TER General Board

Re:Question for the guys
KLTPZYXM 3836 reads

Are one of those friends named Superman?



Do you tell any of your other  friends (male or female) that you hobby?

MR MXYZPTLK4260 reads

I've got two friends (both guys) who not only know I do this, but they do it as well.  It's been so long, I don't quite remember how it came up that we found out about each others "hobby" but I've turned one of them on to TER as a result.

KLTPZYXM3837 reads

Are one of those friends named Superman?



I have told several of my friends both male and female. Also a couple of people in my family know, I had no problem telling them.

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 2:12:22 PM

I've told a few close friends.

Other than a few other hobbyists, I have only told one very close male friend. Since telling him he has been a very good listener and has made some very astute comments to some things I've been dealing with in this hobby. For a non-hobbyist, he really has the psychology of this hobby nailed.

FearlessLeader2428 reads

However, those to whom this has been told do not know the woman on my arm at most social engagements is my ATF, not my "girlfriend."

I only have told/talk about it with one friend.  And since it turns out she is a provider (though I never knew or saw her in that way) I don't know if that counts.  Other than that, no.

Reykjavik Pete3021 reads

I tell people on a "need to know" basis.  So far, the only ones who've needed to know are providers.

{eom}2850 reads

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 10:34:34 AM

There is just too much opportunity to get hurt by this info if one does not have the MAD (Mutually Assured Distruction) deterrent factor going on.

Just two friends, but they are a couple and run a spanking enthusiast's site (see link), so they are not your average couple.....

Scorpion383496 reads

I have never confided in anyone except my bestfriend and
his fiance. I trust them both completely.

PeterPickle2312 reads

I never told a soul, and prefered to keep it that way.  But somehow one of my buddies figured it out. Being the dickheads that they are, once one of them figured it out they all jumped all over my case.

But, deny deny deny!!!  I will deny it to the grave. Not that I'm ashamed of it, but I just don't feel like taking everyones endless crap.

Topic came up and we chatted about it. I mentioned I had seen some providers before. I gave him links to check out.

It's been a topic of discussion at my friendly neighborhood watering hole and photos from web sites have made the rounds there.  The two times I've done an overnighter we've wound up
there for drinks.  The last time I did that my 29 year old daughter found me there and said to her "Hi, you must be Naomi".  

My male cousin, my psych, and my therapy group.

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