TER General Board

Re: Run your business as you see fit
dulldick 242 reads

I disagree.  In this business/activity, discretion is the mode.  With my established providers, I simply lay the envelope on the table and nothing is said.  Sometimes I don't even use an envelope.  At any rate, my point is that there is no conversation regarding it.  I simply lay down the amount I expect to pay and the experience begins.  For her to count it or not count it and say, "I've raised my rate and it is now  'X'" would be tacky.  It could easily ruin the mood and the resulting experience.  My advice is to politely tell the gent at the end of the session that she would love to see him again but that she has made a decision to raise her rates and tell him the new amount.  The gent can, on his own time, decide whether to pay the higher rate and see her again with no uncomfortable situation created.

Your example of the slurpie at 7/11 is widely distinguishable.  I go to 7/11, look at the offering and the price, and make my decision.  If it's too much I walk.  If I'm willing to pay it, I buy it.   There's no uncomfortable scenerio.

Finally, with respect to charging less for an established, reliable client, that's totally up to her.  Many businesses charge a lower rate for certain customers for any of a number of reasons and she can too, if she chooses.  She may like his reliability for cash flow purposes.  Or, perhaps, he may be cleaner, sexier, or a more enjoyable experience for her.  Any of these may cause her to want to charge less for her overall well being.  It's strictly up to her and could be flattering for the client, which may result in more visits.  

I've been thinking of raising my rates. Should any warning be given in my ad like "new rates (as of November, 2007)" or something like that? Also, should the higher rate apply to new clients only, or to existing clients as well? What about different rates for different cities? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

Sasha, advance notice of impending increases in rates to regular clients has to be given upon their first contact for any next upcoming meetings...you do not want them to accidently short you!  They may not always check out your rates page on a regular basis.  You may also want to consider "grandfathering" your regulars...they will eventually pay the increase, if it is not explosively large, over a series of visits.  Note that I am not a provider, but a hobbiest...but, consider, say, a 20% increase in rates.  This may put off some of your regulars if you apply such increase dispassionately and immediately.  Gradfatehering keeps your existing regulars...and applying the higher rate to newcomers is fair.  Sorry for rambling...just my two cents...

Having gone through something similar earlier this year, from a 'courtesy' standpoint advance warning is appreciated. Don't be like a former ATF I had who raised her rates and expected people who had already scheduled an upcoming date with her to pay the higher rate as well. Very 'low rent' for someone who regularily gets more than $$$$$+ an hour. Won't be seeing her again, and have heard from other gents that that turned them off as well.

I don't know if it is more a 'Fall' phenomena, but I've been scanning other high-end ladies' websites and recently noticed some big price increases. (Maybe it has something to do with the price a barrel of oil, but I doubt it.)

Now, anyone can charge whatever they like, but I would hope that they do not make the mistake that my ex-ATF made in asking already-scheduled gents to pay-up more. I call it "upsell-lite". Makes the lady come across as either desperate, or lacking in the social graces one hopes in their fantasies the lady they are seeing actually has.

In my case, I was not looking for future grand-fathering, just an honoring of the agreed upon $ for the agreed upon time. How many of us would be happy to order something, and in the process of it coming via slow postal delivery, we get a new bill for 10-15-20% more money?

Different rates for different cities is common due to the difference in hotel costs (NY is aweful in trying to get a decent 4-star now. The Midwest not as bad.)

Finally, always remember a growing client base in not agiven, no matter how popular a lady may seem. It is hard to know where the market really will 'value' a lady. Most gents will tell a lady she is worth more than she is charging, but that is more to get on her good side. The day comes for most providers when they notice a slowing down in bookings if they are in the business long enough. Once the guys  notice 'specials' arriving, or more advertising, or more tours than normal, the unspoken message goes out to the guys that she has 'peaked'.  t is at those times that the ladies who did the 'little things' (not talking actual 'date' activities, rather things like prompt email response, courtesy during rate changes, etc) will fair better.

As they say in business marketing, 80% of customers who have a less than ideal experience won't mention it to the business owner, they just move on, and the business owner never knows why they don't see the customer again. Many businesses fail because owners don't understand this concept. The owner gets an entitlement mentality, when in reality they are only as good as their last business encounter. Reputations are more easily lost than gained.

JMO, of course, and most of what I said may not apply to your situation. I am just still a little dumb-founded at the lack of busines savvy exhibited by the high-end provider I mentioned. (Being in a customer-focused business myself I am attuned to do's/don'ts.)  I know she reads these boards and posts to various local ones as she travels around the country. She'll probably think it was someone else I was talking about since she prides herself on being 'business smart'.

Best of luck in determining your course of action!

dickus316 reads

if the lady was using petroleum-based lubricants, but I hope none of the ladies I have seen would do that due to the degradation on latex factor.

I would appreciate advanced notice of a pay increase.  I think that it would be a good idea to clearly state the new rates, and the start date of those new rates on your website.  Being a relative newbie to hobbying, I'm not quite sure what the typical procedures are for grandfathering regulars in at the old rate.  For me, I guess it would depend on how much of an increase there is in the rates.  If there was a significant increase, it may cause me to cut down on the frequency that I could hobby.  I would certainly pay it if I could,  however.  I understand that a lady can charge what she wants and that if a client can't afford to see her, that's his problem, not hers.  I would greatly appreciate being grandfathered in at the old rate, but the hobbyist has to accept it if he isn't, or move on.


-- Modified on 9/26/2007 3:50:31 AM

-- Modified on 9/26/2007 10:53:13 AM

You should give some advance notice on your website.  Doing so could theoretically encourage procrastinators to see you before the new rates kick in.  As for grandfathering-in established clients, that's really a matter of personal preference.  Personally, if a provider told me that her rates were going up, but that I wouldn't have to worry because I can still have the old rates, I'd want to see this provider more frequently to show my appreciation.

If you grandfather existing clients, they will most probably be regulars that you can almost budget into your schedule.  If you are truly not meeting needed "profit margins", you can phase exosting clients in slowly, or take a good hard look at expenses.  Perhaps travel and hotel costs can be reduced by better planning, bargain hunting, etc.

when I raised my rates from $$.5 to $$$, I grandfathered all my regulars, and as a result, I think I have more regulars then anything! they love it!
now if I could just get the people at the gas station to grandfather me at the 99 cent rate, I would be all set!

First, you do not owe ANYONE an advanced warning that you will be raising rates. PERIOD. Not new potential client or clients you have seen three times a week for the past year. If you want to raise your rates effective tomorrow, then go ahead. Do you think 7-11 announces to the public TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE that their fucking slurpies are going up .50 cents?? NO. This is your business, your livelihood.  You can not be afraid of offending or even losing clients. Your survival as a provider is your number one priority.

Second, I don’t think it makes economic sense to charge old clients one rate and new clients a higher rate. THIS IS WHY LANDLORDS CRINGE AT RENT CONTROLLED TENANTS. It makes no ECONOMIC SENSE to charge different hourly rates. Obviously, if you are deciding to raise rates, it is because you are not making ends meet (i.e. your costs/expenses have gone way up and thus your profit margin is down). SO WHY would you offer reduced hourly rates to some hobbyists? You are presumably taking a loss (or making less profit than you should be) for these hours...for what reason? TO BE NICE TO ESTABLISHED CLIENTS? FUCK THEM. You need to do what makes economic sense to you. Taking in less cash to be nice is a BAD business move.

I know, I am going to get the well Hardy, a happy client is a repeat client. No shit. But ANY hobbyist knows that this is a business and if a provider needs to raise rates than she should do so without the expectation that she will be kind enough to grandfather you in. If you cant afford the extra $100 an hour, find another provider. I am sure there are oh, I don’t know, prob. another 10,000 or so to chose from.

In terms of charging different rates for different cites, again, look at your costs. I am sure hotel and food expenditures in New York and LA are a lot more than in Tulsa, OK. Charge accordingly. Again, this is BUSINESS 101. So go ahead and charge what you need to charge in each city.

-- Modified on 9/26/2007 8:40:46 AM

dulldick243 reads

I disagree.  In this business/activity, discretion is the mode.  With my established providers, I simply lay the envelope on the table and nothing is said.  Sometimes I don't even use an envelope.  At any rate, my point is that there is no conversation regarding it.  I simply lay down the amount I expect to pay and the experience begins.  For her to count it or not count it and say, "I've raised my rate and it is now  'X'" would be tacky.  It could easily ruin the mood and the resulting experience.  My advice is to politely tell the gent at the end of the session that she would love to see him again but that she has made a decision to raise her rates and tell him the new amount.  The gent can, on his own time, decide whether to pay the higher rate and see her again with no uncomfortable situation created.

Your example of the slurpie at 7/11 is widely distinguishable.  I go to 7/11, look at the offering and the price, and make my decision.  If it's too much I walk.  If I'm willing to pay it, I buy it.   There's no uncomfortable scenerio.

Finally, with respect to charging less for an established, reliable client, that's totally up to her.  Many businesses charge a lower rate for certain customers for any of a number of reasons and she can too, if she chooses.  She may like his reliability for cash flow purposes.  Or, perhaps, he may be cleaner, sexier, or a more enjoyable experience for her.  Any of these may cause her to want to charge less for her overall well being.  It's strictly up to her and could be flattering for the client, which may result in more visits.  

First, I NEVER said anything about the provider counting out the money in front of the hobbyist and then stating, "My rate is now $100 more". Yes, that would be classless. All I said was that if a provider wanted to raise her rates she can do so whenever she fits (today, tomorrow, next week, next month). She doesnt owe her clients advance notice to do so. Obviously, having said that, she prob. would want to communicate to her clientele prior to a meeting as she would want to make sure the hobbyist had enough cash on him to pay the new rate. But if a client calls up to make an appointment, she is perfectly within her right to say "As of this second my rate is now $100 more".    

Second, we will agree to disagree on the old clients being grandfathered in to enjoy a lower rate. I think its poor business, if you are raising your rates because you need to meet certain economic demands in your life, to take less money for the hour. It hurts your cash flow and profit margin. On the other hand, you think its good business, as the client who thinks he is getting a deal over others will be more likely to repeat. Fair enough.

GaGambler1569 reads

I agree a woman should charge whatever to whomever she wants. The market will tell her if her rate is justified.

Granfathering old clients is a double edged sword. On the one hand as you state it does hurt cash flow and profit margin. On the other hand, regulars are known quantities with no LE risk or screening costs. Pure judgement call as I see it.

and there can't be much of anything more personal.  I doubt many of them do a purely financial analysis.

GaGambler1141 reads

I'm sure you're right

Oldest Fat Fart887 reads

I have mixed feeling here. As a consumer (Hobbyist) I obviously want the rate to stay the same however as a professional who has spent over thirty years billing for his time I also know there are times to consider raising your rates.

I went to a seminar one year and the instructor told me to double my rates on the work I was performing. In truth I was low but doubling the rates seemed a little harsh. I did raise my rates by 50% and lost about 10% of my clientèle but the other 90% paid me 50% more. I more than made up for the loss of clients and had a little more free time.

That said, you are still in an economy of supply and demand. Assuming your rates are competitive, if you have all the business you want at your curent rate, then raising you rate 10 to 15 percent probably won't reduce your volume much but will provide you with additional income.

If you do not have the business you need currently and raise you rates, you probably will suffer more.

Without knowing the whole of your circumstances, this is a difficult question to answer.

OFF :-)

Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

dickus415 reads

If you're too busy, raise your rates.  Some will not be back but those who pay the larger fee will provide a level of income consistent with the level of leisure you want.  The trick is to measure the elasticity of demand and I suspect the computation is different for every lady and for every location.

"The trick is to measure the elasticity of demand and I suspect the computation is different for every lady and for every location"

If we think in terms of a bell-curve, Some providers have a higher 'peak' point than others. But they are all on a curve, some just don't realize it. I imagine some will notice a change in their clientele, or their own desire to keep continuing for multiple years, so instead will try to 'max out' with the hopes of leaving the hobby sooner. Some probably make it, and others start running more 'specials' as a way to not make it so obvious business is not what they think it should be, but don't want to permanently adjust their rates down. This is pretty prevalent on some local boards, especially with a new 'supply' constantly coming in.

Does anyone know of any providers in the $500+ who are not pornstars and are over 40? It's interesting to read back through the history of TER posts and see how the broadly recognized ATF's change/flame-out/disappear. Be interesting to see howmuch longer some of the higher $, over 100-reviews ladies approaching or in their 30's fare over the next couple years.

In PHX we have quite a few ladies that match your profile: beautiful, experienced, over 40, and get the big bucks with no trouble at all.  Even if you discount the "snowbird" factor, they never seem to want for business.  In AZ, we live in hobbyist paradise.  Even though I meet your hobbyist income profile I'd rather not put it at risk with a civvie affair. The ladies who are FAV's give me joy and pleasure beyond description.  While I could play with the big bucks gals, I choose not to play in their beds, but I can dream, can't I?

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 12:33:58 PM

Mr. Ivy League1325 reads

found out the lady raised her rates; I would hope I would be grandfathered for at least that one date.  If she wants to give me the previous rate for a period of time, fine too.  If she expects the new rate right away, I'd walk.  It is a matter of principal with me.  Yes, I know the ladies have expenses or overhead, but most ladies I've seen make a whole lot more $ in a year than I do.  Yes, I used an alias for my discretion.

If I were so enamored with a particular provider that I was willing to schedule a date two whole months in advance, she could probably double her rates at the last minute and I still wouldn't leave.  My dick would be running the show by that time, and my brain would be on autopilot.  

And by the way, yes, you're right:  most of the ladies are making way more money than we are.  You're a big man for admitting it.  Most of the people here seem to want to "pretend" that the providers are all a bunch of Dickensian waifs, desperately scrounging around for a spare dollar, or waiting for a White Knight to come along and pay for their Comcast bill with $$$.  Give me a break, guys.  So the ladies are making more money than we are.  So what?  How does that affect the enjoyment of the session?

Mr. Ivy League366 reads

the sesion.  I was just stating a fact in re. to my situation.  We all know there are drs. and lawyers who hobby.  Those guys have the where-with-all to see the 1K$ ladies, see ladies once a week or more, or do overnights on a regular basis.  I savor the opportunities I get.

I hear you.  I go once every month or two, for one to three hours, and I'm grateful for what I can get.

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