TER General Board

Re:Credit Cards?
roxypet See my TER Reviews 2680 reads

Personally i have a rather wide range of gift cards i accept listed on my web page. I have a few friends who accept cc via pay pal but i feel it is a bad idea for both parties. For me it leaves a record of hourly income for certain agencies to use against me. For ladies who claim to "pay" on all of it, they may be meeting there civic duty, but they are adding "laundry" issues to their list of possible problems. (Here we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't) Accountants have good advice in this area but you have to be careful of how you ask, as in all things. Pay pal will freeze an account if they suspect something odd. For him, he has to worry about name, address, and bank info being a road map to the front door of his home or business.
few of us have nothing to loose... so better safe than sorry

Cash or creativity...
Love and light
Roxy (seattle 509)

-- Modified on 11/15/2004 1:03:20 PM

-- Modified on 11/15/2004 1:04:17 PM

Curious Chicago Guy4042 reads

Just wondering about using a credit card for a provider.  Has anyone done this?  How does it appear on the statement?  Does anyone know whether and (in what form records) are kept by the credit card company?  What else should I be concerned about?

Please pass along your experiences of using a credit card or paypal.  Also, I'd appreciate ideas of other alternatives to cash.  

Thanks in advance.

I doubt that it will, unless our country goes cashless.  Provider services are paid for only with cash: I think it's the way nature meant it.  


I've seen several provider pages where you could use a credit card.  When I was younger, something like 15 years ago, I used a Credit Card to pay for a session.  It showed up on the bill as an auto garage.

The point is, providers don't take just cash.  Some accept credit cards.

I can certainly believe that some providers have tried it.  If the way around the paper trail was to say it was an auto garage, that's a temporary arrangement at best.  Obviously that auto garage was a front for payments for more than that.  Sooner or later, there's an investigation, and LE closes it down, if for nothing else, "promoting prostitution."


As for finding these pages:  just surf around the various provider pages here; you'll see more than one that mentions credit cards, including agencies.

Oh, and there never really was an Auto Garage in my example.  It was just the name the business used for credit card billing.  It's fairly simple to do business in another name; all an individual or business has to do is file a DBA (Doing Business As) certificate with the relevant authority and wham, now the receipt reads Jim's Auto Repair instead of Girls 'R Us.

...but so far I haven't.  Aside from Roxypet who mentions "gift cards" I don't notice any posts from providers who accept credit cards.  Not that it isn't done.

For me it's cash only.  Credit cards for everything else first.  

BTW, I thought the garage more than likely had no physical existence.  


No Thanks2896 reads

I suggest you take your CC to the bank and draw the cash out. Why, take a chance?

-- Modified on 11/14/2004 7:38:09 PM

Get on the Las Vegas board and do a search on 'paypal' and you'll find some feedback. My fear is that the same thing will happen to the indie business that happened in brothels. Irresponsible guys will charge huge amounts figuring it's only numbers on a statement, nothing they'll actually have to pay for - there's always bankruptcy, right? That will drive up the prices for everybody. Great for providers and the financially irresponsible hobbyists, sure. The rest of us? Fu*ked.

I have seen a couple ladies state on their website that they take credit cards, but can't for the life of me remember who they were at the moment.

Never used it personally. For reasons unrelated to this, I prefer not to leave to much of a papertrail.

Suzanne in San Diego4332 reads

It's relatively easy and cost free for a provider to set this up using Paypal.  Once a Paypal account is opened, the vendor is provided with an easy-to-follow set of instructions as to how to be paid by cc, exactly the same way the majority of eBay transactions take place.  

I can promise this works well, or at least it always has so far!

Suzanne in San Diego

A couple of times many many moons ago I hobby'd using a CC and it showed up on my bill as either a cleaning service or some other innocent sounding business. The CC company doesn't care how and where you spend the money. It is the paper trail left for SO's, employers and god forbid LE to question that is the draw back.


blakkromeo2g2712 reads

Imagine what would happen if an unscrupulous provider decided to, say, max out your card with an outrageous and/or unagreed upon ocharge for her services. Are you gonna turn her in? Not worth the trouble worrying about it, in my opinion...use cash always.

To Answer2420 reads

No paper trail, nothing to haunt you.

If you don't have the funds available in cash, can always get a cash advance with your cc at any bank.

And no worries thereon.  If a provider or agency accepting cc's gets busted and LE looks into their account transactions, a lot of people would be seriously screwed.  With cash you can enjoy the memory and sleep peacefully.

Once provider I never did see used to say that if you wanted to use a credit card, merely purchase a gift certificate in the correct amount at a local high end store (I think Macy's or the like) where she shopped anyways, and give the certificate to her.  This way she does not accept the card #, etc., and all that exists for a paper trail is a charge at the store.

This way no paper trail linking anything directly exists!

But back to the first responses:  Why would you want to charge anyways?  I would much prefer to not have any sort of paper trail of any encounter that exists!

MadPimpin1869 reads

CASH ONLY...please. If you need to use a cc for hobbying, do what I did. I got a PO box moved som of my cc's there, and then called the credit card company and made sure that the only places to contact me for any matters regarding the same were my cell phone # or at work.

When I hobby, I get a cash advance from the cc only. I then pay the bill electronically from my checking account. Don't want a paper trail for LE or wifey-poo to discover

my .02 worth

los osos2881 reads

I have used paypal when the provider required it.  
the process went smoothly and there was no problem.

Personally i have a rather wide range of gift cards i accept listed on my web page. I have a few friends who accept cc via pay pal but i feel it is a bad idea for both parties. For me it leaves a record of hourly income for certain agencies to use against me. For ladies who claim to "pay" on all of it, they may be meeting there civic duty, but they are adding "laundry" issues to their list of possible problems. (Here we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't) Accountants have good advice in this area but you have to be careful of how you ask, as in all things. Pay pal will freeze an account if they suspect something odd. For him, he has to worry about name, address, and bank info being a road map to the front door of his home or business.
few of us have nothing to loose... so better safe than sorry

Cash or creativity...
Love and light
Roxy (seattle 509)

-- Modified on 11/15/2004 1:03:20 PM

-- Modified on 11/15/2004 1:04:17 PM

ElleWoods2310 reads

If she ius busted by LE I guarantee you will be contacted, silly and careless-I mean reckless on your part

at certain grocery stores. Giant Food in the Washington DC allows 50.00 back. Make a purchase for 1.50, get 50.00 back. The charge of 51.50 goes on your account as a PURCHASE, not a cash advance. That means no finance charges if you pay your bill in full every month.

Safeway allows 30.00 above your purchase. Some Food Lions allow 30.00, but this varies from store to store.

It's been years since I got cash any other way. And it's no more incriminating than an ATM transaction on your bank statement.

Squirtboodles2586 reads

I personaly will take cc through paypal and it all goes into my other business as does the reciept state

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