TER General Board

Probably should rethink the crop top when going out...
GaGambler 7748 reads
1 / 83

I have been accused of being "too nice" lately, so let me chime in first.  Personally I think the waitress did her other customers a solid by making this pregnant orca either cover up or leave.  

So how many of you agree with the waitress that told her to either "cover up" or leave,  and how many of you are snowflakes who think she engaged in body shaming?

For the record, I also believe those old fat German dudes that go to the beach wearing nothing but a "marble sack" are violating "public decency" standards as well. The older, fatter and uglier you are, the more clothes you should put on, and that goes for the Photo Board right here on TER as well. lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 70 reads
2 / 83

There were probably other fat people dining there that could stand to lose a few pounds. By letting her in, it might have ruined the appetite's of a few of these, causing them to eat less for a few days and lose a pound or two.  Ruining the appetites of the thin people would have been unfortunate collateral damage, but sometimes you have to thing of the greater good. Even though I disagree with you, I don't think it makes me a snowflake.

Oldtimemonger 74 reads
3 / 83

She was pregnant with twins. I don't think her body would cause loss of appetite.  I've seen a lot worse than that in public.

The waitress claimed she would have kicked anybody else out who had a shirt like hers. Does anybody believe that?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 71 reads
4 / 83

They put up with enough, it won't kill you to have to look at them a bit, or avert your eyes.

But, I'm a big fan of pregnancy.    
The bigger the better, but that's I.

GaGambler 85 reads
5 / 83

but that still doesn't mean I want to be looking at her fat, swollen belly when I am trying to eat.

I would be all for a law that makes it illegal for any woman whose waist is bigger than her hips to expose her midriff in public. and a similar law that applies to ALL men regardless of the size of their waist, although I know that law would hardly fly in places like SF, W Hollywood or Key West. lol

Oldtimemonger 79 reads
6 / 83

If there was a law like that 50% of American women would not be able to expose their midriff in public.

micktoz 41 Reviews 74 reads
7 / 83

..... she's not fat. She's prego!  
And I'd like her TER number and donation for a 3 hour session.

GaGambler 74 reads
8 / 83

and I would be all for that.  

I think some people really need to invest in a mirror, and it's not just this country, You should see some of the gordas at the HDR in Costa Rica who wear that very same type of top that makes their gut stick out, and it looks disgusting. I think the very same thing every time I check out the Photo Board here on TER. Have you been to the Photo Board lately, if you do, be sure to bring plenty of eye bleach with you, you're going to need it.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 67 reads
9 / 83

If in fact as the bartender and waitress said, anyone in a crop top no matter what size their stomach is would be denied access, then they were correct to say what they did to the preggo lady.  

I guess the test would be to send in a hot lady with a great midriff to see if she got the same treatment! BTW GaG did someone piss in your cornflakes today, lol? ;-)

Steph XO

GaGambler 73 reads
10 / 83

and I am pretty sure you agree with him as well. I doubt very seriously that a hot lady with a great midriff would have gotten the same treatment. That still doesn't make a fat gut sticking out (male or female) any less disgusting though.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 55 reads
11 / 83

I never  Gawk  at women I consider Hot and extremely  desirable when I'm having dinner in a restaurant.
I will quickly look in the opposite direction when a ten walks in.  

I see no reason to stare or be  concerned with a pregnant woman's choice of clothes when she's nearby my table  
  while I'm dining.
If the child she's carrying is screaming out loud that's an entirely different scenario unless I'm wearing my head phones.  

Self control is something I hope I never lose.  


Posted By: MatureGFE
Re: Hmmm I'm a bit torn on this one...
If in fact as the bartender and waitress said, anyone in a crop top no matter what size their stomach is would be denied access, then they were correct to say what they did to the preggo lady.  
 I guess the test would be to send in a hot lady with a great midriff to see if she got the same treatment! BTW GaG did someone piss in your cornflakes today, lol? ;-)  
 Steph XO

SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 85 reads
12 / 83

She's carrying 2 human beings inside of her bod lol. And for her to wear something like that, to me, says she's damn proud and more power to her. And that's about it. She probably didn't think "twice" about it. No pun intended.  

As for anyone who has never carried a beautiful lil creation inside of them, I suggest you zip your lip lol (which is probably 97% of this board). Pregnant women are some of the most beautiful women on the planet. They have a glow about them that can't be beat, not all but most. It's just one of those things.

micktoz 41 Reviews 82 reads
13 / 83
mrfisher 108 Reviews 69 reads
14 / 83

and if the answer is "yes", please send a link for her to me.


SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 83 reads
15 / 83

she's carrying "your" baby, don't go there lol, at least not with me. Be a gentleman.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 103 reads
16 / 83

Steadily, a collective notion of propriety is being consumed by a militant sense of autonomy, with social media fueling the fire. How ironic that a technology with the power to unite us has only made us more tribal.

GaGambler 82 reads
17 / 83

I would think you are several years past your "child bearing" years.  

Actually you are plenty old enough to have a daughter that's too old for me, not to mention too BSC to boot if she takes after her mother. lol

SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 81 reads
18 / 83

Stick with the young'uns, that seems to suit you (and many here) just fine. I personally see a select handful of guys who prefer ladies more "their" age. Why an older gent would want to spend time with a young lady who wants nothing more to do with them is beyond me. I won't go into the psychology behind "that" phenomenon. To each his own lol.  

Btw, when is your next date with a spring chicken anyhow? I hope you spoil the poor thing lol.

-- Modified on 9/6/2017 4:33:04 PM

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 66 reads
19 / 83

Is there a chance you could show us a pic of what you look like, so we can see exactly how a man is supposed to look.  I mean surely with all this criticism, you must be one hot GQ looking dude in his early 20s.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 71 reads
20 / 83

Had to trick me into looking at the photo board didn't you? Now I'm ruined ...

MasterZen 33 Reviews 67 reads
21 / 83

was tasteless and without class, whether she was pregnant or not. Just my opinion.

Definitely not the first or last time any of us will see something like that.

I say to each their own, and let opinions remain opinion. We don't need others to shove their own opinions down our throats, or use them to police us.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
22 / 83

That if you refer to them as a gentleman, they will call you a "fucking fucker."  Trust me, I know from experience.  

winchester 1 186 Reviews 64 reads
23 / 83

I frankly don't give a crap !   Let her wear whatever she likes as long as her other kids don't throw a fit and crawl all over the place.  

  Now on the other hand.......some restaurants hire servers with rotted teeth, dirty hair, big asses and guts, etc....now that is just plain stupid on the part of ownership/management and is a definite turnoff to the place! (Happens too often in fast food, Waffle House, and other lower priced places....)
(But.....managers at all levels tend to hire in their own image...)

GaGambler 85 reads
24 / 83

Well she is still at least 15 years younger than you, but to me, especially since she is white, that still makes her "old" by my standards.

BTW, the list of things that are "beyond you" is a VERY VERY long one. Many of the "older gents" here are already paying to spend time with an "old lady" who wants nothing more to do with them but to get paid. You see these old fools falling in love with hookers, both young and old, that only see them as a paycheck. If you are still going to be "paying for it" you might as well be paying for young tender delicious young things rather than paying the same amount of money or even more for some old broad who continually is falling off her meds.

Dr Who revived 79 reads
25 / 83

Don't pay for the wine up-charge.

Dr Who revived 71 reads
26 / 83

Now if only h+t would get her ass back here.  

GaGambler 81 reads
27 / 83

Not old by "carbon dating standards". lol

and I didn't know JLS did that, I thought it was only Corrine who was pulling the old wine scam.  I can't say that I really blame her, anyone who would think an old washed up hooker would get any better by putting a new label on herself would be dumb enough to believe that a $6 Merlot poured out of a bottle with a Chateau Margaux label on it would be worth a $500 upcharge too.

SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 76 reads
28 / 83

REPITITION OVER AND OVER AGAIN LOL. Do you really have nothing better to do?

And 35? That's a great age, right in the middle if you're actually telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  

But I like 50 even better.

Dr Who revived 92 reads
29 / 83

I probably shouldn't share that information...but I guess I just did.

SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 94 reads
30 / 83

I highly doubt it lol

SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 78 reads
31 / 83

LOL can you promise that's all they'll call me? "Fucking fucker" is putting it mildly with these board "gentlemen" (I use this term loosely here). Trust me, I know from experience too lol. They are "interesting" that's for sure.  :)

GaGambler 94 reads
32 / 83

Now, just how much is it worth to you to have those images bleached from your memory??? lmao

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 69 reads
33 / 83
keystonekid 114 Reviews 81 reads
34 / 83

restaurant though. I not a lawyer but I'm thinking "refuse service" could be difficult to enforce.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 76 reads
35 / 83

Or your way, either GaG...

I call foul...


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 71 reads
36 / 83

Its sort of like the way everyone slows down to pass a car accident hoping to see the body bag before they haul it away in the coroner's van.  I think its referred to as "morbid curiosity."  

inaznow 70 Reviews 83 reads
37 / 83

It is probably not the best choice of shirts when going out to a restaurant....but that being said, I have a definite thing for pregnant ladies and find the look pretty hot!...would love to see the rest of her.

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 104 reads
39 / 83

Either way who wears a crop top out in public when you have pregnancy stomach? That's not public indecency, that's just terrible style. Even big girls dress a crop top better than that. She could have pulled off the look with high-waist preggo jeans or jogger pants.

Allstar 9 Reviews 69 reads
40 / 83

So if I have bad hemroids I can walk into a restaurant with assless leather chaps, because it's more comfortable for me and because I have a legitimate medical issue? So many people don't give a shit anymore about how they appear in public and that's fine, but when you go out to eat to a sit down restaurant, you should at least try to dress like you give a shit. Probably some white trash that thought she would go a step up from the McDonalds in her local Walmart and got called out. I'd tell her to go back to the trailer, and get a maternity outfit that covers her up so she doesn't look like two pounds of meat stuffed in a one pound bag in the dining room. Rather than wearing a half shirt, some old sweat pants and her hair thrown up in a lose tail like she's running the garbage out to the curb, she could actually dress in something nice to go out and eat.

I go thru this with my friend over and over who goes clubbing in Scottsdale wearing gym shorts, a muscle shirt and cross trainers. Then he gets mad because they won't let him in over the dress code. I'm like "are go going out to the club to meet women, or to play basketball?" WTF

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 73 reads
41 / 83
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 70 reads
42 / 83
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 67 reads
43 / 83

Because they know who the father is.  

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 76 reads
44 / 83
VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 75 reads
45 / 83

I have run into situations,   somewhat like this girl's.


I have been asked three- very memorable- times to "Cover Up or Leave"
It appears some take offense to the size of my boobs.
I thought I was looking good, in those tops, for those occasions.  

I actually thought the Harley Store was kidding, until they had a cop escort me off the premises.

1. Flanigan's Seafood Bar, Ft. Lauderdale
2.  Harley Store, Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville
3.  Don Cesar, St. Pete Beach

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 71 reads
47 / 83

She  definitely has that, "Oh! Look at me!" Vibe going on. Pregnant or not, she screams, Attention Whore!!

golf1953 116 Reviews 78 reads
48 / 83

Be as fat as you want,wont make any difference to me. I will enjoy my meal just fine.  If you don't like what you see, just don't look.
 Here's where I draw the line, I was at the gym the other day and a very big gal  250+,,and I were in a small room, no problem til she walked by me and the stink hit me like hurricane Irma.  No excuse for this.. Be as fat as you want, but take a damn bath.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 70 reads
49 / 83

For the rest there are always TV shows with DNA testing and judges or irate show hosts,  "YOU are the father!!"

GaGambler 83 reads
50 / 83

But the average age at the Don Cesar is about 90. What the fuck were you doing flaunting your boobs at an old folks home in the first place? lol

Allstar 9 Reviews 83 reads
52 / 83

Bullshit. The patron always has the choice to dress appropriately, or go somewhere that doesn't have a dress code like a subway, or chick fillet. You don't force everyone else to deal with other people who go against the grain. I can't believe how ridiculous some of these responses are. No one told her to leave because she was perceived as being fat or pregnant. She was asked to leave because she was dressed inappropriately for the restaurant. It can only come from poor upbringing that anyone thinks it's okay to wear the same outfit to a nice sit down restaurant than you would to clean out the garage.  

I thought that was common sense, but I guess not. In San Fransisco vagrants shit and piss on the sidewalks in front of children and businesses, so I guess that's the future. Nothing to see here, move along.
Posted By: QueenBia
Re: You always have a choice not to look. eom

impposter 49 Reviews 81 reads
53 / 83

Posted By: golf1953
Re: Fat doesn't matter
Here's where I draw the line, I was at the gym the other day and a very big gal  250+,,and I were in a small room, no problem til she walked by me and the stink hit me like hurricane Irma.  No excuse for this.. Be as fat as you want, but take a damn bath.
It was the gym! Was she working out, sweating it up? There's lots of sweat-stink, work out stink at the gym. AFTER the gym, she should be showered and not stinky.
But even then! There are some people with glandular conditions. Specifically, there are some people who sweat almost continuously. Out of the shower, they are sweating before they've toweled off! (The person I knew with that condition was also overweight, probably part of the same syndrome. They didn't stink because they were overweight or didn't shower. The same genetic or hormone problems causing them to sweat profusely also probably contributed to their being overweight. Acne was also part of the syndrome.)

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 74 reads
54 / 83

Don't discourage boob-flaunting at old folks' hangouts, sonny!  You may be very happy to see that some day.  :-D

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 73 reads
55 / 83

such as myself,  
was doing at the DonCesar? lol

I was having breakfast at their Sea Porch Restaurant , after a night of frolic w a gentleman. We were in the outdoor seating area, with an ocean view.  I had a swimsuit top on which I thought was appropriate.  The manager said, "Cover up or leave."  She brought me her scarf to cover my boobs up with.  
I complained to someone else in charge and we got that breakfast for free. lol

GaG,  as much as you Like em younger,
 is as much as I Like em older.

AlluraKnight See my TER Reviews 104 reads
56 / 83

As a mature provider, I may not attract clientele who prefer the look of the younger, phenomenal beauties on TER.  Having said that, however, others may find my 2" inner labia something they want to experience regardless of my age.  If someone said that I should not be a provider because I am too old...it would be hurtful but more importantly, I would ask what someone commenting on that on the forum has to derive out of it.  My personal mantra:  for every person I am not suited to, there is another I am.  I'm sorry some are offended by my age, others' weight, etc.  but I'm not sure why it is important enough to bring attention to here as hurtful and unnecessary.

GaGambler 105 reads
57 / 83

And I am glad you are having fun, isn't that why we talk shit here in the first place, to have fun?

I just wanted to prove how easy it is to do what OTM does, and it took me all of about 30 seconds to do so.

HappyChanges 71 reads
58 / 83

and tried to support my SO giving multiple births. Men who have children look and appreciate women who are are pregnant. Very rarely is anybody mean to a pregnant lady and most pregnant ladies tend not to show their belly in public.

There's a good chance she was a self centered, arrogant BITCH/CUNT to the server. I think it's a fairly good assumption, considering it takes a lot to kick pregnant lady out of a restaurant. IMHO.

GaGambler 80 reads
59 / 83

I don't recall anyone saying a single word about you. Quite frankly, until this post you made I had never even heard of you before.

Yes, you are an old broad, possibly even an "old fat broad" I really don't know as I haven't checked out your pics. Does that mean we take it personally every time some one talks about old broads? Me, I am an asshole, people talk bad about assholes all the time here, you don't see me taking it personally every time someone says something bad about assholes, do you? lol Lighten the fuck up, it's a discussion board, and we are simply "discussing" lol

AlluraKnight See my TER Reviews 66 reads
60 / 83

Your post was literally the first I have ever read here!  I am unfamiliar with the format and the forthright banter.  Caught off guard!

Perhaps I am a little sensitive because I AM a little older and have to work at little harder 😉

AlluraKnight See my TER Reviews 75 reads
61 / 83

Additionally...I have one Brittany Spears looking daughter and one larger daughter and I thought of the latter...and the providers here.  Protective instincts.

All good.

HappyChanges 74 reads
62 / 83
hott_brie See my TER Reviews 82 reads
63 / 83

I've never seen a girl thrown out of a place because her boobs were too big.  

GaGambler 86 reads
64 / 83

They have a saying in Pinellas county, "The old people live in Clearwater, but their grandparents live in St Pete"

Anyone in their sixties or seventies is a virtual child in St Pete. I am sure they believe the sight of your cleavage might be life threatening to their other customers.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 89 reads
66 / 83
micktoz 41 Reviews 82 reads
67 / 83

Also can't be mistaken for ass as in stupid person. It is about the bum, buttocks, rectum, sphincter etc.

Maybe, it is closer to the German word Arschloch

Senator.Blutarsky 92 reads
68 / 83

Although maybe they were looking out for the safety of riders?

GaGambler 82 reads
70 / 83

Can you imagine just how many people would want to eat at a place filled with women like your example dressed exactly that way?  

Now imagine how many people would want to dine at a place filled with pregnant women with their bare guts hanging out for all to see? Yes, I am sure fishbro and mick would be fighting for the best seats, but I think most of the rest of us would take a definite pass.

BTW, I would love to "service" her. lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 69 reads
71 / 83

Yeah, I enjoy a broader group of women than you. Oldest so far 60, to the youngest 21. Big, small, tall short, from Asians to Zimbabweans.

Thank goodness for people with different tastes and preferences. The world would be boring if everyone liked the same.

Oldtimemonger 84 reads
72 / 83

Gag, you will have to come up with 40 more OPS to catch up with me! This is a good start!

GaGambler 118 reads
73 / 83

I have no idea how many OP's I have, but I'd lay a hundred to one odds it's a LOT more than you.

Oldtimemonger 90 reads
74 / 83

LOL. Well since you devoted your life to being the "cool Kid" on TER I will never catch up! Do you know what your ratio to OPS to posts are? I bet it's low.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 73 reads
75 / 83

don't inhale isn't an option?

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 78 reads
77 / 83

a real fucking tool..

Posted By: GaGambler

I have been accused of being "too nice" lately, so let me chime in first.  Personally I think the waitress did her other customers a solid by making this pregnant orca either cover up or leave.  
 So how many of you agree with the waitress that told her to either "cover up" or leave,  and how many of you are snowflakes who think she engaged in body shaming?  
 For the record, I also believe those old fat German dudes that go to the beach wearing nothing but a "marble sack" are violating "public decency" standards as well. The older, fatter and uglier you are, the more clothes you should put on, and that goes for the Photo Board right here on TER as well. lol

AlluraKnight See my TER Reviews 85 reads
78 / 83

LOL...I am a Stage Fiver LOL!  I swear!  LOL :)

souls_harbor 58 reads
80 / 83

As long time columnist Miss Manners aptly notes, standardized manners lubricate social interactions with people from diverse backgrounds.   With a minimal set of widely practiced manners, interactions can be smoother, with less risk of the need for bloody duels.  

Dining at a restaurant is still regarded as somewhat of a formal public affair, and therefore certain manners are expected -- including minimal dress codes and loudness of speech.

To quote from Judith Martin (Miss Manners) “You can deny all you want that there is etiquette, and a lot of people do in everyday life.  But if you behave in a way that offends the people you're trying to deal with, they will stop dealing with you...There are plenty of people who say, 'We don't care about etiquette, but we can't stand the way so-and-so behaves, and we don't want him around!' Etiquette doesn't have the great sanctions that the law has.  But the main sanction we do have is in not dealing with these people and isolating them because their behavior is unbearable.”

The irony, of course, is GaGa complaining about someone else's manners.

GaGambler 99 reads
81 / 83

Please point out exactly where I "complained about someone else's manners"???

souls_harbor 73 reads
82 / 83
GaGambler 70 reads
83 / 83

Don't you EVER get tired of being wrong?

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