYC but never found the time. To qualify for her tour you need to give her the usual name, business info, referrals etc but, for the first time for me, I am also asked for my CA drivers licence number.

For some reason this has totally stopped me in my attempts to hook up with her. I am totally confident that she is all she says she is but I just don't feel comfortable giving that piece of info out. So I guess I will miss out on this occasion but I wondered if I am being unusually squeamish - what do others feel about giving out that much personal info.

I'd appreciate if we talk about the personal info rather than the particular woman and her requests; this is about comfort level rather than her.


Priests molest little boys, lawyers get killers off and help corporations scam stock holders. Doctors fill out false prescriptions for profit, but all of these people have a sacred oath.

Providers may not have an oath, but generally, I trust them more than anyone else. I don't worry about a provider having my information in a data base or in a book. This is not proof of anything. I don't worry about them using the info for blackmail or some other insidious scheme (what are they going to do with your info anyway?)

Providers take enormous risks every time they set an appointment. In some areas the risk is greater than others. Now I wouldn't give the info to just anyone.

We gentlemen using TER have a solid set of background references for the ladies. We have pictures in most cases, contact information and a detailed account of the type of experience the gal we're calling provides. There's no reason to be apprehensive about supplying whatever references and screening information these trusted ladies request, in my opinion.

Mutual trust is a requirement to having a good time, and working to build that up front seems vital, particularly in the current social climate.

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 10:22:09 PM

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 11:02:54 PM

esquire005238 reads

I've been a lurker on this and other boards.  I generally keep to the AMP scene b/c the surrender of anonymity required of many providers is simply too high a price for me to bear.
I think your allusion about priests, lawyers, doctors, et al, really proves the opposite of the point you're trying to make.  Many of these "professionals" will violate trusts, confidences, and fiduciary duties even when they've taken an oath not to.  What makes you think someone who has not taken such an oath would be any less likely to do so?
And while it is true that the simple fact that a provider may be found with your info doesn't prove anything, that doesn't avoid a shit-storm of explaining you might be forced to do, or a very uncomfortable wait until a D.A. or Judge decides it doesn't prove anything.
Remember, as with anything else, just because the Constitution and certain laws say LE CAN'T do something, doesn't mean they WON'T.  Up until 12/00, it used to be that you couldn't steal an election ala Central American banana republics.  Then the banana Republicans on the Supreme Kangaroo Court showed us otherwise.

Personal info to people that violate their oath everyday without even thinking about it. I'm not saying you should be careless with your info, all the providers I've seen delete the info after the first meeting, that could be BS, but I don't think they want all that info on their hard drive either.

gumby0073926 reads

We give and we take. I don't know the real name, Ca. DL#, or any other real info. of any provider that I have seen. Thry work behind a curtain of secrecy. They have to. I am only willing to give out my name and cell phone #. I have never had a problem. Plenty can be done with a DL#. Ever heard of identity theft? I doubt a provider would do that, but I would prefer not to take that chance. In the DMV database is enought info. to ruin your life if in the hands of the wrong person. I know of the provider who is referred to here. I also would like to see her, but not under those conditions. I would be more than happy to give her my TER screen name though. Just my 2 cents.

2sense8131 reads

I think there was a piece in the LATimes recently, indicating that more and more residential burglaries are being done solely to obtain identification, credit card numbers and checks. The crooks bypass everything else. The idea being that you can easily generate >$20K through this identity theft, and the prosecution rate by LE is very low.

Here's a thought for you LE lurkers. Why not shift your resources from harassing those who participate on this board, and go after identity-thiefs?

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 12:28:44 PM

i for one dont give a fig if you are vice president in charge of paper clips... i just need to know that you are not LE.
DL#s ?? goodness.
all i need is your real name and work number, company name and website if applicable and a point to where you are on it!
if i cant have that, i need a verifiable reccomendation from another provider... and honestly, THAT is preferred!!
just got a call tonight:
hey, is this Nicole?  (girls voice)
me:  yessss?
Hey, this is #### in las vegas, and i'm trying to do a check on a ***** ********** did you see him in april?
me:  April???  god, whats his email name?
her: name @aol
me: sht. i'm in the middle of a Huge thunder storm and i cant get online, there are a couple other nicoles... call him back and find out if it was black nicole, white nicole with piercings or elcamino nicole... if its me, i'll try and get online and see what i can find in my emails...
she did all that leg work off reviews here. (and it wasnt me she was looking for, poor thing)
see how easy it would be if yall have reviews that YOU posted?
works for us all,
specially now.
just my .02

I would (and am) much more comfortable hanging around with the sort of people Christ hang around with.  (And I would trust them more as well.)

Just keep me away from the Scribes and the Pharisees!!!!

JennaX4216 reads

Countless times I have tried to discreetly explain this same idea to a new client... He knows I am not a mark or an ROB because he's seen my references, but all I have to go on are
my own intincts and his subtle actions
(and this is in the first 10min of a session).
Jenna X.

The drivers license number seemed a little over the top for me as well.  I don't mind giving the escort referrals, business numbers and my full name either.  I want the ladies to feel safe, especially with all the LE actvity in San Diego.  Although California doesn't do this, some states use your social security number as your drivers license number.  That would be way too much information to give out.  It's not because I thought the lady would do anything sinister with the information but what would happen if she wrote it down and somehow misplaced it or left it somewhere where a person that neither of us knew could find it?

In general, I will give up any information a lady needs to feel comfortable short of a drivers license number or social security number.  If a lady asks to see my ID upon meeting, I would have no problem with that either.  If a lady has your full name, place of business, home and business phone numbers, home and business addresses and a referral from another escort, she should have enough information to screen you.

I may ask for a picture ID when I see you but I have never asked for one in e-mail.  I am a victim of idenity theft, since then I NEVER give out that kind of info even to my own bank. Dealing with the Credit Bureau is not fun at at all.  As long as you have references from known providers and work info that should be enough.  It is for me.  

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 8:24:41 AM

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 9:27:49 AM

I don't give Driver's License Numbers, Soc Sec Numbers, or Credit Card Numbers....everything else is fine. Just a personal bias. I'm not married, it's more for my on security....If phone numbers, address, and photo verification isn't enough...then I just move on. Too much craziness going on to offer up any and all info.

Kama Sutra4570 reads

This is an interesting thread.  Sharing of sensitive information is a two way street.

Granted the ad provides a visual, and some other pertinent information about the advertiser.  However, it does not reveal her true identity. Sometimes, there is the "bait and switch" element involvement.   Generally speaking, most advertisers use aliases, and other means to safeguard their identity.

Under the present circumstances, discretion is the better part of valour  I think providing a verifiable phone number, and references should be enough.  

Personally, that's where I would draw the line.  If some is visiting and wants to see my driver's license that's okay.  But under NO circumstances will I provide it to a stranger. If there is reciprocation -- it's another matter.

There are too many identity thefts, and other issues that worry me.

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 9:30:21 AM

"There are too many identity thefts, and other issues that worry me."

I couldn't agree with you more...

"Priests molest little boys, lawyers get killers off and help corporations scam stock holders. Doctors fill out false prescriptions for profit, but all of these people have a sacred oath."

While I agree with the SPIRIT of Riker's point here, there are a couple distinct differences.

1) However effective it may or may not be, there exists RECOURSE against all of these actions. Lawyers can be sued or disbarred. Same with doctors - sued or have their licenses revoked. Priest can be sued or defrocked, and even corporate leaders can be sued, and / or face criminal charges. Also, each of these entities have, however effective or ineffective it might be, an oversight authority. Neither of these points apply to escorts.

Sure, you COULD go to LE after discovering that the escort in questions has taken liberties you didn't intend with your driver's license number. But, first of all, all the liberties she COULD take against your will are not illegal - for example, selling it to others. Beyond that, however, is the obvious - just how much help to you think you will get from LE? Unless the escort in question has scammed LOTS of guys, perhaps hundreds, LE simply won't give a damn about your problems. Besides, are you prepared to admit you were conspiring to commit a felony?

2) No matter what you think about lawyers, doctors, priests or corporate chieftains (ok, maybe NOT corporate chieftains...lol) as a group based on current events, no level headed person would accuse the majority of these persons, or even a significant percentage, as being dishonest. It simply takes too much personal sacrifice to secure these titles for anyone to consider going into these pursuits casually. The vast majority of these folks chose these professions because they really believe they can make a difference, and they take their oath seriously.

Now, I am not accusing the majority of escorts of being dishonest, but LETS KEEP IT REAL...do you think the percentage of persons who are comfortable with dishonesty and are practicing a profession which is by DEFINITION a felony is higher or lower than those percentages of dishonest people in those other endeavors? Again, I am NOT saying the majority, most, or even anything like a fourth or a fifth of escorts are dishonest. But, I could live with saying 10%...THAT number wouldn’t surprise me. How many posts have you seen from guys who were lied to, ripped off, etc? And THOSE are the guys who have enough GUTS to admit they were stupid...

Frankly, I feel sorry for any guy who just NEEDS to see a particular escort so bad hey would give her their driver's license number. That is a degree of both obsession and foolishness that is beyond pathetic and goes into idiotic...

I just recall that LE, credit card companies and others all say the same thing: NEVER give out that degree of personal info.

No matter how desirable a provider may be, thinking with the little head will always come back and find a way to bite you.

Dumb Blonde4457 reads

Again, guys, if you worry about giving a girl you info, this is what reviews are for...despite the fact that some people dont think they are worth much, as they can be fabricated.  I see over and over and over where someone declares on the board that he was ripped off, despite ripoff reviews.
But why dont you guys at least pm the reviewers?

The other day, a gent who is in a sensitive field was a bit uncomfortable giving me all his info, but he still gave me enough, for me, anyway.  I didnt want him to feel remorse, or the anguish that goes with that, so I said to him, why dont you throw it out on the discussion boards?  So he asked about me on one of the other boards.  I'd hoped for a response from somebody, but got instead quite a few; not to say that this will work with some of the less known ladies who do not participate on discussion boards.  

Somewhere along the line, things have to add up, dont they?

As for screening.  I dont even look at a license as I wouldnt know a fake from a real one, and my gosh, cant LE get fake ones made by dmv so they seem real?  I dunno...

Dumb Blonde

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 6:05:06 PM

I think it is crazy to give out such information.  With your driver's license number the provider has access to Jjust about all of your personal information.  This is the information age and it is readily available.  A great deal of information can be obtained with just your full name.  When you give your name and phone number to an agency and they do a background check and they get your social security number, where you live, your previous addresses, wife's name etc.  It is very scary the amount of information which can be obtained.  So the question you must ask yourself; Is this lady worth seeing and parting with your information?  In my opinion, no matter who she is I would pass.


But isn't that true with virtually any information?  I have been hassled simply because I have a common name and a couple of other deadbeats turned up with the same name.  It stopped.

I sympathize with the horror of identity theft.  I am very lucky that it hasn't happened to me.  But I credit it much more to luck and statistics than any great care on my own part.  If they are looking for you, they will find you.

I would draw the line at social security number, but has anyone ever been asked for that?

I, like, totally don't get the DL thing.  Aren't the only people who care about that Motor Vehicle and Insurance?  By the same token, since I perceive it as pretty useless, I don't see what good it would do a pro.

I didn't realize it was connected to any other personal info. other than at the above.  I don't use checks, so I've never been asked for it on a check or as confirmation of ID with a credit card.  I'm puzzled.  I read every single one of these posts and there must be something about it I don't know, San.  How is it linked to anything else???

Pay an internet search bureau and give them a name and address and it is all there.  Maybe you could narrow down the addresses in Yahoo People Search.  (Actually, that might not be so easy.  I am constantly losing and/or forgetting friends' phone numbers since my filing system is "Little Pieces of Paper, Subsequently to be Thrown Out with the Gas Receipts."  I try at times to use Yahoo to get in touch again with approximately a 25% success rate.)

Credit Card numbers seem much riskier to me.  And I have card numbers stashed at book, CD, and DVD (got the region crack, down, ya know) websites all over the planet.

w_b4824 reads

I understand the providers want to screen there clients but giving out detailed personal info. is crazy, if not risky; and who is to say that LE is not smart enough to to give a phony name or whatever...?

Screening by a pro. should be as comprehensive as possible. They are taking far more risks than I.  (Easy for me to say. Read my post "What home?)

Alyssa3846 reads

Maybe a referral will help. Alyssa

Ginger girl5132 reads

She may be running your name with dl number to determine if you have a criminal record....she can run it without your number but it is hard to determine if the person on the rapsheet is the person you are screening without it as there are so many similar names and criminals frequently use aliases and fake id's...the number just makes it so that she can have a more accurate account of your criminal record if you have one. Drivers license numbers are hardly private information...do you think twice about writing a check ? My checks have all of my info on them and I routinely give them to complete strangers...if you don't have it printed on your check sure enuff sally checkout gal writes it down from your license...I don't have much of an identity to steal so I have never worried about it but I can understand why a provider might want to have it. I don't check your rapsheet as I have actually had some very good clients that have done some time...I do however always check in and out and make sure that a new client knows that their info is in a safe place with a buddy until I get back safely from out time together...

It kind of depends on each person's level of what they have to risk. Single guys tend to not have as much at stake as married guys that are kind of trying to hide their hobby.

All though I have never been asked for a driver's license number before.

I got nuttin' to lose.

Won't get married.  (Engaged twice.  Broke them off.)
I have a pretty good job, but for 15 years they have had to put up with me as a serious eccentric.  (Ego.  They will take me the way I am and like it. Or else I will be a bagger at the A&P.  Ego is not a good thing.)  NOTHING would phase them.
As stated elsewhere, my mother still thinks I am a virgin.  Besides, I don't give out HER number.
My girlfriends seem to have a steadily decreasingly competence with the English Language, due to being non-native, not dumb.

But if providers had to live off of people like me, they'd go broke.

I'm only absolutely willing to. The willingness alone has always been enough for the providers I've seen and I've never actually been asked for anything. The more you're truly willing to share, the less you actually have to.

It's my personal experience, I know, and may not be a practical approach for everyone.

JBarth4141 reads

There are a number of up-market ladies here in Los Angeles who demand detailed personal information from prospective clients well in advance of a tete a tete.  For various reasons, I decline to divulge this information.  For one thing, there's the identity theft issue alluded to by other posters above.  There is also the possibility of extortion.  Additionally, here in Southern California, there exist several privately-maintained, on-line databases containing detailed info on hobbyists.  These databases may be accessed by providers. (and, presumably, by LE as well)  If you give your personal info to a provider in advance of an encounter, that info may be entered in these private databases.  Scary, huh?  I don't mind showing a lady my DL or, for that matter, anything else in my wallet when we're face-to-face.  But I won't give her that info days or weeks in advance of our meeting.  While I adore and admire practically all of the ladies I have had the pleasure of meeting, I simply cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that this business attracts a disproportionate number of ladies whose professional ethics are questionable.  Given that fact, the practice of extreme pre-screening is just too susceptible of abuse.

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