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Re:your opinion please
bikebryan 18 Reviews 3514 reads

"Once she doesn't have clothes on she can't be LE.  Have a great time."

I want some of what you are smoking.  She can get naked, have sex with you any way you can think of, and then arrest you if she's a cop.

Maybe the old "if they get naked or touch then I'm safe" thing used to play, but not anymore.

Have a rather odd situation develope and looking for some wise opinions on this.  Was looking through another message board (local) when I came across a post that said:

"...I'm 19 and go to college near XXXXXXX. I'm looking for a special arrangement with ONE man.

I'm not a prima donna or a drama queen. I am an intelligent (I know the difference between "discreet" and "discrete" lol), cultured, motivated girl who also has a liking towards strong, openminded, fun older men.

You're probably interested in my looks-I'm 5'5, a slender 115 pounds, with green eyes and brunette hair with blonde highlights. I am featured on a website that you might have heard of, and will gladly supply the link if you are interested."

So we chit chat a bit via email and see sent me a link of a Hometown Amateurs photo spread.  I'm not a big fan of those as they will suck more money than the hobby with less fun results.  But she took those pics last January and she is a cutie.  We then chit chatted on the phone for a bit.  I said lets get together and hangout a bit; which then I reworded chit chat face to face. I have to watch how I phrase things in the line of questioning.  So we are meeting (if I don't cancel) in a few days.
She seems to be the college girl who just needs some more spending money but who isn't looking to get that involved in this type of business.  
After talking with her via email and phone, and seeing the pictures, my gut says that shes legit, but my experience and habbits in the business says, 'find the reviews, verify, research, verify some more." Since she isn't a provider, she obviously doesn't have any reviews.  The only thing I can think of is that she got stung in a local setup and now she is being used by LE.

Any opinions out there?


captpicard4915 reads

I posted an ad on Craigs List looking for a girl like you described.  It was not for a long term situation, just a few hours when I was out of town for a convention.  Ended up with a nice looking 21 year old local college student( I verified her in the schools on line directory)that spent four hours with me fo $$$$$.  Nothing, and I mean nothing was barred.  You name it, we did it.

All I can say is, play it close to the vest.  Don't discuss acts.  Do a little necking and petting(no alchohol), both get undressed.  Once she doesn't have clothes on she can't be LE.  Have a great time.

is that true, once she has her clothes off she can't be LE??
didn't know that....

"Once she doesn't have clothes on she can't be LE.  Have a great time."

I want some of what you are smoking.  She can get naked, have sex with you any way you can think of, and then arrest you if she's a cop.

Maybe the old "if they get naked or touch then I'm safe" thing used to play, but not anymore.

thats the impression i was under as well.

One semistupid idea is I was thinking of bringing something to help her out in the finacial area and after coffee saying thanks for hanging out, hope this helps with college. If she cash and dashes me and never calls me back, oh well, if she calls me back and says lets hangout next week then I wouldn't worry about paying for that occasion. I can see how this could be misinterpreted but any thoughts?

thanks again

Wow for a missdemenor? I can think of a few women cops I'd love to fuck. The fine would put them into the high priced provider catagory though.  It would be worth it just to be the guy to write a review of LA's finest.

-- Modified on 4/12/2004 3:38:35 PM

If you can verify her age, it doesn't sound like you are on one end of a sting operation.  She tried to setup an arrangement with you, not the other way around.  That wouldn't stop you from getting arrested; but it would probably save you from getting convicted.

Thanks for the replys.  One clarification; she didn't contact me directly, she just put up a post via a local board off of a similar website(not quite as national as this).  One person responded back to her via the board but I shot her an email.  

I figure if she is the same girl as in the Hometown amateurs picture spread than she probubly isn't LE.  

I already pointed out that I was probubly going to ask for her drivers lic to verify, and I'll probubly look for a school ID too.

Any other thoughts,
And thanks again

why do you want to do this?  How is seeing her better than a provider or safer?  She is more likely to have intense psycological baggage as compared to a provider and you will be involved enough to have to hear it all.  If you are looking for the young 'gfe', get onto a dating service.  If you are married, stick with providers.  I would stay away from this set up whether there is LE involvement or not!!!!

Well, I can see you point of view however... I have to ask what would she rather be?  Someone who she sees a person she can trust 3-4 times a month for some extra cash and fun and she can concentrate on her studies.  Or go the full blown route and yes, have a lot more money but her studies suffer.

go with your gut feeling. I'm with xenopus. go with a regular provider. trying something new is a risk.

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