TER General Board

Re: How do hobbyists feel about women with tattoos?
runningman65 7 Reviews 339 reads

I'm perfectly ok with seeing providers with tattoos. Often, they are great conversation starters to break the ice.  Depending on the design and location of the tattoos, I find them to be very sexy.

One guy told me that he wouldn't book an appointment with me because I have them. He saw them as being unsightly.

Another guy asked if I wanted to get them removed and I said no.

I got them when I was in my late teens. They represent a crucial time in my life.

They (tattoos) are not necessarily deal breakers for me, but I've yet to come across one that added to a lady's beauty.  In most cases it's akin to throwing paint on a Rembrandt.  

-- Modified on 1/17/2008 7:13:13 AM

A big part of hobbying is the variety. If a lady has tattoos, so be it.  

I don't know if I would like really extensive body-covering tattoos.
But I'm pretty sure that if I liked the lady, I would overlook even extensive body art.  

After all, these are providers, not choir girls. I take the providers as fascinating individuals who I wouldn't necessarily meet in my other professional or personal settings. For me, tattoos go with the terrain.

Not a deal breaker, but would prefer not to see them.

One of the first young ladies I ever saw had several tattoos. They were very tasteful, and it seemed like every time I saw her, she had a new one. They didn't bother me. In fact, each one had a story, and I found them interesting.

and the vast majority of the ones I've seen are.

I wouldn't want to see an anchor or anything like that, however.

kerrakles280 reads

Would be deal breaker if it is all over the body, gaudy with lots and lots of  body piercing.

Ok with both in moderation and doesn't take from a ladies real beauty!

I am sure some hobbyists like them some don't.  

Personally I have seen someone with a small discrete tatoo.  I have no problem with that or even a big one on the back above the booty doesn't bother me.  

However if you have more ink than the Louve has paint on the paintings I probably will pass.

All I ask is when you post pix in your ads or on your site that you try not to hide your tatoos.  Then I like everyone else I can make up my own mind on whether they cross a preference level.

Call me old guy.

Even though I do not like them, it has never stopped me from seeing a provider unless they cover most of her body. One of my two favorite providers had a tat that covered her abdomen. She was drop-dead gorgeous and a tiger in bed. I got over the tat very quickly.

I've even come to accept tramp stamps. Kinda fun in doggie....

Bottom Line: Do what makes you comfortable and forget all the guys that criticize.

....yeah the worst one I've cum across was a provider that had tattoos on her knees that said "We never close".....

Or another with a 'W' tattooed on each ass cheek that when she bent over for K-9, one received a big WOW message!


You're good with tats, that's fine. But you slimed guys who don't prefer them ("forget all the guys that criticize") - who were after all, honestly answering the question the lady asked! Stay with the question that was asked and keep the other bs to yourself.

Cheyenna330 reads

Tramp stamps! I am cracking up here. GOOD label. You rawk.

Depends on the situation and other adornment she may have on.  To me their something incongruous about big tats shows when she is wearing a low cut cocktail dress or formal evening grown.  Out in public us guys in the graying, receding or no hairline segment of the hobbyist community prefer she wear something to cover up the tats so as to not to drawn further attention to us.  In the privacy of the bedroom when the lady is naked I don’t think you find a major difference between old and young hobbyist with respect to tats.

Depending, of course, on how extensive and where they are placed.  The only thing that bothers me is the mental picture of the same tattoo 25 years later, when gravity takes it's toll.

I like anything that makes a woman herself.

Some guys have a preference. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Don't mind them, but they don't particularly do anything for me either. Saw a girl with her entire back done. Kind of cool doggy experience.

Wouldn't want my daughters to get one.

saw a provider with a snake weaving across her front
with the head and mouth ending around her pussy so when you went in it was like putting your cock into the mouth of a snake! I haven't found anything to beat that.

As one of the "mature" guys (or is that old farts?) replying here, I would say if I had two ladies I felt were equally attractive in every way to me but I was only able to see one, I would pick the one without the tattoos.  This is probably caused because of the association of those with them when I was a teen and young man.  They now obviously have a totally different connotation.  Old habits (and ideas) are hard to break sometimes.

I'm perfectly ok with seeing providers with tattoos. Often, they are great conversation starters to break the ice.  Depending on the design and location of the tattoos, I find them to be very sexy.

NighthawkB299 reads

I don't have them myself but I love them on a woman's body
I don't know why but I love it.

I just don't get tattoos at all.  Like one poster above, I have yet to see one add to a woman's good looks or appeal. And in most instances I wonder what they'll be thinking when they're 60 and everything's sagging.  Or, as in the case of a secretary in my office, what others think when her shirt rides up and everyone can see the huge tattoo just above her buttcrack.  And perhaps most inscrutable, what on Earth would possess a woman to let some stranger take needle to her breasts or other sensitive areas?  Guess I'm just an old fogey.

....the tattoos, not the women, but it's not a deal-breaker.

I figure it's pretty much the same sort of "hit" as being bald.

-- Modified on 1/17/2008 7:20:59 PM

but there is such a thing as overkill.

My tastes run toward the Classical: the body is a thing of beauty -- why graffiti it? I can ignore a single tattoo in an out-of-the-way place, but multiple large tattoos are a real turn-off.

That said, I don't begrudge those who do like them nor the providers who wear them. I realize my tastes are, at the moment, somewhat old-fashioned. It's not hard to find providers with no or minimal scribbling.

(On a tangent: I am grateful to providers who are honest about their ink. It saves us both from disappointment. The ones who really annoy me are those who airbrush their tattoos out of their photos.)


“(On a tangent: I am grateful to providers who are honest about their ink. It saves us both from disappointment. The ones who really annoy me are those who airbrush their tattoos out of their photos.)”

They airbrush them out for my privacy and not to make them more identifiable when they are out in the public.  No doubt the pool of clients that may be interest in seeing a lady can be affected by whether the tats are or are not air brushed out.  How much?  Just today a lady friend told me she has only been turn away only twice on out calls because she had tats. But than her two tats were relative small.

"They airbrush them out for my privacy and not to make them more identifiable when they are out in the public. "

Excellent point. Tattoos can be unique. In all seriousness, thank you for reminding me of that.

"Just today a lady friend told me she has only been turn away only twice on out calls because she had tats."

I don't think I would turn away a provider for tattoos, unless they were extensive and/or hideous. On the other hand, and this may show pettiness on my part, I'd probably find them a distraction and a possible mood-breaker until I could force myself to ignore them.


I love the tattoos.  I use the TER search feature to find ladies with tattoos.  It's very helpful.

For me, the tattos enhance the experience with a lady.

Most Providers are in an Age group where tatoos are accepted.  However the Hobbyists are often from an era, when female Tatoos were not done.

I think 95% of Female Tatoos are tastefully done.

I think Body piercing has the same issues, but can also effect the feel of SEX.  Providers and Hobbiests love SEX!!

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