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Re: Trouble with "covers"
BstyBlndEscort See my TER Reviews 966 reads

There are rings you can get at your local adult novelty shop or online that can slip over the cover down to the base to help "assist" the situation. ;-)

I am 61, married 35 years, and started hobbying three months ago.  If I am enjoying a BBBJ with a provider, I am "raging" but when the cover goes on for FS fun, the "rage" goes to half mast.  I am good for multiple shots (2) in a
1 1/2-2 hour session  but the "cover" experience is proving frustrating for me and the wonderful ladies I see.

I tried Trojan Ultra-thins the last two times but had the same results.  Will I eventually get over this?  Do I just need to practice more with covers?

Am I doomed?  Any suggestion is appreciated.

Using a condom obviously decreases the physical stimulation, so you need to increase the mental stimulation.

Use all of your senses - touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing. Use what turns you on, what you fantasize about. Share your fantasies with the lady you are going to see and ask her to help you act them out. All this kind of distracts you from the fact that you're wearing a condom.

When all else fails, in those rare cases where a condom is bothering me, I'm pretty good at visualizing that I'm not wearing a condom.

There are rings you can get at your local adult novelty shop or online that can slip over the cover down to the base to help "assist" the situation. ;-)

buzz701173 reads

I agree with the response that you're going to have to talk more to your lady.

I have some of the same problem, but when I talk to them about it, I can concentrate more on them -- the talking, the moans, their eyes, the touches...and it sure doesn't take me long.  A little bedroom talk goes a long way.  You'd be surprised how much of that is mental.

Dennis Miller had a bit once (Before he went over to the dark side.) where he suggested that you wear two condoms, then take one off.  He said that you'll become a wildman.  It sounds funny but I wonder if it would work?

In any case, I too have certain days when wearing a condom just doesn't see to do it for me, so I find other means of safe sex that don't require a condom such as Russian or Italian.

Some providers don't even mind facials if you have a kinky bent.

Even a good old fashion hand job by a real pro at it will send me into orbit.

I've been asked to alert readers of my previous post that using double condoms is a no-no as the friction can lead to them breaking with all the terrible problems attendant with such an occurance.

Stick to a single condom if you go that route.

Thanks for the catch HH.

Condoms are not "green" or renewable, environmentally sound products for consumption.  They are usually manufactured petroleum products, intended to be disposable and they are usually in wrappers or other packaging that creates landfill as well as the condom itself is tossed or flushed.  The irony is they will end up killing us all.  Hopefully someone will develop a hybrid electric condom or will can start collectively recycling our condoms or do like me and use burlap and make your own gunnysacks instead or rubbers.

oh, so the story I heard that they are ground up and recycled as chewing gum for folks of a certain persuasion are false?  Just an urban legend???  well live and learn !   (LOL!)    are you sure?

I have a real suggestion.  The last provider I went to for a hj took out a condom and I thougth o shit.  But she pet a drop of lubricant in the tip of the condom and I swear it felt like I didn't have one on. Im sure it would work for fs if you can get a provider to agree.

Condoms just make it impossible for me to cum. The last time was about a year ago during my first time with my now ATF. I enjoy boinking but it is not the climax of the appointment for me. We always end up in mutual oral and get each other off with a bang. The mutual part-knowing that I am getting her off as well is a real turn-on. Obviously this approach works best with a lady who is patient and likes enjoys oral.

I, too, sometimes have trouble finishing with a condom on.  It can be frustrating.  More often than not, I'll finish with oral or manual stimulation.  I just lose some of the sensation with the condom on sometimes, and then I don't feel so good about my performance. Maybe try alternating between intercourse, oral, manual, until you are ready.

In Mourning Myself410 reads

One thing that helped was using larger size - much easier to get on.  I find it helps when the lady uses an imaginative technique of applying it - say with her mouth.  Then the key for me is to not think about it. I am planning a cockring experiment as well.

PeterPickle837 reads

You, me and millions of other guys all share the same dislike for covers. But they are a necessity so get used to it.

What works for me is mental stimulation. I'll concentrate on a past sexual experience that was a very pleasurable & memorable. Something real, not a figment of my imagination like shagging Jessica Alba.

Give me a 75% or so success rate. The other 25% of the time I know the cover has to come off and I'll switch to a well lubricate HJ.

If you didn't use covers and got an STD or worse, I think you will have bigger problems to deal with.
As for the provider, giver her a break. She needs to protect herself.

I never meant to imply that I was looking for BBFS.  That is insanity (and disrespectful).  Sorry you misread me.

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