TER General Board

Re:Rumsfeld gets caught in a lie! (Moveon.org video)
The E Ticket 5542 reads
1 / 22

This was on Face the Nation. Rumsfeld is so CAUGHT. He stammers,stutters, and blushes when caught in his lie!

Congress needs to censure Bush.


coach 5 Reviews 3183 reads
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Please, give us a break, this is old news.  Moveon.org is VERY anti-Bush so of course they'll put out a video like this.  I'm no fan of George Bush.  I miss Clinton...I can relate to a president who is always looking for a good BJ!

sanity check 4592 reads
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Viking Captain 3413 reads
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Pro-Bush or anti Bush ... you start to understand that TRUTH is an absolute thing ... now that most Americans have discovered the group that is controlling the Pentagon and Foreign Policy, and people like you are out of bullets, all you have left is to paint the truth!

Jenni_SD See my TER Reviews 4258 reads
5 / 22

I miss Clinton too.  I always wanted to see if he was the kinda guy who would appreciate a good BJ!



HarryLime 10 Reviews 3111 reads
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Don't worry Jenni.  BJs are something that tend to stick in your memory.

shocky 20 Reviews 3478 reads
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A Clinton supporter and moveon.org that claims anyone else is a not trueful is full of irony. Bush is a good man and politics are a difficut subject on this board. I would just suggest that we stick to much more fun topics.

Blue672 3 Reviews 4090 reads
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... when a BJ is delivered with sensual skill.
Now I have to get up from the computer without breaking anything  
and go to work.

Willie Clinton 3612 reads
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vannessa 4451 reads
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Must be one hell of a thrill to provide for the leader of the free world!

onehiphippy 3 Reviews 4062 reads
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Unless you got Skull and Bones Money Bush use your donation to light his crack pipe

sdstud 18 Reviews 5190 reads
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I frankly see no evidence of this.  He appears to be a very mediocre man, with no distinguishing intellectual skills, leadership skills, nor personal character and courage.  He was well born, I'll grant him that, but that hardly seems like something that would inspire people to place him in a position of great importance.

He was a known alcoholic and drug abuser in his twenties, and clearly used his father's influence to duck out on his civic responsibilities concerning military service.  He got gentleman's C's in his university courses, and only got accepted at the schools he did on the basis of his family fame and wealth.

He hasn't the slightest qualm about polarizing the nation for personal or political benefit, and he goes so far as to joke about it.  

He likes to play dress-up soldier, for imaging purposes, thus confirming that he lacks the comprehension of the gravity of embarking on a war.

And he clearly believes that if you tell a lie enough times, it will morph into a perceived truth.  Sadly, he might actually be correct in this assumption.  

There hasn't been a LESS QUALIFIED President of weaker timbre since Warren Harding.

-- Modified on 3/18/2004 2:30:35 PM

agrkej 18 Reviews 3207 reads
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Clinton was pounded day after day by the media for lying, while Bush says virtually any outrageous thing that comes to his mind and the mainstream media hardly ever challenges it.  It started in the last campaign with things like "I'm a uniter, not a divider" and "The taxcuts will pay for themselves".  It is nice to finally see one of this administration's lies challenged and seeing their pathetic response.

-- Modified on 3/18/2004 3:08:21 PM

SULLY 24 Reviews 2943 reads
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Why you dissing Warren G?

Wait for Halliburton Dome scandal to widen- then the parallels are complete!

At first I though Bush would really be a middle of the roader and thought this was an OK thing-  Wrong-!  He said he was a centrist-  then behaved like a Bircher!  Much like Harding who was brought in as a compromise candidate and ended up a pariah.

I'm afraid though that we are getting exactly what we deserve, although explaining that to the families of Iraq war dead and 9/11 casualties is a difficult thing.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2482 reads
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AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 1933 reads
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In all fairness Moveon.org should have let the video play long enough to hear his answer.

blakkromeo2k 4 Reviews 2738 reads
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It's a free country, bro. Don't like the topic, don't read or answer the post (must be a friggin right-anti-freedom-of-speech-winger).

llcar 9 Reviews 3272 reads
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Could not agree with you more.  I just about lost my mind when that little monkey pranced around in his little jump suit - I thought I was ``taking crazy pills''.  The hypocricy is just mind boggling - at least my little mind couldn't handle it.

Just pathetic - and those that were the least bit impressed - even more pathetic.

KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 3093 reads
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Clinton was put up for impeachment by a Republican-controlled Congress.  Will Bush being censured by a Republican-controlled Congress;  ROTFLMFAO!!!  He should be, but it's not going to happen.

Lying about a BJ is an impeachable offense, but lying about starting a war is OK.  The Republican hypocrisy machine rolls on...

agrkej 18 Reviews 2534 reads
22 / 22

Mr. FRIEDMAN: `No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of the world and the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.'  

Sec. RUMSFELD: Mm-hmm. It--my view of--of the situation was that he--he had--we--we believe, the best intelligence that we had and other countries had and that--that we believed and we still do not know--we will know. David Kay said we're about 85 percent there. I don't know if that's the right percentage. But the Iraqi Survey Group--we've got 1,200 people out there looking. It's a country the size of California. He could have hidden his--enough chemical or biol--enough biological weapons in the hole that--that we found Saddam Hussein in to kill tens of thousands of people. So--so it's not as though we have certainty today. But what--think what happened. There were 17 UN resolutions. There was unanimous agreement that he had filed a fraudulent declaration. The final opportunity was given with the last resolution, and he didn't take it. He chose war. He didn't do what Kazakhstan did. He didn't do what South Africa did. He didn't do what Ukraine did. He--he didn't say, `Come in and look and see what we have.' He was engaged in active deception. We'll
ultimately know a great deal about what took place.

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