TER General Board

Re: Emailing other Reviewers
balathazar 1 Reviews 329 reads

I would have no problem answering questions if I know the answers, or directing them to another if I don't. But I am not the type to just pm someone I don't know out of the blue (unless it is a lady I would like to see).


Feelly931 reads

Having emailed others to get provider information and vice versa I found out some are willing to exchange PMs and some not so willing.  

I understand some don't want to share information for whatever reasons, but for me I am always receptive to answer questions others may have about providers I've seen and so far all has been genuine inquires.  Maybe they can return the favor down the road; scratch my back scratch your back.  

I was wondering what people felt about this buddy system and comments regarding it.

I have learned many interesting and useful things from other TER hobbyist and am always glad to share what I know.

It's one of the most useful things about VIP membership.

I've had only a few occasions where I PM'd another member, but it was positive every time. The guys here have been very helpful.

I would have no problem answering questions if I know the answers, or directing them to another if I don't. But I am not the type to just pm someone I don't know out of the blue (unless it is a lady I would like to see).


Mutant Scum887 reads

I'm absolutely for it.  Some of the boilerplate on this site refers to "The TER Community."  It seems like a fundamental courtesy to make yourself available to  others who are interested and seek your insights. It take a village to assess a provider?

Under my reviewing name, I am always available to discuss what I know, what I think, and try to point interested hobbyists to others who may be of more help than what i can provide.

I have NEVER been refused or disappointed when i have PMed other hobbyists in search of info.

I have also contacted and been contacted by other hobbyists and I think its a fine idea....great to chat about any hobby-related issue.  All have been very polite and helpful.

Most of the members have been very helpful, and only a few said that they had nothing to add beyond their reviews.

Having traveled to South America, I've been able to help others going there as well....


Another benefit of VIP.  Guys are more willing to share information in PM's than on the boards.  Me too.

I've had about a 90% response from pm's, which I feel is pretty good. I've responded to all pm's to myself. I'm careful not to give information, like address, and phone numbers not listed on the providers site. Also, I keep any additional services she provided to me, but not listed; like additional time without additional donation, or MSOG without additional donation, when that's not an option listed on her site.

I'm cool with it, in fact just recently big shout out to portsnut49, he helped set me up with a provider for my condo, as it was an area light on providers. Posting on local boards is a good way to network in this way.


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