TER General Board

Re: What to do if stood up??
Mmck23 6 Reviews 481 reads

I would'nt really worry about it, but I would take it as a sign to her professionalism, and find another provider to visit.

I got stood up by the same girl twice in a row. I'd never met her before but we had a confirmed time, though she never called. She emailed me a few hours later and apologized and rescheduled for 2 days later. This time she confirmed with me via email 1 hour before and then she NCNS again!

The worst thing is it was incall so both times I had to drive to the general area she lived in to wait for the call but both times I ended up just sitting in my car for half an hour and she never called.

Should I post a message on my local board or just forget about it? It was really irritating.

I would'nt really worry about it, but I would take it as a sign to her professionalism, and find another provider to visit.

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