TER General Board

Re: I am very thankful some people do care.
jimmyjive 26 reads

Hey Scarlet i posted  something with my anonymous handle in hopes that EXTREME over-sharer sees it and shuts up for a week or ten since she no doubt has my account blocked…and I don’t blame because there’s no one easier to poke at than her highness THE QUEEN.
Frown 🙁 for me pumpkin!

This is the first time this happened to me. I understand things change, and stuff happens, but there is the concept of professionalism.

I do not get to Las Vegas as often as I would like these days. Once every three years or so. I also like to hire companionship for a few hours. It does make for a more enjoyable trip. This most recent trip, I had made a date with a provider about a month before my trip. I did send information about previous providers for reference, but due to changes in information, they would not provide a reference. My name has not change, my phone number has not changed, but I do use a different email. The provider I was trying to make a date with requested more information, which I provided. The provider then confirmed our date. She stated that she would contact me a day before the date to confirm and set up meeting arrangements. Since casino/resorts have guards or require keycard verification to use elevators.

The day before the date, the provider did not contact me. I was not worried, since I included the resort I was staying at in the initial contact. I had used the form from her website to contact her, and she included it with our conversation on gmail. The day of the date, I just assumed the date was still on. I bought some champagne for the date, cleaned up my hotel room, and was dressed casually for the date. Fifteen minutes before the date time, I went down to the casino floor and waited for a call or text from the provider. Date time arrived, nothing, no text or call. I even checked gmail to see if the provider contacted me through that route. Five minutes after date time, I sent the provider a message through gmail wondering if everything was OK. Fifteen minutes later, the date was a total bust. She never responded to my gmail and did not contact me.

As stated before, I understand plans change. But, not even contacting me via three different options to tell me the date was off, that is really rude. I removed her from my gmail, and deleted her website from my bookmarks on my browser. I made a mental note to not contact her at all.

Providers, what do you usually do if you want to cancel a date?

Gentlemen, have you ever had a provider just not show up and never contact you? How did you handle it?

For me, usually the writing is on the wall before it gets this far. You were far more patient than I ever would be. If I book that far in advance, I'm checking in as it gets closer. I will probably shoot an email out 5-7 days before and let her know I am still coming and excited for our date. If she doesn't respond within a couple of days, I am moving on. I'm not looking for much. Most providers will respond with a "Me too, XOXO" at least. Only once did a provider not respond to me with a week or so email. I moved on, and I never did here from her so it was a good decision.

If I do not here from her the day before by the evening time, I will contact her again and let her know I am confirming our date for tomorrow and I can't wait to see her. If I do not see a response from her by noon-ish, I'm thinking this might not be happening. I have had a few like this where they never sent another response. I sent them them emails about being disappointed. One had turned out to be in the hospital and was super apologetic. We ultimately got together at a later date, and she more than made up for it. Another one told me she thoought I wasn't serious but if I was still interested she could come right over. The fact that after confirming a date and time she thought I wasn't serious should have been my red flag. But this was early on in my hobbying and I said sure. She was hot. But she wasn't a great provider. She upsold, rushed me, and made me feel like I was in her way from doing something better. A couple of others never responded.

What I have learned is not to rely on them for communicating, and to take steps early myself. Unless she has a real good excuse, any break in communication is a red flag and time for me to walk away. Other than moving on, there is not a lot you can do.

Thanks for the advice. I am usually on top of all my communications. I probably should have sent her an email a week before to remind her. I hate to be bothered constantly by people, and do not like constantly bothering other people. Guess just some cautious communication goes a longer way.

YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO REMIND PROVIDERS OF APPOINTMENTS. (I am yelling at providers, not at you.)  
I am old school so I still keep an actual appointment book. $14.99 from Amazon. No excuses.  If I am on tour you will get a week before reminder, day when I check in w/info, and day of appt. (if you are a new client).  
Even clients that I have been seeing for YEARS still get a reminder the day before. This is a business. Providers who are the first to complain about not having any money to pay rent and their cell phones are the same ones with messy lives and who cannot plan a day or two in advance, keep track of appointments, or cook themselves 3 meals a day. You are not bothering people, you are hiring a professional to provide a service. This job is *not* difficult, it just annoys the shit out of me when providers cannot even do the very basic. Sorry this happened to you and if you are ever in the middle of no where Wisconsin look me up. At the very least I promise a reminder email.  :)

followme28 reads

And agree.  
Just me, but depending how far in advance I made the appointment, I’ll always send a confirmation email the day before. Not my intent to remind the lady of the appointment but to assure her I did not forget. Having said that many ladies do send confirmation, a day or two before I get the chance to do so, and I just simply acknowledge it.

2024 = 28  

I 100% agree that a provider shouldn’t have to be reminded. That said, not everyone is organized and people make mistakes. I have met disorganized women in my life that are sexy af and great in the sack. I’m not kicking them out of bed for being disorganized. Some providers get so many emails, texts, and what have you, they struggle to keep up. This is why some of them work with a booker. It’s one less thing for them to juggle. But I doubt any of them start off with a booker. Likely, they reach a point where they feel it’s too much, and that’s when they get a booker.

So, even though I expect to not need to remind a provider. I would rather remind her just in case. It’s possible it was a honest mistake and my reminder allows her to get back on track, and then we end up having a great time. There are two people in a client provider relationship. Nothing wrong with actively engaging along the way.

I live in SE Wisconsin, but seldom get up into no where Wisconsin, if I do, I will look you up. You are right, providers should be professional and organized.

Life happens. I am a single Mami. I have respect for people’s time because I have nada to waste. I cherish my adult fun time, so if I can not make the date I break it as soon as I know I am unable to accommodate I contact the person to notify them immediately it’s professional courtesy.

You should have stopped after "Life Happens."  Nobody cares about the rest.  

Sorry you have no empathy. I do. Unfortunately shit 💩 happens in life we as people have no control of. If you want to refuse this fun fact fine with me, but don’t assume everyone else is as inhuman as yourself. I am a professional provider who gets flown into Las Vegas to entertain smart gentlemen who know that I appreciate sharing their time with me. FMTY is an investment they are trusting & relying on me to exceed their expectations for our epic experience together. We’re all not the same. Nor are we all here for the same reasons. I always confirm the day before & communication is always key. Planning a dream date 1 month in advance is not something I would ever ghost. 👻 You should share the provider on the LV board because it’s kind of a big deal. I am 45 years wise with 20+ years as a successful VIP companion and I am getting greater at being the best. Don’t settle for less.

-- Modified on 4/4/2024 9:28:37 AM

After the words, "I am . . . . . ," what in the rest of your post had anything to do with empathy?  It's all about YOU!!!  "Life happens" was directed to the OP.  Now you just added more about YOU.  You don't seem to have any empathy for the OP except to tell him that "life happens" and now you are saying "shit happens."  I think he learned that already from what he said.   I read somewhere else that you change adult diapers for oldsters.  That doesn't sound very VIP to me.  

Gosh, the wording of your "anonymous" account sounds so familiar.....

jimmyjive27 reads

Hey Scarlet i posted  something with my anonymous handle in hopes that EXTREME over-sharer sees it and shuts up for a week or ten since she no doubt has my account blocked…and I don’t blame because there’s no one easier to poke at than her highness THE QUEEN.
Frown 🙁 for me pumpkin!

jimmyjive32 reads

20+ years thats a lot mileage there honey.
I think you may need to change your name to Dowager Bia.

A simple text "sorry, gotta cancel" is all it takes. Then a guy can move on.

jimmyjive27 reads

Wow you’re a single “mami????” I had no idea…oh no wait a minute, sorry you mentioned 373 times already my bad.

When that happens, the deal is off.  

Yes, this has happened a few times in my long hobby career.  

You just shrug it off and go in to the next adventure.

To be honest, after the disappointment, I did just shrug things off. I looked at not spending the money on her as a positive, and it will be a bit of padding in my bank account.

Day of, I'm searching the yellow pages for a back up. I'm sending red flares all over the strip just to see who might be interesting. And yes, being a Vegas regular this has happened to me once. What did I do? I went Jihad on the Vegas board on her ass.
Another time I was canceled day of, it was while I was boarding off the plane, I got this text from her booker, said she was canceling.
Now you seem like a good natured guy, and I don't think you're the type to put someone on blast...but I would.
And I think I might know who you were dealing with....the pattern sound familiar.

I am not going to blast her for it. I just won't ever make a date with her again. Though it would be nice to be able to write a none review of the date. Would have been a fun time with provider X, had she shown up for the date.

And not in the good way.  

It sounded like the bottom line was his references didn’t work out because they’re too old so he gave her “more information”. Possibly PII. If that’s the case, I’d be wary about putting her on blast. We already know she’s very unprofessional. What else might she do? I’m not saying he’d be a fool to call her out and he absolutely should not, just a thought.

I am not a vindictive person, and I would rather spend my effort on something else rather than trying to call her out. Though telling people would make them more cautious about interacting with the provider. The information I gave her probably could be twisted in some way, and that is more headache I do not care to deal with. The positive outcome is the money I would have paid her can pay for new tires on my truck. Though she will probably have more milage on her than the tires after six years.

Uncalled for.

It’s interesting 🤨 you don’t want to call her out, but have time to reply to everyone who responds to your thread. It would be more helpful if you did share her identity to warn others here instead of posting rude comments. Be glad you didn’t supply a deposit. I personally feel you should let everyone know who she is because that’s what this community/forum/website is for. I call out my fake reviewers even if it takes TER a month to investigate & remove bs from my profile. Sharing is caring Mr Blonde.

I am having a little fun with my misadventure. I will take your advice QueenBia and post her TER ID: 360393. Not quite calling her out by name, but letting others on this site make the choice their's.

Well, there you have it. Your red flag is the reviewer that gave her a 4/2. She was on my list until that was posted. The thing to know about TER reviews is so many tend to inflate their experiences. Also, for some, YMMV is a fact. When you see a bad review, especially one that took the time to write in details, you know you might get that varience. It's one thing for providers to have a few below average, but that one is an outright slamming. For me, I'm out at that point. Unless you're living in bumblefuck nowhere and your options are slim. But in Vegas? There are so many options you should never settle for risk.

That’s productive and a safety thing. Cool!

Miss Scarlet is exactly right, you shouldn’t have to remind a pro. When I said said send a message it’s not really a reminder. More like “I would’ve thought you’d remind me by now but you haven’t so I’m wondering if we’re even gonna meet”, you just don’t word it like that because tact.  

Sorry your trip wasn’t all it could’ve been. Maybe next time. You do seem to have a pretty good outlook on the whole thing. I think it’s cool you don’t seem bent out of shape and on the warpath out for revenge. Comparing her to an old worn out tire WAS harsh. I realize providers aren’t actually low volume but if I thought that way about somebody I wouldn’t be trying to meet her. I understand there’s gotta be frustration there tho.

Sorry that happened. That sucks. Hopefully you found someone else in time.  

No way would I set something up 3 weeks+ ahead and then go that whole time without contact. I haven’t scheduled that far out many times but when I do, I plan to contact her 7-10 days before the date and again two days before. I actually haven’t HAD to do that because they contact me to confirm. They’re usually just as concerned as we are about making sure the date is still on.  

She told you she’d contact you the day before, three weeks out? That’s all well and good, but at least two days before that, you should’ve sent a “can’t wait to see you” message. When she didn’t reply, you could’ve started working on other plans.  

When I confirm date and time three days ahead, I’ll reach out day before. If I don’t hear back, I assume it’s off.  

To answer the question at the end of your post, I’ve been NCNS’d twice I can remember, but I heard from them eventually.  

One was a touring provider. We’d been texting and getting to know each other quite a bit for a couple months before she finally made a stop in my town. Day of appointment she was flirting and getting quite saucy and I knew it was going to be great. We were texting up until about two hours before appointment time. I texted to let her know I was at the hotel and crickets. She contacted me a day or two later. She’d been rushed to hospital for acute appendicitis. I believe her because she made several blog posts about it complete with hospital room pics. It would’ve been a ridiculous amount of trouble just to manufacture an excuse for missing our appointment. She’s still around, still looks amazing in her selfies, and I keep hoping she’ll come back but she spends all her time on the other end of the country.  

The only other time I had a NCNS, we had re-confirmed the date 24 hours before. When I showed up at the hotel it was crickets. She texted me 3-4 hours later saying she’d left her phone in an Uber the night before. (I’d already found someone else last minute and had a great time) I said I’m sure that was scary and stressful and I wasn’t mad and I was willing to try again. She kept repeating the story. She wasn’t apologizing profusely she just kept repeating the Uber story. It was odd. I finally said something like look I don’t know if you really lost your phone or not but I said I’m willing to try scheduling one more time, what else do you want to hear. She came unglued. It was like that’s what she wanted to happen all along. Never heard from her again.  

Anyways, just move on to the next adventure as Mr Fisher said. You’re unlikely to get an explanation that makes you feel any better about it and if you try to demand one, she will probably get defensive and BL you.

I usually like to plan things out in advance, and never had a provider bail on me. They have called and rescheduled, which is professional. This is just one of those learning experiences that happen in life. Thanks to the response of my post, I have better knowledge and will act accordingly next time I decide to hire a provider.

She told you that she would contact you the day before to confirm. When you didn’t hear from her the day before, that means the date wasn’t confirmed. So you end up wasting an afternoon/evening waiting for an appointment that wasn’t going to happen.

I hope you were able to arrange something else on the fly.

I did not wait all day for the date. About an hour before, I cleaned up, and put out the champagne. I went down 15 minutes before the date time to wait in the casino for her to contact me. Then waited about 15 more minutes after that. Unfortunately I have not had to worry about having backup plans, since every provider, up to this point, has been reliable. I might have to set up potential B, and C providers if things do not work out.

She probably got a more lucrative offer .Sometimes it's all about  the money. If she is attached to P411,TER, you could do a report and see what comes of it. Seems like no money was exchanged, so that was a good thing.
You're in Vegas  buddy ,come on now. Vegas is never  short of quality dates.

I did not lose any money. If a provider wants an upfront payment or deposit, I will not hire her. I probably should have had at least one provider as a back up. Up to this point all providers have been reliable. Live and learn.

Read the link. The guy sounded like a bit of a SIMP. When my provider did not show up on time, I figured maybe parking or travel issues. Then when she did not respond to my email, I figured it was a bust. I did not lose any sleep or money over it.

Might just be me but,

". . . I figured it was a bust."

just sounds SOOOO wrong. LOL

I do think you have the right attitude about the situation.

I know you lurk these boards but these guys aren't getting it.

Newto100030 reads

True, true, true,  Stick to the over 60 board since we get your sarcasm.  You would have thought that your screen name would have been enough for folks to figure out that  you were joking.

Hey, It's both Providers & Hobbyists that do the "NO SHOW".  That needs to stop. Why do  both Hobbyists & Providers even schedule a "DATE" If neither one show up

  Keep me in mind. I am in Atlantic City, NJ. Text me (609) 428-9884.

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