TER General Board

Re: Reviews: Do you care for the amount of reviews a lady may have???
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 475 reads

The quantity of reviews is of little concern to me. People change over time.
I tend to focus on reviews written within the previous 12 months.
If she only has a few, I check out the reviewers history.
If she has none, I put up my TOFTT sensors and measure my wood meter. (I was first to review Ashley Shye and Marissa May among others).

But then occasionally, I'll meet someone at a Meet n Greet or in TER chat who floats my boat and becomes a mild and pleasant obsession... like you, Laura DeLeon:)

In some boards, I've noticed a few ladies, offering "specials" for VIP TER members in exchange of a review...
In some other boards, I've seen posts mentioned some  ladies who  have a considerable amount of reviews (over 200 or 300)...

That makes me wonder,
Do you, gentlemen, care for  the amount of reviews a lady may have???
Does it make a difference for you if the lady has 30 or 300+ reviews???  Do you have a preference???

I'm curious on your  opinion...
You input is  welcome and appreciated.

Laura De Leon

I'm looking for consistency in ratings/description more than total numbers
Anything below 5 and I remain somewhat wary

I had linked to a provider which may be a faux pas

-- Modified on 2/17/2008 5:27:29 PM

Just a Newbie here- I'd like to see consistent reviews please! BTW Can you please make the size of the text on your site a lot larger- I can barely read it!

I happen to think this is a short term business but out of deference to all of the career ladies, I think it matters more about what you "do" over the cycle of your time that matters to most. I think we look for consistency, good actors, pleasantries, lack of jaded and the absence of you are nothing but my ATM mentalities. Most of the men you work with will never write a review or even read some of the tripe that hits these pages... the only thing that is universal is how you show up day-to-day. It will make the difference in whether we see you again; it will make a difference in what we say to others that is never seen in these pages... If you are really good at this and money is but a by product of your service, men will see you until your looks fade, your service fades, or until you decide you've had enough.

I don't really care how many reviews she has, my desire to see her takes precedence.  But she must have some reviews.  Specials have an effect if she is a lady I really want to see, but am unwilling to pay her regular rate.  

As the number of other reviews that her reviewers have written. I look for consistency more than quantity. Lots of ladies don't work a lot and it's not unusual for me to see a lady with only one or two reviews as long as they are not too old and have been written by guys with a track record.

Agree with BG..THe number of reviews is not so much the issue as the credability of the reviewer.

jdriggs196 reads

I did some nationwide searches with very picky requirements and found a few ladies to whom I was very attracted, but who only had 1 review, so I put much less weight on it than if it had been 5 or 10 consistent ones.  Hundreds is really overkill and has the drawback of telling me that she's so experienced that she's more likely to be set in her ways and might have more trouble adjusting to my personal needs than a more relative newcomer might.  10 or 20 consistently good ones is enough to impress me.

reviews by established reviewers (each with 4 or 5 reviews over time).  If less reviews but by established reviewers, I might PM them for more information.  If I feel comfortable, I will make the appointment.  

Also, I have taken recommendations from other ladies and seen a friend of theirs with great results.

dickus467 reads

I am more concerned about the quality of the reviews and the identity of the reviewers.  

I don't care how many reviews a lady has, so long as she has a few.  Two of my favorite ladies have 500 reviews and that doesn't detract one iota from the experience.

I would look for a provider with at least 5 reveiws from hobbyists who have 3 or more reviews themselves. So a provider could have 15 reviews, but if 14 of them are from hobbyists with only one review then she doesn't meet my criteria.

Once she meets the criteria, then the reviews above and beyond are just more info into her personality and quirks.


Although there is someone with ~80 that I find very intriquing, and hope to visit this year. ;-)

For me, I would prefer to see at least a half dozen or so reviews over the past few months so I can guage what her current style and demeanor are. I rarely read back more than 12 months.

If someone has at least five reviews, and they seem okay, the next best determiner for me is reading what they post on the local or national boards. To me, they become more 'approachable'.

that way you are in the loop and no one forgets about you.


Is more than adequate to arrive at a decision.  Yes, for me, need to see at least a page of fairly recent ones.  I am not a TOFTT guy...

I find the total number of reviews, once it gets past 10, to be immaterial.  I'm likely to only look at the most recent reviews, as well as older (e.g. within two years) reviews that had scores below average.  

The only thing that would make me think twice would be if all of the reviews were from people with only   1 or 2 reviews.  Then I would want to see more.

As she was closing in on 300 reviews, she told me that she feared that "people will think I'm easy".  After what seemed like an eternity of silence, she began laughing hysterically.

She has more reviews than anyone else I've personally met, and I can't wait to see her again.

The quantity of reviews is of little concern to me. People change over time.
I tend to focus on reviews written within the previous 12 months.
If she only has a few, I check out the reviewers history.
If she has none, I put up my TOFTT sensors and measure my wood meter. (I was first to review Ashley Shye and Marissa May among others).

But then occasionally, I'll meet someone at a Meet n Greet or in TER chat who floats my boat and becomes a mild and pleasant obsession... like you, Laura DeLeon:)

pattern for the lady then I will be cautious and will look within the reviews for telltale signs of lateness or rushed appointments.  

Whereas little to no reviews will not give me the assurance that I seek in terms of reliability and recommendation, when I see a significant number of reivews in a given month then I become alarmed about back-to-back scheduling and the late appointments or rushed atmosphere that sometimes accompanies providers who see many clients per day.  I certainly recognize and acknowledge that some providers can handle high volume and offer outstanding service and have no history of scheduling problems or rushing.  But others do not have such history so I always look a little deeper for such signs within the reviews when I see many reviews in a consolidated timeframe.        

-- Modified on 2/18/2008 9:16:02 AM

I still think of our last encounter!  But you do tend to wear me out!  lol!  What matters most is that the lady I am with have a good time!  See my comments elsewhere.... on this board...

with respect to "lots of reviews" I know one lady locally (well actually two) who are legendary... but they have few reviews... but are seen by many!

gallant but honest330 reads

Yes, a negative bias for me.  Thirty pages of reviews (think thousands of clients) is a turnoff for me.  I adore pleasing my ladies, so the two initial gut reactions are:  High volume, and what could I possibly contribute.

I care more about the content and recency of the reviews, but number is somewhat important.  One is better than none and two is better than one, of course. Somewhere over 5 recent (within 3 months) reviews is optimal.

It does work the other way too.  More than 10 reviews in a month indicates someone who may not appreciate my business, so I'll look elsewhere.

shudaknownbetter848 reads

People do change over time...  gain weight, burn out, whatever.  Also the dating accomidations can be important.
I look for several consistant reviews over the last say year.  And I read the reviews.  Sometimes the summary/score can be misleading, at least as far as what I want.  
I do allow for lack of chemistry or a bad day but I would have to have some special reason for seeing someone with a variable reviews.  
I have very restricted hobbying funds and have wasted too much already on disappointing providers, but lesson learned.  It's someone elses turn to TOFTT.

I generally search for providers with over 5 reviews. It's arbitrary, but seems like enough that it's not a bullshit artist and that you can have confidence she's legit, safe and "as advertised". I also am hesitant to see someone who has had a lot of time pass since the most recent reviews.

Of course, if someone has fewer than five reviews, they still have a chance, but I check to see what kind of other reviews her clients have written. If each of them have just one or two reviews, that's a red flag for me. If there's just one review, but it's by a client with a strong track record, that would be fine by me.

I don't know on the high end if there's a number that would scare me away. Most of that depends on recency and frequency of reviews.

Mostly, my rule is to rely on the "wisdom of the crowd" to guide me.

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