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Re:Computer tips...regular_smile
40Something 6 Reviews 3869 reads

"Also, when you're "surfing" the web and stumble on to one of those sites that seems to spontaneously combust into 100 new windows, you can just keep hitting "Ctrl-W" to close them.  If you try to do it with your mouse you will have little chance keeping up with the rate with which they spawn."

Commonly referred to as a Porn Storm.

This won't be an earth shaking revelation for any expert computer users, but it occurred to me (I've been a programmer for 20 years and have had contact with hundreds of users.) that this might be useful for the casual user to know.

There is a short cut in windows for closing a window, the command is Ctrl-W (hold down the control key then hit "W").

The reason I mention it is because it also works with Internet Explorer.  Why is this handy?  Two situations come up.  First, when someone walks in the room and you're looking at something you would rather not share, it closes the window instantly (launch your browser and try it, you'll be surprised how quickly it closes.)  Also, when you're "surfing" the web and stumble on to one of those sites that seems to spontaneously combust into 100 new windows, you can just keep hitting "Ctrl-W" to close them.  If you try to do it with your mouse you will have little chance keeping up with the rate with which they spawn.  It's also about the only way to close a window if the site removes the menus and borders around the window (the "full screen" mode).

I have personally gotten in the habit of viewing TER with my fingers on the "Ctrl-W" keys so that I can close it quickly if someone comes in the room.

Also, I find many users don't know this either... you can quickly change windows programs using the Alt-Tab key combination.  It's faster than selecting the program from the task bar at the bottom and can be a handy way to hide a screen.  Of course it depends on what else you have running.  Actually windows can be very functional without even touching the mouse, but that's another class.

There will be a test on Tuesday... :-)

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 7:02:19 PM

I've taken the lazy route (toolbar and mouse), but one day after I accidentally hid my tool bar, and couldnt get it up, and my mouse died, I was plumb stuck. Asked a friend who bailed me out. Very handy those control functions.

Oh, and Teach, if I bring you a nice shiny polished  apple, will you pass me?  ;->


-- Modified on 7/1/2002 2:40:09 AM

it's so much more discreet than my fumble for the mouse and then the upper x. grateful.

one of the main reasons i keep this job is because my desk faces my door and therefore my computer has its back to the door. (actually i like the work)

of course the Systems guys upstairs are probably following my every move. hopefully they have learned a thing or two. hi guys.

Those pop-up windows can be annoying.  Ctrl-W does the trick of closing them.

However, there is an application by Panicware, Pop-up Stopper.  As the name suggests, this freeware application stops pesky pop-up windows dead in their tracks ;-).  

You now can browse the internet without interruptions - other than those of your own chosing.


Great tip. Thanks for the lesson. Very useful.

Great tips, but I think it is alt-tab to change windows, not ctrl-tab

Damn... I failed my own tips...  you are correct, it's Alt-Tab.  I stand corrected.


Right On, but it's ALT TAB to switch.
Anywho, there's also a program called Exit Killer that I use to bypass the annoying popups (www.exitkiller.com).  Its only drawback is that it is indiscriminate and some financial sites use popups for some of their services.  It works VERY well.

"Also, when you're "surfing" the web and stumble on to one of those sites that seems to spontaneously combust into 100 new windows, you can just keep hitting "Ctrl-W" to close them.  If you try to do it with your mouse you will have little chance keeping up with the rate with which they spawn."

Commonly referred to as a Porn Storm.

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