TER General Board

Re: Question for the Gentlemen.........
mattradd 40 Reviews 793 reads

Not that I have allot of experience, but I mostly choose independents because they seem to be less of a target for LE in my area. There are some great ladies from agencies I'd like to try, but I just try to play it as safe as possible. I've been very pleased with indies, because I've experienced more a GFE with them.

I'm curious as to why you are asking this question?

Do you prefer to see an independent lady or use an agency and why?

Thanks, for your responses :)

Have a Wonderful Day,

-- Modified on 2/7/2008 7:48:25 PM

Have yet to use agency.  Heard too many stories.  I think indies are the way to go.  That's not to say that there aren't a lot of wonderful ladies out there who work for an agency, but I have been very happy with my indy choices.

I have heard that agencies generally try to get the girls to see as many guys per day as possible.  I prefer low volume ladies, like 1 or maybe 2 guys in a day.  I think they will put more into the session when they don't have to worry about rushing the guy out the door so they can prep for the next one.


-- Modified on 2/8/2008 4:24:35 AM

Weather she is an independent lady or an agency lady is of no consequence to me. I currently have two favorite ladies, one of each!

Not that I have allot of experience, but I mostly choose independents because they seem to be less of a target for LE in my area. There are some great ladies from agencies I'd like to try, but I just try to play it as safe as possible. I've been very pleased with indies, because I've experienced more a GFE with them.

I'm curious as to why you are asking this question?

No reasons behind the question....it is just a question. Do I have to have a motive for asking? I'm just trying to get some communication started on the board that is all :)


That's a great motive and frankly, I was thinking of asking the same question.
As for my answer, I have only meet with indies.  My feeling is that they are more in touch with what they are doing, I guess the "entrepeneur" aspect.  
As for agencies, I've heard so many horror stories about bait & switch and mediocre service that I'm hesitant to go there.  Also, if a provider has been forced into the business, she will be at an agency.  I don't want to see any one who is being forced to see me.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

For now.

I prefer independent girls. They are usually more relaxed and comfortable and the experience feels much more personal. It is always better when you set up an appointment with the person you are meeting. The one thing I hate about agencies is that the first contact I have with my date is when she opens the door.

However, 3 of the 4 best girls I have seen have all been agency girls. I am fortunate because there is an agency in my area that is VERY reputable, and VERY good. They are about as good as agencies get. I trust them enough that I took a shot on a new girl before she had any pictures or reviews available just because they recommended/guaranteed her. And she was fantastic. The negative side of agencies is usually rules and sometimes cancelling or changing appointments.

Overall independents are better...especially if you are looking for special interests or services. Many agencies aren't very good to work with and just hire girls to have multiple options...and not necessarily good ones. Just my opinion. Personally I haven't had a bad experience yet either way.

So far I have seen 9 agency girls (4 different agencies) and 6 independents.

I have only seen agency girls so far.  I know of the agency of which you speak and have been impressed with the way they do business.  Their security is what led me to jump into the hobby.  There are independents I'm considering as I agree options and services could be better but being cautious by nature I don't like the idea of multiple screenings.

tokai507 reads

I prefer, in the following order:

Local Agency
Touring Agency

I like to see ladies that only see a few guys a day. The goal of Touring Agencies is to maximize the number of bookings.

Some Local Agencies are a convenient way for a few, otherwise independent ladies, to share one booking person.

I like to see quality Indies. I like to deal with the lady directly (which is easy if the lady is of good quality). Occasional contact helps keep the relationship going between dates.

I feel that they won't have an agenda, or have to worry about answering to someone if they decide to spend a little extra time, or have to worry about not getting to speak to the lady or interact with her before the first meeting.

I prefer indies over agencies because I was burn't one time by a agency. However we do have a couple of good agencies here in Chicagoland that I have used. The Agency that burn't me is no longer in business and it was in my infancy days as a hobbist when I was stupid enough to use a credit card.

Like in politics, an Independent is not required to tow the party (agency) line.  Anything done by committee is overpriced and usually lacking in matters of the loins.

...because only there does the "what goes on between two people" argument hold any merit. Sometimes even "assistants" make me a little nervous.

Never tried an agency. Maybe I have a bit of a problem giving my money to someone who's not in the room with me. I'd just rather that the lady who is taking care of me get all the cash.

Have had about 90% good experiences, 10% bad with indies.

Those numbers are totally reversed from my experiences with agencies.

No contest, Indies!

Al Giordino645 reads

many agencies are slaves to the clock, and schedule the ladies really tightly together, so if you get bumped a little (say 15 minutes), they still ring the phone exactly on time - so you get shorted 15 minutes.

However, I've had indies do the same, so it isn't just the agencies, but they are more prone to do so.

Otherwise, it's all about the lady, IMNSHO

For a number of reasons.  1st she sets her own rules and by and large they are what she is comfortable with.  That is, she calls the shots, if she sees someone who is not to her liking she can say so, limit activities or whatever... rather than "endure."  She also is more likely to be a master of her own time,  rather than someone else telling her that she can see 24 guys per day.  She can do this because she gets 100% of her fee and thus assuming a cost of an incall or transportation to the outcall location she gets 250 per client = whereas an agency lady gets only 125... so to make the same amount of money she (the agency lady) has to see at least twice as many folks.

Agencies ARE good however, for introducing ladies to the business... Especially ladies who are not familiar with the sex industry.  

Finally, I have found that a lot of the indy ladies I know are good at what they do, not mechanical and certainly seem to enjoy their work.  Of course there are exceptions (see my post below).  And that just leads to a more fun time!

as she well reviewed in the community. I think one of the positives for agency girls is that the have cred just by virtue of being with a respected agency. Negative of agency ladies is lack of being able to connect without the agency, being able to begin a relationship( not sexual) is as a rule unattainable. And i do love the connections(email/phone )that I have with 'my'Indy ladies.

6lover9560 reads

Don't get a chance to get out a lot so when I do it is probably for 4 hours+. Independents just seem to have a better focus for dates of that length and communicating directly with the gal is absolutely critical for it to work.

Guess I'm in the minority, but I have seen more agency ladies than independents.  I usually hobby on short notice, so it's usually easier to find someone available through an agency than one of the better-known independents, so that's probably the biggest reason.

I've also been able to develop relationships over the years with a couple of agencies in towns where I lived or traveled and trusted them to not steer me wrong, so my success rate with agencies has been better than most.  Most importantly, I usually see only reviewed ladies, so the agency route is less risky as far as satisfaction is concerned.

A provider from a reputable agency is fine, too. Most important is the woman her self, not her indy/affiliated status.


I have been fortunate to see many wonderful independent ladies.  The few agencies I have used have been "OK" but I am not a fan of the 58 minute reminder phone call to tell her she has to move her ass to the next guy.  I have also heard horor stories about the upsell.  With independents, you know the donation going in.

Only advantage of an agency is that if your first choice is not available, then there are other ladies to choose form.  With independents, you have to have a plan B and sometimes a plan C just in case.

always prefer indy

the girls keep all the money- so you can get better value- if they want to spend more time they can- if you give them more or whatever the arrangment-since they dont share- they play by their own rules-

Kelly...an indendent, always.  I only want to be dealing with you, not an intermediary...  

-- Modified on 2/9/2008 8:07:46 AM

Less risk with LE, ripoffs, short time.

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