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rejected me because I'm fat
Jimbomania 8 Reviews 3931 reads

It happens ... just roll with it ... for every one that might say no, there are several who will gladly say yes ... and honestly, isn't that where you'd rather spend your time?

I've been rejected/ignored because of my weight ... their loss, not mine ... I have a very skilled and talented tongue ... that isn't fat. And I have cash.


So I'm a young 21 year old black guy.. and i had never tried calling an escort before and the curiosity was killing me. Im a good looking guy, but its just an itch i needed to scratch ! I actually like paying for sex ! So  i didnt really know how to go about finding one ! So i end up calling this very shady agency.. and they send someone over. As soon  as I open my door and she takes one look at me , makes a quick excuse and runs back to her car !

Im not a scary guy, im not dirty or "ghetto" and i have all my teeth. I felt really rejected ! Thank god the second provider i saw was much more accomodating and MUCH better looking. Arena of West Palm Beach ! very nice girl !

Has anyone else here ever been rejected by a provider ?

I have the link to my yahoo profile incase anyone wants to see what i look like lol !

need_some3403 reads

I have never been rejected. I do think that the provider has all rights to refuse whoever she wishes. Someday you will have a provider come to your door and you will reject them. Everyone has their standards.

Some girls are afraid of the shaved head brothas-.

to me you look like about half my ballin' buddies, but some girls, esp white ones might be intimidated-- or afraid of the package...

Some say I look like a cop- I fee lyour pain!

Good on you for switchin horses in midstream...

ohh im not mad or anything ! i just thought it was really funny how she escaped ! lolshe said she had to "get something from her car" she got in and drove off ! really fast !! Imust have smelled really bad that day !

you know we don't know her story.  If perhaps a friend or co-worker has just been robbed or beaten by a shaved headed african american, she might come by her reticence honestly.

Or she could be a bigot behatch...

Every body has the rigth to no thank you no matter what the reson Find someone else Tell them your black if it makes a diifant to them They would not be very good any way

I try and give an extra effort (if that is possible) to the brothers because of this very problem that occurs. My heart goes out to you. It really bums me out when I hear of this still happening.

I think you like this I for got to tell This girl am dating said to That she never had a guy do what i do to her If i had not been with some Providers like you i would not be ably to do new things and talk about what i want I did not know you did blacks guys to Thank you so much

some people like fat, some skinny, some medium...
some black, some white, some olive...
aomw blonde, brunette, red...
you get the picture?
Everyone in this wonderful world of ours has their own unique collection of likes and dislikes...
Ain't it grand?

Dr. Nick Riviera4400 reads

Are you assuming it was because you are black , or were you actually told that?

Did it ever occur to you that it might have been your age?

Quite a few ladies do not see anyone under the age of 30.

Sorry. This happens to us in every pursuit. You could be a Harvard professor and still taxis won't stop. I guess you can be comforted by the fact the her reject has nothing to do with you or anything you're done. It really like your mother told you the moon is made of cheese and you took it to heart. There isn't much you can do about crazy people.

If a provider didn't want to see me because of my race, I'd rather she told so I didn't waste my time and my hard-earned money on her.  Consider yourself lucky.  I only wish that providers who felt this way did a better job of screening so they don't waste people's time.

overclocked3641 reads

I understand everyone has preferences, but turning someone away at the door is just so wrong!  sorry you had to experience that.

Just adding another "Yeah, it happens"  It's never happened to me upon sight at the door (And I will add, I'm no model, but I don't think that really matters as long as you're a gentleman and you pay the fee.), but I did have one who asked me my race over the phone and declined to provide service when I told her I was black.  Fortunately, most women I have contacted didn't use race as a screening criteria as far as I could tell. It would be nice for those that do to put that in their ad just like those who have higher age thresholds put that in their ads.  More ladies will screen you because of age, and even there only small percentage have an age threshold that's higher than the legal adult entertainment age of 21.

I'd name names. Because frankly, some of us might have a problem with someone who has such a narrow view of the human race.

Sorry, I don't think that's a valid criteria to dismiss someone at the door. If that picture is accurate, you look better'n (trimmer, fitter, and more athletic) than most of her callers, I'd imagine.

Now, everyone has their standards, sure, but looks usually isn't it; and race is looks, pure and simple.

(lack of) Cleanliness...hell yeah.
Apparent STDs or sores...hell yeah.
Really badly obese (where wieght might actually be an issue)...maybe.

But race? That's just plain ig'nint.

czz22113203 reads

Yes, I have.  Don't know why, guess she just didn't feel comfortable with me.  But it wasn't in person just by email.  I asked her charges for time and attention and mentioned my age--55.  She said I should see someone else.  She claimed to be a 'mature' provider.  And of course there were some providers I wish I HAD REFUSED.

I'm glad you can laugh at how assinine she was for bailing out on you. Some providers call themselves trying to have standards when they only cater to a particular race [for some providers, big, black dicks make them too loose--bad for business]. Most who dare to cross the color line find that there are some very distinguished, intelligent, and stimulating gentlemen in every race. Just be glad she didn't take your money and run...her loss, your wallet intact.

EliteEbony3919 reads

~ black romeo
[for some providers, big, black dicks make them too loose--bad for business].

If perhaps a friend or co-worker has just been robbed or beaten by a shaved headed african american, she might come by her reticence honestly

And one reason alot of black providers don't see black men is because they tend to make certain comments; trying to get out of paying and when they don't get their way, they can get extremely violent. This has happened to myself and alot of other black providers I know.
Two weeks ago, I had a guy call who sounded to be an older caucasian man. When I got to the hotel and knocked on the door (let me add that nobody was in the parking lot) I heard movements in the room, thought he was coming to the door. Then I heard a car door slam so I turned around and saw a black guy standing beside a car with california plates. When I pull into a parking lot, I ALWAYS look at all cars to see if anyone is sitting in them. He was leaned back until I got out of the car, because when he moved I saw the drivers seat all the way back. He asked me what I was doing knocking at his door and I apologized to him said I was supposed to be meeting someone. He said "you have the wrong door but you can stay anyways, I like you." I politely declined and while he was speaking to me I went in my purse like I was looking for something and hit the redial button on my cell. Sure enough, his phone started ringing. Luckily my cab driver had pulled back in, I had forgotten to get my change from him. I got back in the cab and as soon as I pulled out he called me and told me to look behind me. He was following us so my cabdriver drove to the police station. He then called back and said that I was lucky that I was with someone, that he was good looking and I should be paying him, he could have anyone he wanted for free.

When you say "...they tend to...," you are understandably referring to your experience. Just be cautious when you try to paint a broad picture using the limited colors of life you've been exposed to. I know some black men who are too dignified to hobby, much less rob a provider...and you'd consider yourself fortunate to even be worthy of their time. All I'm saying to everyone is you're a fool if you generalize, I don't care how many black people rob you.

I think 'tend" is enough of a qualifier.

My SO had a couple of relationships with african americans (actually I am old enough that they might have been afro-americans or even "black guys") and she found her contacts and their friends to be more self centred than her other dates and less respectful of women.

Easy ehough to understand with the shit the black male has had to put up with over the centuries in the US, but less pleasant for a potential date nonetheless.

BTW Proof that you can go "Back"

The refusal to bob for apples is also a potential negative....

The truth is "Tend" is not enough because it only applies to population sizes that mean the "Law of Large Numbers", it is no causal (statistics don't cause behaviors), and it has no bearing on the individual sampled. This stats 101 example is "increased ice cream sell "tend" to correlate to increased rapes". That's clearly wrong because we did not account for a third variable. Just like some people think skin colour is more important the poverty when evaluating a person character.

The truth is aside from some questionable personal stories, when you meet a Black guy you know nothing about him.

You might want to consider that in some part of the world killing an American (any american) is a great deed, yet most americans have not mistreated any Arabs. War and conflict on earth is replete with this bullshit

EliteEbony4307 reads

I dont generalize so you're took that the wrong way as for the statement you made "When you say "...they tend to...," you are understandably referring to your experience."
No I am not just referring to my experience, I am referring to the experience of other providers as well

my screening isnt done by race. it's done by verifying their hotel room, phone numbers and/or state issued drivers license if necessary. I could care what race they are as long as they are nice and respectful.

BlindGuy3184 reads

I am Asian and I have been rejected a few times because of my ethnicity.

Very early in my hobby career, I was turned away at the door by a ranked touring White provider. She was very polite and said she only saw White guys. During screening, she did not ask my ethnicity and I did not provide it. I thought she could tell that I am Asian from my last name -- most people can. I was dissappointed (already to play and no where to play) but not offended.

After that experience, I always make a point to identify myself as an Asian. I don't want to waste my time or waste a provider's time if she has racial preferences against Asians.

I have been turned down three times by Asian female providers because of race. One said that she doesn't see Asian men because it's like having sex with her brother/father (depending on age). Another said she come from a relatively prominent family in the local Asian community and did not want to run into anybody who knows her family. The third one asked for ethnicity/nationality in her appointment form and did not reply to my appointment request and followup emails.

From my viewpoint, the hobby invloves very intimate activiies and I believe everyone is entitled to their preferences -- even racial ones. I happen to prefer busty blondes.

If you get turned away because of race, move on. It is futile to try to change their minds. There is plenty of other fish in the sea.

-- Modified on 5/15/2004 12:40:35 AM

given the intimacy of the encounter you hope for, and this will sound screwy but bear with me, a woman or man is entitled to any prejudice they want.  It's not as if you were turned down for a promotion, a home loan or medical care.  This woman has a total right to decide who will enter her body.  And that goes both ways--I absolutely will not see certain types of providers.  My choice (and perhaps loss) but no one's going to convince me I can't make that choice myself.  Move on.

I'm overweight, bald and have a hairy back, not to mention having a penis.  (Medium-Small, even by the white-man's standard.)   Probably not your dream date.

Well Jockey Pants I appreciate the gesture but ill have to decline ! :)...

Im sorry about your experience Elite Ebony . But soince your obviously black your self .... you know we all arent bad.. just a few who give the rest a bad name ! (damn rap artists !! spoiling it for everyone !)

Oh guys now to spare both myself and the provider  alot of trouple i make sure to let them know my age and race before  we meet...I emailed 10 with my details.. only one replied and she got my business ! (that was the second provider)

posts and discussions about the subject of bigotry.  Do a "Find Message" search for Author MyLifeAsMe going back at least 730 days (2 years).

Generally speaking, there's nothing new under the sun in the world's oldest profession.  It's always good to do a "Find Message" search on any subject that comes to mind.  You'll be surprised to find that someone has thought of it or experienced it before you.

my sister-in-law among them, who won't do white guys.  The wheel of fate spins both way and deals out what we least want sometimes, but that's a fact.  For as many that don't want you 'cause of color, I bet there's many more who will PREFER you for the same reason.  Hang in there, bring the right $$$, be a gent and your color will be immaterial.  Of course, disclose up front so that if you're hooking up with Edith Bunker, she can have fair warning.

As was said earlier, her loss, your gain.  Put another way, "once you go Black (or read indian, asian, nordic, etc.) you NEVER go back."  So true...

Good luck.   Don't lighten your skin tone, get nose jobs, and start hanging out with 12-year olds, you'll be alright mate!

My .02.  PM me if you want a local SD list of open minded ladies. (NO, I'm not pandering)

It happens ... just roll with it ... for every one that might say no, there are several who will gladly say yes ... and honestly, isn't that where you'd rather spend your time?

I've been rejected/ignored because of my weight ... their loss, not mine ... I have a very skilled and talented tongue ... that isn't fat. And I have cash.


Ci Ci3828 reads

I'm sorry for your bad experience. I wish I could say we are not all like that. Some of us are more selective about certain things. You can call me anytime, sweetheart.


...and i did the same thing posting here. You seem to be taking it btter than I did at the time. There is no doubt that everyone feels pain when rejected for whatever reason, and these "non-personal" rejections are more stunning than hurtful at least to me.

Don't let this incident throw you, as I'm quite glad I didn't.

I have been rejected a few times because of my race. I'm a good looking white dude but I have called several services looking for a hot african-american lady and they asked my race. Afew had no problems at all. I went to one ladies incall and she took care of me but I kept getting the feeling that she wasn't into it at all. I even had one guy answer the phone when I called a service and he asked if I was a "cracker". I thought that was funny but I didn't do business with them. X

DDEbony3740 reads

Being a provider does I guess grant some sort of preference for clients by being free to choose by age, annual income, area or specific hotel star rating for outcall, etc. so race would eventually be a factor for some of them as well.  Clients do the same thing when looking for female companionship.  It's all about preferences.  

I have been contacted by clients BECAUSE I am black.

I have turned down potentials for several reasons, but race not being one of them.

By the way, Nosey, I saw your pic too and you're a cutie!  Come say hello if you're ever down San Diego way... :-)

[email protected]

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