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Re: Questions on erasing tracks
robsul2004 123 Reviews 541 reads

If you've used a credit card for travel expenses with a provider (one that goes through your own office and she never sees statements) but want to avoid the statements being subpoened in a divorce, does paying off the account and closing it get it off your credit report so it won't be noticed by a wife's attorney or are you stuck with it? NO - it is there as long as the credit card firm keeps the records - only time will help you in this regard, and that depends on the record retention policies of the company - probably 2-3 years - these firms don't like having to respond to this type subpoena, so they generally keep these details only for the minimum time period required by law.

Even though you erase tracks on a computer with window washer and use an anonymous email account, can your internet activities be discovered by a technowiz attorney though you ip address and your internet service provider?  Computer data can be recovered despite virtually any washer technolgy is one is willing to spend the money - if you realy want to hide it, get a new computer/hard drive, copy the files you want to save, then burn the old hard drive.  ISP records can be discovered via subpoena for as long as they maintain the records - and that varies by ISP.

If you've used your personal cell a few times before getting a hobby phone, but close that phone account, will the records still be available for future subpoena?  YES, again, for as long as the telephone company maintains the records.

How do any of you who have tried to put money away in a secret account handle it.  If you open an account at another bank with your work address, you obviously supply your ssn and will get an interest statement for taxes at the end of the year.  Other than the tax issue obviously being evident at tax time, can a wife's attorney discover that you have the account? Yes, if it has your SSN (and under new laws that's required), it can be discovered.  Just use cash, or prepaid cards you buy with cash.  Buy at a place without cameras though, as otherwise they can determine where it was purchased/activated and subpeona security video.

Anyone know or know how to find out these?

sleepydasher1825 reads

These four questions are mostly pre-divorce oriented, not general protection from getting caught by wife.

If you've used a credit card for travel expenses with a provider (one that goes through your own office and she never sees statements) but want to avoid the statements being subpoened in a divorce, does paying off the account and closing it get it off your credit report so it won't be noticed by a wife's attorney or are you stuck with it?

Even though you erase tracks on a computer with window washer and use an anonymous email account, can your internet activities be discovered by a technowiz attorney though you ip address and your internet service provider?

If you've used your personal cell a few times before getting a hobby phone, but close that phone account, will the records still be available for future subpoena?  

How do any of you who have tried to put money away in a secret account handle it.  If you open an account at another bank with your work address, you obviously supply your ssn and will get an interest statement for taxes at the end of the year.  Other than the tax issue obviously being evident at tax time, can a wife's attorney discover that you have the account?

Anyone know or know how to find out these?

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 9:31:53 AM

I had my brother open a savings account in his name and he got an ATM card that he gave me so that I could make withdrawals.

Then, any time I got a check that my wife wouldn't know about (reimbursements for outlays I made at work, for example), I would deposit those check and then withdraw the cash at my convenience.  It worked like a charm.

OK.. I have been giving this advice out longer than I have been escorting..

So Take it for what it is worth....

1. you know already... Get a 'toss/burner' phone..

2. obscure email address, I mean obscure.. (more in a second)

3. Money honey..  
3a. Open a paypal account, request an ATM Visa card. Note the paypal account will be tired to the CC you used to pen it.. HOWEVER.. with a paypal ATM Visa card you can add cash at will and us this at will... Paypal answers Criminal subpoenas..
3b. OK and here is a good one.. Get a pre-paid credit card.. Wait on it.. NOT a drug store version.. This one - These guys have an office in the US BUT they are a offshore account.. Hhehehe.. "payoneer" search it.. YOU can add by cash by mail.. They are one of the preferred affiliate pay out programs of many overseas adult site - they own the card co..

4. from 2 read on.. Take that special card and goto godaddy, get your self a little private domain and have it anonymous (it will be offered as an option). Now make sure you get the email package..
At this point you have almost unlimited email address as you can now make them at will for that domain and have any returns drop in a single or several boxes for that domain.. From the web or from your program of choice..

5. USE FIREFOX  goto option  in the menu and open the option window. Got security and see the password section.. SET or Change the master password... This way anyone who gets on the machine has to know the master password to access the password helper for sites..
install foxyproxy plugin.. search  "proxy servers " find an OpenProxy server and point foxyproxy at it..

6. Don't trust "sweepers".. get at least the top 3 rated ones and run each one after the other.. Do the same with "spyware/adware" programs.. Once done.
Goto My Computer and open a window select. goto C: drive, right click, select Properties  run Disk Clean up.. When it is done go back to the Properties window, select Tool tab and run disk Defrag even if the computer says "does not need.."
That is as close to clean as you can get without a hard clean...

7. Pay a good top lawyer monthly as a retainer.. CYA

All of this does not really guarantee anything...
Today there is not much that is 'private'.. You can reasonably expect that any information given anywhere at least some in part will find itself on a path to the net.. May be a very long and hardened path but still there none the less..
And once someone has a surprising small amount and a few hundred dollars plus the knowhow can get the rest...

added 8. password everything and encrypt your hard drive.
CASE LAW: You cannot be made to give up your password(s).. It is a violation of the fifth..

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 12:05:31 PM

Geez - Just throw away the damn laptop!

Or keep a really strong magnet or degaussing coil handy..

A provider friend of mine use to "purchase" online criminal and such database access to qualify her clients.  She knew me before she used these services (why she started using them is a story unto itself - and lets just say it involved LE).  but to the point - one night she and I were horsing around and I challenged her to "investigate me"!  needless to say - I was shocked at how much she could find out about me in less than 10 min... with relatively low level security databases.  I can only imagine what she would be able to "discover" if she had more time and a wee bit more $$.

I have often thought of creating a completely false ID!  complete with fake drivers license, bank account, job and such.  Alas, Banks kinda require a bit of "stuff" for you to open an account....   but even there - if creative you could possibly do it.... but then you would be paying income tax due to this "other person!"  

so - my rules? (although not married- still one never knows who can use what against you in very creative ways....)

CASH - always carry/use cash.  I create the illusion that I have real girlfriends... even to the point of extended meetings - (clearly with some, I do consider them "Girlfriends" as I have become quite fond of some of the ladies I see).  

Phone?  yea, I guess I use my own phone - maybe not such a good idea.... but I do have a separate e-mail hobby account that is uniquely used for this hobby only.  

Bummer - and I hope that you are not going through a divorce... but if you are, keep in mind that the less you make her "want to look" the less likely she is to look - that is, keeping a low profile - not creating the hostile environment where all she will want to do is find "something" to use against you.... and that my friend - if you are already headed down divorce lane - is very difficult to do.  in my case - the worse my ex could do was accuse me of haveing a playboy or penthouse around....  and even that she was prepared to use against me.

If you've used a credit card for travel expenses with a provider (one that goes through your own office and she never sees statements) but want to avoid the statements being subpoened in a divorce, does paying off the account and closing it get it off your credit report so it won't be noticed by a wife's attorney or are you stuck with it? NO - it is there as long as the credit card firm keeps the records - only time will help you in this regard, and that depends on the record retention policies of the company - probably 2-3 years - these firms don't like having to respond to this type subpoena, so they generally keep these details only for the minimum time period required by law.

Even though you erase tracks on a computer with window washer and use an anonymous email account, can your internet activities be discovered by a technowiz attorney though you ip address and your internet service provider?  Computer data can be recovered despite virtually any washer technolgy is one is willing to spend the money - if you realy want to hide it, get a new computer/hard drive, copy the files you want to save, then burn the old hard drive.  ISP records can be discovered via subpoena for as long as they maintain the records - and that varies by ISP.

If you've used your personal cell a few times before getting a hobby phone, but close that phone account, will the records still be available for future subpoena?  YES, again, for as long as the telephone company maintains the records.

How do any of you who have tried to put money away in a secret account handle it.  If you open an account at another bank with your work address, you obviously supply your ssn and will get an interest statement for taxes at the end of the year.  Other than the tax issue obviously being evident at tax time, can a wife's attorney discover that you have the account? Yes, if it has your SSN (and under new laws that's required), it can be discovered.  Just use cash, or prepaid cards you buy with cash.  Buy at a place without cameras though, as otherwise they can determine where it was purchased/activated and subpeona security video.

Anyone know or know how to find out these?

My experience wouldn't be great news.

1) My credit card offers a 6 year history feature and nothing comes off. I almost got busted at home on my first provider visit. I tried like hell and at the time the charge came up as "The Erotic Review". No dice! I had to wait it out and she wanted to deny the truth instead of research it. Different cards probably keep it for different lengths of time but
2-3 years guaranteed.

2) I'd defer to a tech geek.

3) If the lawyer asks her what's his number and she says it xxx-xxx-xxxx and oh yeah he also used xxx-xxx-xxxx, then you're F'd. If she didn't know about the other phone at all you have a chance of dodging that bullet.

4) Anything tied to your social security number can be pulled up on a basic credit report, regardless of where the statements go. That'll cost him $20 to pull and the cell phone account may even come up on that...

I hope I'm right in assuming that you're being proactive about sweeping your tracks and you're not in a defensive position. Either way, good luck Brother!


shudaknownbetter505 reads

I just want to mention that opening an account in someone elses name has a new set of risks.  When I was getting divorced from my first wife (caught her cheating & I was not, had never been...  funny the role reversal)...  I had a trusted friend open such an account with his name first so it would not show up.  I sold my gun collection to raise cash since I had none.  He had an accident and since he could not pay, they took the account.  I lost it all, about a grand.  

Why fool with a bank?  Are you worried about the 4% interest?  What you should be concerned with is preserving the principal.  I don't care if you put a tin in the hollow tree, or some other stash, but cash is untraceable.  Accumulated a little at a time, does not raise suspicions.  (The IRS hates cash...  no tracks.)

I'm no techno-wiz but I'd be caseful to check for keystroke loggers that are available.  I think that the mil-spec washers that overwrite deleted files with x & o would be work.  Better yet, don't use a computer she has access to.

I would be concerned about work computers where the employer who owns them has the right to monitor their use.  Also might have something to say about our cleaning techniques.  

Maybe someone with more knowledge than me could comment on a personal laptop using a company system for internet access.

I'm no pro but I've had that set up before. You should probably have 2 ways to connect to the internet. Don't confuse them. DO NOT access hobbying activities through the VPN (company) connection. Just stick to the personal side of the system & default internet web browser.


It's time for you to go... see above post..


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