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Poor guy has a bad case of blue balls.
micktoz 41 Reviews 32 reads

I understand the dilemma. If you are looking for an answer based on principle, in other words you want to show her that you don't want to fuck her because she was inconsiderate.
 Or, is it that you actually had other plans in the time line that she said she will be arriving?

These are two different issues. If, it is that I  have something else planned, I would cancel.
If it is self righteous indignation........... I would get over that and fuck her good. Revenge sex can be excellent! Haha!

I've had both situations and have cancelled if I could not, or would not rearrange my schedule.
Otherwise, I waited, got over myself , and had a great time.

Question if you as a client have an appointment scheduled with a young lady. If said young lady calls you a half hour after the appointment to tell you she will be over an hour late. Does the client have the right to cancel the appointment. Even thought the lady might be upset because she had to drive a long way.

If she is still over an hour away from seeing you, just how did she have to drive a long ways? Unless she had to drive four hours to see you of course.  

You have reviews going back to 2011, are you seriously still this clueless? Or as I asked above, do you simply lack the balls to tell her you are no longer in the mood, or that you made other plans after not hearing from her?  

One last question, do you have "welcome" tattooed across your chest like all the rest of the doormats? lol

souls_harbor29 reads

Presumably you have things in your life scheduled as well.  She had a window.  She missed it.

without a call, she has become a NCNS, and all bets are off.

She could have contacted you long before, but chose not to do so.

So the ole 15 minute rule just doesn't apply to late college professors. Good to know. Lol.

I'm never late so if she's that disrespectful of my time to not let me know until 30 mins after scheduled begin time that she's going to be even later, then I'll pass. She would have lost me way before the post 30 min mark anyway.

She called him. It's not a no show.  Late and rude maybe but she at least called...when she could have dipped out all together.

-- Modified on 1/20/2018 6:18:09 AM

I retract. I misread and thought he said 30 min before.  Nevermind NCNS it is. Lol.

She called you 1/2 hour late & says she'll be another hour?  Or is that 1/2 hour plus another 1/2 hour, for a total of one hour?  (Assuming she'd actually arrive on time then.)  I think that's what your posts says.    
Yes, you certainly have the right to cancel.  The appointment time was set so you'd have enough time for your appointment with her.  It's quite likely that you "window of opportunity" can't be stretched.  You'd likely have to be somewhere, your dentist's appointment, back to work, or whatever.  
If an appointment is blown...  I have limits as I'd expect she would too.  If the schedule appointment can't be kept, I'll proactively cancel.   Probably 10 minutes past the start time with no call...  maybe up to 30 minutes if she does call & I can swing the time.  Extending indefinately puts you in a bad position of trying to explain extended absences when you are off the grid.  It can be dangerous & foolish.    

I understand the dilemma. If you are looking for an answer based on principle, in other words you want to show her that you don't want to fuck her because she was inconsiderate.
 Or, is it that you actually had other plans in the time line that she said she will be arriving?

These are two different issues. If, it is that I  have something else planned, I would cancel.
If it is self righteous indignation........... I would get over that and fuck her good. Revenge sex can be excellent! Haha!

I've had both situations and have cancelled if I could not, or would not rearrange my schedule.
Otherwise, I waited, got over myself , and had a great time.

ROGM29 reads

I understand sometimes things happen and get in the way. I have no problem waiting on the providers I'm seeing. Most of the time they keep their appointments with me. On occasion they get delayed for whatever reason and I understand. I'll wait until the delay is over because I know I'm going to have an Awesome no rush time when I see them.

Half hour past the appointment and you get a call? Oh, to tell you she's going to be an hour late? Are you the area doormat? What on earth do you have left to cancel?

Analias32 reads

That way she can shower after the last appointment, the guy who paid more than you for the time slot.

I have plenty of porn to watch and have no trouble making good use of an hour.  Would anticipate the woman to be thankful and give at least a little extra during the appointment.

Then again if my schedule does not allow simply text and say..."you can make it up to me next time"  I would most likely have an alternate girl eagerly awaiting my call, and be already screened.  I do keep a list of who [that I like] is in town so I know who [that I like] is already sitting in a hotel room...subject to availability of course.

-- Modified on 1/19/2018 8:36:44 PM

LakeHuron30 reads

If I don't hear from the provider within 10 minutes of our scheduled time I'll just send a text and cancel.  At that point I'm not interested in excuses or all the other "but life happens" crapola.  It's a business they're in charge of and actions have rewards as well as consequences.  If they're running a LITTLE late and they communicate with me I'll wait for a reasonable amount of time but if I get the feeling that I'm being strung along its adios.  There are way too many quality providers out there for me to waste my time on the ones who don't approach their business in a professional manner.

Freddybown26 reads

If roles were reversed you would be blacklisted.

LakeHuron26 reads

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.  Please explain.

Freddybown28 reads

Sure , if the client called and said he would be hour and a half - 2 hours late. She would blacklist him.

LakeHuron33 reads

Thanks.  Yeah, I suppose some providers would blacklist for that and I suppose if I pulled a stunt like that I would expect to be blacklisted.  

However, when a provider pulls crap like that they shouldn't be surprised  when it shows up in their reviews, local boards or back-channeling.  

IF I had enough time, I could consider waiting around but I am not obligated to do so.  
I often have to be someplace else after my scheduled appointments. That's why I SCHEDULE them.  
It's happened to me a few times, but I try to be nice about it (including me beginning with Sorry.) "Sorry, that won't work for me. I have to be someplace else at X o'clock and I don't like hh sessions." (Or 15 minute sessions. Or 5 minute sessions.) "Maybe we can get together some other time when our schedules align." (Let's synchronize watches that day.)  
In my defense, "sorry" could mean "I am apologizing to you" or it could mean "I feel sorry for you that you screwed up and missed the chance to meet me."  

-- Modified on 1/20/2018 2:18:54 AM

It all depends on how long your hard on lasts..

Flip the roles.  What would the lady do if you first called 30 minutes late and said you would be over an hour late?

Therein lies your answer.

Chances are I don't have 90+ minutes to spare for you and if we're being real, I can wait for you and spend 250+ dollars or I can save 250+ dollars and go on about my day, I will choose the latter.

Situation similar to this happened to me a couple years ago. Provider contacted me an hour before the appointment, said she was running late to her incall because of traffic and she could offer me an appointment 3 hours later or a day later. Had to cancel since I was busy. Her loss. I saved $400 that day.

ROGM24 reads

I leave time before and after I make an appointment to see a provider. Just in case an unforeseen delay comes up. If she can't see me on the day I make an appointment, no problem. I'll reschedule for another day.  

If she said, "I'll be over a hour late" or similar, then of course you can tell her, "I have other plans, the date is off."  

But if what she said was more like, "I'm so sorry but I'm running late, I can't make it until X.  Can you wait for me?" then you can decide if you want to wait or not.

Of course, she should have let you know sooner than 30 minutes after the scheduled start time, but stuff happens (winter storms play havoc with traffic for example) so if I had nothing better to do I'd be be inclined to wait if she'd notified me as in the second example.

your question eloquently and says it all.  

No additional comment is necessary.

If she chose to make first  contact with   you AFTER  driving a long way, thats all on her.  Not you. Is your moron  chip in need of replacing?  

Now I know nothing of how  far she may have driven , but it's  her obligation  to plan accordingly, just  as she and most hookers  would expect of you.  

Is there some  new cosmetic  procedure that is lining pussy with gold , or are people  indoctrinated  into thinking it comes out of womb that way.

Shit came up as some of you say she could have had decency to call sooner. Sometimesguts can't wait around forever. He is within his rights to say I can't now. If she wanted to salvage the date and $$$$ then she should have communicated better.

It is up to you what you want to do.

You have a right to cancel despite her long drive...

Had she told you 30 minutes before appointment that she was running late, I would say wait for her. We can't do anything about traffic.

She chose to not even tell you til 30 minutes after time. She was aware that she was running late prior and should have told you as well. Not professional at all. Yeah, I agree with one poster... she likely saw someone else and it ran into her travel time. Of course I don't know that.

Guys sometimes run late for me. I don't get mad about it. I understand. They also let me know they are running late, prior to our time. I would expect anyone to properly communicate, which she failed to do.

When I do outcalls, I make sure to be early and I figure how traffic may play a part in it. I have only been late once and he could see on tv that there was a huge accident. I was unable to get off the freeway. He didn't have to wait for me, but he did.

Shame on her.

Tippecanoe33 reads

I just came off of a date a few days ago where it could have gone either way. Fortunately, it went way better than planned. But, could have gone very bad, too.

Cliff Notes: After a shit ton of drama, got an overnight for the price of an hour.

Warning - the very long story.

Made a date for late evening. Get an email, "I'm going to be late, I left my phone in the Uber."  Me thinking, good grief, now it begins. With that, I'm not in a particular hurry. I ducked out of a business reception/dinner, and tell her that's ok. Just let me know when you get your phone.  

Get another e-mail, running late and need to shower and get made-up. You still ok w/ seeing me?  WTF?  Now I'm in the save a few hundred bucks and get a night's rest or play this out mode. She's very good looking and definitely my type with a retro 50s look going on. So, now I'm on the what the hell game on Donkey Kong, let's see where this goes.

E-mail her back yup we are still on. She says she's only a few minutes from calling Uber. Then another note, "oh, damn, I've started my period, sorry".  Mixed messages here. Do you want to see me, or do you not. Taking the high road, I say I'm good with it if you are ok with still seeing me.

I message back, "I'm ok with it if you are.". She says, if it helps I'll bring some female condoms.  Ok, she's still thinking she'll visit, she's prepared, and I've never tried female condoms (Which I highly fucking recommend).  Tell her to come if she wants. She does, and we're good. I ask when will you be here?

She responds 25-35 minutes.  Me thinking, WTF???!!!  I thought she said she was nearby. So, now I'm in it for the long haul just to see where this goes, and I'm glad I did. We're messaging back and forth while she is on her way. I've been in this situation before, provider says she is on her way then either NCNS or note that says she is bailing for whatever reason. The best story given to me was her sister was having her baby and she needed to get to the hospital. I think that was an Oscar Winner.  Anyway, I digress.

But, low and behold she shows up and she's gorgeous. Dressed to the nines, and with perfect make-up. I am pleased to say the least. Great session, tried out the female condom which was awesome. Service was above and beyond the call of duty and lasted for a couple hours. We talked for quite a bit after, and it was getting really late. I asked instead of leaving in the middle of the early A.M. if she wanted to spend the night, and she gave an enthusiastic yes! Had another romp in the a.m., breakfast delivered to the room, and she was then on her way.  Jackpot.

I've become old and jaded enough that I normally wouldn't have done this, but I had time to kill and was wondering where this was going to go, because there was enough hint of truth, and she seemed sweet (which she is) so I went with it.

So, this time it worked out. Doesn't always, but a lesson that sometimes it pays not to be too cynical, especially when you have some time and aren't chained to the deal.

I thought this story was great. You really lucked out on that one my friend

and you were being a pussy by wondering aloud if she would be upset with you, when it's you that were the aggrieved party.

That said, just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you necessarily need to do it. I have had a LOT of women, hookers, SB's, Civvies alike, show up late, that is just a fact of life. Sometimes I put up with it, sometimes I don't. Your question was "do you have the right to cancel?" That question was beyond stupid. Now if you had phrased your question "should I have cancelled?" my answer would have much different, as I have waited it out for some women that on the face of things looked VERY, VERY flaky that ended up working out just fine.  

I have no idea whether or not you "should" have cancelled your appointment from the other night, only that you most definitely had the right to do so.

There is late...and then there is just plain inconsiderate of others’ time.

Speaking for myself, I generally know at least an hour BEFORE the appt time if I am going to be even 15-20mins late (based on my readiness or how near/far I am to the location). She should have called you thirty minutes prior to ask if you had flexibility in your schedule to push the appt back an hour or more.

Now...that being said...if there was a horrible accident on the freeway and she was in bumper to bumper traffic for two hours, I would give her a break. Even so, she should have called to let you know sooner.

Sorry this happened to you.


Posted By: smookie1423

Question if you as a client have an appointment scheduled with a young lady. If said young lady calls you a half hour after the appointment to tell you she will be over an hour late. Does the client have the right to cancel the appointment. Even thought the lady might be upset because she had to drive a long way.

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