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Re: "60-70% of future of marriages will end in divorce ". The original heading had typos.
holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 50 reads

Posted By: Boobsman100
Re: "60-70% of future of marriages will end in divorce ". The original heading had typos.
Imagine that.

They  point to financial problems as the number one contributor, because even though employment might be high,the problem of underemployment is more prevalent even though not talked about much, especially in the media. Educated people after spending thousands of dollars, are forced to accept jobs they are overqualified for.,and at lower compensation. The survey also points to tough decision on whether to start a family.  So I guess there will be a lot of single people out there going forward,

Most divorces that end due to financial reasons are because there is not enough money. Those guys are not shelling out for providers so easily. Yes, there are few that have money but just don’t agree about how to use it. But those are less of them.

Also, providers rely on married clients. So many stay married but lose the sexual spark. Safest way to not get caught is to occasionally see providers. Civie women you risk them wanting more, feeling guilty, or whatnot. Providers are professionals and understand it’s in both their interest and yours to not have your arrangement discovered.

providers rely on married clients

Some providers specifically want clients who are not married. The majority of my clients are divorced & single. I strongly agree to disagree with your statement. I do not rely on married clients.

Let’s be clear. By no means was my statement, nor really any that I make, ones that apply to everyone. Sure, you might have your preferences, and you’re not alone. Though you may have married clients and not realize it. But that’s a maybe. Regardless, my statement stands true for most providers. You can strongly disagree all you want, but I assure you, you are basing it on a very small sample size. There are plenty of married men who will tell you they are not being turned away due to their marital status. When was the last time you kicked a man out who made an appointment when you realized he was married?

by showing her they were NOT wearing a wedding ring?  Convinced?  Lol

Good topic!! As a Libertarian I do not think the government should have any say in who you are with or who you choose to part ways with, so I personally will never get "legally" married ever again. And being "single" does not mean just because you are not legally married. This is of course what the government uses for tracking purposes, but I am not legally married, but most definitely do not consider myself single.  
And yes, I will agree with money often being the biggest hurdle when it comes to relationships. I have a degree in business and finance, so I have a splash of knowledge in this area.  
One thing I don't think we talk about enough is there is a huge difference from being actually poor and just being very poor with money. Everyone, regardless of your financial status, needs to have a budget. Most people of course fall in the middle class, but you do have outliers on either end of the financial spectrum that either say they make too little money or they make too much money to worry about making a budget. Not true. EVERYONE should have a budget, even those that are retired and are no longer in the work force.  
I have a gentleman that I see that when he retired he had several million in his retirement. He spent money like it was water and within 5 years he told me he is down to about 300K left and is now worried about having enough money if he lives another 10 to 15 years. He has now reigned in his spending but that is just silly. Live comfortable in your retirement but the pot of money will run out.  
And also a lot of people's money problems are trying to keep up with the Jones'. The Jones' are actually already in debt up to their eyeballs and you are quickly going to be just like them.  

Several things I see that cause people that most angst when it comes to finances:  

Vehicles. Yes, most people need two vehicles, but just getting by to make the monthly payments is ridiculous. And no, that used car is not going to cost you a lot more in repairs than getting a new car. That is marketing 101 to get you to buy a new car.  

Going to restaurants instead of cooking. Ordering food to go or going to a restaurant multiple times a week is terrible for your waistline and your pocketbook.  I just saw someone post that with eating at restaurants and ordering food through door dash they were spending around $100 a day just in food for just one person. (Because they finally started keeping a budget!)  

Becoming house poor. You might be now living in the house or apartment of your dreams but after making this payment and the payments for everything else you bought on credit you find yourself unable to sleep at night.  

This obviously is a hooker board, but even seeing ladies you should still have a budget. I have a gentleman that books with me every two or three weeks and put the money away into his "entertainment" fund.  

If you really want to buy something (or see someone!!) save up for it. You never will get the joy out of instant gratification that you do from planning and saving and then getting and enjoying the prize you worked for.  

Have fun and enjoy your life, but for the vast majority of people that claim they are "poor" they are far from it. Living within your means will make you a happier person and will make you an infinitely better partner in life.  

Too bad that so many can't bring themselves take it to heart.  Wouldn't it be nice if instead of teaching kids who knows what in the schools these days, they would start making "life skills" part of the core curriculum?

Great assessment ; full  of  facts and real life solutions.

Posted By: Boobsman100
Re: "60-70% of future of marriages will end in divorce ". The original heading had typos.
Imagine that.

Not to say "you are a special snowflake who won't get divorced" just that that particular statistic isn't useful for an individual to make a decision with. Specifically, first marriages tend to be more successful, marriages between an older man and a younger woman tend to be more successful, marriages within a given demographic group can be more or less successful depending on which group, etc etc. The point being that, you really have to generalize your own situation in  order to have any idea of what the odds are.

Or to put it another way, your 4th marriage to that woman who's around your age is likely DOA and it'd be cheaper to just not. Also, if you are married already, and have been for longer than whatever the alimony cutoff is, it's very very likely that it's cheaper to keep her.  

All a bit of a moot point though, given that the kids nowadays aren't even dating, or leaving their parent's house much. Sure they'll be single, but not because of divorce, just because their lives are limited to instagram and pornhub.

For quite  a few years now the statistical divorce  rate have been hovering around the 50/50 mark . I thing the recent  adjustment (60-70%)   should  be considered because  a lot of things  have changed  and will  
Continue to change  economically and socially ,and probably at pace far different than in the past.
The points they emphasize are just major contributors ,but there are also  many other factors, including  the same old generics ones that will always be there  . The study is based on future prospects  and the way things are in the world today. And moving  forward,  I don't  see life getting any easier  for the majority, but indeed a small minority.

My neighbor son graduated universities and yes he did move back in his parents house for about  three years, one of which  was spent looking for a job.  But he also  realized that he will have to venture out sooner than later. He figured by the time he finished paying  off his college debt  he will be well into his 40's.  He eventually married a girl and moved out. Hopefully  things work out because a  divorce anytime soon would  surely derailed his/their  plans,especially  if it's  a nasty  one.

Your points are not wrong, but you have to be realistic, that at this moment  in time the prospects are not looking too favorable  moving  forward.  

Moreover  people married  for the same reason  as well as different  reasons, and   even  
 arrangement marriages sometimes have a shelve life.

escorts help marriages.  I don't want to choke my wife and spit in her mouth while pile driving her asshole.  

to the survey?  I'm a little confused on how a researcher can take a survey on FUTURE marriages.  Does he time-travel?  I didn't know that had that yet.  If someone is speculating, it can't be a survey.  Surveys are conducted to find facts.  Sorry, but have to call bullshit on your post unless you can produce a link to this "survey."   You are rapidly developing a reputation for wasting people's time here with speculation and conjecture.  

I think the only way to project the future is to extrapolate trend lines.  I assume "survey" is a generalization for statistical data.  Extrapolating trend lines can sometimes be accurate and at other times ridiculous.

Huh?? How does this benefit the hobby when the majority of the hobbyiest are married men already?

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